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St. Pius X Post 16 Prospectus

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St Pius X College Magherafelt Supporting Participating eXcelling Post 16 Prospectus 2024 2025 www stpiusxcollege org

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Choosing St Pius X College at Post 16 was the best decision I ever made

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Contents Introduction Principal s Welcome Ethos Admissions Criteria Learning Facilities Post 16 Support Pupil Responsibilities Opportunities for Post 16 Careers Choosing your Programme of Study Pathways Magherafelt Rural Learning Partnership Subject Choices Art Design General Art Design Applied Biology General Business Appliedl Construction and the Built Environment Applied English Literature General Geography General Health Social Care Applied History General Hospitality Applied IT Single Award Applied Life and Health Science Applied Mathematics General Performing Arts Applied Physics General Religious Studies General Sociology General Sport Single Award Applied Enhancement Qualifications New Era Academy Interview Technique New Era Academy Performance Skills Certificate of Personal Effectiveness 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 42 43 44 Further and Higher Eductaion Course Requirements 45 51 1

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Welcome Welcome to St Pius X College Sixth Form Information Book I am delighted that you have an interest in finding out about our Post 16 provision and hope you find the information here both interesting and informative Sixth Form study is different with much fewer subjects and more independent learning we strive as a school to help students quickly adapt to this change to ensure the best possible start to their studies Pupils are encouraged to aim high and to work hard to fulfil those aspirations in a pupil friendly mutually respectful environment We encourage our students to return to further study with us and each year we are very pleased to welcome students from elsewhere to join us Through induction and wellbeing initiatives returning students will be given every opportunity to get off to a good start based on solid foundations That said it is also critical that all students wishing to return are prepared and willing to take on the challenges of 6th form study by giving it the commitment of time and effort required We offer a wide range of General Applied subjects enhanced by our Magherafelt Rural Learning Partnership provision which are designed to meet the needs interests and aspirations of all 16 18 year olds You will have the opportunity to choose a pathway of study that suits you your interests abilities and your learning style We will support and guide you to achieve the best qualifications and experiences you can You will benefit from high quality teaching and outstanding student support We have a dedicated and committed Pastoral Support team who will work to ensure that you and your family have access to the help and guidance you need to overcome any barriers to your learning and help plan for your future We have high expectations of all of our pupils Aspiring Sixth Form students must have a positive work ethic and excellent attendance punctuality and behaviour records Our senior students enjoy greater freedom than in years 8 12 which they must accept brings greater responsibility and they work with a progressively higher degree of maturity taking fuller responsibility for their own learning We are very proud of our Sixth Form students who make a valuable contribution to our college and indeed to our wider community In partnership with their teachers we are proactive in helping them choose the pathway best suited to their needs and aspirations with a key focus on the maximum number of students attaining three Level 3 qualifications Our modern curricular offer is designed to ensure our students not only succeed but also leave the college with a portfolio of qualifications that give them maximum choice flexibility and opportunity This prepares them well for higher education further education higher level apprenticeships and the world of work in the rapidly changing careers landscape of the modern world Mr P Friel BSc Hons P G C E P Q H Principal 2

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The future is challenging it always has been it is in the challenge that you find the fun 3

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Ethos St Pius X College values each pupil as a unique individual We aim to promote excellence for all our pupils deliver high quality teaching and learning tailored to individual needs of all pupils provide a range or qualifications and experiences for pupil participation within the school and wider community to develop leadership and employability skills create a culture of respect inclusivity and acceptance of responsibility so that all pupils become responsible young adults encourage hard work organisational skills and independent learning so that pupils get the maximum benefits during and outside of class time offer concise and impartial careers advice to enable pupils to make informed decisions regarding their chosen career paths Sixth Form should benefit you in several ways It will enable you to further your studies in subjects which you enjoy provide you with the means to acquire the better academic qualifications needed for admission to higher or further education or to enhance your application for a career cultivate a wider range of interests through discussion and contact with others in the Sixth Form in and out of the class help you to mature as a person by providing opportunities for mixing with others for taking responsibility and for participating effectively in the corporate life of the college provide opportunities for you to play a full part in the extra curricular life of the school community and develop talents and skills for adult life Whatever your starting point be assured we ve got you 4

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Admissions Criteria Internal Applicants A student will be approved for entry if He she has achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE grades A C Level 2 equivalents including GCSE English Language and Mathematics He she has achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE grades A C Level 2 equivalents including GCSE English Language or Mathematics and signs up to resit whichever core subject is lower than a C There is a place available given that places in Year 13 will be allocated based on a ranking system that employs an average points score These points will be in accordance with the Entry Equivalences for GCSE as used by C2K Those students who have an equal score will then be ranked by the number of A s As Bs etc He she has achieved the minimum entry requirements as outlined in this Post 16 Prospectus A student will be placed on a waiting list for entry if He she has achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE grades A C or equivalents excluding English and Maths and signs up to resit both core subjects There is a place available given that places in Year 13 will be allocated based on a ranking system that employs an average points score These points will be in accordance with the Entry Equivalences for GCSE as used by C2K Those students who have an equal score will then be ranked by the number of A s As Bs etc Special Circumstances A student who does not meet the criteria due to medical or other problems which may have affected his her performance in GCSE examinations may have his her academic record reviewed by the Principal and Board of Governors of the college with a view to being offered a place within Post 16 The Principal and Board of Governors of the college reserve the right to amend the admissions criteria to consider students who have achieved 5 A C grades at GCSE subject to places being available and the efficient use of college resources not being prejudiced External Applicants External applicants are welcome We especially welcome students from schools where there is no Post 16 provision and also those whose course of choice is not on offer at their current school Pupils who are entering the sixth form from other schools must fulfil all of the above criteria Criteria for any extra places made available by the Department of Education The Department of Education may on request increase the number of students that the college can admit to Year 13 Places shall be allocated only to students who meet the eligibility criteria for entry into Year 13 as above and shall be allocated in the order determined by the criteria to be applied in the order set down 1 Pupils who have recently completed Year 12 in St Pius X College 2 Pupils from other schools where admission to an extra place at St Pius X College has been agreed by the Department of Education 6

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Learning Facilities A number of Learning Centre Facilities are available at St Pius X College in order to promote the quality of teaching and learning They include Supervised Sixth Form Study Centre Hi tech Computer Suites WiFi for student devices Learning Resources You will find as you embark on your Sixth Form studies at St Pius X College that not all of your week is taken up in the classroom If you are to be successful in your studies it is vital that you supplement what you learn in the classroom with personal study Use the library for research projects and take advantage of the study room to complete work directed by your class teachers Your teachers will often supply you with study materials to work through outside class These flexible learning materials are best used in our library where other facilities are nearby Some materials are permanently available to you to take and use especially ones which help with study skills number work and communications You must strike the right balance between your academic work and your extra curricular activities Important though it is to cultivate wide interests and friendships you must not allow these interests to undermine your academic progress The proper use of private study periods is an essential part of your management of time It is only too easy to let these periods drift by without anything positive being achieved 7

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Post 16 Support In St Pius X College we pride ourselves on the quality of our care for all pupils We believe that a caring and happy environment is essential for pupils to succeed We therefore place a great emphasis on our pastoral care provision in order to foster positive relationships and community spirit We promote healthy lifestyles emotional well being and positive attitudes in all our pupils as well as fostering an environment where diversity is valued Our aim is to ensure that the college supports and equips all pupils with the life skills they need to make responsible choices and achieve their full potential We have a specific pastoral care structure which provides guidance and support to all pupils Each member of the Post 16 team has an important role in supporting pupils and meeting with parents In addition a number of external agencies help to provide counselling services Form Teacher The Form Teacher s role is pivotal as they will be a central person who has a full picture of you They will monitor your attendance academic progress and adherence to the code of conduct and liaise directly with you and your parents guardians You will be timetabled daily with your Form Teacher and he she should be your first point of contact if any difficulties should arise Head of Year The Head of Year will keep regular contact with your Form Teacher to monitor your progress and help provide additional support for you through your Post 16 studies They will support your Form Teacher regarding any queries or concerns that may arise These may include attendance pastoral concerns or study related difficulties The Head of Year will also challenge encourage and assist you to be the best that you can so that you will be successful in your chosen career path In consultation with other pastoral and curriculum staff the Head of Year will arrange meetings with your parents to discuss any concerns Counsellor At St Pius X College we recognise that there are times when it is possible that you may need some extra support and help to manage unfamiliar situations and feelings The school counsellor is a professional counsellor from FamilyWorks who supports pupils with particular challenges The counsellor talks to individual pupils to help them with whatever difficulties they are facing Pupils can self refer to the college s counsellor or referrals can be made by pastoral staff Safeguarding Child Protection We aim to provide a safe and caring environment within St Pius X College which will allow pupils to feel secure and may encourage them to consult members of staff regarding their own personal concerns All Child Protection concerns are discussed with our designated staff identified below and in some instances with external agencies 8

