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Achievement for All ST JOSEPH S BOYS SCHOOL RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY EDUCATION RSE Reviewed _______________ Date ___________ Agreed SMT _______________ Principal Date ___________ Agreed BOG _______________ Date ___________ 1

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St Joseph s Boys School Achievement for All RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY EDUCATION RSE RSE is a whole school responsibility which is undertaken primarily in Religious Education Learning for Life and Work Science and Pastoral programmes including Health Education and Sixth Form Enrichment At St Joseph s Boys School we recognise and fully respect that parents have the primary duty and right to be the first and principal educators of their children We see ourselves as supporting and helping parents to fulfil this responsibility The attitude beliefs and behaviour of pupils in all their relationships are primarily formed and greatly influenced by their experiences within the family and the relationship they have with their parents guardians The family is of course the best place for Relationships and Sexuality Education to take place and the rights of parents to do this must always be respected However many parents find great difficulty in discussing this aspect of growth and development with their children As educators concerned with the development of the whole person we need to be able to assist parents in this endeavour Whilst acknowledging that this can sometimes be challenging in the present climate it is important that our young people are presented with values beliefs and attitudes which reflect the true nature of human relationships and sexuality God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him 1 Jn 4 16 Definition RSE in St Joseph s Boys School is taught within the moral spiritual social and inclusive framework that reflects the beliefs and ethos of our Catholic school Context RSE is included on a statutory basis Circular 2001 15 within the Northern Ireland Curriculum through the science programme of study and the health education cross curricular theme Health Education is taught mainly through the medium of science with important contributions coming from physical education English home economics personal and social education and religious education https www education ni gov uk sites default files publications de circular2001 15 rse pdf Issued by the Department of Education DE in June 2013 Circular 2013 16 reminds schools that RSE is an integral part of the revised curriculum in primary and post primary schools It recognises the importance of RSE in the development of pupils and states that it must prepare them to view relationships in a responsible and healthy manner and should be taught within the ethos of the school The circular points out that all pupils have the right to learn in a safe environment to be treated with respect and dignity and not to be treated any less favourably on grounds of their actual or perceived sexual orientation DE requires schools to have a written policy on RSE and advice is available on their website www deni gov uk In liaison with the Council for the Curriculum 2

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Examinations and Assessment DE intends to review existing RSE guidance and resources to address any gaps in provision In the 2015 update for Post Primary Schools CCEA issued Relationships Sexuality Education Guidance 2015 which stated that The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives Personal Development within which Relationships and Sexuality Education is firmly grounded is at the core of the Northern Ireland Curriculum The centrality of Personal Development reflects the importance which CCEA places on delivering appropriate age related Relationships and Sexuality Education within a clear values framework The delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education contributes to promoting pupils personal growth and development and in supporting their academic achievement ETI 2011 page 22 that is developing each child as a whole CCEA NI Curriculum Guiding Principles Children and young people should be given a positive and prudent education in matters relating to sex They have the right to be encouraged to make sound moral judgements with an informed conscience and to put them into practice by personal choice Para 1 Declaration on Christian education 1967 The Irish National Bishops Conference issued Guidelines on Relationships Sexuality Education 2014 for Primary Schools and they serve as a guide for Post Primary Schools The school should be seeking to communicate the Christian vision of human life and human relationships RSE is underpinned by a theology of relationship Pupils will come to understand more about themselves others and the beauty of creation The school must recognise its role in this area as subsidiary to that of the parents The Catholic school in formulation of its policy should reflect Catholic moral teaching on sexual matters The dignity privacy and modesty of each individual child must always be respected AIMS To provide information in an integrated way about personal growth and sexuality its physical spiritual moral social and behavioural aspects as well as the biological To assist pupils to be more comfortable with their own sexuality and to be able to discuss it in a responsible way without guilt or anxiety To enable students to see human friendship interdependence and married love in the context of the Christian vocation to love and self giving To help each pupil arrive at an understanding of the Catholic Church s teachings on sexuality and to foster an awareness of the scriptural foundations of these teachings The Law of Love We love because God loved us first We were brought into existence because God loves us There is no limit to this love it is unconditional total and lasts forever When we give and receive love we resemble God because God is love 1 Jn 4 8 3

