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St Joseph's Child Protection Pol

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ST JOSEPH S BOYS SCHOOL CHILD PROTECTION POLICY Agreed SMT Date Principal Agreed BOG Date Chairperson Review Date March 2019

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St Joseph s Boys School Achievement for All Child Protection Policy This policy follows the detailed guidance set out in the WELB Child Protection Procedures DENI Circular 1999 10 NB This guidance is currently being updated Children Order NI 1995 Guidance and the Area Child Protection Committee Regional Policy and Procedures 2005 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The principles and philosophy which underpin our work with pupils are those set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child UK Agreement in 1991 and enshrined in the Children NI Order 1995 effective from November 1996 In particular the principle we support is that every pupil or young person has the fundamental right to be safe from harm with proper care give to their physical emotional and spiritual well being by those looking after them Other reference documents include Human Rights Act 1998 Education and Libraries Order 2003 Welfare and Protection of Pupils Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups N Ireland Order 2007 and The Sexual Offences N Ireland Order 2008 Guiding Principles The welfare of the pupil is paramount Where a pupil has special needs or is disabled these needs must be taken into consideration At all times there must be a considered and well informed multi disciplinary and muti agency approach and commitment to the protection support and safeguarding of pupils from harm Parents carers should be consulted and involved in matters which affect their family The right to confidentiality for parents carers teachers and children must be respected and information will only be shared in the interests of the pupil s welfare Pupils have the right to be heard to be listened to and to be taken seriously Taking account of their age and understanding they should be consulted and involved in all matters and decisions which may affect their lives Where a pupil or young person has a disability specialist assistance should be sought to achieve this Actions taken to protect a pupil or young person including investigation should not in themselves be abusive by causing the pupil or young person unnecessary distress or further harm Safe guarding and promoting pupils welfare around digital technology is the responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with them in the school or on school organised activities Children and young people have a right to be protected and educated and appropriate preventative action to protect children and minimise associated risks around online safety 2

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PROCEDURES St Joseph s recognises its five main responsibilities in the area of Child Protection These are in the areas of prevention recognition response referral and confidentiality record keeping Parents will be made aware of our responsibilities and procedures and we seek their co operation in its implementation Ethos We in St Joseph s Boys School have a primary responsibility for the care welfare and safety of the pupils in our charge This aims to provide a caring supportive and safe environment valuing individuals for their unique talents and abilities in which all our young people can learn and develop their full potential St Joseph s has developed and provides a child protection ethos and a Preventative Curriculum We offer children an alternative model to violent or abusive behaviour and alternative methods or responding We aim to involve the whole school in creating a listening school St Joseph s offers protection on two levels 1 Immediate protection creating a listening environment that makes it easier for pupils and young people to share their concerns 2 Long term protection enhancing self esteem and encouraging social skills breaking the cycle of abusive behaviour We therefore seek to protect our pupils by helping them to learn about the risks of possible abuse helping them to recognise unwelcome behaviour in others and helping them to acquire the confidence and skills they need to keep themselves safe This preventative curriculum is underpinned by our Pastoral Care Policy based on the following promotion of an inclusive culture the establishment of a helping relationship with pupils based on mutual understanding regard and openness between pupil parent and teacher St Joseph s has a strong Year Head system and a very effective Form Teacher system where appropriate we provide individual guidance and support The work mostly involves the form teacher parent pupil but other support staff such as counsellors advisors or the chaplain can be involved the curriculum also supports child protection through a relevant informative and appropriate delivery of personal development skills through our Learning for Life and Work programme at both KS3 KS4 whole school Health Education The Board of Governors ensures that St Joseph s has and follows the code of Practice DENI 99 10 for the conduct of all members of staff towards the pupils and young people attending the school The Code of Conduct covers all activities organised in and by St Joseph s whether on the school premises or elsewhere The school retains the duty of care no matter where 3

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School Safe Guarding Team Principal Mr Damien Harkin Vice Principal Pastoral Designated Teacher Child Protection Mrs Martina Mc Carron Deputy Designated Teacher Mrs Ciara Deane Chairperson BOG Mrs Siobhan Mc Intyre Designated Governor Ms Maria Taylor Roles and Responsibilities The Chair of the Board of Governors The Chair of the Board of Governors must Ensure that a safeguarding ethos is maintained within the school environment Ensure that the school has a Child Protection Policy in place and that staff implement the policy Ensure that Governors undertake appropriate child protection and recruitment selection training provided by the WELB Governor Support and Human Resource departments Ensure that a Designated Governor for Child Protection is appointed Assume lead responsibility of managing any complaint allegation against the School Principal Ensure that the Board of Governors receive termly updates and a full written annual report in relation to a child protection activity The Designated Governor for Child Protection The designated Governor will provide the child protection lead in order to advise the Governors on The role of the designated teachers The content of child protection policies The content of a code of conduct for adults within the school The content of the termly updates and full Annual Designated Teachers Report Recruitment selection and vetting of staff The Board of Governors Board of Governors must ensure That the school has a Child Protection Policy in place and that staff implement the policy Relevant Child Protection training is kept up to date by at least one governor and a record kept of the same That confidentiality is paramount Information should only be passed to an entire Board of Governors on a need to know basis 4

