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Strategic Plan (11 x 8.5 in)

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Strategic Plan 2022-2026Promoting the well-being of Wasaga Beach through library servicesWasaga BeachPublic Library

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Table ofContentsPART 1Our Planning ProcessPART 2Our ValuesPART 3Our Mission and VisionPART 4Our GoalsPART 5Our Objectives2

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Debbie Grant, Board ChairLorraine Gruzuk, Board Vice-ChairDan Trafford, Board MemberJody Mayhew, Board MemberJames Kowbel, Former Board MemberDidi DaSilveira, Former Board MemberPam Pal, CEOJennifer Perks, Public Services CoordinatorBrittany Pampalone, Technical Services CoordinatorStrategic Planning CommitteeFebruary 23 -- drafting Values March 10 -- Values reviewMarch 30 -- SWOT Analysis -- drafting Mission & VisionApril 22 -- Mission & Vision reviewMay 6 -- drafting GoalsMay 31 -- Goals reviewJuly 13 -- drafting ObjectivesAugust 4 -- Objectives reviewSeptember 9 -- Objectives reviewOctober 18 -- Strategic Plan presentation to the WBPL BoardCommittee meetingsMonthly updates were provided to the WBPL Board, with opportunitiesfor feedback provided.Board reviewOur ProcessNew Library Programs &Services Needs Assessment Completed2019/2020Public EngagementDraft copies of the SWOT, Values, Mission and Vision were shared withWBPL staff to generate commentary.Staff review3

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2 431The fundamental beliefs and guiding principles of our organization:New core valuesEqual access toopportunities, resourcesand facilitiesSupporting the valueand dignity of individualsand materialsResponding topeople's needs in ahelpful wayEnsuring that the library isfiscally responsible andresponsive to the communityAccessibility& InclusivityRespectAccountability Service4

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6875More principles that matter to us:More core valuesBringing peopletogether inrespectful waysGoing beyond bookswith technology,programs and servicesPromoting experiencesthat foster creativity inthe ArtsEncouraginglearning andliteracy for all agesBuildingConnectionsInnovationLifelongLearningCulture &Creativity5

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Although meaningful,WBPL's mission and visionwere refreshed to betterreflect the library's valuesSetting the coursefor library successWasaga Beach Public Library is a dynamic community hub where allcan connect, learn, and explore in an atmosphere of openness andacceptanceFormer mission statementWasaga Beach Public Library is a fully accessible, technologicallyprogressive and connected community resource that provides arange of services to meet the varied needs of the community. It is avalued and treasured institution serving as a cultural hub, and a keycommunity destination.Former vision statement6

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Our mission is simple and impactful:Wasaga Beach Public Library isa welcoming and progressivecommunity resource thatprovides cultural, educational,and social opportunities in anatmosphere of openness andrespect.New mission7

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Our vision is clear and inspirational:As an inclusive centre fordiscovery, Wasaga Beach PublicLibrary strives to inspirecommunity well-being byoffering innovative opportunitiesto connect – with information,learning, culture, entertainment,and each other.New vision8

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Improve the serviceexperienceNurture communityconnections thatencourage library usageBuild the library as adynamic centre fordiscovery Expand opportunities forlifelong learning, literacy,culture and socializationHow we plan to have a positive impact on our community:New goals

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Utilize user data to augmentfurnishings and change layoutEnsure wayfinding is appropriateAlter service if neededAdapt new policiesPossible action items:Be responsive to user needsEnsure policies do not inhibit usersStudy library visitation to determineideal operational hoursEnsure program scheduling is variedto suit disparate usersDetermine ways to avoid limitationson program participationInvestigate feasibility of free transitPossible action items:Reduce barriers that impedeaccess and inclusionAnnual user / non-usersurveysOnline and on-sitecomments/complaints/kudos formsObservational studiesOutcome surveysPossible action items:Regularly seekcommunity feedbackEnsure that staffing modeladequately meets community /library needsPursue timely group traininginitiativesEncourage independent educationInitiate cross-training to supportsmooth service deliveryDevelop succession planEnsure staff exceed basecompetenciesTeam building initiativesPossible action items:Develop a staffing modelthat supports future growthCreate online payment systemRemote phone access for staffSelf-checkout stationsElectronic user data – peoplecounter, space utilizationInitiate crowdfunding initiativesPossible action items:Use technology to increaseefficiency Improve the service experienceGoalObjectives111

