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Stockard Employee Handbook 24-25

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Leveling up for High AcademicAchievement 2024-2025HANDBOOKSTAFF

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3CONTENTSTABLE OFWelcome MessageActivity FundsAbsence Reporting (Staff)Clinic ProceduresCompliance TrainingsCommitteesCommunicationDress Code, Grooming & Tobacco UseSchool wide informationAddendum

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MESSAGEPRINCIPAL'SWelcome back, Dear Teachers and Staff! As we embark on a new school year, we arethrilled to kick off a year with continued growth and exciting possiblities. I am pleased with the results that have continued to propell StockardMiddle School to new heights for the last 5 years. This year prepare to LEVEL UP together as a team! Page 3Nikki HudsonPrincipal

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VISIONMISSIONPage 4Stockard will be the premier, choice middleschool creating transformational changesouth of the Trinity.L.V. Stockard Middle School exists to erase theopportunity gap in our community througheducational and equitable practices.

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RECOGNITIONPage 5Teacher of the YearTeacher of PromiseNehemie Dorce (2023-2024)Francisco Mancia (2023-2024)

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OUR BELIEFS●WE Believe in a Culture of Equity and Excellence●WE Believe in Purposeful and Rigorous Instruction●WE Believe in College & Career Readiness●WE Believe in Nurturing the Whole Child●WE BELIEVE our scholars will AchieveTHEME/ MOTTOPage 6VALUESOUR

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Name Position Email Office # Cell # Nikki Hudson  Principal 972.794.5705 214-384-3457 Marco Gonzalez Assistant Principal 972.794.5707 972-757-0119 Lisa Smith Assistant Principal 972.794.5755 214.663.9773 EdgardoVillalobosSPED 972-794-5716 469-859-6608Pierre FleurinorReset Coordinatorpfleurinor@dallasisd.org281-633-1291CONTACTIMPORTANTPage 6

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Name Position Phone Number Lilia Thompson Office Manager 972-794-5706 Dominga Cordero Office Clerk 972-794-5720 Natalie Sible Financial Clerk 972-794-5702 Carol Hammond 7th grade Counselor 972-794-5755 Lakonia Green 8th grade Counselor 972-794-5722 Gasper Barrios Facilities Supervisor 214-604-5745 LaTonya Russell School Nurse 972-794-5715 Vivian Johnson Nurse Assistant 972-794-5719 Monica Mendoza Data Controller 972-794-5710 Brenda Alegria Registrar 972-794-5709 Martha Robledo Parent/Community 972-794-5708 Shaquita Jackson Cafeteria Manager 972-794-5728 CONTACTIMPORTANTPage 6

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STOCKARD STAFF DAILY SCHEDULEDoors open for students at 8:00 a.m.School Hours: 8:35-3:55Teachers & Counselors 8:00 a.m. – 4:10 p.m. (Except for mandatory Professional Development/ Meetings onMondays) Financial Clerk (7:45 – 4:00)Office Manager/CRC/Data Controller 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Parent Instructor 7:45 – 4:30 (Except PTO and SBDM meeting days) Teacher Assistants, Monitors (See TA/ Support Schedule) Morning Arrival/ Dismissal (Students)Before School: Morning Duty begins at 8:00 a.m. for designated staff (see duty schedule). Students will be admitted into thebuilding beginning at 8:00 am to go to the following Morning Arrival locations:6th Grade 6th grade students will enter the building through the South auditorium doors from 8:00am 8:35am. Students will pick up their breakfast and wait in the auditorium where they will sit in sections by 1st period teacher.7th grade 7th grade students will enter the building through the North auditorium doors from 8:00 am 8:35am. Students will pick up their breakfast and wait in the cafeteria where they will sit at tables labeled by 1st period teacher.8th grade 8th grade students will enter the building through the breezeway doors from 8:00am – 8:35am. Students will pick up breakfast from the kiosk, eat, and wait in the gyms where they will sit in rows labeled by their 1st / 2nd period teacher (A/B day).Teachers/sponsors desiring to meet with students before school will meet individuals or groups at an establishedtime and place.Teachers will pick up their students from the morning arrival location by 8:20 am.Teachers will walk students to their classrooms and greet students as they enter the room.

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Page 6Instruction Begins Promptly at 8:35 AM Students arriving after 8:30 am must enter the school through the auditorium entrance until 9:00 a.m. Late passes will begiven for late arrivals (Note: Teachers must mark these students as ‘T’ for Tardy). After 9:00 a.m. all students will enterthrough the entrance by the main office.Dismissal:Beginning at 3:40 p.m.: An Announcement will be made, “All Bus Riders report to the auditorium.” Approximately 5minutes later, we will begin calling for classes. Teachers are to wait for the announcement before releasing students.Stagger dismissal for the rest (see below): Group 1:At this time, 6th grade hallways (1st floor, you may dismiss...At this time, 8th Grade Hallways-1st floor, you may dismiss...Group 2:At this time, 8th grade wing -2nd floor, and classes near the cafeteria... You may dismiss.Group 3: At this time, 7th grade wing (2nd floor), You may dismiss.·(Note: Please follow exit routes)Teachers are expected to follow the campus wide dismissal procedures. Any student who has not cleared the campus by4:00 PM must be escorted to the auditorium, where teacher assistants or other personnel will be on duty. Teachers willdismiss students who participate in after-school activities to their designated pick up location. Teacher assistants will callparents for pick up. Students remaining after 4:00 PM should be taken to the office. All students participating in after-school activities MUST exit the building with their classes and follow their after-schoolsponsor/ or teacher for meet-up location. Students who remain on campus after school hours for tutoring or extra-curricular activities must be under the direct supervision of the teacher/staff member in charge. Note:If a child misbehaves during after-school activities and is unable to continue participating in the after-school activity,the student is to remain with the teacher for the remainder of the activity. (Note: Please contact parent and let them knowabout the behavior and that their child will not be able to continue their participation in your activity, etc.

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Page 6ACCIDENTS/INJURYAdult AccidentsTeachers and staff members must report all accidents to the school nurse and office manager immediately.District policy mandates that a report be completed within 24 hours of the accident. This report will serve asdocumentation required in the event it becomes necessary to file for Workman’s Compensation. Student Accidents Anytime a student or adult is injured, the office and nurse must be immediately notified. Do not attempt to movea student who has fallen and cannot get up on their own. Allow the nurse to make the decision regarding thechild’s movement. Incident Report Forms are available in the main office. It is better to err on the side of caution instead of getting aphone call from a parent. Send the student to the nurse if you have any doubt! (Note: Teachers/ or staff are NOTto call parents if a child is sick, etc.All phone calls regarding accidents/ injuries/ or illnesses will come from theschool nurse or office).ACTIVITY FUNDS & ACCOUNTSActivity Funds are those monies collected by students and school personnel for school purposes,for school-related purposes, or for charitable, welfare, or other approved agencies. The principal isresponsible for collecting, controlling, disbursing, and accounting for all school activity funds. Allpersonnel who engage in fundraising activities are required to attend the Fundraising Meeting atthe beginning of the school year. The activity account books are audited at the close of each school year. In order to avoidaccounting discrepancies or errors, please adhere to the following guidelines: All requests for checks must be in writing and approved by the principal and Board ofControl. A sponsor or staff member cannot request a check to be written against an account unlessadequate funds are available to cover the amount of the request. All requests must bereviewed by the Board of Control (BOC) before orders are placed. Money should be turned in to the Principal’s Office before 2:00 each day. DO NOT HOLDMONEY FOR A “LUMP SUM” deposit. Monies must be turned in daily. Adequate documentation of purchases must be maintained. All invoices, receipts or otherproof of purchases and payments must be turned in to the Office Manager in a timelymanner.

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Page 6It is mandatory to receive approval from the Principal and Board of Control before purchasing anymerchandise, ordering any items, etc., for which you expect reimbursement from the individual activityaccount. Note: Reimbursement will not be granted unless prior approval has been secured. A sponsor or staff member is responsible for students’ understanding of their obligations when they acceptmerchandise to be sold. A sponsor or staff member cannot purchase items with personal checks and expect reimbursement withoutprior approval from the principal and Board of Control. Fund-raising activities by school groups, such as Band, Athletics, Student Council, etc., must have theapproval of the principal and the associate superintendent well in advance of the activity. There is no salestax to be paid on food items for fund-raising. Accounting systems will be worked out in advance by thegroup sponsor. Fundraisers need to be planned in advance and submitted for approval four weeks beforethe fundraiser is set to begin. NO ITEMS MAY BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO STUDENTS WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THEPRINCIPAL MONIES ARE NOT TO BE LEFT IN ROOMS OR OFFICES OVERNIGHT FOR ANYREASON! REQUIREMENT: Each sponsor or staff member who collects monies must attend the annual ActivityAccount training session held at Stockard at the beginning of the school year. ASSEMBLIESAssemblies are a regular scheduled part of the curriculum and as such are designed to be educational as well asentertaining experiences. They also provide one of the few opportunities in school for students to learn formalaudience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the student body be respectfuland appreciative. In live entertainment, unlike radio, television, or movies, the performers are very conscious oftheir audience. It is the individual teacher's responsibility to instruct students that all talking, whispering,whistling, stamping of feet, and booing are discourteous. Teachers are to quietly escort their individual classesto the assembly site. In addition, teachers are expected to effectively supervise and redirect their class andsurrounding students. Teachers should check roll at each assembly and upon returning to the classroom. All assemblies must be approved by the principal a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.

