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Stratarama Pamphlet Legal

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Strata / CommunityManagement VALUES:Our Company values are outlined below, inthat:We are honest and ethical in all ourdealings We strive for best practice in oursystems, procedures and dealingsWe provide regular and detailedcommunication with our ClientsWe are solely focused on Strata andCommunity titled livingWe strive to be reliable in all dealings,“what we say, is what we do”We provide a value for money service,rather than undercutting the CompetitionSTRATARAMA PROFESSIONALSERVICESOur Service to you:Our role at Strataramais to ensure our Clients have the necessaryresources available to enable them to makedecisions regarding (and for governing) theirBody Corporate property in accordance withthe relativelegislation. These resources will assist thegroup Members and Committees to makeinformed decisions with guidance from theirStrata or Community Title Manager.Our Body Corporate Manager has spent 17years servicing body corporate properties inSA including, Residential, Commercial,Industrial and mixed groups of units andapartments. He also boasts several yearsworking within Property management. Thisexperience and dedication allows us toprovide a high quality service with honestyand transparency.

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Record Inspection: You have the right toinspect your Corporation records. Theserecords belong to the Corporation and areavailable to be viewed by any Member ofthe Corporation. The Act requires thatthese are accessible to you with-in 10 daysof being sought. Delegated Authority: Your Corporationhas delegated certain functions to theManager. The Corporation is able to revokethis delegation in accordance with thelegislation and your contract.Proxies: In the event that you are unableto attend a meeting, you have the right toappoint a proxy. This proxy has all therights of the unit Owner at the meeting,and casts your vote in your absence onmatters on the agenda. You can appointStratarama to act as your proxy if desiredfor a specific meeting. This proxyappointment can be revoked at anytime, orby attending the meeting in person.Commissions: You have a right to beadvised of any commissions received byStratarama and/or any payments that theManager receives for placing yourbusiness. Stratarama will receive acommission for placing the Corporationsinsurance of upto 20% with any insurer forwhich Stratarama has a financialrelationship. Stratarama receive nobrokerage fees (we are not insurancebrokers). We receive no furthercommissions or payments from any otherparty, including Contractors.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLETTermination: The contract betweenStratarama, you and your Corporation willrun for the designated contract period.Either party may terminate this agreementduring that term, with 28 days writtennotice should they believe that the otherparty has breached their duties under thecontract or legislation. If the Corporation isunhappy with the services received asnoted above, then the Members may electto cancel or not renew the services of theManager via a properly convened meetingof the Corporation where a resolution hasbeen tabled and voted on.Dispute Resolution: In the event thatStratarama are unable to resolve yourconcerns or disputes, Owners have theright to apply to the Magistrates Court for aresolution of their dispute. The Court maymake orders to resolve a dispute wherethe Corporation Member believes that theyhave been prejudiced by a wrongful act ofthe delegate of the Corporation, or wherethey believe that the decision of theManager is unreasonable.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET

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Record Inspection: You have the right toinspect your Corporation records. Theserecords belong to the Corporation and areavailable to be viewed by any Member ofthe Corporation. The Act requires thatthese are accessible to you with-in 10 daysof being sought. Delegated Authority: Your Corporationhas delegated certain functions to theManager. The Corporation is able to revokethis delegation in accordance with thelegislation and your contract.Proxies: In the event that you are unableto attend a meeting, you have the right toappoint a proxy. This proxy has all therights of the unit Owner at the meeting,and casts your vote in your absence onmatters on the agenda. You can appointStratarama to act as your proxy if desiredfor a specific meeting. This proxyappointment can be revoked at anytime, orby attending the meeting in person.Commissions: You have a right to beadvised of any commissions received byStratarama and/or any payments that theManager receives for placing yourbusiness. Stratarama will receive acommission for placing the Corporationsinsurance of upto 20% with any insurer forwhich Stratarama has a financialrelationship. Stratarama receive nobrokerage fees (we are not insurancebrokers). We receive no furthercommissions or payments from any otherparty, including Contractors.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLETTermination: The contract betweenStratarama, you and your Corporation willrun for the designated contract period.Either party may terminate this agreementduring that term, with 28 days writtennotice should they believe that the otherparty has breached their duties under thecontract or legislation. If the Corporation isunhappy with the services received asnoted above, then the Members may electto cancel or not renew the services of theManager via a properly convened meetingof the Corporation where a resolution hasbeen tabled and voted on.Dispute Resolution: In the event thatStratarama are unable to resolve yourconcerns or disputes, Owners have theright to apply to the Magistrates Court for aresolution of their dispute. The Court maymake orders to resolve a dispute wherethe Corporation Member believes that theyhave been prejudiced by a wrongful act ofthe delegate of the Corporation, or wherethey believe that the decision of theManager is unreasonable.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET

