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2024 School Prospectus

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Saint Conor s College 2024 Prospectus Living Learning Excelling Together

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Welcome to Our School It is with great pleasure that we welcome you as parents and prospective students to Saint Conor s College I am delighted you have chosen to find out more about Saint Conor s College our high achieving reflective and self improving school As a co educational all ability college we offer young people an unrivalled education The pupils who choose our college benefit from our highly commended teaching and learning and outstanding pastoral care Our school is at the forefront of educational change and is a leader in the local community Our school has a strong focus on academic achievement All our young people are encouraged to develop deepen and refine their knowledge skills and personal capabilities through the study of a broad balanced and future proofed curriculum As a school we work hard to remove barriers to children s learning so that they can achieve their full potential in an environment that is both supportive and challenging The positive culture throughout our school ensures children love coming to school each day Their motivation enthusiasm and disciplined attitude to study coupled with the expertise and dedication of the staff means they enjoy outstanding GCSE and A Level success Our school has a vibrant and diverse extra curricular and sporting profile Pupils have opportunities to develop their life skills and friendships through their participation in a wide range of activities trips and competitions As an inclusive school community we empower all the children in our care to exploit their abilities and talent to the full As a Catholic school we are committed to developing and extending the faith life of the children in our care Christ is at the heart of our school and our partnership with home is vital to our success All our relationships are founded on mutual respect care and compassion for others Religious Education and prayer are important aspects of school life and pupils are involved in a variety of assemblies liturgical services masses faith programmes and charity events that encourage them to see their responsibility to the parish and wider community I hope that you find our prospectus and virtual tour useful and informative I trust that you will get a sense of the exciting future that awaits your child if they make the decision to join us in September Aine Bradley Principal 01 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2023 Aine Bradley Principal Maresa Higgins Vice Principal Bernie Ferguson Head of Junior School

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Our School Vision I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full John 2 5 Saint Conor s College vision is based on the core values of our school community We are committed to creating an environment where every child feels valued and supported Our school is a warm and welcoming place We have high expectations of all our pupils and believe in challenging them to reach their full potential All our students are encouraged to learn achieve and make progress As a staff we are fully committed to creating A Catholic school with Christ at the centre A child centred school An inclusive school A family school A school where people act with humility in service of others A school where children achieve and succeed A learning school A school that is prepared to leave a legacy for others Our Catholic ethos underpins everything that we do We aim to support the whole child to develop each student s academic ability and nurture their creativity spirituality character and resilience We instil in our students a belief that they should have empathy and compassion for others We actively encourage them to get involved in their school parishes and global communities Living Learning Excelling Together 03 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Our Catholic Ethos Our Catholic Ethos is an important part of who we are As a college we regularly discuss the life of Jesus Christ and inspire young people to develop the gospel values of justice honesty truth tolerance and understanding We are a faith community committed to developing and extending the spiritual and moral development of the young people in our care Throughout the year young people have opportunities to participate in assemblies prayer services liturgies and retreats designed to deepen their understanding of their faith and encourage them to pray together as a school community The taught Religious Education Programme at every Key Stage and our involvement in diocesan and parish programmes like Faith Friends The Pope John Paul II Awards help young people to develop community spirit and a social conscience The fundraising and charity work pupils in every year group undertake encourages them to develop empathy and compassion for others and a respect for themselves each other and their environment 05 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Pastoral Care A child centred school The outstanding pastoral provision in our school characterised by excellent relationships and genuine care among all members of the school community effectively supports learning in the college The welfare of our pupils is of paramount importance There is a strong sense of college community and the school works in partnership with a wide range of voluntary and statutory organisations to support young people and help them develop the skills they need to make an active contribution to the world they live in Our Pastoral Leader Heads of Year and Form Teachers work as a team to ensure young people in the college are challenged and supported socially emotionally and academically throughout their school career Form Teachers meet their form class regularly and monitor their attendance progress and well being The Form Teacher delivers the Learning for Life and Work programme and encourages pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Personal and Social Education Citizenship and Employability In every Year Group Form Teachers are led by a Head of Year who has