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The Principal The Principal must ensure that DENI 1999 10 is implemented within the school Currently being reviewed for update That a designated teacher and deputy are appointed That all staff receive child protection training That all necessary referrals are taken forward in the appropriate manner That the Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Board of Governors is kept informed That child protection activities feature on the agenda of the Board of Governors meetings termly updates annual report That the school child protection policy is reviewed annually and that parents and pupils receive a copy of this policy at least once every 2 years That confidentiality is paramount information should only be passed to the entire Board of Governors on a need to know basis The Designated Teacher and Deputy The designated teacher and deputy must Avail of training so that they are aware of duties responsibilities and role Organise training for all staff whole school training Lead in the development of the school s Child Protection Policy Act as a point of contact for staff and parents Assist in the drafting and issuing of the summary of our Child Protection arrangements for parents Make referrals to Social Services Gateway team or PSNI Public Protection Unit where appropriate Liaise with the Western Education Library Board designated officers for Child Protection Maintain records of all child protection concerns Keep the School Principal informed Provide written annual report to the Board of Governors regarding child protection The Class Teacher Teachers see children over long periods and can notice physical behavioral and emotional indicators and hear allegations of abuse The teacher must Refer concerns to the designated deputy teacher for Child Protection Listen to what is being said and support the child Act promptly Make a concise written record of a child s disclosure using the actual words of the child appendix 7 Keep the Designated Teacher informed though the written Record of Concern proforma appendix 8 or verbally about poor attendance and punctuality poor presentation changed or unusual behaviour deterioration in educational progress discussions with parents about concerns relating to their 5

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child concerns about pupil abuse or serious bullying concerns about home conditions Avail of whole school training and relevant other training regarding safeguarding children NOT give children a guarantee of total confidentiality regarding their disclosures NOT investigate The Parents Parents should play their part in Child Protection by Telephoning the school on the morning of their child s absence or sending in a note on the child s return to school so as the school is reassured as to the child s situation Informing the school whenever anyone other than themselves intends to pick up the child after school Letting the school know in advance if their child is going home to an address other than their own home Familiarising themselves with the School s Pastoral Care Anti Bullying Positive Behaviour Internet and Child Protection Policies Reporting to the office when the visit the school Raising concerns they have in relation to their child with the school Values Paramount This means that our duty to protect children comes first over and above our concern and responsibility to parents or colleagues Where the two conflict children s rights must always come first Partnership This is the foundations of all our work in child protection We are in partnership with Children and young people Parents Other agencies We do this because it is effective it gives people rights it values families It is easier to protect children if parents and others co operate and are involved It is not always possible to achieve full partnership in Child Protection which depends on each partner having equal rights 6

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This will depend on Our willingness to work hard at partnership Parents and their willingness to co operate Whether there is conflict between the needs of child and the view of the parent Vetting We ensure that persons beyond St Joseph s staff who are invited to be involved as volunteers helpers leaders on educational visits residential visits or other out ofschool educational activities are subject to vetting procedures in keeping with current arrangements for the care and protection of children and young people Vetting of school staff is currently carried out under DENI guidelines and procedures outlined under the 2003 Protection of children and Vulnerable Adults NI Order enacted April 2005 The Safe Guarding Vulnerable Groups NI Order 2007 SVG Order The following circulars also provide guidance DE Circular 1999 09 1999 10 1999 17 2003 13 2006 06 2006 07 2006 08 2006 09 and 2006 25 2008 03 New Arrangements and 2008 10 2011 22 2012 19 2013 01 2013 25 2015 13 2015 21 2016 05 2016 20 2016 26 2016 27 and the following websites https www healthni gov uk publications co operating safeguard children andyoung people northern ireland https www ani org uk schools safeguarding and child protection https www education ni gov uk topics support and development child protectionand safeguarding https www safeguardingni org resources http ico org uk for the public schools pupilinfo Unocini Understanding the Needs of Children in NI https www education ni gov uk publications cpsss board governors handbook education ni gov uk keeping children safe online The school also confirms with external organisations and others that staff have been vetted before programmes activities commence This should occur during initial meetings to plan appropriateness of content and delivery of such programmes activities as recommended in CCMS Pastoral Care 2006 document We will ensure that we will provide effective management for our staff through adequate training and supervision Definitions for Child Abuse Children may be abused by a parent a sibling or other relative carer i e a person who has actual custody of a child such as a foster parent or staff member in a residential home an acquaintance or a stranger who may be an adult or a young person The abuse may be the result of a deliberate act or a failure on the part of a parent or carer to act or to provide care or both The child protection procedures apply to all children and young people under 18 years of age including arrangements for children upon their birth Children with statements of Special Educational needs will have child protection procedures applied up to 19 years and all 18 19 year olds are seen as vulnerable adults 7