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To help pupils learn self control self esteem worth modesty respect for oneself as well as respect and sensitivity towards the rights of others To teach that the human vocation to love is enriched in the sacrament of marriage and that family is a source of personal social and religious growth ref Ephesians5 21 33 To foster an awareness of the reality of selfishness dishonesty and pride in the context of human sexuality and the need for forgiveness compassion mercy and care when people do not conform to their way of life To allow students to appreciate the responsibilities of parenthood To present facts in an objective balanced and sensitive manner To acknowledge that within St Joseph s there may be some pupils who come from backgrounds that may not reflect such values and experiences Sensitivity is therefore needed to avoid causing hurt and offence to those students and their families To develop in pupils the ideals of commitment trust bonding and non exploitation within relationships Ref Corinthians 13 4 7 To ensure that the learning experiences in St Joseph s are effective positive and relevant to all pupils including those with special educational needs To involve the parents pupils and staff of St Joseph s in up dating the RSE policy To help young people recognise their worth and dignity as children of God To promote a Catholic vision of sexuality that reflects selfless love respect and commitment To promote respect for all individuals regardless of sexual orientation race gender or creed To encourage a deep respect for women and men within the context of the school among staff students and parents To promote respect for self and others and the right of others to hold different views from oneself without aggression or antagonism To develop a respect for diversity and inclusion To promote an appreciation of the value and sanctity of human life and the wonder of life from the moment of conception through to natural death To recognise the positive benefits of a permanent committed sexual relationship with one person Objectives of RSE In line with our school Ethos and CCEA guidelines the Relationships and Sexuality Curriculum attempts to enable students to acquire the understanding and skills necessary to form healthy friendships and relationships develop a positive sense of self awareness and the skills for building and maintaining self esteem become aware of the variety of ways in which individuals grow and change and understand that their developing sexuality is an important aspect of self identity to develop respect for difference between individuals understand sexual development and identity and explore aspects of sexuality including sex roles stereotyping gender issues and cultural influences on sexuality understand human physiology with particular reference to the reproductive cycle human fertility and sexually transmitted infections and diseases value family life and appreciate the responsibilities of parenthood 4

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develop coping strategies to protect themselves and others from various forms of exploitation and abuse and for coping with peer pressure conflicts and threats to personal safety provide opportunities for young people to explore the moral and ethical issues surrounding sexuality develop an awareness of differing family structures become aware of the variety of ways in which individuals grow and change and understand that their developing sexuality is an important aspect of self identity develop personal skills which will help to establish and sustain healthy relationships acquire and develop an appropriate vocabulary to discuss feelings sexuality and development enable pupils to cope with the social physical and emotional challenges of growing up as a means to prepare them for adult life enable students to understand the influence that messages from their peers and media have can have on their own values RATIONALE St Joseph s Boys School approaches RSE in the context of faith and love in Jesus Christ which is seen as the centre point of the pupil s development Our sexuality is a central and significant part of who we are and how we see ourselves in relation to others and so contributes to our physical mental emotional and spiritual well being Sex Education is primarily about human relationships and has moral ethical and religious dimensions for this reason the school delivers its programme largely though not exclusively through the planned pastoral provision of the curriculum As a Catholic school the primacy of Catholic teaching on all matters of spiritual and moral development will be foremost in any taught classes and in any external provision organised for the school The ethos of St Joseph s Boys School is entirely concerned with fostering the development of relationships the love of God and the love of every human being The School dedicates itself to the education of the whole human being Since God has first loved us cf 1Jn 4 10 love is no longer a mere command it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us Deus Caritas Est This policy recognises a That the school s role is one of support openness and collaboration with parents in their role as primary educators of love b That the teaching of RSE will be in a manner appropriate to the pupils emotional and psychological development c The uniqueness of each pupil s personality gifts and development d That all teaching will reflect the Catholic ethos leading to a mature integration of the moral physical spiritual religious and emotional aspects of the child This is reflected as follows True sexual education awakens the heart and helps someone move toward a mature affectivity Jean Vanier e That staff will receive appropriate training and resources children and young people should be helped to develop harmoniously their physical moral and intellectual qualities they should receive a positive and prudent education in matters relating to sex and young people have the right to be stimulated to make sound moral judgement 5

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based on a well informed conscience and to put them into practice with a sense of personal commitment Gravissimum Educationis Para 3 Second Vatican Council View document The vision the values the human and Christian virtues the revealed truths and the lived tradition which go to make up the Christian understanding of life cannot be taught without reference to sexuality and procreation and the responsible respectful and loving use of these gifts of God Guidelines on Relationships and Sexuality Education Irish Catholic Bishops Conference http www catholicbishops ie 2014 04 08 guidelines relationships sexualityeducation MISSION STATEMENT Achievement for All At St Joseph s we promote the ideal of Achievement for All through every aspect of school life In doing so we hope that each pupil can contribute in a meaningful way to society and be prepared and ready to undertake a fulfilling and rewarding role in life To help achieve this aim the school seeks to create a Catholic community in which understanding and tolerance flourish where each individual is seen as unique and where respect is shown for a diversity of opinions and view points PRINCIPLES The RSE Curriculum at St Joseph s should enable pupils to Develop a positive sense of self awareness self esteem and self worth Develop strategies to make decisions solve problems and implement actions in various personal social and health contexts Become aware of the variety of ways in which individuals grow and change and understand that their developing sexuality is an important aspect of self identity Understand the nature growth and development of relationships within families in friendships and in wider contexts Develop personal skills which will help to establish and sustain healthy personal relationships Acquire and improve skills of communication and social interaction Use an appropriate vocabulary to discuss feelings sexuality growth and development Develop a critical understanding of external influences on lifestyles and decision making Understand human physiology with particular reference to the reproductive cycle human fertility and sexually transmitted infections Develop skills for coping with peer pressure conflict and threats to personal safety 6