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Page 6ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE POLICY (FACULTY & STAFF) (TEI Domain 4:Professionalism & Collaboration – Indicator 4.1)Call-in Procedure How to interact with the Absent Management System:Absence Reporting: You can interact with the Absent Management System via the internet at District employees only Here, you will be able to enter absences, review past and scheduled absences, update your assignment title, and utilizeother features. Enhanced features include uploading lesson plans, leaving notes to substitutes and providing performancefeedback.Confirmation of Absence: Upon entering an absence, wait for the confirmation number before terminating the phone callor closing your internet browser window. The transaction is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.Absence Reporting Time is Critical: Please remain mindful that absences entered into the AbsenceManagement System after 10:00 p.m., same day request, and one to two days before the start of an absence isthe most difficult to fulfill. Continuing Absences When you are absent, you must call the school before 2:15 pm that day to indicate whether or not you will be returningthe next day. If you will not be coming in, you must submit an absence for the additional days you will be absent.Jury DutyIf you are called for jury duty, follow the same procedure as for any other absence. Indicate your reason as “jury duty”when prompted by the system. Submit an absence for each day you serve jury duty. When you return to school, you mustbring the notice from the court bailiff showing the number of days and the dates you served jury duty and turn it in to theoffice. If you do not bring in the notice from the court bailiff, your time will be recorded as Prolonged Illness If you are absent from work five or more consecutive days, you must request a leave of absence from Benefits Outlookand submit it for approval, along with your physician’s signature. This is district policy.Illness of a Family MemberIf you need to be off from work because you need to care for a family member, you must request a Family HardshipLeave from the Benefits Outlook department. Return to Work All leaves of absences require a Return to Work email which will be sent by the Benefits Department. Please ensure youare cleared before returning to work.

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Page 6Absence Reporting- Faculty and Staff Domain 4 All faculty and staff must record an absence on AESOP via the Internet or telephone and contact both theirevaluator and Assistant Principal, Ms. Smith to report all absences. To report an absence go to and log in by entering your employee ID # (which must bepreceded by enough zeros to form an eight digit number) and your home zip code as your pin. After you havelogged in, click on the “Create an Absence” link in the menu options area of the screen and follow the prompts.If you do not have access to the internet, the telephone number for the Sub System is (800) 942-3767. Be sure to state the reason for the absence (personal illness, personal business, jury duty, death in the family, etc.)This information is needed to complete the payroll. If you are going to be absent on that day and did not notify your evaluator and Ms. Smith the previous schoolday, you must email, call or text Ms. Smith and your evaluator between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Same dayabsences should only occur in emergency situations. In certain cases, patterns of absences or frequent same daycall-ins will result in administrative action. If you will be out additional consecutive days, please call, text or email both your evaluator and Ms. Smith by 2:00p.m. on the first day you are out. You must also enter your absence in AESOP. All teachers must attempt to contact and reserve their preferred substitute to cover their absence. The office willonly reserve substitutes for approved absences, emergencies, or in the cases where all options have beenexhausted. If you know in advance that you will be out, please notify both your evaluator and Ms. Smith ASAP via email.Also, refer to the Absence Schedule Limitations section. Reminder: Employees receive 5 local days and 5 state days yearly. Absences are deducted from local days first,followed by state days. Biometric Clock Domain 1 All faculty and staff must sign in using the Biometric Clock. The biometric clock is located in the main office. All staffmust sign in each day (support staff must sign in and out). Chronic failure to use the biometric clock will result indisciplinary action. Faculty and Staff Hours Domain 1 Teacher work hours for the 2024-2025 school year will be from 8:00am-4:10 pm on non-duty days. TeacherAssistants and support staff will clock in according to their assigned schedule. Faculty and staff must adhere to theirassigned duty schedule.

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Page 6Student Work During Absences Domain 4 Teachers must compile a  Substitute Teacher Folder to be used during the time of an absence. This folder will only beused for non-planned emergency absences. The folder should contain, but is not limited to: Emergency procedures POD or buddy teacher contact information Seating Charts Bell Schedule Student Expectations Classroom Schedule Sufficient number of copies for your students of at least 3 different activities with instructions. For scheduled absences, student work for planned absences should be in your classroom ready for the sub no later than4:00 prior to the day of your absence. It should include: Emergency procedures POD or buddy teacher contact information Seating Charts Bell Schedule Student Expectations Classroom Schedule Any copies students will need Complete instructions for the assignment Other Absence Reasons Domain 4 Any additional absence reasons must be requested on the Request to Leave form and accompanied by supportingdocumentation for approval. Please submit the “Absence” form as soon as possible. Once approved, Ms. Thompson willenter the absence into AESOP. The following are the most common absence reasons that must go through the approvalprocess: Approved Absences Death in Family Jury Duty Leave of Absences Training Half-Day Absences Domain 4 All teachers of record requesting a half day am or pm must secure a substitute by calling them directly or find coverage fortheir classes by asking their fellow colleagues. You must also notify your evaluator and Ms. Smith as quickly as possible

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Page 6before placing the sub request in AESOP. Before leaving the classroom, it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensurethat coverage has been secured for their classroom. Absence Before and After HolidaysThe day before/ after a holiday are considered campus blackout days, meaning these days are not available for absencerequests. (Approvals will be given for emergency situations). Excessive Absences Domain 4 In accordance with DEC REGULATION, When an employee's absences and/or tardies become a performance concernand/or establish a pattern, such absences may be considered excessive. If absences and/or tardies are deemed excessive,the employee may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Absences by anemployee on an approved leave, accrued compensatory or vacation time are not considered excessive. PLC Attendance Domain 4 A Collaborative Planning time has been provided for all teachers. Teachers are required to attend and be activeparticipants in the collaborative planning meetings. Faculty/Staff Meeting Attendance Domain 4 All teachers are required to attend the faculty meetings. Faculty must attend all faculty/staff meetings unlessarrangement/approval has been made through Ms. Hudson. Faculty/staff meetings will be held on Mondays and willbegin promptly at 4:05pm and end by 5:00. Per district policy principals may call one 90-minute professionaldevelopment or two 45-minute professional developments a week. A sign-in sheet for the meeting will serve asdocumentation of attendance. Reference for additional information on Benefits and Absences For additional information on faculty and staff benefits and absences, please visit the staff resources page on the DallasISD website at Signing Out or Leaving Early During the School Day Domain 4 All faculty and staff members are to remain in school during their scheduled workday. All visits to physicians and dentistsshould be scheduled outside of school hours. If a faculty or staff member must leave the campus during the school day,they must notify their evaluator and complete the Exempt/ Nonexempt. A signature must be obtained prior to leavingcampus. Requests to leave early should be kept to a minimum. If the staff member will be out for more than an hour, they may be required to use a half or full day of personal time sothat we may request an emergency substitute.

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Page 6Approved AbsencesIf you will be absent for an “Approved Absent, Professional Development and/or Training,” you must first receivewritten approval from Ms. Hudson at least 48 hours in advance. Ms. Hudson will notify Ms. Thompson to secure asubstitute teacher for your class. This does not include approved long-term medical leaves. Attendance report forms (exempt, non-exempt forms) must be completed and submitted weekly for failure to clockin/out and/or attendance corrections. This is the responsibility of the employee. (TEI Domain IV) ATTENDANCE REPORTING (STUDENTS) (TEI Domain 4: Professionalism & Collaboration – Indicator 4.2)Daily Attendance Submitting student attendance is an important compliance piece that directly affects all the stakeholders on campus.Please check attendance each period and accurately record student absences and tardies in PowerSchool within the first 10minutes of class. Student Tardy/Absence Allotted Time The students will be given 3 minutes to transition from class to class. Please do not hold students after class as a punitivemeasure. If the student arrives between the 4th minute and 9th minute, he/she should be marked tardy. Any student arriving who misses more than half the class should be marked absent (Use the bell schedule as areference). Any student arriving tardy to class must sign the teacher’s Tardy Log for documentation purposes. The Tardy Logshould be turned into the Attendance Office at the end of each six weeks. Students who are with an administrator or in any school office should sign in and out with that office to ensure thattheir attendance is corrected. It is the responsibility of the grade level administrator to provide students with a pass back to class. Students Leaving Early Students who leave campus MUST check out through the Attendance Office. Teachers are not to call a parent orguardian to request that they pick up their student for any reason. If a student is ill, the nurse will make the finaldetermination whether the student should remain in school or go home. Students should not be allowed to call home torequest that their parents pick them up.