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Child abuse occurs when a child is neglected harmed or not provided with proper care Children may be abused in many settings in a family in a residential hospital or institutional setting or in a community setting by those known to them or more rarely by a stranger There are different types of abuse and a child may suffer more than one of them The procedures outlined in this guide are intended to safeguard children who are at risk of significant harm because of abuse or neglect by a parent carer or other with a duty of care towards the child Types of Abuse Physical Abuse is the deliberate physical injury to a child or the wilful or neglectful failure to prevent physical injury or suffering This may include hitting shaking throwing poisoning burning or scalding drowning suffocating confinement to a room or cot or inappropriately giving drugs to control behaviour Emotional Abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child s emotional development It may involve conveying to a child that he is worthless or unloved inadequate or valued only insofar as he meets the needs of another person It may involve causing a child frequently to feel frightened or in danger or the exploitation or corruption of a child Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child though it may occur alone Domestic violence adult mental health problems and parental substance misuse may expose a child to emotional abuse Sexual Abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities The activities may involve physical contact including penetrative or non penetrative acts They may include non contact activities such as involving children in looking at or in the production of pornographic material or watching sexual activities or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways Staff should also note from of abuse highlighted under Sexual Offences Act 2003 see Appendix 1 and reference also sexual offences N Ireland order 2008 Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child s physical emotional and or psychological needs likely to result in significant harm It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food shelter and clothing failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger failing to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment lack of stimulation or lack of supervision It may also include non organic failure to thrive faltering growth A child may suffer or be at risk of suffering from one or more types of abuse and abuse may take place on a single occasion or may occur repeatedly over time 8

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Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is threatening behaviour violence or abuse psychological physical verbal sexual financial or emotional inflicted on one person by another where they are or have been intimate partners or family members irrespective of gender or sexual orientation ref DHSSPS NIO Tackling Violence at Home 2005 pg 10 Young Person whose Behaviour places them at Risk of Significant Harm a child whose own behaviours such as alcohol consumption or consumption of illegal drugs whilst placing the child at risk of significant harm may not necessarily constitute abuse as defined for the purposes of the Child Protection Procedures If the child has achieved sufficient understanding and intelligence to be capable of making up his own mind then the decision to initiate child protection action in such cases is a matter for professional judgement and each case should be considered individually Professionals should though be alert to the possibility that a young person may be engaged in certain risky behaviours as a result of other adverse experiences in their lives which may be indicative of abuse Bullying Bullying is a highly distressing and damaging form of abuse and it is not tolerated by our school All the staff are vigilant at all times to the possibility of bullying occurring and will take immediate steps to stop it happening to protect and reassure the victims and to ensure the bully stops his unacceptable behaviour Parents of both the victim and the bully will be contacted when appropriate Any complaint by a parent that their child is or may be being bullied or by a pupil himself will be fully investigated in accordance with the school s anti bullying procedures Details of the Anti Bullying policy and others relevant to the school s Child Protection policies and procedures are available on request in writing to the Principal These may be collected from the office during working hours Cyber Bullying As part of our e safety safe use of Internet Mobile Phone Policy Pastoral Care and Anti bullying Policy should also be noted Such forms of cyberbulling can present by Email Instant messaging chat rooms Social networking sites Online gaming Mobile phones including sexting Abuse of personal information Identification of Abuse Because of our day to day contact with individual children we as teachers but also non teaching staff including lunchtime supervisors and ancillary staff are particularly well placed to observe outward symptoms or changes in appearance behaviour learning pattern or development Such symptoms may be due to a variety of other causes including bereavement or other disruption in family circumstances or legal prescribed and illegal drugs alcohol or solvent misuse Sometimes however they may be due to child abuse The following indicators are examples a more comprehensive list can be referenced from chapter 2 Appendix Z ACPC Regional Policy and Procedures File consult with DTCP 9

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For example Possible Indicators of Physical Abuse Multiple bruising and or bizarre markings on the skin Multiple bruising at different stages or resolution Bruising and or lacerations around the mouth Finger and thumb marks on the face or body Black eyes particularly when both are affected Burns scalds or bites which appeared to have been caused by adults Possible Indicators of Physical Neglect Inadequate clothing Poor growth Hunger or apparently deficient nutrition Possible Indicators of Emotional Abuse Excessive dependence Excessive attention seeking Possible Indicators of Sexual Abuse Sudden changes of mood Regressive behaviour bed wetting Lack of trust in men particularly any marked fear of men Hints of sexual activity in children s conversation play or drawings this may include sexually explicit graffiti in exercise books or elsewhere Excessive pre occupation in sexual matters including precocious knowledge or apparent experience of adult sexual behaviour persistent obsessive sexual stimulation towards adults sexually provocative behaviour which is inappropriate to the age of the child Signs such as these described above and others can do no more than give rise to concern they are not in themselves proof that abuse has occurred However teachers and other staff should be aware of the possible implications of and be alert to all such signs particularly if they appear in combination or are regularly repeated Where a member of staff is concerned that abuse may have occurred he or she must report this immediately to the Vice Principal Mrs M McCarron Designated Teacher or in her absence Mrs C Deane Deputy Designated Teacher following the school s guidelines on the identification and reporting of suspected abuse 10