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Morals and Values RSE is a complex area of the curriculum It is not intended to be delivered value free A school s RSE policy should provide guidance on the moral and ethical framework within which the programme will be taught It should be tailored to the age maturity and understanding of the young people The programme therefore aims to present facts in an objective balanced and sensitive matter set within a clear framework of Christian values and an awareness of the law on sexual behaviour Heterosexual relationships will be presented as the main context for sexual intimacy reflecting the ethos of the school Students should be encouraged to appreciate the value of family marriage and permanent loving relationships and the responsibilities of parenthood They should be helped to consider the importance of self restraint dignity respect for themselves and others loyalty and fidelity They should be enabled to recognise the physical emotional and moral implications and risks of certain types of behaviour and to accept that both sexes must behave responsibly in sexual matters Teachers responsible for delivering the programme should however acknowledge that many young people come from backgrounds that do not reflect such values and experiences Sensitivity is therefore needed to avoid causing hurt and offence to them and their families and to encourage the development of their sense of worth Specific Issues Equal Opportunity All students male and female have a right to an education which adequately prepares them for adult life regardless of their age gender culture sexual orientation disability status religion and social class The Status of the Family The school supports the institutions of marriage and the family while being sensitive to other family situations Sex is a God given gift that enables married couples to express and deepen their love for each other a love that should unite the couple as well being open to the gift of new life The Centrality of Abstinence In line with the ethos of the school and Christian morals sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity within it will be presented as a positive desirable and achievable option The Sanctity of Life In line with the ethos of the school the value and sacredness of life will be actively promoted This will influence teaching on abortion and casual sex o e g we believe that from the moment of conception the embryo is a human being and must be recognised as having the rights of a person The most fundamental right for every human being is the right to life This belief is one of the foundation stones on which the RSE programme is built 7

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Sexual Activity o The pace of social change over the last number of years has been rapid Parents guardians students and teachers can experience a sense of confusion in relation to sexual mores The religious ethos of the school may seem in conflict with the lived experience of the students The RSE policy statement should give teachers guidance on the moral and values framework within which the issue of sexual activity should be addressed o Schools need to make themselves aware of the laws regarding sexual activities and offences Parental Involvement Participation and Consultation Process St Joseph s Boys School regards Relationships and Sexuality Education as a shared responsibility between School and parents Ref Educational Guidance on Human Love Vatican Council II affirms the right of young people to receive an education adequate to their personal requirements and acknowledges the family as the preferential place for the education of young people in the area of relationships and sexuality The School thus welcomes the involvement of parents at every stage of the RSE Programme Parents are made aware of the programme at the beginning of each academic year and also this policy document which is available on request through the Main Office or on the School website Parents staff and pupils are actively encouraged to participate in the process of development and review of all relevant school policies Consultation with Staff takes place via staff development training days and feedback through discussion questionnaires if appropriate and email Pupil feedback is encouraged and carried out via the Student Council Parental feedback is requested in a number of ways Year 8 PTA annual survey Letter and policy copy to parents requesting comments and feedback as appropriate either at the end of academic year or beginning of new term as appropriate for regular policy review Bi annually for RSE policy Links with Other policies Pastoral Care Guidance and Discipline procedure Child Protection Anti bullying Policy Drugs Policy Curriculum Policy Acceptable Use of Internet policy and any relevant Departmental policies associated with the delivery of RSE programme 8

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Organisation The programme is overseen by the Vice Principal Pastoral and Head of Religious Education LLW Science and Health Education Co ordinator who will review the programme and whole school policy on a biennial basis via reports from appropriate teachers and any input received from parents in the course of the previous year They will identify in service training for all appropriate staff in topics which they feel require additional help and this training will be arranged by the Staff Development Co ordinator as per established staff development procedures Methodology and Learning Environment The programme is largely taught within timetabled programmes of Religious Education Learning for Life and Work LLW Science Home Economics and Geography which in Year 9 has some curricular links with RSE via Population Studies The RSE programme is also supported on a whole School basis via delivery through the Health Education Promotion Programme Links with other Subjects All staff need to be aware that we are all involved in promoting RSE across all subjects Such examples can include PE teamwork collegiality skills raising self esteem Modern Foreign Languages communication verbalisation skills English Language roles in drama poems novels relationships interpretation inferential strength of characterisation reading situations Business Studies effective managerial skills leadership team building Life Skills The following is a brief outline of programmes presented across RE LLW Science and Health Education Teaching and learning is based on a wide range of strategies including whole class teaching paired and group work investigative work brainstorming quizzes and questionnaires use of audio visual materials discussion and the involvement of outside agencies speakers and qualified personnel such as school nurses health education officers School Chaplain and other external services such as Love for Life AVERT NEXUS NSPCC All such outside help will be provided on the understanding that they promote the teaching of the Catholic Church on matters of sexuality and human development and are invited only on the approval by the School As maturity is not always determined by age teachers should be alert to the personal and emotional circumstances of each pupil and take this into account in the delivery of the programme The range of teaching resources employed in the programme are available to parents for perusal on request Pupils are allowed the right to privacy in class discussions on sexuality i e they may not wish to ask or answer personal questions but not to confidentiality in the interest of Child Protection guidelines Teaching methods in RSE are concerned with the acquisition of knowledge attitudes and skills which have implications for behaviour An open and facilitative teaching style and participative and experiential methodologies are essential RSE aims to develop personal and social skills and clarify attitudes and values within a moral framework RSE seeks to promote behaviour which will allow pupils to take increasing responsibility for themselves as they grow and develop Teaching methods which involve pupils actively in the process of their own learning is most beneficial 9