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Page 6·AWARDS/SPECIAL RECOGNITION/STUDENT INCENTIVESStudent of the Week or Month RecognitionEach week our counselors will recognize students from a different grade level. Grade level teachers will collaborate toselect a student by completing the google form. The nominated student will receive a certificate, have their picture takenand posted in our parent newsletter as our Level Up Student of the Week.” Quarter Grade Cycle Spirit RallyFollowing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter cycle, there will be a Stockard Rally to celebrate/recognize students.End of the Year Awards AssemblyThe end of the year awards assembly will recognize students for their achievements throughout the school year. We willinclude the grading cycle awards and additional awards. There will be an end of year award/ assembly for each gradelevel.Note: We will collaborate as a team to develop a culture of celebration for our staff and students. Faculty & Staff RecognitionEach month teachers and staff members will nominate a faculty member for the “LEVEL UP” Award. This recognitionwill be given to an individual who is leading the way with our campus goals (Tier 1 Instruction, Data Systems, or Cultureof Joy). Additionally a variety of faculty and staff celebrations will take place throughout the year. Each month the Green Team will organize a monthly social activity (off-campus).

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Page 6AUDITORIUM & ASSEMBLY REQUESTAny staff member wishing to use the auditorium must use the link to check the availability of the auditorium (form isupdated by Mr. Sheppard), and send a request to Ms. Smith a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Note: Anytime the auditorium is used it must be cleaned and all items returned to their original place. BOARD OF CONTROL The purpose of the Board of Control (BOC) committee is to assist the principal in ensuring activity funds are managed inaccordance with district approved guidelines and procedures prescribed in the Activity Funds Manual, Board Policies andTexas Education Agency’s (TEA) “Financial Accountability System Resource Guide.” The intent of the Board of Controlis to establish a higher level of accountability for activity funds.The principal is personally responsible for the proper collection, disbursement and control of activity funds. The Board ofControl shall assist the principal with monitoring the operations and maintenance of the school’s activity funds. Inaddition, the BOC committee shall help ensure all funds raised by student organizations are properly monitored,deposited and expended for the benefit of all student participants. Additional information regarding the B.O.C. can befound in the B.O.C. Procedures Manual. BULLETIN BOARDS Bulletin boards are very important teaching devices and should be planned with care. Bulletin boards may consist ofcurrent student work samples (preferred), artwork, data, positive quotes, and special projects aligned with thecurriculum & instruction for each quarter. Teacher assistants will be assigned hallways to help lead and maintainbulletin boards. Student work should be neat and reflect standards of excellence. Worksheets may not be posted onbulletin boards. Hallway postings/displays should be changed every quarter. CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP)The CIP is the working plan for addressing the needs of our students, developed collaboratively by L.V. Stockardcommunity stakeholders. It includes objective data on the status of our students’ learning, strategies for addressing needs,a timeline for completion/implementation, persons responsible, and evidence of implementation. The CIP directs alllesson planning, programmatic decisions, budgetary allocations, and personnel utilization.All faculty and staff members are expected to be knowledgeable of the contents of the Campus Improvement Plan and toshow evidence that these strategies are being used in their lesson plansThe Admin Team, teachers, parents, community/ support staff will provide leadership in the development of the CampusImprovement Plan. All staff are responsible for implementing and monitoring the campus improvement plan.

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Page 6CELLULAR PHONES/ELECTRONIC DEVICES (STAFF)Employee Standards of Conduct – DH (Local)The following shall apply to the use of cellular phones in school buildings: All staff members may use cellular phones for business calls, including parent contacts, only during planning periodsand other off-duty times during the instructional day. Staff members may not text, make or receive phone calls in any setting during times where students are present...thisincludes Hallways. Personal calls may not be made or received during class periods. Cellular phones shall remain on silent or vibrateduring instructional time.Note: If you have a personal or family EMERGENCY situation that would necessitate the use of your cell phone, notifyPrincipal Hudson per a note or e-mail on the day that the use of the cell phone may be required.Use of a cellular phone by students must remain in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. CELL PHONES (STUDENTS)Campus administrators shall have the discretion to determine the appropriate use of cellular phones during theinstructional day and for students participating in extracurricular activities while on school property or while attendingschool-sponsored or school-related activities on or off school property. However, all cellular phones must be turned offduring instructional time. Students must turn in cell phones to teachers before the start of each class. The teacher mustreturn the cell phone before the end of the class period (Cell phones must be turned in to the main office and are not tobe left in classrooms overnight). It is important that teachers develop a system for securing cell phones. The District is notliable for lost or stolen cell phones. All confiscated phones must be turned in to the principal’s office immediately, ifpossible, or as soon as practicable the day the phone is confiscated. All staff members must place confiscated cell phonesin a secure location. Once the cell phone has been confiscated, the following procedure will be used to return the device: 1. The first time a cell phone is confiscated, parents/guardians may pick it up with no fee assessed. 2. The second time a cell phone is confiscated, an administrative fee of $5 will be charged before the device can bereturned. Parents/guardians will be notified that the student’s device has been confiscated for the second time. 3. If a cell phone is confiscated a third time, an administrative fee of $10 will be charged before the device can bereturned. 4. If a cell phone is confiscated a fourth time, an administrative fee of $15 will be charged before the device can bereturned. Any device not claimed by September 1 following the end of the school year will be disposed of according toFNCE(LEGAL). 5. Any student refusing to give the device to school personnel will be subject to Level I disciplinary consequences. Forsafety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal telecommunication devices such as, cellular phones andpagers/beepers. However, such devices shall not be visible and shall remain off during instructional time unless approvedby the teacher or administrator. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED BY ALL SCHOOL PERSONNEL.All confiscated phones must be turned in to the principal’s office immediately, if possible, or as soon as practicable theday the phone is confiscated.

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Page 6CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT: Your Rights and Reporting Responsibilities(ALWAYS ALERT THE PRINCIPAL OF ANY CONCERN ABOUT POSSIBLE CHILD ABUSE)It is the Child Protective Services' (CPS) position that school personnel should NOT investigate allegations or suspicionsof abuse or neglect. This is a Department of Family and Protective Services's responsibility. As soon as the schoolemployee has pertinent information concerning the alleged or suspected abuse or neglect, a report must be made.All cases of alleged Child Abuse and Neglect must be reported immediately to CPS and/or Law Enforcement.Follow these steps to ensure Dallas I S D reporting procedures are followed.Making a ReportIf the child is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 first then call the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400If the child is NOT in immediate danger, make a report to CPS using the hotline or the abuse website and / or call Local Law Enforcement.Please note: (1) It is courtesy to inform the campus administrator when a CPS report is being filed regarding a non-employee (whodoes not serve as consultant or campus volunteer). Many times, CPS caseworkers will follow-up with the campusadministrators regarding students on their campus.(2) It is mandatory to inform the campus administrator when a CPS report is being filed regarding an employee,consultant or campus volunteer. A copy of the Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Form must be submitted to the campusadministrator. Failure to report by school personnel shall be considered good cause for termination of employment. Teachers,administrators, or other employees who make a report in good faith are immune from civil or criminal liability.Emotional Abuse Avoid rude remarks or speaking to students in a harsh tone of voice. This is abuse and will not be tolerated. Do notembarrass students in front of peers. This leads to emotional abuse and will affect rapport and relationships. Talk tostudents in a private place. Yelling and embarrassing students must be avoided at all times. Remember this is a safe andwelcoming climate for all.Corporal Punishment Avoid the physical punishment of students at all times. Hostile contact with students (jerking, pinching, shaking, hitting,etc.) must never be used.Only make physical contact with students to protect the student or others. If restraint is ever necessary report it to theoffice so that proper documentation is completed and restraint training is set up.Failure to comply with this policy may result in suspension without pay or dismissal.Bullying The district bullying policy forbids all forms of bullying, regardless of where it may be happening in classrooms, outdoorsat school, field trips or other school sponsored activities. Students and teachers are required to report all suspectedbullying actions.

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Page 6CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (Domain 3)The classroom environment and atmosphere sets the tone for instruction. Established routines and structures arepertinent to the success of your students and yourself. Just as important is the rapport and respect you as the facilitator ofthe learning has with all of your students. Effective and engaging instruction through a safe, secure, and respectfulenvironment is the standard at L.V. Stockard Middle SchoolAs part of the classroom environment, teachers are required to post certain items in the classroom and to have certaindocuments available such as exemplars for review by administrators at all times.Posted in Classrooms The following must be posted in all classrooms:Lesson Objective (on bulletin board)Success Criteria (on bulletin board)Daily Agenda (on bulletin board)Classroom expectations/ Reward/ Consequences Emergency procedures and map of exits (near door)Current student workLevel Up PlacardData Wall(See Classroom Checklist for more details)Additionally...Classroom doors must remain open during instructional timeClassroom must be well lit with the lights on (No dark classrooms)Maintain professionalism during instructional time. Your colleagues are not to visit with you during instructional time.Classrooms must remain clutter-free

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Page 6CLASSROOM MANAGEMENTPlease see the PAWS matrix and PAWS posterClassroom Rules Each classroom teacher will have class rules, rewards and consequences displayed. Go over the rules with studentsmaking sure they understand the type of behavior you are expecting of them. Review the rules on a regular basis toreinforce the behavior you expect.Rewards Next to the classroom rules, teachers should post a list of the types of rewards students can anticipate for followingclassroom rules. These can be praise, stickers, special privileges, positive note to parents, etc.Consequences Along with the rules and rewards, teachers are to post a list of the types of consequences students can anticipate for notfollowing the classroom rules. These may include loss of privileges, detention, notes to parents, parent conferences, etc.Teachers are expected to use positive behavioral intervention while not overstating the negative. Students being removedfrom class should be a last resort. The Code of Conduct limits the consequences we can invoke. Often times it will notallow for suspension, which means students will return to class. Setting consequences that will encourage improvedbehavior is the expectation. CLINIC PROCEDURESThe school nurse is here to serve students and staff and may be reached in the clinic at (972)-794-5715. She has theresponsibility to attend to student health problems, perform health screenings on every student, monitor immunizationrequirements, maintain comprehensive health records on every student and provide temporary and emergency care to illor injured students and employees. Students should not bring medicine to school unless it is prescribed by a doctor(Students are not allowed to carry medication, aspirin, etc.). All student medications must be carried to the nurse uponarrival to school.The school nurse can administer only physician-prescribed medication when it is in the original bottleand labeled correctly with the names of the physician and the student. Note: Staff are not permitted to give studentsaspirin or any kind of medication.