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Install more little free libraries in community parksDevelop pop-up programmingschedule in alternative locationsContemplate kiosks in alternativelocationsPossible action items:Investigate new outreachopportunities to shareprograms, services and thecollectionCollaborate with schools andlocal organizations onprograms and servicesDevelop resources that willsupport local businessesInvestigate a partnership withService OntarioPossible action items:Cultivate newrelationships andcommunity partnershipsConsider alternative locations –retirement homes, geared to incomehousing, retirement communities,apartment complexesConsider participation in largereventsInvestigate greater hours of operationPossible action items:Expand reach of bookmobileservicePresentations to groupsCoffee chats with communityleaders/influencersOpen house events/ library toursParticipation in community eventsPossible action items:Increase advocacy to sharelibrary valuesInvestigate rebrandingLaunch updated websiteImplement grassrootscommunications Utilize additional communicationchannelsInvestigate signage inalternative locationsPossible action items:Improvecommunications toboost awareness oflibrary services Nurture community connections thatencourage library usageGoalObjectives212

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Promote on-going educational assistancewith 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, Prepfor Kindergarten, etc.Collaborate with EarlyONInvestigate tutor/ homework helpalternativesEstablish more parental supportsPossible action items:Emphasize early literacy andschool preparedness toencourage young familyengagementEstablish teen advisoryDetermine/follow trends to achieve “coolfactor”Take programs to youthPartner with high schools to improvecommunications with desired agesegment.Possible action items:Collaborate with youth todevelop meaningfulprogramming Partner with music cop-operative toprovide regular musical entertainmentPartner with local arts groups to providegallery space, training opportunities, artistin residencePartner with local theatre group to helpdevelop theatrical skills/interest Investigate artisan sales opportunitiesResume trips to cultural attractionsPossible action items:Provide greater access to artsand culture for all ages Launch Lifelong Learning Lecture SeriesEstablish best practices for virtual vs. in-person programsPrioritize high participation programmingsubjectsCapture live participants by bringingprograms to groupsPossible action items:Focus on collections andprograms that inform, entertainand engage a wider adultaudienceExpand opportunities for lifelong learning,literacy, culture and socializationGoalObjectives313

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Develop regular STEM programs usinglocal volunteersOffer structured and non-structured VRprogramsUse Creator Space expertise andequipment to develop community ofdigital designersOffer digitization station to appeal towide audience Possible action items:Use new technologies toengage the communityProvide passive programmingProvide learning momentsProvide necessary tools and training forlabsConsider roving museum displaysProvide visitors with a positive visualexperience using displays and artEnsure that spaces are inviting as well asfunctionalBuild in flexibility where possiblePossible action items:Ensure that libraryspaces are stimulatingand engaging Annually assess circulation data to identifyuser preferencesAdapt acquisition plan to reflect user needsFortify collection management team andadjust rolesEnsure collection is timelyShowcase collection in new ways to raiseinterest and circulationPossible action items:Focus on content that inspiresand entertains Collaborate with the Friends of WasagaBeach Public Library Investigate annual crowd funding initiativesUtilize grants Establish large on-going book sale area Pursue revenue generating opportunities –art shows, artisan/craft sales, lecture series,music nightsPossible action items:Pursue alternative funding tosupport library innovation Build the library as a dynamic centre for discovery GoalObjectives414

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Reduce barriersthat impedeaccess andinclusionRegularly seekcommunityfeedbackBe responsive touser needsUse technology toincrease efficiency Develop a staffingmodel thatsupports futuregrowth Cultivate newrelationships andcommunitypartnershipsExpand reach ofbookmobile serviceInvestigate newoutreach opportunitiesto share programs,services and thecollectionImprovecommunications toboost awareness oflibrary services Increase advocacy toshare library valuesEmphasize earlyliteracy and schoolpreparedness toencourage youngfamily engagementCollaborate with youthto develop meaningfulprogramming Focus on collectionsand programs thatinform, entertain andengage a wider adultaudience Provide greater accessto arts and culture forall ages Ensure that libraryspaces arestimulating andengaging Focus on contentthat inspires andentertains Use newtechnologies toengage thecommunityPursue alternativefunding to supportlibrary innovation NewgoalsNewobjectivesImprove theserviceexperienceNurturecommunityconnections thatencourage libraryusageExpandopportunities forlifelong learning,literacy, cultureand socializationBuild the library asa dynamic centrefor discovery 15

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120 Glenwood DriveWasaga Beach, ONL9Z 2K5(705) 429-5481www.wasagabeach.library.on.caWasaga Beach Public Library WBPL Board Presentation: October 18, 2021