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ONLINE SAFETY Online safety forms an integral part of the school s safeguarding child protection policy and is approved and monitored by the Board of Governors Policy and procedures about online safety are aligned with safeguarding child protection E Safety policy behaviour code of practices anti bullying policies The E Safety policy incorporates agreements on the acceptable use of Internet and school based Digital Technology Personal mobile technology See Appendix 10 ICT Code of Safe Practice and there are clearly defined procedures for reporting and dealing with incidents surrounding breaches in the school s online safety guidelines See Appendix 11 Class ICT Code of Safe Practice See Appendix 12 ICT Code of Practice for Staff See Appendix 13 ICT Parental Guidance Letter Risks around online safety have been defined under four categories Content risks The child or young person is exposed to harmful materials Contact risks The child or young person participates in adult initiated online activity and or is at risk of grooming Conduct risks The child or young person is a perpetrator or subject to bullying behaviour in peer to peer exchange and or blackmail Commercial risks The child or young person is exposed to inappropriate commercial advertising marketing schemes or hidden costs fraud The following issues may lead to online safety concerns cyber bulling online grooming and child abuse exploitation sexting depression self harm and suicide racial homophobic and religious harassment use of drugs weapons attempts to use a proxy bypass to access restricted sites More advice is available in the Safer Internet area within Fronter a component part of the C2K EnNI Service Reporting Procedure 1 Instances of online safety concerns issues which relate to child protection should be communicated to the Designated Teacher as per child protection procedure 2 In cases of internet abuse or where a child is at risk the school s child protection procedures should be implemented Teachers are in daily contact with children and may be the first to notice changes in a child s behaviour or possible evidence of physical abuse Children who have been abused may also confide in a teacher they trust Where types of abuse have been identified then reporting arrangements should be invoked in keeping with Western Area ACPC guidelines 11

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Confidentiality and Record Keeping No Promise of Confidentiality Can or Should Ever Be Given Where Abuse is Alleged Staff have a professional responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of children with other professionals particularly investigative agencies All staff should recognise therefore that in order to protect children from harm confidentiality must be subordinated to the need to take appropriate action by involving others in the child s best interests For reasons of confidentiality the Principal Designated Teacher and the Assistant Designated Teacher will determine on a need to know basis those who need to be kept informed in order to help monitor a pupil s progress Record Keeping Ref DENI Circular 2016 20 All records information and confidential notes are kept in separate files in a locked filing cabinet These records are kept separate from any other file which is held on the pupil young person These records are only accessible to Principal DTCP and DDTCP Keys should not be removed from premises and stored securely in a key safe If storing information electronically it should be encrypted and password protected Access to C P records should be strictly on a need to know basis Retention of C P records should follow guiding principles of Data Protection Act 1998 and the school s Record Retention and Destruction Policy Disposal of Records Schedule School Records Management Policy Responding to a Disclosure A pupil may quite innocently disclose details of abuse that occurs within the family It is also the case that pupils with experience of abuse may unburden themselves to their teacher classroom assistant as the one adult they can trust It is vital that a teacher in whom a pupil has chosen to confide is sympathetic and supportive The teacher should remain calm and reassuring Pupils who have suffered abuse may have low self esteem or may withdraw if they detect signs of doubt or revulsion Guidelines for Dealing with Disclosures Staff should be aware that the way in which they talk to a pupil could have an effect on the evidence which is put forward if there are subsequent criminal proceedings They should not ask questions which can later be construed as leading questions this can later be interpreted as putting ideas into the pupil s mind Do not investigate this is a matter for Social Services 12

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Responding to a Disclosure 1 Receive listen to what a child says without displaying shock or disbelief accept what is said take notes elaborate retain notes 2 Reassure ensure the child is reassured but only so far as is honest and reliable e g don t make promises you may not be able to keep like I ll stay with you everything will be all right now Don t promise confidentiality you have a duty to refer Explain to the child YP that you will need some help to deal with what he she has told you Do reassure and alleviate guilt if the child or YP refers to it e g you re not to blame you did the right thing to talk about this 3 Respond Respond to the child YP only as far as is necessary for you to establish whether or not you need to refer this matter but don t interrogate for full details Do not ask leading questions e g what did he she do next or did he she touch your private parts such questions may invalidate your evidence and the child YP s in any later court proceedings Do ask open questions like anything else to tell me yes and Do not criticise the perpetrator the child YP may love him her and reconciliation may be possible Do Explain what you have to do next and to whom you have to talk Try to see the matter through yourself and keep in contact with the child YP Ensure that if a Social Services interview is to follow that the child or YP has a support person present if the child YP wishes it 4 Record Make notes at the time and write them up as soon as possible and within 24 hours by completing a Note of Concern Proforma see appendix 7 Do not destroy these originals Record the time date place any noticeable non verbal behaviour and the words used by the child YP If the child or YP uses sexual pet words record the actual words used rather than translating them into proper words Any injuries or bruises may be recorded on a diagram showing position and extent 13

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Record statements and observable things rather than your own interpretation or assumptions Note down when the suspicions were reported and by whom In the case of a school these records should be placed in the pupils file In the event of a complaint made against a teacher s file The file should be examined by the Chair of the BOG on an annual basis 5 Refer Refer to the designated teacher as soon as you have any concern for a child The Designated teacher Mrs McCarron or in her absence Mrs C Deane must always be informed even if abuse is merely suspected You must keep a copy of your report and immediately pass a copy to the designated teacher Mrs M McCarron or in her absence to the assistant designated teacher Mrs C Deane Signs of physical injury observed should be described in detail or sketched but under no circumstances should a pupil s clothing be removed REFERRAL Co operating to Safeguard and Protect Children 2003 THE ROLE OF THE DESIGNATED TEACHER C2SEC 3 44 3 49 3 63 In all cases where abuse is suspected or where an allegation has been made by a pupil that abuse has taken place or where serious concerns exist about the welfare of a child teachers and other members of staff should report verbally and in written format see appendix 7 the information to the designated teacher The designated teacher Mrs M Mc Carron then meets with the Principal Mr D Harkin to plan course of action and to ensure that a written record is made The designated teacher will immediately refer these cases to or consult with social services if appropriate If a referral is made to Social Services she will also notify the Designated Officer of the Education and Library Board and the CCMS Senior Management Officer Schools This referral will initially be made using the referral document UNOCINI understanding the need of children in Northern Ireland or if child at risk the referral will be done immediately over the telephone and followed with a written referral using the UNOCINI form see appendix 2 for referral process It is inappropriate for the Designated Teacher to inform parents of concerns about or disclosure of abuse by a child Social Services and the PSNI will carry out this step The safety of the pupil young person is our first priority In any case where a school has concerns about possible child abuse it is important that a record is kept at all stages this should include dates events and action taken 14