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Page 6CLINIC PROCEDURES contd.1. Emergencies consist of asthma attacks, bleeding (not small abrasions or scratches), diarrhea/vomiting (not stomachaches or nausea), eye injuries, fractures, head injuries, severe pain, seizures, allergic reactions and medicationadministration. 2. Students leaving the classroom to visit the nurse’s office are to have a clinic pass from the teacher. Clinic passes areto be filled out completely, with their full name and grade, by the teacher and not the student.3. Passes will be signed and time-documented by the nurse when the student is released to return to class.4. Faculty and staff members are not permitted to use the clinic restroom. 5. Due to the variety of examinations performed by the nurse, ensuring student privacy is necessary. If clinic doors areclosed please knock and make sure it is safe to enter.Note: The Clinic is not a lounge area or social area. All accidents must be reported to the office and nurse, no matter how small.Remember, only the nurse or an administrator is to call home and request that a guardian pick up a student if they are ill.Neither teachers nor students are to make such calls. COMMITTEESCommittees are established for the purpose of enhancing the teaching/learning experiences of both faculty and students.Placement on committees is by assignment and by volunteering. It is required that each teacher be an active member of adistrict or building level committee. A list of committees and their function will be available at the beginning of eachschool year. Committees are formed to promote student involvement and exposure to academic and social opportunities. StudentClubs are the primary vehicles for providing students with a variety of club type activities. Refer to club list.Teachers also have the opportunity to serve on committees that have specific requirements for membership and trainingas determined by district and state policies. (see committee sign-up for list)All staff are encouraged to participate in at least three committees in support of the total school program.

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Page 6COMMUNICATION (Students & Staff) Communication to StudentsBefore distribution, the principal must approve all letters, memos, and notices to parents and/or community patrons. Thursday Folders - Each Thursday students will receive their folder that will be taken home for communication ofimportant school activities. Teachers will distribute flyers for students to take home. If parents have any questions orconcerns about any communications, please direct them to the main office.Communication to StaffWeekly Memos - Staff members will be provided with “The Stockard Scoop,” our weekly digital newsletter. Should youhave information/ or shout outs that need to be included, please send it to Ms. Hudson no later than Thursday afternoonat 4:00 p.m.The Daily NewsEach morning, prior to the beginning of the school day, the Daily News will be emailed to all staff members. It willinclude highlights of what is happening in the building that day, important information, substitutes in the building andother important news. You are required to check it daily to ensure you are up to date on the latest information.Announcements Announcements will be made at the beginning of the 1st/6th periods daily. Teachers should provide an environmentconducive to students hearing the announcements. Announcements (forms are located in the main office) should besubmitted to the main office the day before the event. Any last minute announcements that are not an emergency will bemade with principal permission-only. Afternoon announcements will be made to release students and provide additionalinformation as necessary. Master Campus Calendar The campus events calendar will be maintained by the Admin team. Please submit any activities/ events for approval andplacement on the calendar. Staff are encouraged to use this calendar to plan.Email (See Acceptable Use Policy) Email is an important form of communication. All faculty members must check their email and respond to emails at leastthree times daily: before school, during conference/planning time, and after school. Email messages should always beprofessional and always meet appropriate standards of conduct and ethics. Remember that emails are public domain andmay be accessed by district personnel. (Be careful what you put in writing!) Professional email etiquette must be utilizedwhen sending personal or DG-Stockard emails. Do not send a DG email without administrative approval. Parent Communication Domain 4 Teachers are encouraged to contact parents when necessary regarding behavior or academic concerns/issues. Teachersshould provide parents with their email address as an additional avenue of communication.

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Page 6 Mail Boxes - The mail boxes are located in the main office next to the Nurse office. Please check and remove items fromyour mailbox in the morning and before leaving for the day. Please do not send students to pick up your mail, as the mailboxes may contain confidential information. Telephones- Use your planning period to make and receive phone calls. Informing others of your planning period willhelp considerably. Teachers will not be called from class to receive phone calls unless it is an emergency. Otherwise, amessage will be taken for you and placed in your box.Email– All teachers and staff member have email capabilities. It is expected that ALL staff members check their email aminimum of two times per day.Confidentiality - Comments and discussions regarding student grades, personalities and records should only be discussedwith appropriate people in the education setting. Student behavior problems should not be part of public discussions.Professional discretion and courtesy should be used in discussing all staff and district concerns.GROUP ME (App)All employees will be invited to a group chat which will assist us in communicating information (see Mr. Gonzalez withany questions/ or assistance. COMPLIANCE TRAININGSIn compliance with state and federal laws, the District requires that all employees complete annual compliance training atthe beginning of every school year. The window for completion will be from August 1, 2024, through September 30,2024.To support employees in completing compliance training, the policy acknowledgment will now be included as part of thecompliance training in Cornerstone.Employees (except for substitute employees) will log into Cornerstone at The compliancetraining will be in the “My Assigned Training” section located on the “Welcome” page or on the “Learning” tab under“View Your Transcript.” For help with technical issues with the courses in Cornerstone, employees may go to the Live User Support tab to accessthe live support team.Substitute employees will log into the Compliance Learning Portal using their employee ID, last name (as it appears inOracle/Bio-Clock), and date of birth.For additional information or assistance, please contact the Human Capital Management Policy and Compliance team or (972) 794-7858.

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Page 6COPYING/ LAMINATING MATERIALS Your requests should be placed in the proper box in the main office area a minimum of 48 hours to their required use.Please complete and attach the “Copy Request” form to all requested items. Any requests placed in the box will beduplicated by instructional aides at designated times throughout the day. Please prepare ahead of time as instructionalaides will not be available in the morning to make copies.Mrs. Sible and Ms. Valdez have a large amount of responsibilities and will not be able to stop and make copies for you.COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE PROGRAMCounseling Services are available to all students at Stockard. These services are provided on our campus by certifiedschool personnel. School counseling services consist of the following components:1.) Responsive Services: Counselor holds individual or small group counseling sessions based on student social oremotional needs.2.) Classroom Guidance: Counselor will present lessons on topics such as, Student Code of Conduct, College and CareerPreparation, Harassment, etc. Teachers may request specific lessons from counselors when needs become evident inindividual classrooms. 3.) Individual Planning: Counselor provides individual academic planning and goal setting with students. 4.) System Support: Counselor is available as a consultant to parents and teachers; serve on SST, and provide school wideactivities which support students in removing barriers to learning. Procedures for Counseling Referrals:(a) A teacher may complete a Request for Counseling Service form and deliver it to the counselor. The counselor will sendfor the student at an appropriate time. (A copy of the referral forms is in your binder and may be obtained from thecounselor).(b) Students can request counseling services by indicating a need to the teacher or to the counselor. Teachers may makeRequest for Counseling Service forms available to students to complete themselves, but it is the teacher’s responsibility todeliver the form to the counselor. (c) Parents/guardians may complete Request for Counseling Service forms or visit face-to-face with the counselors toaddress concerns about their child. (d.) Counselors also receive referrals from the SST. Please refer to “Referrals” section for additional information concerning other types of counseling and mental healthservices.

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Page 6Procedures for Counseling Referrals:(a) A teacher may complete a Request for Counseling Service form and deliver it to the counselor. The counselor will sendfor the student at an appropriate time. (A copy of the referral forms is in your binder and may be obtained from thecounselor).(b) Students can request counseling services by indicating a need to the teacher or to the counselor. Teachers may makeRequest for Counseling Service forms available to students to complete themselves, but it is the teacher’s responsibility todeliver the form to the counselor. (c) Parents/guardians may complete Request for Counseling Service forms or visit face-to-face with the counselors toaddress concerns about their child. (d.) Counselors also receive referrals from the SST. Please refer to “Referrals” section for additional information concerning other types of counseling and mental healthservices. CUM RECORDSStudents’ cumulative records are located in the attendance office. These records are not to be removed from their location(Exception:With permission and direction from the Registrar). CUSTODIAL DUTIES & HOUSEKEEPING SERVICESOur Custodians maintain the overall cleanliness, repairs of our building and more. If you have a concern with thecleanliness of your room, please notify the main office. Maintenance items will be handled with a work order completedby Mr. Barrios (If there is a maintenance issue…please notify Ms. Sible or Ms. Valdez and they will notify Mr. Barrios ora custodian). However, we can all help. Please make sure that before you leave for the day that you and your studentstake a few moments to pick up paper, crayon, and any of the areas that need to be taken care. Remember we aredeveloping a sense of community among our students and therefore everyone in the community. has the responsibility tohelp maintain our community.

