2023 Strategic PlanWho we are and what we wantour Town to be in the future
Elected OfficialsMayor Jessica DayMayor Pro Tem Ben McDonald Councilor Steve EvansCouncilor Stephen MorganCouncilor Latatious MorrisCouncilor Mark SwanTown Manager Bill Summers, ICMA-CMAssistant Town Managers Dustin TrippSuzanne Yeatts, ICMA-CMProject Consultant: fountainworksFACILITATION • MANAGEMENT CONSULTING
Table of ContentsWhy Think Strategically . . . . . . . . .Creating Our Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Our Core Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vision & Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Focus Area & Objectives . . . . . . . .Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Connected & Inclusive . . . . . . .Sustainable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Active & Healthy . . . . . . . . . . . .Organizational Excellence . . . .Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Putting The Pieces Together . .Handling Emerging Issues . . . . ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 . 10 .. 11 Strategic planning is important because it provides a sense of direction and reachesorganizational goals more efficiently. The Knightdale Strategic Plan, realized overmonths of collaboration between our citizens, town staff, and the Town Council, provides the guiding framework for the future direction of Knightdale.The Knightdale Strategic Plan establishes “who we are and what we want our Town to be in the future,” by setting our priorities, defining our actions and investments, and directing the achievement of short- and long-term goals. 1
North Carolina state law charges the Council withthe responsibility to adopt policies that set thegeneral direction of the Town. Strategic planningprovides clarity, direction, and focus, with aforward-looking emphasis. These beneficial areasare crucial to high-growth environments. This plan The Knightdale Strategic Plan provides theframework for the activities and operations that areperformed by all Town Departments. The sectionsbelow provide an overview of the plan includingthe Town’s core values, vision and missionstatements, and areas of focus with defined The purpose of the Knightdale Strategic Plan is to: 1. Set the focus for the Town (establish priorities)2. Define the Town’s actions and investments; and 3. Direct the achievement of short-term and long-term goals The Knightdale Strategic Plan will be used to: 1. Focus the Town’s organizational efforts and resources2. Set priorities for annual retreats and staff work plans 3. Evaluate progress toward achieving its vision4. Assess/adjust the Town’s direction in response to our changing environment 5. Serve as a decision-making filter for the consideration of legislative actionsobjectives. Finally, the plan outlines implementationstrategies and responsibilities. These pieces together provide the overall framework for the direction of the Town of Knightdale moving forward for the betterment of future generations. clearly communicates the message of “who we areand what we want our Town to be in the future.”The strategic plan identifies organizational prioritiesand subsequent objectives to successfully meetthese goals. Why Think Strategically?2The Knightdale Strategic Plan is theTown Council’s overall guiding framework for activities and operations moving forward.
To develop this plan, Town leadership consultedemployees, citizens, and business leaders forguidance into the future direction of Knightdale.Robust input was received from a myriad ofcommunity stakeholders. Feedback was receivedthrough various avenues including, civic andemployee focus groups, community forums, onlinesurvey responses, as well as meeting with theelected officials. The current plan reflects thecumulative ambitions and expectations of thesestakeholders. The resulting Knightdale Strategic Plan outlinesfive primary Focus Areas. These areas representthe foundational elements that all stakeholdersidentified as crucial for our community’s successfuldevelopment. Each Focus Area was further definedto include primary objectives. These objectives areactivities to ensure successful achievement of thebroader focus areas. CreatingOur Plan3
Our Core ValuesWhat Accountabilitymeans to us… Our Core ValuesWhat Respect meansto us…What Customer Servicemeans to us… Staff• Accepting the responsibility to fulfill our mission • Demonstrating behavior that is commensurate with the highest standards of professionalism • Ensuring that the actions and performance of our employees is consistent with the high standards associated with public serviceCitizens• Exhibiting positive esteemfor ourselves, our peers,our subordinates, and forour citizens • Working to give, build, and maintain positive relationships over time• Being empathically sensitive to the needs ofall stakeholdersCouncil• Striving to fully meet the needs of our citizens whilebeing good stewards of ourresources • Understanding that the manner in which we treat our citizens is a direct reflection on the Town and ourselves • Committing to a course of action and meeting agreed upon outcomes and expec tationsCore values describe how we behave; they guideour everyday decision-making and how we treateach other and our customers. These values guidehow we, the Town of Knightdale, will effectively serve the community in the fulfillment of theStrategic Plan. Our Core Values are central tenets that identify what we believe to be most important in our role as public servants, and they are the belief system thatdrives our overall mission – serving the citizens ofKnightdale. By its very definition, an ARC is a geometricelement critical to connectivity. These tenets aremeant to provide us with a sense of solidarity that comes with serving a common purpose that is bigger and more important than ourselves. ARCAccountability – Respect – Customer Service4Our core values guide how the Town of Knightdalewill effectively serve the community.