pastoral and disciplinary responsibility for the Year Group The Form Teachers and Head of Year promote positive partnership between home and school in terms of attendance learning and pupil well being As a school we promote a safe orderly and caring environment We recognise that effective Teaching and Learning can only take place when there is a positive attitude to study and respectful responsible behaviour in the classroom Teachers clearly express their expectations and use sanctions and rewards to promote high levels of behaviour and learning Rewarding and recognising pupil achievements is an essential part of our school ethos We have a positive rewards system in place which encourages pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour actions and learning Each half term pupils who achieve 100 attendance and or achieve the target number of merit points are rewarded for their efforts 06 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Pastoral Care in Action We recognise the link between the pupils attendance and punctuality and their academic achievement Attendance We work closely with parents and the Education Welfare Officer EWO to ensure good attendance and Form Teachers and Heads of Year regularly monitor attendance The parent of any child whose attendance is less than 90 in a month is contacted by letter If any child s attendance drops below 85 the EWO is informed If a pupil is absent from school they must bring in a note from their parent outlining the reason for their absence on their return to school If a pupil is absent for more than 3 consecutive days a member of staff will ring the parent for an update on the pupil s health and well being Routine medical and dental appointments should be arranged outside the school day where possible If students need to leave school during the day they must have a parental note This should be signed by their Head of Year before they leave the school building Safe guarding and Child Protection Our school is committed to providing a safe caring environment for all our pupils Pupils and parents are encouraged to speak to the pastoral staff in school about any issues relating to health or well being All school staff are briefed annually on the school safeguarding and Child Protection policy procedures and practice Full details of the Safe guarding Team their responsibilities in terms of Child Protection and the procedure for reporting a Child Protection issue are communicated annually to parents and pupils School Counsellor The school benefits from the services of an External Counsellor who supports pupils who are experiencing difficulties The counsellor provides one to one support for pupils through a confidential service Pupils can self refer to the counsellor or they can be referred by a member of the pastoral staff who feels the student would benefit from the experience Anti Bullying Our ethos clearly states that every child is valued and supported This means that bullying is not acceptable The Personal Development Programme school assemblies and a range of workshops delivered by external agencies are used to promote our anti bullying culture Drugs Education As a school we are committed to informing and educating our young people about the consequences of drug use and misuse It is our belief that all young people need the skills to help them to resist negative peer and social pressures and allow them to develop positive lifestyles and values which will enable them to respect themselves and others In line with school policy any pupil in possession use or supply of drugs or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action E safety As a school we are committed to helping young people to develop safe and responsible behaviour when they are using the internet or other new technologies All students sign an E Safety Code of Conduct designed to reduce the risk posed by engaging with a variety of media sites and digital technologies 07 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Key Stage 3 Engaging Pupils in their Learning Our College offers every pupil the opportunity to develop their own strengths and talents We strive to ensure that every pupil is catered for in terms of their academic sporting creative and social skills Underpinning our curriculum is the inclusive ethos of the school We strive to help all young people develop a positive attitude towards their studies and to inspire a belief in their ability to make real and lasting progress A broad and balanced curriculum which covers the statutory elements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum is offered to all pupils at Key Stage 3 Teachers carefully plan their work to ensure it develops the cross curricular skills Communication ICT and Using Mathematics Pupils also have opportunities to develop their personal capabilities and thinking skills in the classroom managing themselves working with others developing thinking skills participating in decision making and problem solving across all the areas of study At whole school level there is a clear emphasis on raising standards particularly in Literacy and Numeracy Teachers employ a wide range of teaching and learning strategies to engage pupils and foster their love of learning Tasks are differentiated to take account of learners ability and assessment tasks are carefully devised to measure pupils progress Throughout Key Stage 3 young people are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning through peer and self assessment activities In Key Stage 3 pupils study English Maths Science Religious Education French Irish Spanish History Geography Music Drama Art Physical Education Home Economics Technology Design Learning for Life and Work Information Technology 09 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Our School The Pastoral System supports Learning Pupils are involved in an induction programme to help them make the move from primary school successfully Pupils complete baseline assessments to help teachers understand their individual strengths talents abilities and learning styles Class teachers track pupil progress and ability and communicate with parents and form teachers Form teachers regularly monitor pupil attendance effort behaviour and progress Form