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Core Safeguarding Team Principal Designated Teachers Mr P Friel Mrs E Toner Deputy Designated Teachers Mrs I McCann Mrs C Bell Mr J Mulholland Chair of Board of Governors Designated Governor Mr M Lee External Agencies Whilst we aim to support in every way we can there is a wide range of external support At any time you can call the following numbers for advice and support NSPCC Childline Lifeline Gateway YoungMinds Parents Helpline Familyworks 0808 800 5000 0800 1111 0808 808 8000 0300 123 4333 0808 802 5544 028 9182 1721 PSHE Through these programmes we aim to enhance pupils knowledge and understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of social and political institutions and structures of social and moral issues and to promote health and safety issues We aim to develop pupils spiritual awareness and explore different beliefs attitudes and values The PSHE Programme for Post 16 is headed up by our RE department to meet the needs of young people The purpose of the Sixth Form PSHE programme is to assist you as an individual to enrich your personal life and develop your own lifestyle help to prepare for educational choice offer guidance or counselling to encourage you to make your own decisions support your subject learning promote respect for the views of others and help others less fortunate than ourselves through a range of activities from mentoring to fundraising maintain an orderly atmosphere in which all this becomes possible Visiting Groups Diocesan Youth Organisation John Paul II Award Sr Margaret Sri Lanka Blanket Programme Children in Crossfire Advent Campaign Ulster Cancer Foundation Health Wellbeing Relationships and Sexuality Education Sister Consilio Drugs and Alcohol Addiction 9

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Responsibilities It is important to realise what is expected of a Sixth Form pupil St Pius X College is determined to develop a learning community founded on the principles of courtesy and mutual respect Fundamental to the successful development of such a community is the quality of the students learning experience This will be nurtured and managed with insight and vision in order that we create the culture and values reflected in our mission statement Students attending St Pius X College must observe certain standards of behaviour while in the college and when engaged in activities associated with or representing the college The parent school partnership is very important and we also ask for parents support in encouraging pupils to adhere to our school s policies and procedures to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment exists for everyone We therefore seek the support of all pupils and parents guardians for the implementation of the Code of Conduct by asking them to sign a positive behaviour contract which can be found in every Pupil Homework Diary Academic Demands Any Sixth Form course will be demanding and pupils must understand the commitment to hard work that will be expected from them There is an enormous difference between the nature of the work at Key Stage 4 level and Post 16 and if pupils are to fulfil their academic potential they must work hard from the outset Studying three subjects instead of nine might appear an easier option but this is simply not the case Each GCE subject is studied in far greater depth and much more emphasis is placed on independent learning to acquire the necessary knowledge and complete all tasks according to deadlines The pace of work is very demanding Attendance There is a very strong link between attendance and success at A level Pupils are expected to commit to 100 attendance As a school we are keen to support pupils in gaining outstanding attendance as it is essential if pupils are to succeed in the courses they have selected to study Attendance and punctuality at all lessons registrations events and assemblies is compulsory 95 attendance is our school target and is therefore our minimum expectation 100 Attendance 0 Days Missed Excellent 95 Attendance 1 Week and 4 Days of Learning Missed Satisfactory 90 Attendance 3 Weeks and 4 Days of Learning Missed Poor 85 Attendance 5 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Very Poor 80 Attendance 7 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Unacceptable If pupils fall below 95 attendance without there being a genuine health issue parents will be contacted either by text message or letter of our concerns and attendance will continue to be carefully monitored All appointments including driving lessons routine dental and medical appointments must be arranged outside of school time In addition to morning registration registers will be taken at every lesson and absences recorded so that parents can be informed of any hindrance to progress caused by irregular attendance If pupils need to leave school for any reason during the school day permission should be sought from the Head of Year and for health and safety reasons the leave of absence sheet signed Parents are required to provide notes to explain all absences or to contact school by telephone 10

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Code of Conduct Effective teaching and learning can only take place when attitudes and behaviours are positive In St Pius X College we strive to establish a positive ethos where all pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility Our Code of Conduct is based on the simple requirements of courtesy and mutual respect both on and off the school grounds The college is committed to creating an environment which is orderly respectful and conducive to teaching and learning Our code of conduct clearly sets out our expectations and has a structured system of rewards and sanctions which promotes high standards of work and behaviour The highest standards are expected of pupils in matters such as attendance punctuality uniform and conduct around the school as they are the most senior members of the school community and they must be an example to others Great emphasis is placed upon reliability courtesy and respect towards others Uniform The college uniform identifies you as a student of this college and shows that all students are valued equal Wearing our uniform is reflective of our college ethos which emphasises high standards and expectations for all pupils It is compulsory for all students and must be worn correctly at all times including college functions and travelling to and from college Anti bullying Our college ethos is that bullying is completely unacceptable Misuse of mobile phones social media or any digital technology to cause harm or hurt to any other individual is totally unacceptable Sixth Form pupils play a vital role in helping the school to promote an anti bullying culture The following policies and structures are available on our college website and are designed to minimise risks Safeguarding Child Protection Anti Bullying E Safety Pastoral Care Positive Behaviour Management and the college Code of Conduct Mobile Phones Mobile Devices For Safeguarding and Child Protection reasons students are permitted to bring mobile phones into school but they should not be visible For these same reasons students may not use mobile phones in the course of the college day without the explicit permission of staff Parents guardians are reminded that in cases of an emergency the college office remains a vital point of contact Mobile phones must be switched off at all times during the college day from entry onto the college premises until exit from the college grounds including both break and lunch times Under no circumstances is any student permitted to take a photo video or sound recording on the college premises If a member of staff deems it appropriate to confiscate a device from a student the following will apply Confiscation with parent guardian involvement Parents guardians will be asked to collect the phone from the Main Office or Reception at the end of the college day Misuse of Digital Technology Social Networking Picture Video sharing websites This college has a zero tolerance policy towards any misuse of digital technology internet social networking and picture video sharing websites exams to any member of the college community Any student found to be up loading recordings to the internet depicting the college brand or involving students in college uniform will be the subject of a disciplinary enquiry and serious disciplinary sanctions Bullying or harassing any member of the college community through the use of any electronic device or the sharing of inappropriate material will also not be tolerated It will be regarded as a grave disciplinary matter and will result in a severe sanction 11

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Responsibilities EMA An Educational Maintenance Allowance EMA is available to pupils remaining in full time education beyond the age of 16 years where the family income falls within defined limits Payments are strictly linked to attendance and performance The EMA is only paid for full weeks of attendance within term time It will only be paid when 100 weekly attendance has been achieved by the pupil No payment will be made for part attendance The weekly allowance rate for eligible students currently is 30 00 which is paid directly into the pupil s bank account on a fortnightly basis and two bonus payments of 100 paid each year in January and June All EMA pupils will be required to sign a Learning Agreement with the school If they fail to adhere to this agreement this will affect their payment Evidence must be provided for all absences Generally about 50 of students are eligible for EMA payments Private Study The need for careful time management and self discipline is the most distinctive feature of life in the Sixth Form as there will be times during the school day when pupils are not in timetabled lessons Pupils will have supervised allocated study areas with provision for computers available We also encourage pupils to bring their own device If individual pupils are unable to manage their time sensibly or fall behind with the work pupils will be reallocated so that private study time can be closely monitored Parents will also be informed Driving Cars to School Sixth Form students are reminded of the importance of safe driving Cars must be parked outside of the school grounds at all times This is necessary to avoid congestion and parking problems and for pedestrian safety Sixth Form students must not use their cars during the course of the school day even if they have a study period or are an MRLP student Cars must be used strictly as a means of transport to and from school Any breach of this rule will result in a severe sanction 12

