Achievement for All ST JOSEPH S BOYS SCHOOL MONITORING EVALUATION POLICY Reviewed _______________ Date ___________ Agreed SMT _______________ Principal Date ___________ Agreed BOG _______________ Date ___________
St Joseph s Boys School Achievement for All MONITORING AND EVALUATION POLICY Rationale 1 1 As an educational institution our main focus is that of learning and teaching and caring for children in our charge With this in mind as a professional body of people it is our intention to provide a high quality service that will significantly contribute to the development of each pupil In order to ensure and maintain a high quality of service it is necessary to continuously reflect and assess our provision This is embodied in a structure of continuous monitoring and evaluation at every level throughout the school Purposes 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 To ensure the best possible standards of Learning and Teaching To ensure that pupils progress and develop To ensure the best possible standards of pupil performance To ensure that the school provides a positive learning environment To ensure that school policies are observed and followed To ensure that pupils have a positive attitude towards their work and that their behaviour is good Guidelines 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 It would involve the Principal Vice Principal SMT staff and governors It would lead to action Everyone would be clear about his her role in the process Everyone would understand the process The system would be manageable Areas of Focus 4 1 Learning and Teaching and in particular how effective we are in meeting the requirements of the Learning and Teaching Policy Criteria A variety of teaching strategies is employed Learning intentions success criteria will be embedded in practice Assessment criteria established throughout the department to ensure consistency in assessment Feedback will be given regularly Reinforcement and summary to embed learning Classroom planned for groupwork individual learning tasks Lesson structures established timed paced to instruct question and assess Establish classroom routines in an organised tidy classroom
Work is displayed on a regular basis to provide a stimulating environment 4 2 Standards of work and progress Criteria The standard of work in pupil s books displays etc will indicate that progress is being made Presentation of homework will be of a high standard and reflect the school s policy on presentation and marking The work will reflect the teacher s high expectations 4 3 The learning environment Criteria Displays will be fresh and reflect the very best of the work of the pupil Displays will be varied and over time consist of pictures drawings the written work and ICT work Displays may include working displays that will provide a stimulus or reference or contain teaching points The classroom will be tidy and pupils have established routines 4 4 The attitudes behaviour and general discipline of the pupils Criteria Pupils display an enthusiastic attitude to learning Pupils should demonstrate the ability to stay on task for periods of time appropriate to their age and ability level Pupils should demonstrate the ability to work co operatively and independently Pupils should be well behaved on school trips and when representing the school in events away from school e g sports fixtures shows etc Pupils should enter and leave classrooms according to positive behaviour management plan Pupils should move between classes in an orderly manner 4 5 The aims of the school and how we are achieving them Criteria There will be evidence that a significant number of the points identified in the school aims are being utilised 4 6 The curriculum assessment and record keeping Criteria Planning will show that the statutory requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and learning goals are being met Planning will indicate that Literacy and Numeracy are being delivered Marking of pupils work will be in accordance with the school s policy it will be thorough meaningful and assist in future planning Formal assessments will indicate areas and rates of progress and also areas of weakness that will assist in future planning Pupils records are kept in accordance with school procedures and these are effective in indicating achievement
A scrutiny of pupil work will Reflect the teachers planning Show evidence of individual progress Show that the school policies on marking and presentation together with individual subject policies schemes of work and guidelines are being followed Sources of Evidence 5 1 Class Teacher Class results and examination results analysis Pupil work class work and homework s Marking of work Class observation Lesson evaluations Resources in use Planning material schemes etc Course evaluations 5 2 Form Teacher Daybook Pupil reports profiles data use Uniform equipment Attendance figures Parental communication Achievements Rewards Referrals 5 3 Head of Department Schemes of work Department handbook Development plan and action plan Targets Results analysis Homework audit Resources Minutes of departmental planning and work Annual review Course Evaluations 5 4 Head of Year Minutes of meeting Attendance figures targets Implementation of referral Implementation of Policies Records of pupil behaviour Use of CLASS Development plan and action plan targets Annual review
5 5 Co ordinators Minutes of meetings Development plan and action plan Implementation of policy Record of outcomes and achievements Course evaluations Data of pupil performance 5 6 Curriculum Development team Minutes of meetings Curriculum Training Evaluations Pupil performance data P R S D Monitoring Schedule 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 9 6 10 September Meetings to establish targets and issues for the year All post holders interviewed at beginning of year to report plans and issues agreeing targets and action All post holders interviewed at end of year for annual review and to plan for subsequent year Heads of Department and Coordinators interviewed by Senior Management Team once per term to report progress of plans and targets Heads of School interviewed twice per term by Vice Principal Pastoral to report progress of plans and targets Heads of Year interviewed once per term by Heads of School to report progress of plans and targets Senior Management Team meet regularly to consider plans and targets and to monitor progress Principal and Senior Management Team members meet with Heads of School Heads of Year Heads of Departments and Coordinators throughout year to discuss action plans achievements and progress Scheduled meetings with individual groups of Non Teaching Staff Principal will report to Board of Governors on a termly basis All monitoring will be in relation to established policies practices roles and responsibilities Policy Review This policy has been determined by the board of Governors which said body may approve revisions as necessary and appropriate This policy was agreed on _________________________ It will take effect from _______________________ and will be reviewed two years hence