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STAFF CODE OF CONDUCT All schools are aware that they must safeguard and promote the welfare of the pupils in their charge This duty rests with all members of staff teaching and non teaching and implicit in it is the assumption that the conduct of school staff towards our pupils must be above reproach We are in a position of trust including a code of conduct for staff pupils in relation to on line safety See Appendices 10 12 and ref School E safety Policy Private meetings with Pupils Teachers should be aware of the dangers which may arise from private interviews with individual pupils If a confidential meeting must take place it should be in a room with visual access preferably the parents or year heads rooms with the blinds open Alternatively it should take place in a room with the door open or an area which is likely to be frequented by other people Where possible another adult or pupil should be present or nearby during the interview Members of staff should not give pupils lifts home if at all possible Teachers should avoid teaching materials the choice of which might be misinterpreted and reflect upon the motives for the choice When using teaching materials of a sensitive nature a teacher should be aware of the danger that their application either by pupils or by the teacher might after the event be criticised All staff teaching and non teaching should ensure that their relationships with pupils are appropriate to the age and gender of the pupils taking care that their conduct actions do not give rise to comment or speculation Attitudes actions demeanour and language all require care and thought particularly when staff of either sex are dealing with adolescent boys and girls Pupils should be addressed formally by their Christian name Care should be taken to avoid use of over familiar terms darling sweetheart pet etc which are not appropriate in a professional context As a general principle teaching and non teaching staff are advised not to make unnecessary physical contact with their pupils Physical contact which may be misconstrued by the pupil parent or other casual observer should be avoided Such contact can include well intentioned informal gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm which if repeated with an individual pupil may be misconstrued as well as more obvious and more intimate contact which should never occur 15

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There may be occasions when a distressed pupil needs comfort and re assurance that may include physical comforting such as a caring parent would give Teaching and non teaching staff should use their discretion in such cases to ensure that what is seen by others present to be normal and natural does not become unnecessary and unjustified contact Some of us are likely to come into physical contact with out pupils from time to time in the course of our teaching for example when showing a pupil how to use a piece of apparatus or equipment We should be aware of the limits within which such contact should properly take place and of the possibility of such contact being misconstrued by the pupil Heads of Departments should draw up their own guidelines for the use of areas such as photographic darkrooms practice rooms store rooms Teaching and non teaching staff who have to administer first aid should ensure whenever possible that other pupils or another adult is present If an incident occurs Where a member of staff feels his her actions have been or maybe misconstrued See Appendix 3 He she should complete an Incident Report Form and should submit it immediately to the Principal Mr Harkin This form will then be kept on file This procedure would follow the guidelines outlined in the school s policy on Safe Handling Use of restraint This can be obtained on request from the school office This would apply especially in a case where a teacher had been obliged to restrain a pupil physically to prevent him from inflicting injury to himself or others Teaching and non teaching staff should be particularly careful when supervising pupils in a residential setting such as during a ski trip outdoor educational trip or extended visit away from home In these setting more informal relationships tend to be usual and staff may be in proximity to pupils in circumstances very different from the normal school environment Allegations Against a Member of Staff If a complaint about possible child abuse is made against a member of staff the Principal Mr Harkin or if he is not available the Designated Teacher Mrs M McCarron must be informed immediately The above procedures will apply unless the complaint is about the Designated Teacher or Principal The Chair of the Board of Governors will be informed immediately See Appendix 4 Allegations Against the Principal If a complaint is made against the Principal the Designated Teacher Mrs M McCarron or in her absence Mrs C Deane must be informed immediately She he will inform the Chair of the Board of Governors and together they will ensure that the necessary action is taken See Appendix 4 16

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Allegations Against the Designated Teacher Mrs M McCarron Mrs C Deane Any complaints must be referred to the Principal See Appendix 4 Suspension from Duties Where the matter is referred to Social Services the member of staff will be removed from duties involving direct contact with pupils and may be suspended from duty as a precautionary measure pending investigation by Social Services Allegations Incidents occurring when A Pupils are out on Work Experience Pupils should be made aware of the procedure and who to report their concerns to before going on work experience by the organising member of staff The normal child protection procedure will then prevail See Appendix 5 B Pupils are following Route 3 Curriculum Pupils should be made aware of the procedures for reporting their concern and who to report to by appropriate members of staff The protocol to be followed has been agreed with North West Regional College staff namely Designated Deputy Designated Teachers as from September 2005 See Appendix 5 C Parental Procedure for Reporting possible concerns child abuse If a parent has a concern about a child s safety he she must Discuss the matter with the class teacher form teacher initially If the concern continues then contact the designated Vice Principal Mrs McCarron and if necessary the Principal Mr D Harkin or by contacting writing to the Chairman of the Board of Governors See Appendix 6 Staff Induction Re Child Protection Procedures Induction of Substitute Temporary Teaching Staff Re Child Protection Procedures Action Senior Teacher Sub Cover Vice Principal Designated Teacher Reviewed with staff as appropriate These procedures and guidelines are given to all temporary staff Procedures are reviewed with each temporary member before they begin placement Induction of Non Teaching staff Re Child Protection Procedures 17