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Opportunities at Post 16 At St Pius X College we place a great emphasis on pupils personal development so that they gain the key skills which can be used in later life and the qualities necessary to mature into young responsible adults We encourage all Sixth Form pupils to get involved in the St Pius X Community through participation in extended activities such as Open Day and fundraising We champion the pupil voice and provide leadership opportunities to enable pupils to become successful leaders and role models for our younger pupils Pupil Leadership Team Senior Leadership pupils play a very important role in the life of the school and are seen as role models to all other pupils both in Post 16 and the lower years In second or third term Year 13 pupils in consultation with their form teachers are invited to put forward their name for consideration to be part of the pupil leadership team A pupil and staff vote is then conducted to reduce the applications to around 16 pupils Those successful pupils then go through an intensive interview process where they get the opportunity to present to a panel an initiative they are passionate about and prepared to introduce into the school The pupil leadership structure is comprised of a Head Boy a Head Girl Deputy Head Pupils and senior prefects for different key roles to include peer mentoring pastoral and sport School Council Post 16 pupils take an active part in decision making in the college through the elected Pupil Council Their opinions are frequently sought across a range of areas including Teaching and Learning extra curricular activities and pupil welfare The School Council gives a voice to the pupil population and an opportunity for the pupils to discuss pertinent issues with staff and to influence policy The School Council then forwards proposals to the Senior Leadership Team The aims of the School Council are to improve communication between pupils and staff to ensure St Pius X College promotes a healthy environment in which we learn in partnership to ensure that pupils views are acknowledged and where appropriate acted upon to provide pupils with the framework for engaging in active citizenship to make the school a more harmonious place to learn Mentors In St Pius X College two senior mentors are assigned to all Year 8 and Year 9 classes to help them with the transition from primary to secondary school The mentors are Year 13 and Year 14 pupils who have expressed an interest in helping the younger pupils They help to make pupils feel welcome and at ease The mentors help out in form class and encourage the pupils to join extra curricular activities at break and lunch time They answer questions the pupils might have about any aspect of school life Individual pupil mentors are employed where appropriate The pupils respond well to having mentors and relationships between pupils and mentors are positive Issues addressed can range from managing school work to how to make new friends 13

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Careers CEIAG Careers Education Information Advice Guidance St Pius X College provides a comprehensive Careers Guidance Service The school recognises that careers education and guidance plays a vital role in the preparation of Sixth Form pupils for life after school All pupils follow a structured careers programme through their weekly careers lessons where they will be carefully guided through the options process making subject choices UCAS application and other pathway processes This begins with pupils learning Careers Education aims to help pupils to acquire skills aptitudes and abilities to enable them to progress confidently in a variety of roles Magazines leaflets prospectuses and interactive computer software programmes are provided so that pupils will find out more about their own particular skills and qualities and match these with possible career opportunities All pupils have the opportunity to speak to their careers teacher who will encourage them to develop their career route in consultation with the local careers advisors from the Careers Service for Northern Ireland To further prepare pupils for the important decisions they will have to make in Sixth Form a range of career activities are organised throughout Years 13 and 14 These include career guidance interviews more focused work placement including virtual events opportunities to attend open days talks from visiting speakers of various universities further education institutions and other work related organisations Mock interviews are arranged to help the pupils develop their interview skills and enhance career prospects All pupils who wish to apply to Higher Education must do so through the UCAS system This process begins immediately after pupils return from their AS examinations The whole application procedure will be explained to pupils and the UCAS website explored Pupils will have time with their careers teacher and have opportunities to visit local universities in order to gather as much information as possible on the courses they are interested in After AS results pupils in consultation with their careers teacher and their parents carers will come to a final decision regarding the courses they will apply for through the UCAS system Predicted grades will almost entirely be based on grades achieved at AS Level Any pupil wishing to apply for medicine veterinary and dentistry must submit their UCAS application forms by the 15th October in Year 14 We have an internal deadline for all UCAS applications to be completed by the end of November in Year 14 Official UCAS Deadlines will be communicated to all Year 14 Pupils as they become available each year During Term 2 all Year 14 pupils will receive an opportunity to experience a mock interview with a range of local business education and professional services personnel These interviews are of great benefit to the pupils as they focus on the specific intended area of study and introduce them to some of the difficulties they may face when being scrutinised by university and workplace staff In order to undertake an interview pupils must have completed an application form which they do during careers class If pupils are unfortunate enough not to receive any offers through the UCAS system then they are further advised by their careers teacher as to their next step Careers Advisors from the Careers Service for Northern Ireland come to the college on a regular basis and participate in the delivery of the programme through all Key stages 14

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Choosing your Programme of Study When planning a sixth form curriculum it is important to provide a range of qualifications from which students can choose programmes that meet their needs and gain credit for their achievements It is important that the qualifications offered to the students are worthwhile and valued whilst enabling our students where desirable and appropriate to mix and match different types of qualifications In addition it is necessary to provide a range of qualifications that offer clear progression routes into further and higher education training and employment The actual courses pupils study will be determined by considering GCSE performance standardised scores student strengths and student career aspirations General Applied Enrichment Post16 Courses 6 30 UCAS Points 6 12 UCAS Points 16 UCAS Points New Era Academy Performance Skills New Era Academy Interview Technique Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Leavers Destinations 2023 76 10 14 Further Higher Education Other Employment 15

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Post 16 Study Pathways 16

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POST 16 COURSES Academic Year 2024 2025 Magherafelt Rural Learning Partnership The college is an active member of the Magherafelt Rural Learning Partnership MRLP which includes the 8 local schools NRC The partnership aims to extend the curricular opportunities for all our students St Pius X College is in a strong position to provide students with an extensive choice of courses in Sixth form in a range of General and Applied Subjects and our range of courses has further increased through collaboration across our area learning community this has included in recent years and is subject to change on an annual basis Chemistry General Moving Image Arts Applied Engineering Applied Environmental Technology Applied French General Government Politics General Irish General Music Applied Performing Arts Applied Students can only select ONE MRLP Subject as they are delivered simultaneously on a timetable The selection is obviously dependent on Subject availability and students meeting specific entry criteria In addition these MRLP subjects require students to travel between schools and require them to transition to new learning environments and new staff Please note that any courses named in this booklet may be subject to change due to course requirements or changes in specification In addition it is important to remember that courses will only run subject to sustainability of class sizes 17