Vision & MissionThe Knightdale Vision and Mission statementsdefine our purpose and align the people withinour organization, ensuring that we are all workingtowards a single purpose. This commitment helpsto increase efficiency and productivity in ourorganization. The Vision Statement articulates along-term view of the ideal future for the Town of Focus Areas & ObjectivesThe Strategic Plan identifies the following Focus Areas that will serve as the primary decision-makingpriorities for the Knightdale. Each Focus Area is comprised of objectives that define primary keyindicators of success for each area. Knightdale. The Mission Statement describes whythe Town of Knightdale exists and what it will doto help achieve its vision. The vision and missionstatements will guide the work of the Town ofKnightdale, ensuring that all activities it undertakeswill help achieve the vision. Knightdale is an inclusive and connected urban small town with unique gathering places that foster a sense of community.We serve all residents of Knightdale by providing a healthy and safe environment and opportunities for a high quality of life.VisionMissionSafeConnected & InclusiveS u staina b leActive & HealthyOrganizational Excellence5
What it means to us…Safety is the foundation of a great community. The Town iscommitted to ensuring that safety is our foremost priority nowand for future generations. ObjectivesKnightdale is a safe community, where residents feel securethroughout the Town, the crime rate is low, and public safetypersonnel have a positive relationship with the community.• Ensure resources are aligned with growing, community needs• Adequately fund and staff public safety resources• Actively engage and educate citizens in public safety efforts• Continue legacy of strong citizen connection• Continue to proactively develop regulations and codes to ensure citizen safety as Knightdale grows• Maintain and educate the public around the available safe zones for trade • Support the Town’s Vision Zero approach to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuriesFocus Area: Safe6
What it means to us…A Connected Knightdale is a community where we know our neighbors. It is recognizing that ourconnectivity to one another serves as the foundation of what makes Knightdale a special place.We are connected in the manner in which we embrace technology and through our proximity tothe Triangle region.An Inclusive Knightdale is a community where our residents feel safe, respected, and comfortable.ObjectivesKnightdale actively pursues balanced growth with exceptional designto maintain its small town feel and appearance. Through the creationof unique community spaces and a welcoming environment forentrepreneurs and small businesses, we are creating a connected and inclusive town.• Continue legacy of transparent and inclusive government committed to two-way communication with all stakeholders• Build on our “Start Something” identity• Augment our small-town feel and appearance through the creation of unique spaces as we grow• Stay connected to our historical roots with an inclusive outlook for our future• Serve as a leader in regional collaboration for Eastern Wake County • Remain committed to “Diverse Neighborhoods are Made of Diverse Housing” to ensure access for all• Communicate important information to residents in a timely manner • Offer a diversity of quality community events • Create the infrastructure necessary to cultivate and foster the small business community • Embrace opportunities for physical connectivity through the transportation network• Ensure multimodal transportation choices to connect to the region• Advocate for quality educational opportunitiesFocus Area: Connected & Inclusive7
What it means to us…A Sustainable Knightdale is a community with a healthyenvironment and a strong economy that is focused on thewell-being of its citizens. Our community will endure overtime, ensuring prosperity for future generations.Objectives Knightdale promotes the stewardship of its environment, the resiliencyof its resources, and the maintenance of a financially sustainablegovernment. • Ensure regulations adapt to environmental change• Endeavor to preserve and protect our environmental resources • Promote financial sustainability and balanced growth between residential and commercial development• Embrace ways to reduce Town government energy consumption• Lead by example in reducing emissions from town operations• Encourage quality commercial and residential development that ages well over time• Execute the KnightdaleNext Comprehensive Plan Focus Area: Sustainable8
What it means to us…An Active and Healthy Knightdale embraces opportunities to make it easier for citizens to live healthy lives. We provide opportunities for people to be physically active and socially engaged as part of their daily routine, improving physical and mental health. We strive to allow our citizens to age inplace and remain all their lives in a Knightdale that reflectstheir changing lifestyles and changing physical capabilities.ObjectivesKnightdale brings people together and boasts happy residents bypromoting and sustaining a high quality of life and providing recreationand leisure activities to meet diverse interests.• Recognize that regular physical activity directly contributes to improved mental health and better overall health and wellbeing• Offer a variety of health, fitness, and cultural opportunities to meet the needs of a diverse population• Work to eliminate societal stigmas surrounding mental health issues• Help those with mental health conditions get access to treatment• Provide access to healthy, fresh foods and connectivity to local farms • Encourage non-vehicular transportation• Recognize cultural, social, and economic value of public artFocus Area: Active & Healthy9