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Particular attention is paid to young people with special educational needs where physical development may outstrip emotional maturity to ensure that programmes are delivered effectively Teachers of supporting subject areas will be informed of the content and timing of the delivery of RSE and in so far as possible RSE will be taught in a cross curricular way The Learning Environment In organising the learning environment the teacher will be careful to create an atmosphere which respects the privacy of each individual student and treats all students with due sensitivity and care Some important considerations might be The degree of trust respect and positive regard for students The relationship between the teacher and the students and among the students themselves The need for clear expectations goals and learning objectives It is important that ground rules and codes of behaviour should be discussed and agreed with the class Appendix 3 suggests some teaching methods Roles and Responsibility All partners including the Board of Governors Parents Guardians School Leadership Team and Teaching Staff have roles and responsibilities in ensuring the implementation of RSE Policy in our school Given the sensitive nature of the work staff training is very important paramount The school s Cross Curricular Working Party from Core Supporting Subjects ensure the following Upholding and ensuring that the programme is taught with due care to the Catholic Ethos of the school and to Catholic teaching on morality Ensuring that the programme is taught effectively and is appropriate to the age and maturity of the students Liaising with the Vice Principal Pastoral Board of Governors all staff parents health and educational visitors on RSE matters Attending in service training and disseminating appropriate information to other staff members Organising training for staff as and when appropriate Liaising with outside agencies where appropriate 10

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Board of Governors The governors should foster and support the development of an RSE policy and programme by collaborating with teachers and parents They should also facilitate the consultative process whereby the school community can respond and contribute The governors should examine and approve the completed policy and programme prior to their implementation in the school and should then review the policy at regular intervals At all times the governors of the school should seek to accommodate and be sensitive to the religious and cultural beliefs of both teachers and parents while fulfilling their responsibility to ensure the availability of adequate RSE for all young people Circular 2001 15 Relationship and Sexuality Education Policy in Schools Department of Education Principal As with all subject areas it is the role of the school principal to make possible a coherent and coordinated approach to RSE in keeping with the ethos of the school Vice Principals It is the role of the Vice Principals to support the work of the Principal and if a VP is charged with responsibility for RSE it is his her responsibility to ensure that RSE is delivered in a way which is in keeping with the ethos of the school Pastoral Teams Designated Teacher Special Needs co ordinator HOD LLW HOD RE and Health Education Promotion Co ordinator HOD Science These members of staff will form part of the cross curricular team and provide relevant information which will ensure that the needs of all pupils are met These staff will ensure that the RSE topics delivered through Pastoral Programme are in line with the Catholic Ethos of the school The Pastoral Teams will liaise with the Designated Teacher and Special Needs Co ordinator where necessary Chaplain The role of the chaplain is to Support the teaching of RSE where possible Meet with the co ordinator to discuss the RSE programme and its delivery in school Present Catholic teaching in a positive way to a staff b students To provide advice and guidance as appropriate Diocesan Advisor The Diocesan Advisor will support the schools in the development and delivery of an RSE policy and programme which reflects the Catholic Ethos and respects the wishes of parents Staff Training In consultation with the Principal Pastoral Vice Principal and Senior Leadership Team and other staff eg HOD RE HOD LLW Science HE co ordinator Where it is deemed necessary Diocesan Catechetical Centre EA advisors ACCORD Education Officer can be consulted 11

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The Role of Parents Guardians Carer It is recognised by the school that the parents guardians are the primary educators of the children and their role in education concerning relationships and sexuality is seen by the school as being very important The work of RSE in the school is designed to be supportive of the efforts of parents and their concerns for the health safety security and wellbeing of their children The opinion of parents about RSE will be sought in a variety of ways e g class based meetings other meetings Board of Governors parent representative copy of draft policy sent to some homes inviting responses or by offering individual parents the opportunity to respond in person in writing or by means of a questionnaire While RSE is a statutory component of the NI Curriculum parents guardians or carers have a right to have their children educated in accordance with their wishes There is no legislative provision permitting parental withdrawal from RSE however schools can grant these requests on an individual basis The school will consider how it can support those who chose to withdraw their child from all or part of RSE see withdrawal from RSE section Induction for parents Information will be provided for parents about the content and timing of the RSE module in the following ways Information Letter sent to parents when specific presentations are being arranged Induction Literature eg Induction information for incoming Year 8 pupils will contain information on the content and timing of the RSE module Reference to School Website eg Parents will be encouraged to consult the school website which will provide information around the content and timing of the programme during the school year School Website eg The RSE policy will be published in its entirety on the school website and be available for parents guardians to download or by contacting the main office Policy consultation letters as appropriate Programme of Study Pupils undertake a coherent programme of study in Relationships and Sexuality Education from year 8 14 in the School This is done largely through the School s Pastoral Religious Education Learning for Life and Work programmes with curricular links via units of work in Science Home Economics and Geography In Years 13 and 14 the programme is centred around delivery via the Sixth Form enrichment programme and whole School delivery through the Health Education programme At each stage the content is appropriate to the age group and teachers seek to achieve the balance between delivery of content and the development of a moral approach based on Catholic teaching See appendix 1 Outline of Provision 12