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ART DESIGN Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction The creative industries are the fastest growing area of the economy and are vital to economic success Studying art craft and design creates a pathway to a career in a creative industries related field GCE Art and Design requires students to develop key transferable skills such as creativity innovation higher level thinking skills and problem solving It encourages students to find alternative approaches and take risks in their work It also develops in depth knowledge of art and design through research and practical activities intellectual capabilities and independent approaches to learning Course Details The GCE Art and Design specification is available at two levels AS and A2 Students can take the A2 course as a final qualification Students who wish to obtain a full A level qualification must also complete the A2 course The AS units make up 40 of the full A level qualification and the A2 units make up 60 Students may follow a broad pathway through Art Craft and Design Combined Studies or choose from one of three specialisms Photography and Lens Based Media Three Dimensional Design or Textiles The course has four units two at AS level and two at A2 as detailed below Module of AS A2 Grade How it is assessed Module Title AS Module 1 50 of AS 20 of full A Level Students develop explore and record ideas Teachers assess students work and CCEA moderate their marks Assessment Objectives 1 2 and 3 only Experimental Portfolio AS Module 2 50 of AS 20 of full A Level Students present a personal outcome in response to the theme Students bring this to completion during a 10 hour controlled test Teachers assess students work and CCEA moderate their marks Assessment Objective 4 more heavily weighted Personal Response A2 Module 1 60 of A2 36 of full A Level Written component and practical work inform each other and are integrated but are marked separately Teachers assess the practical investigation and CCEA moderate their marks Written Investigation 1000 3000 words externally assessed 20 of A2 12 of A level Assessment Objectives 1 2 and 3 only Personal and Critical Investigation A2 Module 2 40 of A2 24 of full A Level Students present an outcome in response to the theme Students bring this to completion during a 15 hour controlled test Teachers assess students work and CCEA moderate their marks Assessment Objective 4 more heavily weighted Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE Art Design Thematic outcome Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Art and Design many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include marketing finance architecture digital technologies animator fashion designer photographer animator and graphic designer St Pius X College Magherafelt 18 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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ART DESIGN Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Art and Design Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board Pearson Introduction This qualification is designed for post 16 learners who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment possibly in the creative industries as part of a programme of study alongside other BTEC Nationals or A Levels Students obtain a coherent introduction to the study of art and design and gain an understanding of the creative process Students will study visual recording and communication critical analysis and production skills to produce art and design outcomes Course Details The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with academics to ensure that it supports progression to higher education The mandatory unit focuses on visual recording and communication skills which underpin all areas of art and design and are the building blocks on which to develop creative practice Visual communication and recording is based on observation and allows learners to develop the practical skills to communicate their ideas Learners explore a specific sector in art and design through choosing an optional unit in one of the following areas photography graphics interactive design fine art 3D design textile fashion 3D design craft Learners will be introduced to the materials techniques and processes used in the sector through practical projects Learners will develop a range of skills techniques and personal attributes that will be valuable across all areas of future study and work Title Structure Units Summary Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Art and Design Equivalent in size to 0 5 of an A Level 2 units of which 1 is mandatory and 1 is external Mandatory content 67 Total unit 2 The qualification offers an Mandatory introduction to the art and design 1 Visual Recording and Communication sector through applied learning The qualification supports progression Optional to higher education when taken as Fine Art Materials Techniques and Processes part of a programme of study that Textiles Materials Techniques and Processes includes other vocational or general 3D Design Craft Materials Techniques and Processes qualifications Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Art and Design External assessment 67 Equivalent in size to one A Level 4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external Mandatory content 83 External assessment 58 Total units 4 The qualification gives a coherent Mandatory introduction to the study of art and 1 Visual Recording and Communication design at this level Learners 2 Critical and Contextual Studies in Art and Design develop art and design projects and 3 The Creative Process gain an understanding of the creative process They study visual Optional recording and communication Fine Art Materials Techniques and Processes critical analysis and production Textiles Materials Techniques and Processes skills to produce art and design 3D Design Craft Materials Techniques and Processes outcomes The qualification is designed for post 16 learners who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment possibly in the creative industries Assessment Units are assessed using a grading scale of Distinction D Merit M Pass P Near Pass N and Unclassified U Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE Art DesignGrade C GCSE Art Design or GCSE Contemporary Crafts Career Pathways The qualifications enable students to achieve specialist knowledge and skills qualifying entry to an apprenticeship or other employment or progression to related higher education courses St Pius X College Magherafelt 19 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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BIOLOGY Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction This specification will encourage students to develop an interest in and enthusiasm for Biology including developing an interest in further study and careers in the subject develop and draw together different areas of knowledge skills and understanding of different aspects of the subject develop competence and confidence in a number of skills including independent learning creative thinking practical and mathematical and problem solving carry out practical tasks and present their findings in different formats develop an appreciation and understanding of scientific methods and appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society The specification builds on the knowledge understanding and skills developed in both GCSE Double Award Science and GCSE Biology Course Details Mathematical content Knowledge understanding and skills developed within GCSE Mathematics are also relevant Students must be competent in mathematics to develop their skills knowledge and understanding of Biology The A2 specification builds on the knowledge understanding and skills developed within the AS course The specification provides a firm grounding for those wishing to enter higher education courses in Medicine Dentistry Radiography Research and Teaching In most of these courses an A Level award in this subject is a prerequisite for entry The Notes for Guidance downloadable from CCEA website at www ccea org uk support teachers and students Unit format weighting AS 1 Molecules and Cells 37 5 of AS level 15 of A Level AS 2 Organisms and Biodiversity 37 5 of AS level 15 of A Level AS 3 Practical Skills in AS Biology 25 of AS level 10 of A Level A2 1 Physiology Co ordination and Control and Ecosystems 24 A Level A2 2 Biochemistry Genetics and Evolutionary Trends 24 A Level A2 3 Practical Skills in Biology 12 A Level Entry Requirements Grade DAS AA In GCSE Double Award DA Science Minimum Grade B in both Mathematics and English Grade A in Year 12 DAS Biology Exam Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Biology many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include biochemist forensic scientist nursing pharmacist physiotherapist police officer biomedical engineer doctor teacher dietician veterinary surgeon environmental health officer St Pius X College Magherafelt 20 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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BUSINESS Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board AQA Introduction The objectives of this qualification are preparing learners to progress to a qualification in the same subject area but at a higher level or requiring more specific knowledge skills and understanding meeting relevant programmes of learning preparing learners for employment giving learners personal growth and engagement in learning Course Details Units 1 2 and 3 are studied in Year 13 Units 5 and 6 along with ONE of the optional units are studied in Year 14 Mandatory Units Unit Title 1 Financial planning and analysis 2 Business dynamics 3 Entrepreneurial Opportunities Synoptic Assessment Unit 4 Managing and Leading people 5 Developing a business proposal Optional Units Optional Units 6 e business implementation 7 Managing an event 8 Marketing communications Assessment AS Unit weighting 33 3 each unit Externally assessed 66 6 externally assessed Internally assessed 33 3 internally assessed Grading The UNITS are graded Pass Merit or Distinction The overall qualification is graded as P M D D NB Learners must pass each unit in order to pass the qualification Equivalent grades for Business Dist A Dist A Merit C Pass E Assessment Type External examination Internally centre assessed External assignment External examination Internally centre assessed Assessment Type Internally centre assessed Internally centre assessed Internally centre assessed Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE English and Mathematics GCSE Business Studies preferable but not essential Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Business many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include teaching marketing working in sales retail banking advertising consulting working with consumer products and more St Pius X College Magherafelt 21 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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CONSTRUCTION THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board Edexcel Introduction The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment is intended as a Post 16 Level qualification equivalent in value to one A Level As well as direct entry to employment this qualification is ideal for post 16 students wanting to gain the core skills and knowledge required to progress to an apprenticeship or to a work based training programme in the construction sector The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with employers and professional bodies to ensure that it is appropriate for those interested in working in the sector In addition higher education representatives have been involved to ensure that it fully supports entry to the relevant range of specialist degrees Course Details There are 6 units which cover the following aspects of construction Construction Principles 2 Units External Exam 33 3 Construction Design 2 Units Internal Exam 33 3 Health and Safety in Construction Coursework 16 6 Construction Technology Coursework 16 6 Unit 1 Learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying principles used in the design construction and refurbishments of buildings and infrastructure Unit 2 Learners will apply the principles and practice of design and construction for low and medium rise buildings and structures Unit 4 Learners examine the underlying principles and construction methods used in the construction of new buildings and their associated external works Unit 5 Learners will carry out a safe system of work and investigate the significance of safety system reviews understanding the responsibilities of employees and employers with regard to health and safety in construction operations Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE Mathematics It is desirable that potential students have a strong STEM Construction Profile GCSE English Career Pathways The Maths Science and Materials skills you learn will give you the fundamental knowledge needed to enable you to apply skills in a context used within the sector and to progress to further study While the qualification has a strong focus on theoretical principles the content is focused on the practical applications of the principles underpinning construction design structural requirements and technology as applied in today s industry St Pius X College Magherafelt 22 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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ENGLISH LITERATURE Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction The revised specification will give students the opportunity to study not only a wide range of literature written by home grown Irish writers but also literature from outside the UK and literature in translation Through independent and critical reading students will develop their interest and enjoyment in literary studies and become accomplished discerning readers As with the current specification the revised GCE English Literature specification is made up of two parts AS and A2 Students may take the AS as a stand alone qualification without progression to A2 However to gain the full GCE students need to complete both the AS and the A2 courses Course Details There are 5 units altogether 4 with externally set examinations which are AS 1 The study of Poetry Frost and Heaney Open Book 1 hour the study of Drama Williams or Friel one play only Closed book 1 hour AS 2 The study of Prose Pre 1900 Silas Marner Closed book 1 hour A2 1 Shakespearean Genres King Lear Closed Book 1 hour 30 minutes A2 2 The study of Poetry pre 1900 and Unseen Poetry Donne closed book 2 hours Internal Assessment At A2 3 students must complete a 2500 word essay which is internally assessed study of 2 personally selected novels This accounts for 20 of the marks awarded at A Level Assessment 4 externally set examinations 1 Internal Assessment Entry Requirements Grade B B In GCSE English Language and or English Literature Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level English Literature many different career pathways will open up for you in the following areas Teaching education consultant marketing media writer advertising law publishing St Pius X College Magherafelt 23 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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GEOGRAPHY Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction Through studying GCE Geography students will learn about Geographical concepts and processes interactions between people and their environment challenges of sustainability importance of attitudes and values Students become aware of relationships between societies economies cultures and environments They will also have the opportunity to relate what they have studied to the world around them They will acquire skills valued in education and the workplace Through fieldwork trips students will have the opportunity to investigate the dynamics of their local environment and take advantage of attending a GIS Remote sensing workshop at Ulster University It is envisaged that students may also have access to attend an international based fieldtrip The Geography GCE specification has a modular structure and builds on GCSE Geography All exams are set and marked by CCEA There is no coursework requirement Course Details Content snapshot External assessment weightings AS1 Physical Geography investigation of fluvial environments local 1 hour 15 minutes exam and global ecosystems and processes that shape weather and climate 40 of AS level 16 of A level AS2 Human Geography investigation of how different human systems and relationships across our world change over space and through time 1 hour 15 minutes exam 40 of AS level 16 of A level AS3 Fieldwork skills and techniques in Geography students identify geographical questions and issues select appropriate sources and methods and establish effective approaches to inquiry in their geographical studies and first hand data collection 1 hour exam 20 of AS level 8 of A level A2 1 Physical Processes Landforms and Management plate tectonics tropical ecosystems dynamic coastal environments and climate change 2 optional studied 1 hour 30 minutes exam 24 of A level A2 2 Processes and Issues in Human Geography cultural geography planning for sustainable developments ethnic diversity and tourism 2 optional studied 1 hour 30 minutes exam 24 of A Level A2 3 Decision Making in Geography students develop decision making skills in a real world scenario 1 hour 30 minutes exam 12 of A level Entry Requirements Grade B In GCSE Geography Units 1 2 Career Pathways Non GCSE Geography students will be considered on an individual basis based on a strong GCSE profile All students must have GCSE Maths and English Grade B or above Statistics show that people who study Geography are among the most employable It is likely that your career path with be varied and you will need the transferable skills and flexibility that Geography provides The ability to handle data make decisions solve problems be spatially aware and be good communicators Geography links to a wide range of careers Those directly related to the subject include teaching environmental management green technologies town and country planning travel and tourism development worker and GIS mapping Other careers include information technology the financial sector law media marketing and retailing St Pius X College Magherafelt 24 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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SPX