Teachers use the pupil planner to communicate with parents if there is a difficulty with a subject or to draw a parent s attention to their child s achievements Parents are encouraged to use the planner to communicate any concerns they may have to their child s Form Teacher or Head of Year All pupils are encouraged to regularly reflect on their progress to set themselves challenging targets and to identify areas for improvement Parents are encouraged to comment on pupil attainment and to review the teacher feedback at the end of every assessment Support is available for children who are experiencing difficulties in acquiring the knowledge skills and attitudes they need to become confident and successful learners Individualised Learning Support All pupils sit base line tests in Literacy and Numeracy in the college which indicate their strengths and areas for improvement Pupils with Special Educational Needs are identified at an early stage and benefit from wellplanned individual support co ordinated by the SENCo and provided by a highly skilled team of Learning Support Assistants Class Teachers monitor the performance of all pupils in Literacy and Numeracy and devise subject specific strategies to help pupils improve their performance Individual Education Plans and Behaviour Support Plans are created monitored and reviewed by staff pupils and parents in partnership Targets are set to help pupils acquire a range of skills across the curriculum In addition the school liaises with a variety of external agencies to assist pupils who require academic emotional or physical support In this way the school supports pupils who are at risk of marginalisation and ensures their inclusion and retention in school 11 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Key Stage 4 Meeting the Needs of all Learners Children of all abilities are supported and challenged to achieve their full potential At Key Stage 4 our pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum The school continually reviews the range of subjects on offer and aims to deliver a future proofed curriculum that fully meets the Entitlement Framework Children of all abilities are supported and challenged to achieve their full potential Our goal is to help our pupils achieve the grades and skills they need to progress to the next stage of their education and encourage them to develop the independence innovation and creativity to attain success at the next level Pupils are encouraged to focus on their goals and reflect honestly on their progress Pupils are encouraged to have high expectations and strive for the best grade possible in each of their subjects All pupils in Key Stage 4 study English Maths Religious Education and Single or Double Award Science They also have access to a range of general and applied subjects in a carefully crafted Key Stage 4 curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all learners Before children select their GCSE options the careers department offers each young person a guidance interview to enable them to make well informed choices based on their strengths ability and chosen career pathway Students choose from the following GCSE options Art Business Studies English Literature French Geography History Irish Music Physical Education Digital Technology Religious Education Agriculture Business and Communication Systems Child Development Construction Drama Technology and Design Home Economics Learning for Life and Work Motor Vehicle Studies Occupational Studies The Prince s Trust 13 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Key Stage 5 A Quality Sixth Form Experience Our school is committed to providing high quality provision for young people at Key Stage 5 In sixth form our young people have access to a range of academic and vocational qualifications that help them gain the skills and qualifications for higher education or employment The school also places emphasis on a wide range of enrichment activities and extra curricular opportunities designed to make students active participants in their parishes community and economy The college collaborates with the schools and colleges in the Magherafelt and Rural Learning Partnership to increase the range of subjects on offer each year Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance In our college we help our students to make wellinformed and positive choices about their education and future careers The educational outcomes and life skills they acquire at school need to prepare them for a world of work that is very different to our own They need to build strength resilience and flexibility so they can adapt or change direction if that is required in their working lives We provide a range of careers based activities to help learners plan their futures effectively and acquire career management and employability skills We aim to make pupils effective decision makers Our young people are empowered to manage their own career development successfully and confidently showing respect for themselves and others Our pupils have access to Careers Education All students study Employability at Key Stage 3 and discrete Careers at Key Stage 4 and 5 Careers Information All students have access to a wide range of software packages and web based careers resources They also have access to Labour Market Information and the Sector Skills Council Information They attend University Open Days and are given assistance completing their UCAS form Careers Advice and Guidance All pupils in Years 10 and 12 have an individual interview with the Department of Education and Learning DEL Advisor Parents and pupils are also invited in to Transition Interviews in Year 10 and 12 Work Related Learning All pupils in Years 11 and 13 participate in a work experience programme They also attend a variety of Careers Conventions Careers Talks Industrial Visits and participate in Interview Skills Days Enterprise Events and Health and Safety Training Employability Skills Throughout their school career pupils develop the skills and capabilities required for the world of work 15 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Student Voice Student Council Representatives from every Year Group sit on the Junior and Senior School Councils and they