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Page 6DATA WALLSThe purpose of the data wall is to show our students/parents how we are achieving in all core subjects. Our data walls willreflect our progress toward meeting our goal of 90% Mastery (90% passing), 60% Meets, and 30% Approaches. DataWalls will be maintained in the classrooms and in the hallways.DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Select the link for the campuswide discipline plan.It is vitally important that parent communication take place. No discipline referral should come to the office without firstmaking parent contact. The only exception to this rule is violence, sexual misconduct, or other severe misbehavior (seeStudent Code of Conduct). Be mindful of the fact that every time you send a student to the principal, you release theauthority. It is the intention of the administration to support every staff member. Make sure that we can support the decisions youmake by following the philosophy, policies, and procedures of the school/district. Important Points to Remember:a)Students should never be left alone and unsupervised. In the event the teacher needs to leave the classroom foremergency they should call the office, get coverage from a teacher on planning or an available teacher assistant. Thisprocedure should not be used for planning or preparation purposes including but not limited to: making copies, pickingup papers, asking questions of colleagues etc. b)Students should never be placed in the halls for disciplinary reasons. If a student’s behavior warrants his removal fromthe classroom, a referral should be made to the grade level administrator for disciplinary measures. Don’t forget to submitthe referral.c)Corporal punishment is against district policy and should not be administered by any employee. DO NOT GRAB,PULL, PUSH or THREATEN A CHILD! Hostile contact with students (hitting, jerking, pinching, shaking, extraneousexercise etc.) is strictly prohibited. NOTE:If a member of the administrative team receives information from a parent orguardian stating that his/her child has been negatively touched, abused or neglected, etc. we are bound by law (see ChildAbuse Section) to report the allegation to Child Protective Services.All investigations will proceed per district policy.Please do not put yourself in this kind of situation.d)Teachers should refer to the School-wide Discipline Plan for specifics regarding discipline.e)When a student presents a threat to himself or others, call the office, or send another student to the office to requestemergency assistance from the principal/ or asst. principal. f)If a student repeatedly does not respond to teacher interventions concerning teaching behavior, consideration should bemade for referral to the Student Support Team for more intensive interventions; behavior is sometimes based inpsychological issues, rather than willfulness on the student’s part. See the section “Student Support Team (SST)” later inthis document.

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Page 6Teachers are to post their Classroom Expectations and Consequences, indicating both positive and negative consequencesfor student behavior.Note: Consistency is key in developing positive habits that will ‘stick’ with students. DRESS CODE POLICY(FACULTY/STAFF)Employee Standard Dress Guidelines (DH Local) Domain 4 The dress code standards are meant to maintain an orderly educational environment and shall not infringe on anindividual's culture, religious beliefs, protected free speech, or an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation.District employees shall exemplify the highest standards of professional appearance that will project a professional imagefor the employees and the District.Employees shall wear professional footwear, dress shirts, dress pants, dresses, skirts, and other appropriate professionalattire and footwear. Clothing should fit appropriately and be clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free.Unacceptable attire includes, but is not limited to, the following:Form-fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing;Excessively worn, faded, or tight clothing;Clothing with holes or frayed areas;Revealing or provocative attire;Necklines that expose cleavage;Dresses and skirts shorter than three inches above the bend of the knee;Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, and lycra;Tank tops, t-shirts, and shirts with messages/graphics; andAthletic wear and beach wear.Unless prohibited by law or allowed in the employee's position, unacceptable footwear includes, but is not limited to, thefollowing: slippers, flip-flops, house shoes, sneaker-style shoes, athletic shoes, and other unprofessional footwear.Supervisors shall have the discretion to make exceptions to appropriateness of attire as it relates to safety standards,maintenance, physical education, vocational courses, culture, religious beliefs, field trips, spirit days, medical necessities, orreasonable accommodations based on a disability.Note: Employees will be allowed to wear jeans on Friday with a Stockard spirit shirt - only; and on designated daysdeemed appropriate by the principal (i.e. Cowboys Winning Mondays, etc.)Grooming and Hygiene All employees are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards and personal hygiene in a manner that projects aprofessional image for the employees and the District.Employees shall keep their hair and facial hair groomed neatly.Employees should not display body jewelry, tattoos, brands, or similar artifacts that are offensive, obscene, or may causedisruptions to the educational environment.

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DUTY All teachers and staff are considered to be on duty during the school day. There will be an Arrival Duty Schedule for all staff to follow. All staff are on duty for dismissal until 4:05 or all students have cleared the campus. Morning duty will begin at 8:00 each morning. See the Duty ScheduleNote the following:Be on Time.Refer to the schedule for assigned duty postEveryone is responsible for Dismissal daily. Refer to schedule and assigned duty postMake every effort to ensure that you are maximizing the safety and supervision of students during your dutytime. The following should be observed by administration:Do not stand in one place while on duty, move around and observe possible actions/situations that could causeproblems.ENROLLMENT/WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURESEnrollment CountsAt the beginning of the school year before leveling takes place, teachers will be asked to provide accurate counts of thestudents physically enrolled in their classes. We will take enrollment counts daily for 10 days (August 12th - 23rd).Teachers will be provided with a form that will be picked up by your “Enrollment Count” leader. Teachers are to holdstudents so accurate counts can be taken. Page 6

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Page 6EXCUSING STUDENTS FROM SCHOOLNo student is to be released from class to leave the school building without a call being made from the office orPrincipal’s Permit to Leave School form or . The teacher copy will be placed in your box. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESSAll employees should read and familiarize themselves with the campus emergency operation plan. (see Campus SafetyPlan)FIRE DRILL INFORMATIONIt is a local and state requirement that during a fire drill, the entire building be evacuated. We must totally evacuate the building; this is the law; it must be done.Therefore, when the fire drill alarm sounds, ALL staff members as well as ALL students MUST exit the building. Thereare to be no exceptions, nor does it matter whether it is during a person's professional period or not. We are ALL to exit.One fire drill is required per month. The teacher is responsible for his/her class passing WITHOUT TALKING,RUNNING, OR PUSHING to the proper area on the school ground. We will utilize the pull station alarms and theRaptor APP to initiate a fire drill. Stockard staff must download the app. Exit Instructions1.Be sure to grab your Classroom Emergency-Go Kit. Your Classroom Emergency Go Kit will contain the following:a. Roster with students’ name, address, and telephone number, etc. (Please update as needed)b. Any items (i.e. purse, cell phone) in case you do not return to your class. FUNDS AND MONIESActivity Funds & MoniesActivity Funds are those monies collected by students and school personnel for school purposes, for school-relatedpurposes, or for charitable, welfare, or other approved agencies. The principal is responsible for collecting, controlling,disbursing, and accounting for all school activity funds. All personnel who engage in fundraising activities are required toattend the Fundraising Meeting at the beginning of the school year. The activity account books are audited at the close of each school year. In order to avoid accounting discrepancies orerrors, please adhere to the following guidelines: All requests for checks must be in writing and approved by the principal and Board of Control. A sponsor or staff member cannot request a check to be written against an account unless adequate funds areavailable to cover the amount of the request. All requests must be reviewed by the Board of Control (BOC) beforeorders are placed.

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Page 6FUNDS & MONIES contd.Money should be turned in to the Principal’s Office before 2:00 each day. DO NOT HOLD MONEY FORA “LUMP SUM” deposit. Monies must be turned in daily. 1.Adequate documentation of purchases must be maintained. All invoices, receipts or other proof ofpurchases and payments must be turned in to the Office Manager in a timely manner. 2.It is mandatory to receive approval from the Principal and Board of Control before purchasing anymerchandise, ordering any items, etc., for which you expect reimbursement from the individual activityaccount. Note: Reimbursement will not be granted unless prior approval has been secured. 3.A sponsor or staff member is responsible for students’ understanding of their obligations when they acceptmerchandise to be sold. 4.A sponsor or staff member cannot purchase items with personal checks and expect reimbursement withoutprior approval from the principal and Board of Control. 5.Fund-raising activities by school groups, such as Band, Athletics, Student Council, etc., must have theapproval of the principal and the area superintendent well in advance of the activity. There is no sales tax tobe paid on food items for fundraising. Accounting systems will be worked out in advance by the groupsponsor. Fundraisers need to be planned in advance and submitted for approval four weeks before thefundraiser is set to begin. 6.NO ITEMS MAY BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO STUDENTS WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THEPRINCIPAL. MONIES ARE NOT TO BE LEFT IN ROOMS OR OFFICES OVERNIGHT FOR ANYREASON! 7.REQUIREMENT: Each sponsor or staff member who collects monies must attend the annual ActivityAccount training session held at Stockard at the beginning of the school year.8.FUNDRAISERSAll fundraisers must be approved by the BOC, the principal, and the Executive Director. Please submit theappropriate form well in advance. You are not allowed to collect money unless you have received Activity FundTraining and receive training from Mrs. Sible our Financial Clerk on campus procedures. All monies collectedmust be receipted and posted to the general activity fund account by the Office Manager in a timely manner.When collecting money for fundraisers, please make sure you keep accurate records. Money is to be turned in tothe Mrs. Sible on a daily basis so she can ensure the money is collected from the campus. Never leave moneycollected from students in your room overnight or take money home. NOTE: All personnel collecting moneymust receive the ‘Activity Fund’ training from the Financial Clerk -Mrs. Sible.