offers you some truly memorable opportunities for personal growth discovery and development St Pius X College Magherafelt 25 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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HEALTH SOCIAL CARE Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board CCEA Introduction This course is aimed at students who would like to learn something about the vocational area of health and social care To gain an award you will have to complete three six or twelve units which cover a range of aspects of health and social care You will follow a core programme of compulsory units designed to provide a broad introduction to the nature of health social care and early years service Alongside the organisation and funding of services you will investigate the care values skills and knowledge required to work within the wide ranging health and social care field You can then choose from a range of optional units which allows you to specialize in an area of your choice This course will appeal to students who Are interested in a career in the caring field Have an interest in people of different ages children through to the elderly Are reasonably competent in Biology Students studying Applied Health and Social Care for the first time are welcome to take this course However students must be aware that the specification examines and builds upon the concepts first introduced in GCSE Health and Social Care In GCE Applied Health and Social Care students learn about health and well being child development and human behaviour Students study care services including traditional and holistic therapies They examine the rights and responsibilities of both patients and service providers Students also look at the importance of communication in care settings and how positive care can be promoted Through practical activities students apply their knowledge and understanding to work related contexts and develop research evaluation and problem solving skills What can students do with a qualification in Health Social Care This is an ideal course for students who want a broad background in health and social care Many students with a qualification in GCE Applied Health and Social Care go on to degree level study in a variety of subjects such as health studies social policy social science social studies psychology nursing and or social work Other students go on to complete a BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care Some students go straight into employment in the fields of health and social care Course Details Continued on next page Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE 6 OR MORE Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Health Social Care many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include health studies social policy social science psychology nursing social work counsellor youth worker paramedic counsellor child minder therapist St Pius X College Magherafelt 26 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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HEALTH SOCIAL CARE Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board CCEA Course Details Content Assessment Single Award Double Award Weightings Weightings AS 1 Promoting Quality Care Compulsory for AS Single and Double Award Internal assessment Students produce a written report based on practice in a health social care or early years setting that they have experienced 25 of AS 10 of A level 12 5 of AS 5 of A level Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results AS 2 Communication in Health Social Care and Early Years Settings Internal assessment Students produce a written report on communication in a health social care or early years setting 25 of AS 10 of A level 12 5 of AS 5 of A level Compulsory for AS Single and Double Award Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results AS 3 Health and Well Being Compulsory for AS Single and Double Award External written examination 2 hours Students answer three compulsory questions 50 of AS 25 of AS 20 of A level 10 of A level AS 4 Safeguarding Children Compulsory for AS Double Award and A level Double Award Internal assessment Students produce a written report and an information resource for staff working in an early years setting Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 12 5 of AS 5 of A level AS 5 Adult Service Users External written examination 2 hours 25 of AS 10 of A level Students answer three compulsory questions AS 6 Holistic Therapies Compulsory for AS Double Award and A level Double Award Internal assessment Students produce a written report in the use of holistic therapies in managing a medical condition and in care settings Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 12 5 of AS 5 of A level AS 7 Understanding the Physiology of Health and Illness External written examination 2 hours Students answer three compulsory questions 25 of AS 10 of A level St Pius X College Magherafelt 27 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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HEALTH SOCIAL CARE Course Details Content A2 1 Applied Research Compulsory for A level Double Award only Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board CCEA Assessment Single Award Weightings Internal assessment Students produce a research report on a health and social care or early years topic of their own choosing Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 15 of A level Double Award Weightings 7 5 of A level A2 2 Body Systems and Physiological Disorders Compulsory for A level Double Award only Internal assessment Students produce a research report on a health and social care or early years topic of their own choosing Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 15 of A level 7 5 of A level A2 3 Providing Services Compulsory for A level Single and Double Award A2 4 Public Health and Health Promotion Compulsory for A level Double Award only External written examination Based on pre release material 2 hours Students answer three compulsory questions 30 of A level 15 of A level Internal assessment Students produce a report on public health issues and how they are being addressed in Northern Ireland undertake a health promotion activity and report their findings Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 15 of A level 7 5 of A level A2 5 Supporting the Family Compulsory for A level Double Award only Internal assessment Students produce a review of changes to family structure a case study and a report on services for families experiencing issues Teachers mark the tasks and we moderate the results 15 of A level 15 of A level A2 6 Understanding Human Behaviour External written examination 2 hours Students answer three compulsory questions n a 15 of A level A2 7 Human Nutrition and Health External written examination 2 hours Students answer three compulsory questions n a 15 of A level St Pius X College Magherafelt 28 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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HISTORY Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction Students will explore the key political economic and social events that have helped shape today s institutions governments and societies The specification aims to help students develop an interest in and enthusiasm for history build on their understanding of the past improve as effective learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds gain an understanding of the nature of historical study for example that history is concerned with interpretations based on available evidence make links and draw comparisons with and or across different periods and aspects of the past and organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways arguing a case and reaching substantiated judgments Course Details The revised GCE History specification is divided into two levels AS and A2 The AS Level can be taken as a stand alone course without progression to the A Level However students wishing to obtain the GCE qualification must complete both levels Each level AS and A2 contains two required units of study AS Units AS 1 Historical Investigations and Interpretations Germany 1918 1945 AS 2 Conflict and Change in Europe Italy A2 Units A2 1 Change Over Time Nationalism and Unionism in Ireland in the 1800s A2 2 Historical Investigations and Interpretations The Partition of Ireland 1901 1925 For each unit teachers must choose one study option see brackets above There is no coursework requirement in the revised GCE History specification Entry Requirements Grade B In GCSE History or if they haven t done History at GCSE require an A in GCSE English Language Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level History many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include academic librarian archaeologist history teacher museum curator media researcher genealogist archivist law and more St Pius X College Magherafelt 29 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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HOSPITALITY Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board Edexcel Introduction The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Hospitality provides a specialist work related programme of study for sixteen to nineteen year olds that covers some of the key knowledge and practical skills required in the sector It also offers a choice of specialist units which may be directed towards a career route the learner wishes to follow This qualification can extend a programme of study and provide a vocational emphasis for learners following a GCE route Career Prospects On successful completion of the two year course students may enter into employment within the Hospitality and Catering industry or pursue higher level qualifications such as HND Foundation Degree or Degree Course Details The Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Hospitality consists of three mandatory units plus additional specialist units that provide for the completed qualification Mandatory Units The Hospitality Industry Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance in Hospitality Leisure Travel and Tourism Providing Customer Service in Hospitality Additional Specialist units Asian Food Theory Practical European Food Theory and Practical Personal Selling and Promotional Skills in Hospitality Theory Event Organisation in Hospitality Theory Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE 6 GCSE s Grade C or above Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Hospitality many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include chef food manager restaurant employee restaurant manager catering manager accommodation manager hospitality employee St Pius X College Magherafelt 30 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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IT SINGLE AWARD Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma Level 3 Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board OCR Introduction IT is at the heart of everyday life at home work and in our leisure time from computer graphics and control systems to communications and problem solving IT has an ever increasing role to play A Cambridge Technical qualification in IT consist of a wide range of units such as installing hardware creating a website identifying an IT fault computer animation and e commerce It is an ideal foundation for students entering the workplace providing them with a theoretical background reinforced with practical skills that transfer into the modern workplace The qualification enables students to develop analytical thinking and practical skills through investigating commercial and industrial information technology systems It also promotes the skills required to use a range of software applications The course provides a sound basis for higher level studies in multimedia and information technology as well as other degree courses The course has six units the following two are mandatory and the remaining four are selected by the ICT department Communication and employability skills for IT This unit allows students to understand what an employer expects of an individual and how to communicate effectively while developing their own personal development needs Information systems This unit will ensure that students have a greater understanding of how organisations use information internally and externally The skills gained by completing this unit will give students knowledge of the functionality of information and the ability to produce management systems Future studies Students with an IT Technical qualification can use it to support applications to many Higher Education courses especially information technology based courses Direct employment opportunities are prevalent in areas such as computer aided design publishing multimedia animation designers web designers administration project management game design and business planning and systems analysis Benefits Wide choice of units including hardware software and online Includes practical activities in all units learn do review Develops transferable skills for the workplace or future studies An IT Technical qualification will appeal to students who have a lively and enquiring mind have an interest in Information Technology have a willingness to explore new ideas have an ability to communicate ideas effectively want to study a subject that will be more and more relevant in their lives at home and at work enjoy practical work and being creative Course Details Course Title Guided Learning Hours 360 OCR Result D D M P OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in IT Credits 60 Equivalent Grade A A C E UCAS Points 56 48 32 16 Students must be able to balance coursework deadlines during this course Time management is crucial as all six units are assessed through portfolio based assignment work Entry Requirements Grade B Merit In GCSE IT Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level IT Single Award many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include IT consultant cloud architect web developer software engineer computer systems analyst computer technician games designer St Pius X College Magherafelt 31 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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LIFE HEALTH SCIENCE Single Award Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board CCEA Introduction This specification aims to encourage students to develop their interest in and enthusiasm for science including developing an interest in further study and careers in research science appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society develop competence in a range of practical mathematical and problem solving skills develop and demonstrate a deeper appreciation of the skills knowledge and understanding of how science works develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other and develop advanced study skills that help them to prepare for higher education Course Details The Single Award qualification at AS level comprises three units The specification allows students to develop their subject knowledge understanding and skills It provides a firm grounding for students wishing to progress to higher education in life and health sciences or related subjects such as engineering or electronics Assessment at A2 includes elements of synoptic assessment that encourage students to develop their understanding of the subject as a whole Assessment at A2 is less structured and consequently stretches and challenges the students In AS1 Unit students develop skills in performing a range of experimental techniques useful in Biology Chemistry and Physics In A2 1 Unit students have the opportunity to demonstrate and understanding of what makes an investigation scientific They carry out research and get to choose plan and undertake a scientific investigation They will communicate their results and conclusions and evaluate their work Assessment UNIT ASSESSMENT AS 1 Experimental Techniques AS 2 Human Body Systems AS 3 Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial Processes A2 1 Scientific Method Investigation Analysis and Evaluation A2 2 Organic Chemistry A2 3 Medical Physics Internal assessment Core Unit External written examination Core Unit External written examination Core Unit Internal assessment Core Unit External written examination Core Unit External written examination Optional Unit SINGLE AWARD WEIGHTINGS 33 34 of AS or 13 34 of A level 33 33 of AS or 13 33 of A level 33 33 of AS or 13 33 of A level 20 of A level 20 of A level 20 of A level Entry Requirements DAS Grade BB SAS Grade A In addition to the above grades pupils require a minimum of Grade B in both Mathematics and English Career Pathways Biochemist Forensic Scientist Nursing Biomedical Engineer Human Nutrition Biology Environmental Science Diagnostic Radiography and Physiotherapy BUT NOT Radiotherapy and Oncology St Pius X College Magherafelt 32 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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MATHEMATICS Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction Mathematics is a challenging subject at AS and A2 level and pupils would need to be sufficiently motivated to succeed This course enables pupils to develop problem solving skills an ability to reason classify generalise and prove Mathematics is suitable for both specialists in the subject and those whose main interest lies in other spheres Course Details AS LEVEL Pupils study two units of assessments and sit an exam in each A2 LEVEL Pupils study two units of assessments and sit an exam in each All exams are calculator exams AS 1 Pure Mathematics Algebra and functions Co ordinate geometry in the plane Sequences and series Trigonometry Exponentials and logarithms Differentiation Integration Vectors External written examination 1 hour 45 mins 60 of AS 24 of A level AS 2 Applied Mathematics Quantities and units in mechanics Kinematics Forces and Newton s laws Statistical sampling Data presentation and interpretation Probability Statistical distributions External written examination 1 hour 15 mins 40 of AS 16 of A level A2 1 Pure Mathematics Algebra and functions Co ordinate geometry in the plane Sequences and series Trigonometry Exponentials and logarithms Differentiation Integration Numerical Methods External written examination 2 hours 30 mins 36 of A level A2 2 Applied Mathematics Kinematics Moments Impulse and momentum Probability Statistical Distributions