work hard to improve aspects of school and student life Participating in council meetings and initiatives allows pupils to develop leadership skills and ensures that staff are aware of the issues that matter to our young people both in and outside school The Council members are elected by the students at the beginning of the year and meet on a termly basis with the Student Experience Co Ordinator and a member of Senior Staff They discuss issues that concern the student body ensuring that the students views are heard at Senior Leadership Level and that they have an input into decisions that affect them Junior and Senior Leadership Teams Student leadership at our school is central to student achievement Assuming a Leadership Role in Key Stage 3 and 5 increases pupils confidence and raises their aspirations It is also a very positive way of recognising the talent of the student body We aim to provide opportunities for learners to develop their leadership skills as prefects empowering them to gain a deeper understanding of the organisation and the community they live in through their decision making team work care for others and pursuit of excellence Junior Prefects Junior Head Boy and Girl Senior Prefects Senior Head Boy and Girl 16 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Year 8 Induction Building Our School Community In Saint Conor s College we do our best to ensure our Year 8 pupils feel happy and secure as quickly as possible We are fully committed to helping children make the transition process a positive experience In May we send our new students a booklet about life in the college In June our Head of Year 8 and Special Educational Needs Co ordinator visit our feeder schools to meet the transferring pupils and their teachers They share data on the pupils achievement and any relevant pastoral matters A Parents Evening is held in mid June to disseminate important information to guardians about the school day transport uniform policies and procedures A Summer Scheme is in place for transferring pupils This helps incoming Year 8 pupils to put names to faces before they begin school in September Only our Year 8 group will attend school on the first day of term to help them familiarise themselves with the building and staff In September Year 8 pupils will be involved in the Young Enterprise Your School Your Business workshop which helps them to consider their role and responsibility in the school community At the end of September parents and pupils will be invited to participate in our Year 8 mass In October Year 8 students complete a two day outdoor activity programme in Woodhall to promote friendships and teamwork In December parents attend a pastoral meeting with their child s Form Teacher to discuss their progress and well being Parents receive academic reports in each subject in December and June that indicate areas of strength and areas for improvement 17 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Canteen Facilities Our canteen facilities on both sites are very much at the heart of school life and pupil experiences Students have a reasonably priced diverse and attractive menu on offer at breakfast break and lunch time each day The college operates a healthy eating policy Pupils are encouraged to use the canteen each day and are reminded that a balanced diet allows all pupils to engage with their learning and participate fully in class activities The canteens cater for pupils with a range of dietary requirements Pupils can buy hot food and or sandwiches wraps etc during the school day Free meals are available for the children who are entitled to assistance The school council meet with the canteen to contribute ideas for menus and supervision 19 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Partnerships Parents Our college has strong and effective home school links We keep in touch with parents in the traditional manner through notes in planners phone calls home parent meetings but we also have new and more instant methods of communicating with parents such as texts social media our web site app and parent workshops Every year group has a parent morning or afternoon where parents can meet with their child s teachers and discuss their progress Primary Schools Our college enjoys excellent relationships with local primary schools We believe that good partnerships can help make the transition process much easier for our pupils The school is involved in a range of projects with feeder schools in Literacy Numeracy Science Drama Languages and Sport The school engages with P7 teachers to facilitate an exchange of academic and pastoral information about pupils who are transferring Magherafelt and Rural Learning Partnership Our college plays an active role in the The Magherafelt and Rural Learning Partnership a network of local colleges including Kilronan Magherafelt High School Rainey Endowed Sperrin Integrated College St Mary s Grammar School St Pius X College St Colm s High School Draperstown and St Patrick s College Maghera and the Northern Regional College The community provides opportunities for staff training collaboration and the sharing of good practice and resources Statutory and Voluntary Agencies By working with a range of statutory voluntary organisations we address elements of the preventative curriculum and support young people in danger of marginalisation Engaging with these bodies helps us to instil moral courage and creativity in young people encouraging them to make a positive impact on the community they live in through charity work faith life and the sharing of skills resources and expertise Business and Industry As part of our careers programme we have developed outstanding links with local businesses and employers These partnerships have enabled us to highlight vital links between school life and the world of life and work Participating in Interview Skills Days and Work Experience allows our young people to develop the skills and resilience they need for the next stage of their education while participating in workshops visits and presentations helps them acquire independence innovation and creativity 20 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Extra curricular Experiences Developing Talents and Abilities Pupils