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Page 6FIRE DRILL (See Emergency Preparedness)IF A BLOCKED EXIT IS ENCOUNTERED, THE FIRST PERSON TO DISCOVER IT SHOULD TURNAROUND, HOLD UP HIS/HER HANDS, AND DIRECT EVERYONE TOWARD THE NEAREST UN-OBSTRUCTED EXIT.FRONT OFFICE/PUBLIC SPACEThe reception area and the front office are the first contact many visitors, parents, and district personnel have with ourschool. It is the expectation that we present the best possible impression to our community, please maintain professionaldecorum when transacting business in this extremely visible location. Tone of voice should be quiet and friendly at alltimes. All phone calls will be answered using the following scripts:Thank YOU for calling Stockard Middle School, Where “We are leveling up for student success and making it happen.”This is (Your Name) speaking. How may I help you?”The front office is also the workspace for front office personnel who often deal with sensitive and confidential issues. Forthis reason, please respect their workspace by remaining in front of the counter and by using other areas for phone calls. The telephone in the front office is for emergency use only (students). Please do not send students to the office to use thetelephone without a written pass detailing the need for phone use. Only office personnel are permitted behind the reception desk. NOTE: This is not a lounge area. Personnel must eat theirlunch in a lounge area.

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Page 6FAILURE NOTICES/CONTACTSThe parent(s) of any student who is in danger of receiving a grade of below 70 must be notified. It is expected thatteachers make parent contacts for any student in danger of failing. Parent contacts include: phone calls, written notice, andemail (if available). Progress reports will be sent home every 3 weeks. Teachers are expected to keep their gradebooksupdated weekly to ensure parents receive the most current information. GRADING POLICYDISD Grading Guidelines Grading regulations are developed to reflect adherence to the purposes for grading outlined in EIA (Local) includingequity and access to rigorous learning, communication, motivation, instructional decision-making, and documentation oflearning. The accuracy, equity, and quality of grades as a measure of student learning are directly dependent on the qualityof instruction provided, the alignment of student learning task to the content and pacing of the District’s curriculum, andthe quality and rigor of the student work that is used to determine grades. Grade Books/Power Teacher Pro (Powerschool) Domain 1 and 4 The maintenance of grade books is a legal requirement of the state of Texas; grades are considered official records of thestate. Appraisers will review grades on a weekly basis. The following is expected: Grading policy and grade weight Evidence of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) being taught At least 2 grades or more per week per subject or a minimum of 18 per nine weeks (no more than a ¼ of which canbe homework) Evidence of re-teaching, retesting, and make-up work issued Comments reflecting missing or incomplete grades

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Page 6If you have any questions regarding the district grading program, please see Ms. Mendoza or your evaluator. Assistant Principals will be responsible for monitoring their grade levels adherence to the grading policy. Reminder: Teachers may not deduct points from a student’s overall average for tardies, absences, or behavior issues.Grades are NOT punitive; they should reflect the student’s academic performance. ***At the end of each nine weeks, all teachers of record must submit a signed and dated copy of their gradebook to Ms. Mendoza. *** For all subjects taught in grades 6-8, the teachers shall use numerical grades on the report cards (see below) to reportprogress to parents and students. The numerical grade ranges shall be: ***Please have a sign posted in your room reflecting the grade weights. *** Type and number of Grades Criteria for projects that evaluate multiple learning standards must be communicated (rubrics or criteria charts) More than one grade may be recorded for a project (based on the scoring rubric) Students are required to have at least 2 test grades and 1 project grade per six weeks category No fewer than 2 grades per week per subject or a minimum of 18 per nine weeks 70-100PassingBelow 70FailingIIncomplete (must be made u p within ten school days)

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Page 6Grade Errors and Corrections Errors in students’ grades MUST be corrected within ten days after the grading period ends. Corrections of grade errorsshall be based on teacher grade book records and placed on the Grade Correction Form available in the main office. Theform must be signed by the Principal, Ms. Hudson and returned to Ms. Mendoza in the Attendance Office. Grading for Special Education Students A student receiving special education services is expected to master all the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)objectives at his/her skill level unless otherwise noted in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals and objectives.Proper documentation is required before a Special Education student receives a grade below a 70. If a pattern of failinggrades occurs, please notify the student’s case manager ASAP. Makeup Work Students will be permitted to make up assignments and tests without grade penalty after an absence.Students will be given at least two school days for every day missed to complete the assignments or tests missed after anabsence. An incomplete (I) grade on the nine-week report card may be recorded if the allotted period has not elapsedprior to the end of the nine-week grading period. An incomplete for a nine-week grade must be made up within tenschool days, or the actual grade average earned will be recorded. Principals must be notified when an incomplete isassigned.Late Work Students must be given opportunities to submit late work not related to an absence without penalty. Students mustcomplete all late work within 5 days of the end of the grading period. Incomplete Grades An Incomplete may be recorded on the report card if the allotted time period has not elapsed prior to the end of thegrading period. An incomplete must be made up within 10 days of returning to school, or the actual grade average earned.Your appraiser must be notified via email when an Incomplete is assigned, with a plan of action for when the grade will bechanged. Failure Rates/Intervention Plans Teachers with a nine-weeks and/or semester failure rate of >15% will be required to develop an intervention supportplan that will be monitored by the supervising principal. Teachers are required to provide an update to the campus principal for students whose grades are on the pass/failborderline of 68-69 including strategies for academic supports during the next six weeks. Teachers should document progress on academic and behavior interventions in MTSS weekly.

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Page 6Homework PolicyNo longer used as a grade, except as part of larger project under grading category - “Classwork”Specific guidelines on content & time allotment by grade level/ courseJuly 2024 update: EIA Regulation & EIB RegulationProgress Reports All students will receive a progress report during each grading period as a form of direct communication between theschool and home. Progress reports will be printed by Ms. Mendoza for all grade levels. All progress reports will be placedin all teachers’ mailboxes to be distributed to the students. Teachers are also expected to contact parents/guardians offailing students. Teachers must keep a Parent Communication Log for documentation purposes. Assessment Calendar Teachers will follow the assessment dates indicated in the instructional planning calendar that will be provided digitallyand in hard-copy form. See Assessment Calendar Schedule Changes Students may request a schedule change within the first ten days of each semester through the grade-level counselor whowill then pass it on to the grade-level administrator. Under no circumstances may a teacher change a student’s schedule. Teachers may not remove a student from a class without following the “Formal Removal of a Student” District policy(see policy section). Teachers may not “trade or swap” students with other teachers, even if both teachers and the studentagree. ALL SCHEDULE CHANGES MUST BE APPROVED BY AN ADMINISTRATOR. NOTE: No schedule changes will be made during the first 10 days of the new school year.PLC MEETINGSProfessional Learning Communities (PLC) will meet once per week to discuss issues related to instruction and analyzedata. PLC Meetings will take place once per week, every Tuesday. These meetings will consist of data analysis,instructional strategies(Lookback, Look forward). HALLWAY PASSESStudents must have a pass from the teacher when there is a need for students to leave the class during instruction (i.e.nurse office, main office, etc.) Students are not permitted to run errands for teachers. A student who does not have a hallpass will be sent back to the classroom.

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Page 6INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In the event of inclement weather condition that would result in the close of school, I will receive a call from DISD andPrincipal Hudson will send a follow up email and a message in our GROUP ME chat.KEYSA copy of one key card and key for the main classroom door will be issued to each employee according to his/herassignment. Each employee is responsible for the key and it must be returned to the office manager at the end of theschool year. In the event a key is lost or stolen, it will become the responsibility of the employee to notify the OfficeManager-Mrs. Thompson.

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Page 6LESSON PLANNING (TEI Domain 1: Planning and Preparation)Teachers are required to have a hard copy of their Exemplars available in class. Also plans and exemplars must beuploaded to the shared Google drive, weekly, by Friday (EOD). Good planning is essential to ensure quality instructionfor our students. It is imperative that YOU plan for your students. Plans should be a fluid document and includereflection notes. Lesson plans should correspond to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which have been developed foreach grade level/subject. The following components are to be posted on your whiteboard daily:1. The Lesson Objective (LO) 2. Success CriteriaPractices to avoid during instruction:Stream of consciousness writing (Having students “write” without teaching them to write.)1.Dark rooms (Classroom Lights are to be on and the room is to be well lit) 2.Films/movies as opposed to clips for instruction3.Poor readers reading to the class4.Round Robin reading5.Excessive copying of notes from the board or a book6.Repeated single responses7.Earning “free time”8.Copying definitions or defining words with little context9. Random spelling and vocabulary tests10.