Statistical hypothesis testing External written examination 1 hour 30 mins 24 of A level The Differentiation Integration and Trigonometry section in each topic is a continuation from module to module Entry Requirements Grade A by completing M4 and M8 and or C in GCSE Further Maths Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Mathematics many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include data analyst data scientist software engineer statistician accountant data scientist investment analyst St Pius X College Magherafelt 33 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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PERFORMING ARTS Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board CCEA Introduction Performing Arts is a growth industry in Northern Ireland This GCE specification gives students opportunities to research and gain insights into the industry engage with effective practice and prepare for employment further training and or study This specification has a huge emphasis on practical experience and it allows pupils to develop skills in the area of Performing Arts which they are interested in Course Details There is no written exam in this course you will be assessed 100 on practical and coursework elements AS Level Unit 1 Developing Skills and Repertoire In this unit pupils select a performance or production role and then endeavour to develop related skills This is an internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio of evidence 60 of AS 30 OF A Level Unit 2 Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Pupils plan and realise a Live performance in their chosen performance production role Externally assessed 40 of AS 30 OF A Level A2 Level Unit1 Planning for Employment Following industry practice pupils create a promotional portfolio This is an internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio of evidence 60 of A2 30 of A Level Unit 2 Performing to a Commission Brief Pupils plan and realise a Live performance in their chosen performance production role Externally assessed 40 of A2 20 of A Level Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE Drama Music or have an interest or experience in Performing Career Pathways This specification should not only be considered for those wishing to gain employment in the Performing Arts Industry A qualification like this is useful for other pathways as it suggests someone who is confident can be independent and has developed skills like leadership time management and team work St Pius X College Magherafelt 34 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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Creative Arts at SPX encourage us to experiment take risks for learning and most of all have fun St Pius X College Magherafelt 35 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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PHYSICS Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction Through studying GCE Physics students will have opportunities to develop their interest in and enthusiasm for Physics including developing an interest in further study and careers in the subject appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society develop competence in a range of practical mathematical and problem solving skills develop and demonstrate a deeper appreciation of scientific skills and knowledge and understanding of how science works develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other and develop advanced study skills that help them prepare for third level education The specification builds on the knowledge understanding and skills developed in both GCSE Double Award Science and GCSE Physics Course Details Mathematical content Knowledge understanding and skills developed within GCSE Mathematics are also relevant Students must be competent in mathematics to develop their skills knowledge and understanding of physics The A2 specification builds on the knowledge understanding and skills developed within the AS course The specification provides a firm grounding for those wishing to enter higher education courses in Physics related subjects Teaching Engineering and Electronics In most of these courses an A Level award in this subject is a prerequisite for entry The Notes for Guidance downloadable from CCEA website at www ccea org uk support teachers and students Unit Format weighting AS 1 Forces Energy and Electricity 40 of AS Level 16 of A level AS 2 Waves Photons and Astronomy 40 of AS Level 16 of A level AS 3 Practical Techniques and Data Analysis 20 of AS Level 8 of A level A2 1 Deformation of solids Thermal Physics Circular Motion Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics 24 of A Level A2 2 Fields Capacitors and Particle Physics 24 of A Level A2 3 Practical Techniques and Data Analysis 12 of A Level Entry Requirements Career Pathways DAS Grade AA In addition pupils require a minimum of Grade B in both Mathematics and English Grade A in Year 12 DAS Physics Exam By pursuing an education with A level Physics many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include engineering technology medicine research and development architects aerospace industries data scientist teaching and software industries St Pius X College Magherafelt 36 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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Together we achieve Together we succeed Together we celebrate our achievements St Pius X College Magherafelt 37 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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RELIGIOUS STUDIES Subject Pathway General Examination Board CCEA Introduction Religion plays an important role in our society and can influence what people think feel and believe Through studying Religious Studies students reflect on how religion and spirituality form the basis of a culture Religious Studies also helps students develop marketable skills and aptitudes including analytical and strategic thinking research skills critical evaluation the ability to work with abstract conceptual ideas an ability to understand both sides and negotiate and resolve conflict problem solving skills leadership skills understanding of the impact of conflicting ideologies and an appreciation of human diversity belief systems cultural and spiritual experiences Course Details Course Details GCE Religious Studies is made up of two levels AS and A2 The AS can be taken as a stand alone qualification without progression to A2 The specification has a modular structure and students are required to study two units of study at each level Students must study the same units at AS and A2 The information below highlights the units available at each level AS Units Year 13 AS 2 An Introduction to Acts of the Apostles AS 7 Foundations of Ethics with Special Reference to Issues in Medical Ethics A2 Units Year 14 A2 2 Themes in Selected Letters of St Paul A2 7 Global Ethics There is no coursework requirement for this specification There are four externally assessed examinations in GCE Religious Studies Two X 1 hour 20 minute written exams at AS Level AS 2 An Introduction to Acts of the Apostles 50 of AS or 20 of full A Level AS 7 Foundations of Ethics with Special Reference to Issues in Medical Ethics 50 of AS or 20 of full A Level Two X 2 hour written exams at A2 level A2 2 Themes in Selected Letters of St Paul 50 of A2 or 30 of full A Level A2 7 Global Ethics 50 of A2 or 30 of full A Level Entry Requirements Grade B In GCSE Religious Studies Career Pathways Religious Studies encourages logical and independent thinking Students who have taken the subject at Advanced Level have gone on to study a wide variety of Third Level options including Medicine Law Occupational Therapy Psychology Computing Teaching Social Sciences Philosophy Humanities Journalism Theology and other Arts Degrees St Pius X College Magherafelt 38 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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SOCIOLOGY Subject Pathway General Examination Board AQA Course Details This is a two year linear A level course This means three written papers are to be completed at the end of upper sixth There is NO coursework element Compulsory content 1 Education with Theory and Methods 2 Topics in Sociology Families and Households Global Development 3 Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods Assessment 3 x two hour written papers at the end of year 14 Paper 1 Education with Theory and Methods 2 hour written exam 80 marks 33 3 of A level Paper 2 Topics in Sociology Families and Households Global Development 2 hour written exam 80 marks 33 3 of A level Paper 3 Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods 2 hour written exam 80 marks 33 3 of A level THERE IS NO CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT IN THIS A LEVEL ALL MARKS ARE ACHIEVED THROUGH WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS Entry Requirements GCSE Sociology B and above OR English Literature B AND English Language B Consideration will be given to pupils with ONLY GCSE English Language if they have achieved a A in an alternative literacy based subject such as History or RE Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Sociology many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include advice worker sociology teacher guidance counsellor social worker social researcher policy officer international aid worker policing criminologist St Pius X College Magherafelt 39 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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SPORT SINGLE AWARD OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in Sport Subject Pathway Applied Examination Board OCR Introduction Cambridge Technical Level 3 qualifications are designed for students aged 16 19 years old wanting to specialise in the wider contexts of coaching skills techniques tactics anatomy and physiology Students will study 7 units over the two year years these will include a mixture of compulsory and optional units Compulsory units include anatomy and physiology current issues in sport and the physiology of fitness Optional units include nutrition for sport marketing sports therapy leadership in sport sport as a business fitness testing and practical participation They are ideal for the workplace due to the combination of transferable theoretical and practical skills This qualification also enables students to develop other skills such as critical thinking communication leadership and motivating others Cambridge Technicals are exam free so suit all learning styles There s no external assessment They include hands on practical experience based on real life scenarios UCAS tariff points are available at Level 3 to support progression to higher education Students are expected to produce a portfolio of work over the two years each unit is assessed internally on tasks for each unit this work is then externally moderated This course suits students who can meet deadlines and work independently This course is both practical and theoretical by nature and would be designed to suit students who have a background in sport Course Details Grading The UNITS are graded Pass Merit or Distinction The overall qualification is graded as P M D D NB Learners must pass each unit in order to pass the qualification Entry Requirements Grade C In GCSE English preferably have GCSE PE and passed their GCSE Science Career Pathways By pursuing an education with A level Sport Single Award many different career pathways will open up for you Some of the career pathways which you can expect to open up for you include fitness centre manager personal trainer sports teacher exercise physiologist coach sports therapist sports administrator sports psychologist St Pius X College Magherafelt 40 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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The support from St Pius X College over the past few years has been terrific I would highly recommend SPX to any pupil who wants to excel in both academia and sport St Pius X College Magherafelt 41 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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NEW ERA ACADEMY Interview Technique Level 3 Enhancement Qualification Subject Pathway Enhancement Examination Board NEA Course Details This qualification earns between 6 and 12 UCAS points but is not a GCE Pass 6 UCAS Points Merit 10 UCAS Points Distinction 12 UCAS Points An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee Interviews are a standard part of qualitative research They are also used in journalism and media reporting and in various employment related contexts such as a job interview Those wishing to attend further education may be interviewed to secure their place at college or university The NEA Interview Technique syllabus takes Learners through a process where they will learn the important aspects of taking part in an interview and the importance of self presentation A successful interviewee will be able to engage interest possibly persuade and inform their interviewer sharing their thoughts and ideas with clarity of thought confidence and ease These examinations are suitable for schools colleges universities youth and government organisations as well as stage schools acting dance and drama schools Those interested in these examinations may also be interested in the Skills for Life Workshops and Examinations Learning and Development NEA s Interview Technique syllabus builds self confidence and self esteem speaking and listening skills as well as clarity of thought the syllabus taking them through CV Writing Preparing for and taking part in a formal interview Learning interview techniques Presentation Skills Public Speaking Relaxation Techniques Receiving constructive and encouraging feedback Please note it is the sole prerogative of each Higher Further Educational Institution to determine whether they accept this qualification for entry to a specific course or programme St Pius X College Magherafelt 42 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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NEW ERA ACADEMY Performance Skills Level 3 Enhancement Qualification Subject Pathway Enhancement Examination Board NEA Course Details This qualification can earn up to 30 UCAS points but is NOT a GCE Learners would be expected to have an interest or previous experience in this area Having been assessed by the teacher pupils will be advised as to what Graded Exam they should enter for Grade 6 8 will earn between 6 and 30 UCAS points The range of exams is vast including Speech and Drama Recital Public Speaking Shakespeare Sight Reading etc Grading UCAS Points awarded depend on the Grade and the award of Pass Merit or distinction 6 30 Points Progression Besides the value of additional UCAS points for entry to further education These exams are also valuable for CV enhancement and transferrable skills development The syllabi promote the development of confidence independence self esteem and communication skills all of which are useful for the world of work and interviews Please note it is the sole prerogative of each Higher Further Educational Institution to determine whether they accept this qualification for entry to a specific course or programme St Pius X College Magherafelt 43 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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COPE CERTIFICATE OF PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Level 3 Enhancement Qualification Subject Pathway Enhancement Examination Board NEA Course Details This qualification earns 16 UCAS points but is not a GCE The aims of the qualification are to enable candidates to develop and demonstrate a range of personal key and employability skills leading to personal effectiveness to broaden experience and manage learning through the enrichment activities to receive formal recognition and accreditation for the above In order to earn the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness candidates must complete three challenges through which evidence of skill development in six areas is demonstrated to level 3 This involves three main strands taking responsibility for planning organizing and carrying out a number of activities or challenges and evidencing this work in a portfolio developing and evidencing the three wider key skills of working with others improving own learning and performance and problem solving at level 3 developing and evidencing three other skills based on the Communication key skill at level 3 of planning and carrying out a piece of research communicating through discussion and planning and giving an oral presentation criteria enclosed Points to consider Course assessment is based entirely on coursework Final accreditation is worth 16 UCAS points Relevant to those students who wish to pursue higher education places where there is great demand i e Law Teaching Humanities etc The additional qualification or UCAS points may make the difference in attaining a place Please note it is the sole prerogative of each Higher Further Educational Institution to determine whether they accept this qualification for entry to a specific course or programme Career Pathways Besides the value of additional UCAS points for entry to further education These exams are also valuable for CV enhancement and transferrable skills development The syllabi promote the development of confidence independence self esteem and communication skills all of which are useful for the world of work and interviews St Pius X College Magherafelt 44 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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A GUIDE TO FURTHER HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Our SPX Community creates a vibrant and positive atmosphere where we support each other St Pius X College Magherafelt 45 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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A GUIDE TO FURTHER HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS 0 0 1 23 51 1 5 6 001234567589 7 4 317 4 7 4 9 2 75 9 47 7 9 7 7 4 0 0 0 0 9 5 0 9 6 9 0 9 909 9 09 1 0 6 9 2 5 2 9 2 2 5 2 8 2 5 9 2 5 2 012 11 1 1 14 012 012 4 0 6 012 11 11 1 1 9 6 9 012 012 11 012 11 1 1 11 9 6 9 012 11 0012 3 4 5 3456 7 8 39 2 3456 6 39 4 7 39 7 6 0 5 7 0 5 7 6 5 009 6 7 09 6 7 0 5 6 7 7 0 5 7 39 4 6 39 4 0 5 39 44 6 7 0 5 7 0 5 7 8 4 6 8 4 34567 6 1 7 39 2 3456 7 9 9 11 1 012 6 7 0012 1 89 9 9 7 2 5 9 09 6 34567 9 9 4 5 3 3456 9 2 5 7 3 4 5