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Action Designated Teacher or the Designated Officers Western Education Library Board have responsibility to carry out Child Protection training for cleaning canteen staff Existing Support Staff Action Office Manager annually updates support staff Responsibility for induction and reviews policy on consultation with Designated Teacher Re Child Protection CHILD PROTECTION In Relation to Special Educational Needs A joint circular from WELB and WHSSB highlights the need to give due consideration in assessing special needs to children s social and family history Children who live in circumstances where there are family difficulties and stress and who have experienced abuse and neglect and have additional special educational needs due to the impact of such factors on their development and on their ability to access and benefit from the curriculum It is our collective responsibility to promote the optimal growth of each child Consequently in assessing children s education needs and in setting and applying criteria for assessment and provision at all stages of the Code of Practice schools and other educational professionals should have due regard to the individual child s social and family history Particular vigilance and sensitivity should be accorded to children who are looked after and children whose names are on the Child Protection Register It should be acknowledged that the special circumstances in respect of such children may augment and in some cases compound the level of special educational need Circular Oct 04 In response to this and other key concerns we suggest the following Children who have no perceived difficulties other than being looked after or being on the CPR should be placed on the Special Needs Register at Stage 1 with relevant coding LAC CPR for staff information Children who are Stage 2 or above for academic reasons will have the relevant code LAC CPR included on their IEP Abbreviations Used in Policy Document LAC Looked after Child This means that Social Services have taken over parental responsibility Child may be looked after in their own or a relative s home under supervision in foster care or in a Children s Home CPR Child Protection Register Child is considered to be at risk and all aspects of his welfare need to me monitored YP young person IEP Individual Education Plan 18

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Distribution of Policy Parents will also receive an annual information leaflet informing them of the procedure A copy of the school s Child Protection Policy is available on request from the main office and is on the school website MONITORING AND REVIEW OF POLICY This policy will be reviewed as part of the school s policy review cycle by the designated teachers at the end of each school year and no later than September and ratified annually by Board of Governors I have read and understood the Child Protection Policy of St Joseph s Boys School Date ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ 19

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APPENDICES Appendix 1 Sexual Offences Act 2003 Appendix 2 Procedure where school has concerns about someone Not a member of the staff Appendix 3 Record of Incident of Restraint Appendix 4 Procedure where a complaint has been made about possible abuse by a member of the school staff Appendix 5 Complaints procedure whilst on Work Experience Appendix 5A Complaints procedure whilst on NWRC premises Appendix 5B Procedures for dealing with complaints NWRC Appendix 6 If parent has a concern Appendix 7 Child Protection Incident Report Form Note of Concern Appendix 8 Child Protection Profile of Concern Appendix 9 Retention Periods for Child Protection Records Appendix 10 ICT Code of Safe Practice ref E Safety Policy Appendix 11 Class Code of Safe Practice ref E Safety Policy Appendix 12 ICT Code of Safe Practice for Staff ref E Safety Policy Appendix 13 Parental Information Letter ref Appendix 3 E Safety Policy 20

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 1 Sexual Offences Act 2003 Please note that these are excerpts from the legislation and not a complete interpretation of the legislation Section 15 Meeting a child following sexual grooming etc Section 15 makes it an offence for a person aged 18 or over to meet intentionally or to travel with the intention of meeting a child under the age of 16 in any part of the world if he has met or communicated with that child on at least two prior occasions and intends to commit a relevant offence against that child either at the time of the meeting or on a subsequent occasion Section 16 Abuse of position of trust sexual activity with a child Sexual Offences NI Order 2000 draft These sections re enact and amend the offence of abuse of position of trust under sections 3 and 4 of the Sexual Offences Amendment Act 2000 The sections each provide that it is an offence for a person aged 18 or over intentionally to behave in certain sexual ways in relation to a child aged under 18 where the adult is in a position of trust in respect of the child The prohibited behaviour in each of the sections is identical to that prohibited by the child sex offences in sections 9 10 11 and 12 respectively except that for the abuse of position of trust offences the child may be 16 or 17 Roles which constitute a position of trust are set out in section 21 Positions of trust include for example employment in a residential home or detention centre or in an educational establishment The offence covers all children under 18 however it is principally designed to protect young people aged 16 and 17 who even though they are over the age of consent for sexual activity are considered to be vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation from particular classes of persons who hold a position of trust or authority in relation to them Where the child is under 13 we would expect the CPS to charge one of the specific under 13 offences which carry higher penalties Where the child is aged between 13 and 15 it would normally be more appropriate for the offence of sexual activity with a child at section 9 to be charged as this carries a heavier maximum penalty of 14 years in recognition of the fact that the child is below the legal age of consent The decision as to which offence to charge rests with the CPS 21