in our school are encouraged to participate in a wide range of clubs and activities to develop their skills talents and relationships There will be a varied programme of extra curricular activities available to each year group in the college These enrich their life experiences and promote involvement in sport the arts and STEM Interschool games sports Athletics Swimming Cross Country Netball Basketball Hurling Gaelic Football Camogie Ladies Football Badminton Circuits Soccer European Trips FIFA League Table tennis Couch To 5km Ski Trips Science Club Theatre Trips Film Club Public Speaking and Debating School Productions Choir Traditional Group Orchestra Young Farmers Club Heart Start Foundation Coaching Courses Pope John Paul II Awards Minecraft Club Referring Courses Literacy Mentor Training 21 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Sporting Experiences Physical Education is an important aspect of school life and all pupils are encouraged to engage in sporting activities to improve physical fitness and promote mental health and well being Physical Education is compulsory for all students at Key Stage 3 and 4 and is available as an examination option at Key Stage 4 and 5 Pupils are encouraged to get involved in a variety of team sports and recreational activities designed to build their communication teamwork and leadership skills Participating in a wide and varied sporting programme on a curricular and extra curricular level helps to develop self discipline confidence and resilience In addition to our own pitches and playing fields the college makes use of the recreational and sporting facilities available in Greenlough Kilrea Ballymoney Maghera Magherafelt and Lavey The sports available to the pupils in the college include Gaelic Football Camogie Hurling Soccer Basketball Netball Swimming Gymnastics Dance Cross Country Athletics Orienteering Circuits Golf Minor Games Tag Rugby Pilates Walking 23 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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5 Top Tips for Starting Saint Conor s College 1 Be Brave Remember everyone is feeling the same way Ask for help if you need it Don t be shy about introducing yourself and getting to know people who you didn t go to primary school with Join a new club or team 2 Be Prepared Look at your timetable and make sure you know what classes you have Organise your books every evening and make sure you have completed all your homework and packed the right books and equipment for each class 3 Be Enthusiastic Try your best and have a go at learning new things You might find that you are particularly talented at a subject you ve never tried before 4 Be Kind If you think someone else is struggling try to help The best way to make new friends is to be a friend 5 Be Yourself Enjoy your first year of secondary school You will only be in Year 8 once so make the most of it meet new people and have fun It is an exciting year with plenty of changes and new beginnings Believe in yourself You can do it 6 Remember the 3 Rs Students in St Conor s College are always Ready Respectful and Responsible Being prepared having good manners and taking ownership of your work and behaviour will help you to achieve your full potential in the college 25 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Admisssions Criteria for entry into Year 8 The Board of Governors of Saint Conor s College have determined the following admissions criteria for Year 8 in 2024 25 An admissions sub committee will apply the criteria to the initial set of applications Thereafter the Principal will apply the criteria to subsequent applicants The sub committee will be reconvened as necessary When considering which children should be selected for admission the Board of Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on or attached to the application form Admissions Criteria 2024 2025 During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications The application procedure opens on 30 January 2024 at 12 noon GMT and an application submitted by the closing date of 22 February 2024 at 12 noon GMT will be treated as a punctual application An application received after 12 noon GMT on 22 February 2024 and up to 4pm on 4 March 2024 will be treated as a late application If places are available the school will admit all pupils whose parents wish them to attend In the event of over subscription the following criteria will be 1 Students who at the date of their application have a child of the family currently enrolled in Saint Conor s College 6 If there are still more children than spaces available a tiebreaker will be applied on the basis of the initial letter of the surname of the child wishing to transfer with the child being selected in the order set out below T R U P L V M Q B K Mc W J H D S Z F C E Y G N A I O X Mac The order was determined by a randomised selection of letters In the event of the surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the surnames will be used in alphabetical order In the event of two identical surnames the alphabetical order of the letter of the first forename appearing on the transfer form will be used Hyphenated surnames consisting of two separate surnames will be treated as one complete word for selection purposes Should a vacancy arise the above criteria will be applied to select pupils from our waiting list Admissions to Year 8 after 1 September 2024 Parents who wish to have their child considered for admission in the event of a place arising after 1 September 2024 should write to the Principal clearly stating this In the event of a vacancy arising the above criteria will be applied to these applications 2 Students whose permanent place of residence is within any of the contributory parishes listed in no particular order Aghadowey Bellaghy Ballyscullion Dunloy Errigal Greenlough Kilrea Lavey Portglenone Rasharkin Swatragh 3 Students who attend primary school within the named contributory parishes 4 Students who at the date of their application are the eldest child of the family to be eligible to apply for admission to the school 5 If oversubscribed within any of the above criteria 14 priority will be given to pupils who list the newly amalgamated school as their first