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Resources Available See Appendix 2 Programme Outline YEAR 8 R E Building Relationships in a New Community Aim To help pupils appreciate their own uniqueness and the contribution they can make to the new school family community by developing an awareness of God s love in their lives Themes I membership of a family II the uniqueness of a person Content To know understand and evaluate I Families and roles Important people in my life Feelings in a family Getting on with other people The meaning of the word relationship A new school as a new family Roles within the school Beginning new friendships Co operating with others in work and play The meaning of loyalty trust privacy confidentiality Belonging to a group the meaning of gang clique Pressure from friends and others Keeping and losing friends Bullying teasing and name calling II Myself my story so far My uniqueness What I like about myself what others like about me Growth and growing older beginning a new stage in life The ways in which I develop physical intellectual social spiritual and yet I possess uniqueness people have different rates of development My likes and dislikes LLW and Home Economics i ii Developing and Maintaining appropriate relationships Heading for Healthy Relationships Looking at the family unit and family structure Home Economics Health Education Love for Life Izone programme Health and the whole person YEAR 9 Focus on Human Growth and Development Content To know understand and evaluate Human growth from childhood to adolescence and the development of good sustaining good relationship roles and responsibilities of persons within a family Aim To provide information in an integrated way about personal growth and sexuality To assist pupils to cope with the changes in adolescence to be more comfortable with their own sexuality and to be able to discuss it in a responsible way without guilt or anxiety 13

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LLW Developing and sustaining good friendships Science The reproductive system structure and function of male and female reproductive systems fertilisation pregnancy and birth Changes during adolescence both physical and emotional Male and female reproductive systems parts and functions Outline of the menstrual cycle Function of the placenta and umbilical cord Ante natal care requirements Methods of birth control Physical and emotional needs of a baby Health Education Bounce Programme see Appendix 1 Geography Year 9 Pupils study unit of work in population growth policies which explores different methods of population control including contraception RE Creation is a gift from God Exploring and identifying that humans are created in God s own image and likeness Humans are stewards of God s creation The sanctity of human life YEAR 10 Focus on Moral Development Religious Education Aim To provide information in an integrated way about personal growth and sexuality its physical spiritual moral social and behavioural aspects well as its biological aspects Content To know understand and evaluate The Sacrament of Marriage Health Education Love for Life Icebergs and Babies LLW Home Economics Family Life and Parenting Geography Year 10 Pupils study strands that consider relationships and impact on population in their Development of Countries Unit 14

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YEARS 11 and 12 Aims To reinforce the material delivered at Key Stage 3 to help pupils become more comfortable with their own sexuality and to be able to discuss it in a responsible way without guilt or anxiety To provide opportunities for the pupils to explore Jesus teaching about adultery divorce and respect for human life in the Sermon on the Mount and the importance of forgiveness That pupils develop through a growing awareness of the importance of Marriage and Baptism for Christians of all traditions That pupils can develop through a study of caring and respect for life and through a study of friendship sexuality love and marriage abortion contraception sex before marriage Their ability to think and judge about morality Their ability to relate Christian moral principles based on biblical and church teaching to personal and social life and their ability to identify values and attitudes that influence behaviour LLW Sexuality and the development of healthy relationships through Personal Development Module Developing and maintaining healthy relationships in families peer groups and in sexual relationships Risks and benefits for a young person with regards to parents peer groups school and the media The challenges faced by parents ie emotional financial and career prospects Preparation for Adult Life PAL Board CCEA Level 2 Award in Preparation for Adult Life QCF 11A and 11B only are taught this course through the LLW department Classes the programme is delivered to may vary year on year PAL Unit 10 Roles and Responsibilities of Parents The learner will Understand the challenges facing families and parents in today s society Understand the impact of parenting on child development Understand the impact of teenage pregnancy and parenthood on the individual the family and society Identify sources of support for young parents PAL Unit 11 Healthy Relationships The learner will Understand characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships Understand how sexuality impacts on behaviour Understand the characteristics and consequences of healthy and unhealthy sexual relationships Understand the impact of healthy and unhealthy relationships on young people and be able to identify sources of support Understand challenging relationship and how they can be managed 15