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 2 Procedure where school has concerns about possible abuse by someone not a member of the staff Keep a written record of complaint at all steps Tell the designated teacher Mrs Mc Carron Tell the Principal Mr D Harkin Is a referral necessary or do doubts remain Don t know consult Social Services Board CCMS Yes refer to Social services Police and tell WELB CCMS Referral will be made on the UNOCINI Form No Tell complainant Yes discuss with Social Services Police how parent will be informed Is parent the alleged abuser 22 No tell parent

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 3 ST JOSEPH S BOYS SCHOOL Record of Incident of Restraint Name of Teacher ____________________ Pupil ______________ D O B _____________ Class ______________ Date ______________________ Time _______________________ Witness Name s ________________ if present Reason for use of Restraint ____________________________ Teacher Report include information on where the incident happened why how etc include details of the pupil s behaviour anything said steps taken to defuse or calm situation degree of force used how it was applied and for how long and any injury details if occurring Please attach any relevant documentation Specify Signed ______________ Teacher Signed ______________ Principal 23

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 4 Procedure where a complaint has been made about possible abuse by a member of the school staff Is it about someone other than the Principal or designated teacher It is about the designated teacher Keep a written record at every stage whether a referral is made or not The designated teacher is the Principal It is about the Principal Yes Tell the designated teacher Mrs M Mc Carron Tell the Chairperson of the Board of Governors Mrs S Mc Intyre Tell the Principal Mr D Harkin No Tell the Principal Mr D Harkin If a referral is necessary or if doubts remain Tell subject of complaint WELB CCMS complainant Instigate disciplinary proceedings No no further action No but disciplinary action Seek advice from WELB CCMS SS Yes Tell Social Services Po lice WELB CCMS Suspension to be done by Principal where not subject of complaint or Chairperson of BoG Tell complainant 24 Consider suspension remove from direct contact duties Seek advice from WELB CCMS

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 5 _________________________________________________________ How a student can make a complaint about possible child abuse while on Work Experience If a pupil has a concern about his her safety he she should tell one of the following immediately Supervisor of pupil Or Employer Route 3 Co ordinator Mr G Beattie St Joseph s 25 St Joseph s Designated Teacher Mrs M McCarron Deputy Designated Teacher Mrs C Deane

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 5A PASTORAL INFORMATION How a student can make a complaint about possible child abuse while on N W R C premises If a pupil has a concern about he she should tell one of the following immediately Class tutor NWRC School Links Co ordinator Any member of NWRC Staff NWRC Designated Teacher Joseph McCarthy Tel 71276096 Mrs Shannon Doherty Tel 71278709 Any member of school staff Schools Designated Teacher Deputy Designated Teacher NWRC and school will follow the Guidelines and Procedures described in the DENI Publication Pastoral Care in Schools Child Protection 1999 10 currently being updated 26

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 5B NORTH WEST INSTITUTE OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE SCHOOLS PROTOCOL CHILD PROTECTION Procedures for dealing with complaints a A complaint emerges in a school about an incident that happened in N W R C Details of the same should be telephoned or emailed to the Institutes Designated Officer for Child Protection This should be confirmed in writing if contact is by telephone in the first instance Copies of any statements made by pupils should also be forwarded to the Institute Designated Officer for Child Protection b Matters relating to Child Protection outside school Institute e g home environment If detected in the Institute such matters would appear to he best dealt with through the school pastoral care system Relevant staff in schools would have a much greater knowledge of all aspects of pupil s domestic situations 27

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 6 Summary for Parents Carers Parent has concern about child s Safety If still concerned talk to the Designated Teacher Mrs M Mc Carron or the Deputy Designated Teacher Mrs C Deane M r D Currie If still concerned talk to the Principal Mr D Harkin If still concerned talk or write to the Chairperson of the Board of Governors It should be noted that information given to members of staff in St Joseph s about possible child abuse cannot be held in confidence In the interests of the child this information has to be shared with other professionals However only those who need to know will be told 28

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 7 PROFORMA ANNEX D CONFIDENTIAL NOTE OF CONCERN CHILD PROTECTION RECORD REPORTS TO DESIGNATED TEACHER Name of Pupil Year Group Date time of incident disclosure Circumstances of incident disclosure Nature and description of concern Parties involved including any witnesses to an event and what was said or done and by whom Action taken at the time 29

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Details of any advice sought from whom and when Any further action taken Written report passed to Designated Teacher Yes No Date and time of report to the Designated Teacher Written note from staff member placed on pupil s Child Protection file If No state reason Name of staff member making the report ________________________________ Signature of Staff Member _____________________________ Date _________ Signature of Designated Teacher _________________________ Date _________ 30

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 8 Achievement for All St Joseph s Boys School Child Protection Profile of Concerns Child s Initial________ DOB__________ Year Group________ Date Details of Concern Signature 31