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A GUIDE TO FURTHER HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS 4 6 9 4 9 4 6 9 4 9 6 4 9 5 4 9 9 49 9 9 5 6 6 9 9 6 5 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 5 012 012 11 012 11 9 6 9 012 11 9 6 9 012 11 1 1 012 11 012 11 012 11 5 7 9 7 1424 5 9 4 5 7 9 7 57142 5 9 4 012 11 11 11 7 0 5 7 0 5 7 8 2 6 8 4 0 5 6 7 7 0 5 7 0 5 6 8 4 7 6 7 0 5 A 0 9 0B 39 6 8 4 7 8 4 0 5 8 44 6 7 3456 7 39 0 9 012 39 2 9 11 6 7 5 6 7 5 7 6 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 7 0 5 4 0 0 3456 4 6 5 5 9 9 7 6 3 9 6 94 6 1 5 4 9 7 4 4 9 5 4 9 8 5 7 1 5 2

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A GUIDE TO FURTHER HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS 5 012 6 7 012 11 7 39 2 1 9 9 5 11 012 4 0 6 1 1 9 9 9 1 1 9 9 6 9 012 3 9 3 9 39 012 11 012 11 1 1 9 012 11 7 6 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 7 9 6 7 3 9 3 9 6 7 09 6 9 9 9 7 4 0 6 1 1 9 6 9 11 6 7 6 7 6