What it means to us…Organizational Excellence means a Knightdale that placesthe interests of our citizens first. Employees’ behaviorsand decisions are firmly rooted in our ARC values. TheTown is comprised of a highly talented workforce thatembraces best-practices in public administration.Objectives Knightdale’s government is operated efficiently and transparently byoutstanding employees who focus on excellent customer service andopen communication.• Provide friendly and accessible customer service • Recruitand retain a diverse, highly-talented town workforce •Continue dedication to cultural awareness and appreciation •Embrace technology to improve internal and external service delivery• Invest in employees’ skills and professional developmentFocus Area: Organizational Excellence10
Putting the Pieces Together The illustration below articulates how all of the building blocks of the Knightdale Strategic Plan worktogether to achieve the future Town our citizens’ desire. The Town Council will endeavor to successfullyimplement the Knightdale Strategic Plan. TheCouncil will use the plan to guide its decision-making to ensure that their decisions are alignedwith the objectives laid out in the plan. TheManager will facilitate an annual strategic planningretreat for the Council to ensure that theKnightdale Strategic Plan is a living documentwhich continually evolves to fulfill the mission andvision of the organization. The retreat will servetwo primary purposes. First, the Manager will workin conjunction with the Department Directors to recommend projects/programs/initiatives thatadvance the Strategic Plan’s Focus Areas. Thesedepartmental recommendations will be formalizedin an Annual Implementation Plan adopted by theCouncil. Secondly, the Manager will present anannual report on service delivery effectiveness.Performance metrics will be established toapprise the Council of organizational performance.The Manager will endeavor to help the Councilunderstand how the impacts of their decisionsaffect service delivery and align with the StrategicPlan. ImplementationThe Town Manager has the overall responsibility for implementing the planand will work in conjunction with the town staff to achieve results envisionedby the Council and the community. These guiding qualities arefurther supported by theTown’s Core Values, whichrepresent the beliefs that areshared among thestakeholders of ourorganization and in turn driveand sustain our culture.Defines our ideal futureMeasures our service delivery performanceProvide the key activities to achieve successArticulates our direction and commitment torealizing this futureDefine community expectations that are universal to all of Knightdale’s citizenryV isionMission5 FocusAreasObjec t ivesPerformanceMeasureBuilding BlocksCore Values11
DecisionOpportunity Cost Return on InvestmentIs this an efficient use of our time and money? What is the ratio of net profit over the cost?Cost / Available FundingDo we have the money to do this? Is it fiscally responsible to do this?Opportunity; Urgency / TimingIs this a onetime opportunity? Is this an urgent or impending issue for the Town?Magnitude of Impact on Knightdale Level of Community Support or DemandIs this an issue that the community wants prioritized? Has there been a lot of demand for this issue?Alignment with Strategic Plan (or other adopted plans) Capitalizing on Strengths and Addressing our WeaknessesWill this have a strong, positive impact on the Town?Does this impact a large or small area of Knightdale?Do we lose another potential priority if this is chosen?Does this emphasize a strength we have? Does this fix or address a weakness we have? Do we anticipate a non-financial return on our investment (e.g. building a sense of community or setting the stage for the kind of Town we want to be)?Does the issue fit into one of our Focus Areas?Does the issue fit into priority areas for Departmental Strategic Plans or other guiding documents?Decision filters are designed to help evaluate and respond to emerging priorities. Handling Emerging IssuesEmergent Issue Emergent IssueEmergent IssueAs the strategic plan is a living document, the following decision filters define how the Council will adhereto established priorities while being prepared for emergent issues at the same time. The Council and staffwill apply the following criteria to reevaluate priorities that should be considered outside of the strategicplan and/or annual budget process. While it is unlikely that any issue will meet all of the criteria, thedecision filters will help Council and staff evaluate emerging opportunities. The criteria include: 12
In the months since Officer Ryan Hayworth’s tragic line of duty death, we have learned that the lossof hero can cut a community to its core. It generates feelings of unrivaled pain and grief, leaving thosein its wake searching for answers. For many, those answers are shallow, and for some they nevercome at all. But Ryan’s death was very different. His passing helped an entire community understandjust how impactful his life had been. From his death emerged an inspiring story of unyielding, selflessservice to others. The more we learned about Ryan, the more we were reminded that it is still possibleto make a difference…one day at a time, one act at time, one relationship at a time. Ryan’s story isso powerful and inspiring that we must share it with future generations. His service and sacrifice cannever be forgotten if we do our part to carry on his legacy. As members of the Knightdale community,we must always take time to utter his name, pay homage to his memory, call attention to his example, and challenge others toknightdalenc.gov2023LIVE LIKE RYAN.