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 9 Retention Periods for Child Protection Records It is recommended that in general child protection records should be retained by the school for the following periods Record Retention Period Pupil Child Protection Case Files DOB 30 years The School s confidential Record of Child Abuse Complaints If Social Services inform the school that a child s name is removed from the Child Protection Register Indefinitely Maintain a record of this fact and associated documentation from Social Services on the child s file while he she continues to attend On transfer the school should inform the new school and destroy all social services records The record on the Child Protection File will remain until D O B 30 years Complaint against a member of staff Staff members file Indefinitely unless totally exonerated Child s Child Protection File D O B 30 years Record of Child Abuse Complaints Indefinitely Complaint to be pursued under the school s disciplinary procedures Staff members file 5 Years Child s Child Protection File D O B 30 years Record of Child Abuse Complaints Indefinitely As a general guide indefinitely should be a minimum of 40 years _____________________________________ The Department of Education Disposal Schedule recommends that a staff file is retained for 7 years after leaving employment In the case of child protection concerns the file should be retained for the time periods specified in the school Child Protection Records Retention and Destruction Policy 32

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Disposal At the end of the agreed retention period records should be securely disposed of for example incinerated or shredded in the presence of a member of the school or entrusted to a firm specialising in the destruction of confidential material Information held electronically within private folders on the C2K system should also be deleted within the timescales set Following deletion the electronic records will be held securely on the centralised backup for a period of time but in due course will be overwritten and the documents removed No evidence will remain in the C2K system The National Archives has issued guidance based on the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse stressing that any information which may be required by the Inquiry should not be destroyed This principle should be applied in all cases and careful review before destruction of documents https www csa inquiry independant gov uk news chair of the inquiry issuesguidance on destruction of documents 33

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 10 ICT Code of Safe Practice e Safety Rules I will only use ICT systems in school including the internet e mail digital video mobile technologies etc for school purposes I will not download or install software on school technologies I will only log on to the school network Learning Platform with my own user name and password I will follow the schools ICT security system and not reveal my passwords to anyone and change them regularly I will only use my school e mail address I will make sure that all ICT communications with pupils teachers or others is responsible and sensible I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the Internet This includes resources I access and the language I use I will not deliberately browse download upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher I will not give out any personal information such as name phone number or address I will not arrange to meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher Images of pupils and or staff will only be taken stored and used for school purposes in line with school policy and not be distributed outside the school network without the permission of all persons involved and the Principal I will ensure that my online activity both in school and outside school will not cause my school the staff pupils or others distress or bring into disrepute I will respect the privacy and ownership of others work on line at all times I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system I understand that all my use of the Internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed school sanctions will be applied and my parent carer may be contacted 34

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 11 ICT Code of Safe Practice e Safety Rules I have read the Code of Safe Practice e Safety Rules and agree to abide by the rules I know that breaking these rules will lead to sanctions being imposed by St Joseph s Boys School Name Form 35 Date

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 12 ICT Code of Safe Practice for Staff e Safety Rules ICT including data and the related technologies such as e mail the internet and mobile devices are an expected part of our daily working life in school This code of practice is designed to ensure that all staff are aware of their professional responsibilities when using any form of ICT All staff are expected to agree to this code of practice and adhere at all times to its contents Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with the Principal I will only use the school s email Internet Intranet Learning Platform and any related technologies for professional purposes or for uses deemed reasonable by the Principal or Board of Governors I will comply with the ICT system security and not disclose any passwords provided to me by the school or other related authorities I will ensure that all electronic communications with pupils and staff are compatible with my professional role I will not give out my own personal details such as mobile phone number and personal e mail address to pupils I will only use the approved C2k secure e mail system for any school business I will ensure that personal data is kept secure and is used appropriately whether in school taken off the school premises or accessed remotely Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the Principal or Board of Governors Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted I will not install any hardware of software without discussing with the Network Manager Christopher McGlinchey and permission from the Principal I will not browse download upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive illegal or discriminatory Images of pupils and or staff will only be taken stored and used for professional purposes in line with school policy and with written consent of the parent carer or staff member Images will not be distributed outside the school network without the permission of the parent carer member of staff or Principal I understand that all my use of the Internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available on request to my Line Manager or Principal I will respect copyright and intellectual property rights I will ensure that my online activity both in school and outside school will not bring my professional role into disrepute I will support and promote the school s e Safety and Data Security policies and help pupils to be safe and responsible in their use of ICT and related technologies User Signature I agree to follow this code of practice and to support the safe and secure use of ICT throughout the school Signature Date Full Name printed Job Title 36

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Child Protection Policy 2017 Appendix 13 THIS IS TO BE COPIED ON HEADED NOTEPAPER AND SENT TO PARENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH ACADEMIC YEAR Date__________ Dear Parent Carer ICT including the internet learning platforms e mail and mobile technologies have become an important part of learning in our school We expect all pupils to be safe and responsible when using any ICT It is essential that pupils are aware of eSafety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT In order to help minimise any risks which might arise from Internet use our Service provider C2k has installed filtering software which operates by blocking thousands of inappropriate web sites and by barring inappropriate items terms and searches in both the Internet and e mail It is also important that pupils behave responsibly when using the internet and mobile technologies The school s rules for safe Internet use are included within the Acceptable Use Agreement which accompanies this letter Pupils are expected to read and discuss this agreement with their parent carer and then both should sign and return the cut off reply slip below Pupils and parents carers can discuss any concerns or seek further explanation from the form teacher or Mr T O Brien school ICT eSafety Coordinator Please return the bottom section of this form to school for our records With regards Damien Harkin Principal Pupil and Parent carer signature We have discussed this document and pupil name agrees to follow the eSafety rules and to support the safe and responsible use of ICT at St Joseph s Boys School Parent Carer Signature Date Pupil Signature Date 37

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