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St George's Gardens, 1a Spinners

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ContentsStrategy OverviewInformConsultReviewFire Safety Equipment in your buildingMandatory OccurrencesFurther Information02040607101201

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StrategyOverviewWhat is covered in this ResidentEngagement Strategy Summary01InformWhat information wewill give to residents andbuilding ownersConsultWhat we will ask for youropinions on and how wewill gather & use themReviewHow we will manage,measure and reviewyour engagementThe Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA) has established a range of duties relating to the occupation and management of Higher RiskBuildings (referred to as HRBs). HRBs are broadly residential buildings which are at least 18m or 7 storeys in height.The BSA duties are owed by Accountable Persons (APs). There can be more than one AP for a building, however the BSA requires a PrincipalAccountable Person (PAP) to take the lead on BSA matters in order that there is a single entity with overall BSA responsibility.The BSA requires the PAP for an HRB to prepare a strategy for promoting the participation of relevant persons (residents of the higher-riskbuilding who are aged 16 or over and those who own residential units in the building) in the making of building safety decisions. This is called aResidents Engagement Strategy.DeTrafford St Georges Gardens Ltd is the PAP for the building. References to “we” or “us” in this document are references to the PAP. Residential Management Group Limited (RMG) is the managing agent for the PAP. On behalf of the PAP, RMG will work with all stakeholdersto help deliver on the content of this strategy.In this strategy, we will tell you how we will engage with you to help make sure your building is safe by doing the following:

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This is some of the information we will provide, about decisions relating to the management of your building:InformWhat information we will give toresidents and homeownersFire Safety InformationWe will provide Fire Risk Assessmentsand the Fire Safety Plan for yourbuilding. We will tell you when we’redoing fire door safety checks in yourbuildingWe’ll inform & consult you aboutbuilding works that directly affectyou, maintenance & proposedchanges to building managementBuilding WorkDefects to Life Saving SystemsYou’ll be notified within 24 hrswith timescales for repairsResponsibilitiesWe’ll set out the responsibilities ofresidents and landlords in relationto the safety of your building02

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InformHow we will communicate informationto residents and homeownersBelow is all the ways we commit to communicate with you:Notice BoardsLook out for messages on thenotice board in your buildingBy PostIf you have opted to receivepaper communication PortalsWe will post notifications toour online customer portalPropertyManagerThrough usual contact withyour Property ManagerEmailIf you have opted to receivecommunication by email03RMG’s WebsiteRefer to RMG’s website forinformation on building safety

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ConsultWhat we will ask your feedbackand opinions onWe will ask for your opinions about key building decisions that impact you in one or all of the following ways:Significant Risk Significant DisruptionDecisions that have a significantimpact on your safety. For example, decisions relatingto fire compartmentation or thefire action plan. Significant CostWork that needs to becarried out on yourbuilding that comes at asignificant cost or isunbudgeted.Building work that is likelyto be very disruptive. Forexample, work that is noisy,prolonged or requiresaccess to your home. 04

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Your opinion matters to us, because it will help us to make the best decisions to ensure that your building is safe to live in.We will sometimes contact you to ask your opinion on a specific key building decision. This will often be in the form of ameeting with your Property Manager or a survey, either via the portal or in the post. Your opinions will be reviewed and taken into account before key decisions are made, and may influence things such aswhen the work is carried out or the scope of the work. We will feedback to you via post, email or the portal, to tell you about any changes or decisions made as a result of youropinions. Timescales for submitting your opinion, and for us to provide feedback will depend on the situation, but will be set outwhen we first contact you to ask for your opinion.This is how we will collect and use your opinions on building safety decisions:ConsultHow we’ll gather your feedback SurveysPortalsVisits & meetings withyour Property Manager05

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ReviewHow we will measure andreview your engagementWe will measure and keep under review the effectiveness of this strategy. We will report back on our findings andprogress to all residents and homeowners or higher risk residential buildings. We will measure:Overall satisfaction that wekeep residents & homeownerssafe in their home.Number of buildingsafety issuesreported.Number of complaintsreceived aboutbuilding safety.Number of residentsstating that they knowwhat to do in a fire.We will measure the above by communicating with you in the ways set out on page 3 of this document.The results may lead us to update this strategy and make changes to the ways we engage with you in the future.06

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The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 have introduced additional requirements in relation to audits andchecks to ensure and enhance the fire safety of high rise residential buildings. The Principle Accountable Personis also required to produce a Resident Engagement Strategy.Fire SafetyEquipmentWhat fire safety equipment can be found in yourbuilding and how we ensure it is well maintainedThe Responsible Persons are required to carry out safety checks on the following assets in your building: Dry/WetRisersEmergencyLightingSprinklerSystemsFire AlarmEquipmentSmokeVentsSmokeDetectorsApartmentDoorsFire FightingLiftsFire Doors07

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Provide FloorplansEnsure wayfinding signs are in placeAsset testing is carried outEmergency Plans are providedFire safety tips are communicatedResident Responsibilities charter is providedOur commitment to provideinformation and updates on assetsBelow is a list actions we commit to, in order to keep your building safe:Annual Residents MeetingAnnual survey conductedPlatform provided for continuous feedbackBi-annual newsletter circulatedLive issues notification and reportingDigital noticeboards: Assist inrecommendation and installation Fire SafetyEquipment08

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MandatoryOccurrences What we will provide residents and homeowners inthe event of a mandatory occurrence.10The Building Safety Act places a duty on the principle accountable person to implement a Mandatory OccurrenceReporting system. An incident is classified as a Mandatory Occurrence if it relates to the risk of fire spread or structuralfailure of the building and without remedy would be likely to present a risk of a significant number of deaths, or seriousinjury to a significant number of people. Any Mandatory Occurrence Events must be reported to the Building SafetyRegulator (BSR) by an AP or PAP. The BSR is an independent body introduced to secure the safety of people in and around buildings and to enhancebuilding safety standards.A Mandatory Occurrence will be reported to you within 24 hours, as stated on page 2 of this document.What are Mandatory Occurrences? What happens when a Mandatory Occurrence arises?Once notified of a safety occurrence, the Building Safety Regulator will be informed as soon as possible and a full reportprovided to the regulator regarding the event within 10 days.This report will provide a detailed breakdown of the occurrence, who it affected, actions taken, lessons learned and howit will be prevented from happening again.

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FurtherInformationHow to obtain further informationIf you need us to provide information in a different language or formatplease let us know at Our dedicated team will be able to arrange for this to be reissued to you.Accessibility OptionsHow to escalate a complaintIf you would like to make a complaint about a building safety matter,please email For more information about how we collect and store information in linewith GDPR when we ask for your opinions, please refer to our PrivacyStatement, which can be found on your portal.12i

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