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A GUIDE TO FURTHER HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 5 9 1 4 9 7 9 6 6 9 6 9 7 5 95 11 1 1 012 11 012 1 1 11 11 012 11 11 1 1 012 11 11 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 012 6 8 39 4 1 7 3 39 4 1 0 5 6 7 0 5 7 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 7 6 3 39 4 7 3 39 4 6 7 6 7 39 4 3456 7 6 0 5 6 7 0 5 6 4 7 6 7 0 5 6 7 6 7 9 2 5 4 9 5 2 5 3 9 2 5 4 9 2 5 8 5 9 5 1 7 4 9 1 9 5 2 9 99 8 5 7 0 5 6F 6 96 46 26 6 9490 7 9 5 6F 6 96 46 26 6 9490 9 7 0 0 4 9 0 2 0 6 9 9 4 9 7 9 5 9 9 0 0 9 5 7 1 9 4 4 9 4 9 6 9 6F 6 96 46 5 3

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NOTES St Pius X College Magherafelt 52 www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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SPX Sixth Form where the energy is inspiring the approach inclusive and the emphasis is on being the best you that you can be St Pius X College Magherafelt www stpiusxcollege org Tel 028 796 32186

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St Pius X College 59 Moneymore Road Magherafelt Co Derry BT45 6HQ T 028 7963 2186 F 028 7963 2573 E info stpiusx magherafelt ni sch uk W www stpiusxcollege org Review Amendments The information in this prospectus is published subject to review and amendment as and when necessary Any changes in respect of any matter mentioned in this publication and known before the end of June 2024 will be published in the 2024 25 Homework Diary Any amendments thereafter will be conveyed to parents guardians by leaflets sent home with students 24118 IEDPrint T 028 9041 9005