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Page 6 LIBRARY SERVICESWalk-ins are always welcome in the library. Do not send students to the library to exchange one book if they have alibrary book sitting on their desk that meets their needs. Staff members are encouraged to contact the media specialist toschedule additional library times in which media specialist and classroom staff can work collaboratively on researchprojects as needed.LOUNGEThe staff lounge/workrooms are designed for your convenience and regrouping. Please respect this area for you and yourcolleagues by maintaining it as a “student free zone”. Please leave the area as clean and orderly as possible for the nextperson. Food is certainly allowed to be eaten in this area, but you are asked to clean the area when you finish. The sodas,candy bars, etc. are not for students and should not be purchased by or for students. Please refrain from inappropriateconversations regarding students, parents and other staff members. Professionalism is required at all times. MAILBOXESPlease check and empty your mailbox, daily. Conference requests, etc., will be placed in your mailbox. Mailboxes are forschool-related mail. Due to confidentiality please do not allow students to check your mailbox.MAINTENANCEWhen staff members note that equipment/building is damaged, either by intention or accident, they shall communicatethe damage to the office. It is the duty of the staff members to supervise students so that damage to the school building,furniture, equipment, or other school property does not occur. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to maintain the classroom and its contents. The classroom atmosphereMUST be conducive to learning and neatly decorated at all times. The design and general appearance of your classroomsends a message to students, parents, and visitors about you and this school. REMEMBER that SCHOOL PRIDE isIMPORTANT to the mission of this school.OFFICE MANAGERIt is the responsibility of the office manager to manage a variety of school business transactions. These include: Budget,Payroll, Purchasing, Biometric Clock, Workman’s Comp

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Page 6PARTIES/CELEBRATIONSAll parties/celebrations must be approved in advance by the Principal in accordance with district policy. Refreshmentscannot be served by teacher, parent or organization during school hours unless approved by the principal. Snacks servedto students must meet federal “healthy food” guidelines. PARENT CONFERENCESIn compliance with Education Code 28.022, the District shall hold conferences with parents of all students inprekindergarten to grade 12 and shall give written notice to parents of a student's performance in each class or subject.Parent conferences shall be held twice a year. Personal business days may not be used during days scheduled forconferences.In addition, parent conferences may be held at the request of the teacher, the parent, or principal. Please be aware that theparent is usually seeking help from school personnel and your professional demeanor sets the tone for the conference.Parent conferences should be scheduled in the mornings prior to the beginning of school, during the teachers’ planningperiod or at the end of the school day. Parents are not to disrupt the instruction of students to hold a conference with theteacher. Teachers may request the presence of an administrator for any conference. PAYROLLAll employees will “thumb/sign in” on the biometric clock. If you have trouble, see the Office Manager as soon aspossible.1.Professional staff are to clock in no later than 8:00 AM. (Other staff will ‘thumb’ in according to schedule)2.Monthly and biweekly statements are available for view using ORACLE.3.Any compensatory time earned/taken must be pre-approved by the Principal, in writing (Request must be made inOracle) before working outside of time.4.Jury Duty absences must accompany the appropriate documentation.5.If you are attending workshops, conferences, trainings, meetings, etc. during working hours; provide documentationsto support hours absent from the campus.6.If you do not provide necessary documentation, this could affect how your day (s) are coded.7.Change of address or contact information should be reported to the office manager and changes should be made onORACLE.8.It is the responsibility of the employee to submit any attendance corrections forms to the office manager no later thanFriday of each week.

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Page 6PERSONAL PROPERTY OF STUDENTS Any teacher or staff member who takes personal property from a student (toys, cameras, radios, jewelry, etc.) shouldunderstand that he/she is assuming personal responsibility for that property. Make sure that the student understandswhen the property will be returned (at the end of the school day; after bringing a note from a parent, etc.). Please turn inany collected cell phones to Mrs.Sible or Ms.Valdez in the main office.PLANNING PERIODSPlanning periods are scheduled so that the teacher can make preparations, grade papers, conference with administrators,other teachers, and/or guardians, or perform other similar tasks, which will contribute to the instructional program. Theplanning period takes place during the workday, therefore; this is not personal time.PROFESSIONALISM (TEI Domain 4)Staff Ethics and Conduct - Please remember that the welfare of the child is the first concern of the school and district. Itis the responsibility of the staff members to support programs and activities when in public. The philosophy for all staff,including administrators, is kids first. At times you may have a concern regarding another staff member. Should you havea concern regarding a staff member, please be sure to follow the chain of command, which first includes addressing yourconcerns with the individual in a non-confrontational manner. Emotions should always be in check. If you are unable todo this, DON’T. Staff members should refrain from unproductive conversations regarding the personal opinions of otherstaff members. If the conversation does not contribute to improving the quality of instruction, student achievement,school safety, or positively engaging parents it should not be discussed while on duty. Criticism of staff members,departments, or programs should be done in a professional manner and to an administrator. Staff members are to be faithful and prompt in attendance, support and enforce board and building regulations, turn inreports on time, attend meetings as scheduled by the administration, look out for the safety and welfare of all students,dress professionally, refrain from using language, gestures, and mannerisms that are profane, and use the faculty loungefor its intended purpose. Cell phones should be turned off so as not to interfere with the educational environment. Pleaserefrain from making personal phone calls or texting unless it is your break time.

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Page 6 PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Participation of staff members is encouraged. PTO- Throughout the year, staff members may need to utilize resourcesmade available from the Parent-Teacher Organization. Submit your request to the campus administrator in writing. Therequest will be reviewed and discussed. Approval to request funds from the PTO will be given at that time. PURCHASING Unauthorized Purchases will be subject to a reprimand. An unauthorized purchase occurs when you accept goods/ orservices without proper approval. Mrs. Sible will notify you when your activity has received all of the necessary approvals.Failure to gain approval before starting the activity or accepting goods/ services will be subject to a reprimand and anyadditional directives from the district. REFERRALSBe sure you keep copies of important referrals on hand to request services for students as needed. See the followingfaculty members for assistance with referrals: Students will not be allowed in Reset without a referral from the administrator.1. Do not place students in the hallway or in corners as a disciplinary consequence. This is against school and districtpolicy.2. REPORT CARDS Report cards are given at the end of each quarter. Each teacher must ensure that a grade is given for each subject and sixweeks period (according to district policy). If a mistake occurs, it is to be corrected ASAP and a new report sent home.

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Page 6LUNCH PERIODEach teacher and staff member is assigned a 30 minute “duty free” lunch period each day. This is the only time thatsomeone may leave the campus without notifying an administrator. Faculty and staff members may eat lunch in thecafeteria, the teachers’ lounge, or in their classrooms. Teachers may eat lunch in their classrooms only during theirscheduled lunch period. Each person is responsible for cleaning up after eating lunch and disposing of all trash andleftovers in an appropriate manner. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM (SST)/504 REFERRALWhat is SST? “SST” is an acronym for “Student Support Team.” In DISD each campus has a SST consisting of a team of professionalsand parents, which come together to strategically address barriers to student success. The SST members consist ofteachers, an administrator, a counselor, a representative of the district’s Psychological Social Diagnostic Servicesdepartments, and additional professionals who can be called upon for expertise in specific areas (such as teachers inspecific disciplines, an intervention specialist, a nurse, community agency representatives, Youth and Family Centerrepresentatives, etc.). Parents are always included, and the student often attends as well. The SST is composed of the principal, assistant principal, counselor, classroom teachers, nurse, speech therapist and thespecial education teacher as needed. The purpose of the SST is to collect and evaluate data concerning individuals orgroups of children should conflicts and deficiencies in school life indicate the need for services beyond the regular school.When a teacher wishes to refer a student for special services this will be discussed with the counselor, who will make theforms available to the referring party. (see SST Steps) STUDENT PERMITS TO LEAVE EARLYDo not allow anyone to pick up a student from your class unless they have the appropriate pass from the office.Occasionally, a parent will pass by the office and go directly to the classroom. If this occurs, please send them back to theoffice for everyone’s safety. All visitors are to be referred to the office first.NOTE: Teachers/ staff are not permitted to allow students to use their personal cell phone (students or staff)to contact a parent/ guardian when a student is sick or has an emergency. That decision will be made by thenurse or Principal/ administrator. Teachers/ staff are to send the student to the office/ nurse with anyemergencies or issues to be resolved.SUBSTITUTE FOLDERS/TEACHERS (Due: September 6, 2024-Make available in your classroom)When a substitute teacher is needed, every effort should be made to maintain a continuity of the instructional program.Please review the following items relative to the use of substitute teachers in our building. When a substitute teacher isobtained, it is necessary for him/her to be provided with the following information:1. Lesson plans- Written for at least 3 days.Class roster(s), schedule and seating chart