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Health Education Yr 11 Avert NSPCC Positive Relationships Healthy Relationships RE RSE content is delivered via units of work in GCSE specifications through Roman Catholic teaching Caring and Respect for Human Life To know understand and evaluate That human life is sacred that the world created by God is good that people made in the image of God have a role as stewards of creation to praise and thank God and to co operate in his continuing plan for creation That God s creation can be abused or protected That human life is special intelligence freedom gifts and talents human life begins at conception stages of development during pregnancy definition of abortion arguments put forward in favour of abortion arguments opposing abortion CURA LIFE experimenting with life IVF and contraception Science CCEA GCSE Science The role of hormones in the menstrual cycle Artificial control of fertility IVF treatment and fertility drugs benefits risks Cloning and genetic engineering benefits risks Additional Science Chromosomes genes and DNA Artificial control of fertility IVF treatment and fertility drugs benefits risks Cloning and genetic engineering benefits risks GCE A Level Life and Health Sciences units as appropriate Geography Year 12 GCSE Unit 2 Year 13 14 Enrichment programme includes Health Education Looking after yourself keeping safe relationships and the legal context 16

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The Use of Resources and Outside Agencies The Staff Departments involved in the delivery of RSE will ensure that resource materials obtained from other agencies and presentations by outside speakers are in harmony with the ethos of the school CCEA strongly recommends that schools review and quality assure all the resources chosen before the pupils use them The Use of Outside Agencies All speakers must be approved by the school co ordinator A preliminary visit to the school to discuss ethical practical considerations is advised Appropriate follow up in relation to guest speakers is also advised e g Visiting speakers can develop and enhance RSE programmes but should not be used to replace it All visiting speakers should be provided with a copy of the RSE policy and be familiar with the mission statement and the ethos of the school The RSE teacher should remain in the classroom whilst the speaker is delivering the subject matter Confidentiality Any pupil approaching a member of staff for individual advice on sexual matters is encouraged to seek advice from his her parents or from a qualified professional Where any approach leads a member of staff to believe that a child is contemplating a course of behaviour likely to place him her in moral or physical danger or in breach of the law the member of staff has a duty to inform the pupil of the risks involved and inform the Designated Teacher for Child Protection who where appropriate will involve parents and support services No undertakings of confidentiality are given to pupils in this area Parents are welcome at any time to discuss the delivery of the programme with the Head of Key Stages Heads of RE LLW or any Form Teacher or the Vice Principal Pastoral Staff cannot give a guarantee of confidentiality to students around issues relating to Child Protection If details are revealed that would lead staff to suspect that abuse is involved the teacher must follow the child protection procedures outlined in that policy New guidance 04 17 Safe Guarding and Child Protection in schools Withdrawal from class and supervision The DENI Circular 2001 clearly stipulates the right of parents to ask for a pupil to be withdrawn from any aspect of the RSE programme that they do not wish to participate in Parents must inform the School if this is their wish This may mean the pupil going to another class or area of the School for the duration of the programme or lesson Withdrawing pupils from RSE Relationships Sexuality Education is statutory in maintained secondary schools DfE 2014 schools must teach about HIV and AIDS and sexually transmitted infections Education Act 1996 F771 17

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RSE is included on a statutory basis within the NI Curriculum through the Science programme of study and health education cross curricular theme Health Education is taught mainly through the medium of science with important contributions coming from Physical Education English Home Economics Personal Social Education and Religious Education Professional development Staff training will be conducted as appropriate throughout the year or at the beginning of each academic year Regular information and update on the delivery of RSE will be provided on request as appropriate Staff will be encouraged to attend external training provision as necessary Newly appointed staff or student teachers will be supported via the School induction process or through support by the Teacher Tutor MONITORING and EVALUATION STRATEGIES Whole School approach to planning Periodic reviews of departmental schemes of work particularly those subjects outline LLW Science and RE On going review of classroom practice and teaching strategies Feedback from staff and pupil evaluations about the existing programme Review a selection of pupils work and share good practice in the school Questionnaire to staff identifying any training needs as part of school staff development procedures or periodic discussion via departmental agendas The nature of ongoing consultation with parents The feedback from external provider evaluations about existing programme and other whole school evaluation resources to identify areas working well and those needing further development Evaluation will be an ongoing process at St Joseph s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Whole school approach to planning Skills what have the pupils learnt to do Information what do pupils now know Attitudes and values what do pupils think feel believe Methodologies have the boys engaged with the activities What do pupils want need to learn next On going review of classroom practice and teaching stratiegies Use of whole school Self Evaluation Material to identify current situation and to identify areas for development Religious Education and Learning for Life and Work have clearly an important contribution to make to the delivery of RSE The Programmes of Study at KS3 4 address the main aspects to include areas of physical and emotional social and spiritual development which include family friendship the environment and related responsibilities The pupils at St Joseph s are given opportunities to develop in these areas in Years 8 12 allowing them to acquire self acceptance self confidence and a positive self image 18

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God who created man out of love also calls him to love the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being For man is created in the image and likeness of God who is himself love CCC 1604 Review of Policy The policy will be reviewed biannually with appropriate consultation and presented to the Board of Governors or as required due to an incident or event which warrants such review The policy procedure will be monitored and evaluated regularly via a convened team consisting of the RSE Working Party and by feedback from Pastoral Team personnel and Staff involved in delivery Chairman of Board of Governors Principal Date 19