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Record Inspection: You have the right toinspect your Corporation records. Theserecords belong to the Corporation and areavailable to be viewed by any Member ofthe Corporation. The Act requires thatthese are accessible to you with-in 10 daysof being sought. Delegated Authority: Your Corporationhas delegated certain functions to theManager. The Corporation is able to revokethis delegation in accordance with thelegislation and your contract.Proxies: In the event that you are unableto attend a meeting, you have the right toappoint a proxy. This proxy has all therights of the unit Owner at the meeting,and casts your vote in your absence onmatters on the agenda. You can appointStratarama to act as your proxy if desiredfor a specific meeting. This proxyappointment can be revoked at anytime, orby attending the meeting in person.Commissions: You have a right to beadvised of any commissions received byStratarama and/or any payments that theManager receives for placing yourbusiness. Stratarama will receive acommission for placing the Corporationsinsurance of upto 20% with any insurer forwhich Stratarama has a financialrelationship. Stratarama receive nobrokerage fees (we are not insurancebrokers). We receive no furthercommissions or payments from any otherparty, including Contractors.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLETTermination: The contract betweenStratarama, you and your Corporation willrun for the designated contract period.Either party may terminate this agreementduring that term, with 28 days writtennotice should they believe that the otherparty has breached their duties under thecontract or legislation. If the Corporation isunhappy with the services received asnoted above, then the Members may electto cancel or not renew the services of theManager via a properly convened meetingof the Corporation where a resolution hasbeen tabled and voted on.Dispute Resolution: In the event thatStratarama are unable to resolve yourconcerns or disputes, Owners have theright to apply to the Magistrates Court for aresolution of their dispute. The Court maymake orders to resolve a dispute wherethe Corporation Member believes that theyhave been prejudiced by a wrongful act ofthe delegate of the Corporation, or wherethey believe that the decision of theManager is unreasonable.YOUR RIGHTS - EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET

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Strata / CommunityManagement VALUES:Our Company values are outlined below, inthat:We are honest and ethical in all ourdealings We strive for best practice in oursystems, procedures and dealingsWe provide regular and detailedcommunication with our ClientsWe are solely focused on Strata andCommunity titled livingWe strive to be reliable in all dealings,“what we say, is what we do”We provide a value for money service,rather than undercutting the CompetitionSTRATARAMA PROFESSIONALSERVICESOur Service to you:Our role at Strataramais to ensure our Clients have the necessaryresources available to enable them to makedecisions regarding (and for governing) theirBody Corporate property in accordance withthe relativelegislation. These resources will assist thegroup Members and Committees to makeinformed decisions with guidance from theirStrata or Community Title Manager.Our Body Corporate Manager has spent 17years servicing body corporate properties inSA including, Residential, Commercial,Industrial and mixed groups of units andapartments. He also boasts several yearsworking within Property management. Thisexperience and dedication allows us toprovide a high quality service with honestyand transparency.

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Strata / CommunityManagement VALUES:Our Company values are outlined below, inthat:We are honest and ethical in all ourdealings We strive for best practice in oursystems, procedures and dealingsWe provide regular and detailedcommunication with our ClientsWe are solely focused on Strata andCommunity titled livingWe strive to be reliable in all dealings,“what we say, is what we do”We provide a value for money service,rather than undercutting the CompetitionSTRATARAMA PROFESSIONALSERVICESOur Service to you:Our role at Strataramais to ensure our Clients have the necessaryresources available to enable them to makedecisions regarding (and for governing) theirBody Corporate property in accordance withthe relativelegislation. These resources will assist thegroup Members and Committees to makeinformed decisions with guidance from theirStrata or Community Title Manager.Our Body Corporate Manager has spent 17years servicing body corporate properties inSA including, Residential, Commercial,Industrial and mixed groups of units andapartments. He also boasts several yearsworking within Property management. Thisexperience and dedication allows us toprovide a high quality service with honestyand transparency.