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Page 61. Lesson materials/handouts (please ensure enough copies for student, if needed)2. Information regarding any deviation from the routine or special circumstances.3. The name of neighboring teacher to reach for assistance. Teacher absenteeism causes many problems. Please try to be present each day. Our performance in this area is an exampleto our students. It is your professional responsibility to use good judgment when to be absent. Do not leave informationto be copied. It is your responsibility to make sure your classroom and instruction is completely prepared. SUPPLEMENTAL PAYTeachers must use the biometric clock when performing duties that require supplemental pay. All supplemental pay mustbe pre-approved by the principal. Timecards will not be used. Once approved, all supplemental pay will be paid throughan activity code provided by Ms. Thompson. SUPPLIES FOR TEACHERSEvery effort is made to provide staff and students with supplies needed to support quality instruction. All general schoolsupplies are kept in the office. Teachers may request supplies through their content administrator. All supplies orderedmust be checked in through the front office. Make sure when unpacking supplies delivered to your room that you removeany invoice or packing slip and return it to the office manager. NO items are to be purchased without prior written approval from the principal (Unauthorized purchases). Please makesure you use an approved vendor.Staff members are highly encouraged to seek grant funds or other resources to supportthe retention of additional supplies. SECURITYThe safety of the students and staff is very important.All outside doors will be locked.Parents and visitors will be admittedinto the school building by office staff (through the main entrance). Do not wedge any door open. Staff members mayenter the door using their key card at the auditorium entrance, 8th grade entrance, or get buzzed in through the entrancenear the main office. Do not ask students to open the door for another staff member (This creates a bad habit withstudents where students do not understand when it’s appropriate to open a door) TECHNOLOGY PLANUpdate coming soon

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Page 6TEXTBOOKSA teacher is responsible for maintaining and returning any materials received.TITLE IXFederal law that prohibits sex-based harassment and discrimination in programs and activities. There are 4 types of sex-based conduct: Sex-based harassment, Sex-based conduct, Sexual assault, Retaliation. Please notify an administrator toget assistance with the process for submitting possible claims of Title IX violations.THREAT ASSESSMENT COMMITTEEIf a student makes a threat against a student or staff member or the school, you must report this immediately to anadministrator. The threat assessment committee team will meet to determine the level of risk and what steps are to betaken. TUTORING(Domain 2.1)The purpose of tutorials is to provide additional direct instruction, academic coaching, or any other assistance for studentswho are experiencing difficulty in learning during regular class time and after school.This helps to provideaccommodations appropriate to address specific learning needs. Tutoring days at Stockard TBD. Students who fail anySTAAR tests are required to attend 15 - 30 hours of tutoring.WORK DAYSIn-service day work hours are 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, unless otherwise notified. Please use each day productively: prepareinstructional plans, prepare bulletin boards and displays, finalize grades, review files, attend professional training, etc.WORKMEN’S COMPENSATIONAny job-related injury should be reported to the nurse and office manager immediately. An “Employers’ Injury Report”must be completed and filed with Employee Benefits. When the employee returns to work, a Supplemental Form must bereported to the principal’s office.WORKROOM EQUIPMENT PROTOCOLThe copier in the main office is for office use only. ONLY administrative staff can use them. Allow 48 hours for copies tobe completed. Only school related materials are allowed to be copied and/or laminated. Follow guidelines on the copyrequest form. Teachers may use the copier on the second floor.VALUABLESIt is not recommended to bring any valuables inside the building. These should be left in your purse or at home. Money,jewelry and other valuables are not to be left in the building overnight. All such valuables should be taken home with you,as there is no place in the school to secure such property. As a matter of security, teachers should lock your room whenyou leave during the day as well as at the end of the workday. Personal items should be secure at all times. The school isnot liable for lost or stolen items.

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Page 6VIOLENCE, THREATS, AND CONCERNSFaculty and staff members who hear or observe threats of violence by students should report this immediately to anadministrator and/or a counselor. Students may make threatening statements, write stories or draw pictures which depictviolence or intent to harm. If the faculty or staff member has reason to suspect a student is contemplating violent action,it is important to report these concerns to protect the safety and security of all. Furthermore, this is a directive of DistrictPolicy. The Dallas ISD has procedures in place for the school counselor to do a Violence Risk Assessment. After the assessmentis complete, the counselor will make a determination concerning the level of risk. The counselor will then return thestudent to class (if the risk is very low) or refer to administration, should the risk prove to be at a medium to high level. Faculty and staff should not investigate the potential threat or engage the student in discussion or confrontationconcerning suspicious or planned violence. VIOLENCE RISK ASSESSMENT/ SUICIDE RISK ASSESSMENTIf a staff member has reason to suspect a student is contemplating violent action, it is important to report these concernsto protect the safety and security of all. Furthermore, this is a directive of District Policy. The Dallas ISD has procedures in place for the school counselor to do a Violence Risk Assessment. After the assessmentis complete, the counselor will make a determination concerning the level of risk. The counselor will then return thestudent to class (if the risk is very low) or refer to administration, should the risk prove to be at a medium to high level. Faculty and staff should not investigate the potential threat or engage the student in discussion or confrontationconcerning suspicious or planned violence.

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Page 6VISITORS/FAMILY Domain 4 All visitors to the building must enter through the main office entry, report to the main office, show an ID and sign in. Anemployee’s family/ friends are not permitted to visit the classroom during instruction. VOLUNTEERSWe highly encourage and welcome all volunteers, however before an individual can volunteer on our campus they mustcomplete a volunteer application (using the online Voly system), have a background check from the district, and anadministrator must be notified of their volunteering. Volunteers must show their ID and sign in before working in thebuilding. Guests speakers are welcome in our school building. Guest speakers must be cleared through your evaluatorand must complete the process for volunteering (VOLY system).All guests are required to sign in the office and receive a visitor's pass before reporting to the classroom. Our parent instructor will help coordinate all volunteer registration and training. Note: Volunteering is limited to the opportunities/ needs of the campus.

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STEPHANIE S. ELIZALDE, ED.D. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 9400 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY | DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 | 972.925.3700 | WWW.DALLASISD.ORG [DATE] TO: FROM: SUBJECT: [Employee’s Name & ID] [Supervisor’s Name, Position and Signature] [Subject of Summary of Conference] Dear [Employee’s Name] This letter serves as a summary of the conference held on [insert dateconference was held]. Present during our conference was [include those present during the conference]. The following was discussed: On several occasions we discussed [fill in the blank]. However, you have not responded to the suggestions for improving your performance. Moreover, you failed to [fill in the blank]. It is imperative that you follow [fill in the blank]. It is also imperative that you [fill in the blank]. You are directed to [fill in the blank]. This directive is effective immediately. Your failure to improve in the areas of performance discussed and documented in this conference may result in disciplinary action. Acknowledged and Received: Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Employee Employee Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Witness (Optional) Witness (Optional) Date: _________________ Summary of Conference

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STEPHANIE S. ELIZALDE, ED.D.SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 9400 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY | DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 | 972.925.3700 | WWW.DALLASISD.ORG Letter of Concern December 2, 2022 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: [Employee’s Name & ID] [Supervisor’s Name, Position & Signature] [Subject of Letter of Concern] Dear [Employee’s Name] On (insert date), you were observed (list incident, performance area, and/or behavior you are addressing). To ensure you are properly instructed and informed about (the District or my) expectations, you are hereby directed to: • • Ensure (blank) Continue to list directives Failure to comply with the policies and directives contained in this letter will constitute insubordination and may result in adverse action against you. Your signature below acknowledges that you have received this letter and that you agree to abide by the policies and directives contained within. Acknowledged and Received: Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Employee Employee Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Witness (Optional) Witness (Optional) Date: _________________

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STEPHANIE S. ELIZALDE, ED.D. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 9400 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY | DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 | 972.925.3700 | WWW.DALLASISD.ORG Reprimand Letter January 25, 2022 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: John Doe, ID# 00000 May Doe, Principal Students unattended at recess Dear Mr. Doe: On Thursday, January 19, 2017, you left your students unattended on the playground for a period of 15 minutes so that you could make a personal call. Though you asked your partner teacher to monitor them, the number of students far exceeded the ratio deemed acceptable for adequate supervision, and an incident did occur in which a student was injured. You failed to adhere to directives issued to you on December 12, 2016, “Actively monitor your students during recess, and do not leave them unattended to address personal needs during your recess duty.” This letter serves as an official reprimand for the conduct described above. To ensure you are properly instructed and informed about the District’s and my expectations, you are hereby directed to: • • • Remain on campus during your assigned duty time, actively monitoring your assigned students Refrain from utilizing your personal cellular device in the presence of students Notify an administrator, in advance, should an issue arise so that adequate supervision may be provided Failure to comply the directives contained in this letter will constitute insubordination and will result in adverse employment action against you, up to and including termination. Your signature below acknowledges that you have received this letter. Your signature does not necessarily indicate that you agree with its contents. Further, you understand that you have a right to respond in writing within 10 working days. Acknowledged and Received: Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Employee Employee Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Witness (Optional) Witness (Optional) Date: _________________