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APPENDIX 1 Resources and Guidance available for RSE Delivery Religious Education GCSE specification LLW Insync File Key stage 3 CEA Booklets Key stage 4 New specifications A Z of Sex Baby Boomers DVD Science Schemes of work year 9 GCSE syllabus Key stage 4 A Level Syllabus KS5 Health Education Love for Life School Nurses Avert Relationship Programme PSNI Care Unit City West Neighbourhood Community Policing Western Health and Social Services Trust Health Promotion Department Nexus Love Matters Other reference materials Accord Resource File Relationships and Sexuality Education Going Forward Together 1997 Manual for parents Relationships and Sexuality Education RSE DENI Circulars 2001 circular 15 2010 circular 01 2013 circular 16 Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidance An update for Post Primary schools 2015 25 250 16 19 Child Protection Legislation and Guidance Circular 99 10 http www equalityni org Sexual Orientation Discrimination Law in NI A short Guide Page 11 20

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Appendix 2 Relationships and Sexuality Education Programme Outline Subject Religions Education LLW HE PD Geography HE Science Enrichment Post 16 Health Education Year 8 Term 1 2 3 Year 9 Term 1 2 3 Roles within a family Community Story of Creation Life is a gift from God Developing and maintaining appropriate relationships AVERT to deliver a 6 week workshop to 8fentitled Heading for Healthy Relationships Developing and sustaining good friendships n a Population Studies The family unit and structure Roles and responsibilities of individuals within a variety of home structures Characteristics of living things N A Term 3 I Zone health and the whole persondelivered by Love For Life Year 10 Term 1 2 3 Sacrament of marriage N A Year 11 Term 1 2 3 GCSE Programme CCEA Years 11 12 Catholic Church Paper A focus on moral challenges January April Pupils learn about relationships and sexuality through the Personal Development module of LLW Developing and maintaining healthy relationships in families peer groups and in sexual relationships Risks and benefits for a young person with regards to parents peer groups school and the media The challenges faced by young parents i e emotional financial and career prospects Preparation for Adult Life Programme Year 11 Puberty and adolescence Male and female reproductive systems pregnancy and birth Ante natal care methods of birth control and physical and emotional needs of a baby N A Term 3 Bounce ProgrammeHealthy Relationships School Nurses personal hygiene and care Development of Countries and factors affecting it Year 12 Term 1 2 3 Marriage Abortion Sex before marriage Contraception Pupils who achieved less than a C grade in their PD module have an opportunity to re sit Therefore this area is studied again during LLW revision classes GCSE Geography Unit 2 Year 13 14 Term 1 2 3 Enrichment Programme N A Family life and parenting N A N A GCSE Programme Role of hormones in the menstrual cycle Artificial control of fertility and IVF Cloning and genetic engineering benefits and risks N A GCSE Programme Additional science content includes chromosomes genes and DNA fertilisation and social and ethical issues relating to stem cell technology Embryo screening economic ethical and social issues Genetic diseases N A Term 3 Icebergs and Babies Love For Life N A NA Term 1 Term 3 Bounce programme AVERT NSPCC Positive relationships healthy relationships N A A level programme Life and Health Sciences if appropriate module studied eg A2 5Genetics Stem cell Research and Cloning Healthy relationships keeping safe and independent living Safe use of the internet Relationships and the law Relationships and the law Safe use of the internet PSNI CARE team City West Neighbourhood Policing Team 21

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Appendix 3 RSE Developing Policy 8 2 The learning environment In organising the learning environment the teacher will be careful to create an atmosphere which respects the privacy of each individual student and treats all students with due sensitivity and care Some important considerations might be The degree to trust respect and positive regard for students The relationships between the teacher and the students and among the students themselves The need for clear expectations goals and learning objectives It is important that ground rules and codes of behaviour should be discussed and agreed with the class 8 3 The learning experience Group work Working in small groups has been found to be a most effective way of organising the learning in SPHE and RSE classes This involves dividing the class into small discussion groups of 4 6 students The teacher s role is to organise the class so that effective work takes place in the groups The major work takes place between the students themselves rather than between the students and teacher It is important to remember that skill in group work is something developed in teachers and students over time Experiential learning The structured experiential method is widely recognised as the most appropriated method for use on all forms of SPHE The use of this method in the classroom setting ensures the students active participation in their own learning They are not simply the passive recipients of information Such active involvement gives a greater significance to the learning because it arises out of the students own experience ideas and behaviour This method is made up of four stages experiencing Processing generalising and applying Experiencing Applying Processing Generalising 23

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RSE Developing Policy Experiencing The first phase consists of the initial experience that forms the foundation of the entire process The experience is generated in the classroom though the use of a structured exercise such as role play simulation drama etc The students have to be participants rather than observers in this initial experience in order to generate the reactions needed to resource the next phase of the process Processing Initially processing consists of reflection on and sharing of the variety of reactions to the experience Then analysis occurs through a variety of methods in order to explore an evaluate the initial experience and the reactions to it Generalising In this phase of the cycle generalisations are extracted from the sharing and discussion and principles developed Consideration is then given to how these might influence attitudes and behaviours in the context of moral religious and cultural values Applying The fourth phase of the cycle calls for the application of the learning in new situations The teacher can use a variety of methodologies to encourage the application of the learning to new contexts Some methods which support the experiential learning cycle include Group discussion This can be triggered by a wide variety of experiences inside and outside the classroom Discussions should be planned have clear aims and be structured in accordance with the aims and objectives of the lesson Case studies These can be drawn from students own experience from television programmes from newspapers and a wide variety of other sources They are particularly useful for problem solving exercises Brainstorming The students are asked to call out words they associate with a particular topic All contributions are recorded without comment on a flip chart or board The group may then put them in order or in categories and move on to a discussion of some of the issues raised Role play This is a teaching procedure which allows students to explore simulated situations in a controlled and safe environment IN role play students take on roles based on real life situations in which personal skills can be tested and developed Scripts and role cards are useful in supporting this methodology 24

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RSE Developing policy Artwork Artistic expression can be particularly useful for overcoming literacy problems Forms of artwork which are appropriate include drawing collage montage graffiti work and posters Narrative expression The creation of stories and poems can be helpful Stories can be worked on in groups and a variety of possible endings suggested for different scenarios Poetry is a useful tool for the expression of feelings and attitudes Games Icebreakers Icebreakers can be used to energise a group or to help develop a relaxed atmosphere in the class They can also enhance listening and communication skills Games Simulation These games function in the same way as role play but in a carefully structured environment They can provide experience of and exposure to a wide range of situations and experiences Debates A debate is a series of formal spoken arguments for and against a definite proposal While the normal form of exploration in the SPHE and RSE class is the more informal discussion debates can be useful for developing skills of analysis critical awareness and appreciation of differing points of view Project work A well designed project assignment can facilitate students in directing their won learning Four key stages are involved Plan decide on the project title and theme Implement carry out the work Present display the completed work and answer questions from other students Evaluate what was learned in the entire process Visitors While visitors to the classroom can be a useful addition to RSE the delivery of the programme remains the responsibility of the teacher 25

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Appendix 4 Bibliography The following documents contribute to the development of this framework Church Documents Church Teaching Guidelines on Relationships Sexuality Education Irish Bishops Conference NI ROI Guidelines on Relationships and Sexuality Education PS Bishops Conference Document 2013 Vision 08 A Vision for Catholic Schools Catechism of the Catholic Church Share the Good News National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland 1996 Vatican Document The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality Educational Guidance in Human Love Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education 1983 The Catholic Preschool Primary Religious Education Curriculum for Ireland Irish Episcopal Conference 2015 In the Beginning St Edwards RC Lees Oldham programme for Primary Schools The Pontifical Council for the Family the truth and meaning of Human Sexuality Guidelines for Education within the Family 8 December 1995 Vatican City July 25 1968 Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of the Supreme Pontiff Paul V1 Sacred Congregation For the Doctrine of the Faith Persona Humana Declaration on Certain Questions concerning Sexual Ethics 29 September 1975 CERC Sex Education The Vatican s Guidelines Amoris Laetitia Joy of Love of the Holy Father Francis to Bishops Priests and Deacons consecrated persons Christian Married Couples and all the Lay Faithful on Love in the Family You Cat Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church 2010 Catholic Truth Society Ignatius Press Northern Ireland Legislation Guidance Materials Post Primary RSE Policies in Derry Diocese and other areas of NI Diocese of Derry A Framework Document for Primary and National Schools Guidance for Primary Schools Relationships and Sexuality DENI 2015 Department of Education Relationships Sexuality Guidance An Update for Post Primary Schools CCEA Relationships Sexuality Education Guidance Northern Ireland Curriculum Department of Education 2001 circular Relationships and Sexuality Education Factsheet on Relationships and Sexuality Education Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety FPA Public Health Agency Department of Education Circular 26 August 2015 RSE Guidance Education Reform Northern Ireland Order 1989 Circular 2001 15 Department of Education Relationships and Sexuality RSE RSE Policy Guidelines The Law Policy Guidance relating to provision of Relationships Sex Education NI Curriculum Teaching Controversial Issues at KS3 NI Curriculum Learning for Life and Work for KS3 Personal Development Strand NI Curriculum Learning for Life and Work for KS4 Personal Development Strand RE Core RE Syllabus KS3 KS4 26

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Republic of Ireland Legislation Guidance Materials Department of Education Skills RSE in the Context of SPHE An Assessment of the Challenges to Full Implementation of the Programme in Post primary Schools Summary Report Report of the Expert Advisory Group on RSE Blue Book Department of Education Skills Relationships and Sexuality Education Policy Guidelines A Partnership between Home and School 1997 Department of Education Circular M20 96 To Boards of Management Authorities of Second Level Schools Relationships and Sexuality Education Department of Education Skills RSE in the Context of SPHE An Assessment of the Challenges to Full Implementation of the Programme in Post primary Schools Summary Report PDST Professional Development Service for Teachers RSE Teacher s Manuals Primary Schools 27