preference post primary school 26 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Day in the life of Let s have a look at a typical day for a Year 8 student in St Conor s College This is our Monday timetable Believe it or not we look forward to going to school on a Monday morning 8 50am Our school day begins in the court yards and form rooms This is where we meet our friends Some of us go for breakfast in the canteen or chat with our friends in a warm safe space 9 00am Our form teacher meets us for registration and on Tuesdays we have a year group assembly with Mrs McBride Every form group gets the opportunity to lead an assembly on a religious theme or topic 9 15 10 10am Today we have History first I love learning about the past 10 10 10 30am Break time 10 30 12 15pm We have double Home Economics today we re cooking apple crumble Yum 12 15pm It s lunch time Off to the canteen for our delicious dinners we have lots to chose from 27 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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What can I do at lunchtime Play outside Drama Club Minecraft Club Art Club Football Basketball Young farmers club Gaelic Training Camogie Training Hurling Training Chat chew 1 00pm Now we have a Maths Lesson I ve discovered I m pretty good at it this year 1 45 2 35pm The next lesson we have is Technology and Design TD We will be in the workshop making an LED name badge 2 35 3 20pm Our final lesson lesson 6 is Science Today we are using the Bunsen burners 3 20pm Its home time We make our way to the assembly hall to wait for our buses 28 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024 Day in the life of

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Year 8 Familiarisation Day 29 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024 Liliana Knap Hello my name is Liliana Knap and I am a past pupil of St Patrick s Primary School Rasharkin I am in 8C and my form teacher is Mr McCrystal He is very kind I enjoy all the new subjects I am doing in St Conor s my favourites are Geography and Home Economics In practical lessons we bake and cook I loved making chocolate truffles at Christmas The teachers and the staff are friendly and helpful We had a two day team building course at Woodhall It helped me to get to know a lot more people in my year group and I made a lot of friends The activities were challenging We did archery human jenga the leap of faith and lots more At St Conor s there are lunch time clubs you can go to such as art drama chat and chew Minecraft club camogie and football I love St Conor s College it was the best choice for me I hope it will be for you too Oisin McMullan Hello my name is Oisin McMullan and I am part of the St Conor s College community Previously I attended St Mary s Primary School Greenlough Many of my primary school friends also decided to come to St Conor s I chose St Conor s for many different reasons including the fact that my siblings all love it here Life in school is fun There is a wide variety of clubs and a friendly atmosphere amongst the students and staff My favourite subjects are Geography Home Economics and P E I find them really interesting On my first day I was a little nervous however the excitement took over as I stepped into the building St Conor s has given me many different opportunities and I feel much more confident in myself Padraig McAllister My name is Padraig McAllister and I am in 8C I transferred from Crossroads Kilrea When I first started St Conor s I was quite nervous and felt like I had to create a good first impression After the first induction day I felt much more relaxed and very quickly made new friends At the start of October we spent two days at Woodhall Outdoor Centre All the different activities helped us to bond with our year group My form teacher is Mr McCrystal and my Head of Year is Mrs McBride My favourite subjects are Art RE ICT and Drama To top it all I can reveal the canteen food is delicious I would highly recommend St Conor s to any P7 student

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Lucia Devlin Hello my name is Lucia Devlin I am a past pupil of St Marys Portglenone I was lucky that 12 girls and boys from my school transferred to St Conor s so I already had friends starting with me My form class is 8R and my form teacher is Mrs Elliker she is very nice I like all my new teachers because they are supportive and encourage me to do my best My favourite subjects are Art HE and Irish I joined the camogie and girls football teams we have already been to a blitz for football and it was a great event So far in my time of being at St Conor s getting to Woodhall has been a highlight We got to do human jenga archery the leap of faith a zip line and a treasure hunt This was great for helping me to meet new friends in my year group and we had lots of fun I love St Conor s and I am sure you will too Molly Dallat Hello my name is Molly Dallat I am a past pupil of St Columba s Primary School Kilrea My form class is 8N and my form teacher is Mrs Forrest who is very helpful My favourite subjects are ICT PE and TD Since starting St Conor s I have met many new friends from different primary schools and parishes It has been a busy and fun year We went to Woodhall at the start of term one and that helped me get to know even more people in my year St Conor s is a great school with a fabulous canteen the food is very tasty I love my new school and I would highly recommend it to anyone in primary seven Orlaith McLaughlin McKay Hi my name is Orlaith McLaughlin McKay I am a year 8 pupil at St Conor s College and I am a past pupil from St Patricks Primary School Rasharkin My form class is 8N and my form teacher is Madame Forrest One of my biggest fears about moving to secondary school was that I wouldn t know anyone in my form class Fortunately at the end of June we had two very enjoyable days meeting our whole year group at St Conor s Summer Scheme This also helped me to feel familiar with the school building and staff before starting in September During the first few weeks we went to Woodhall which was great fun even Madame Forrest joined in I settled quicker than I ever thought I would St Conor s is a great school where we learn but also have fun I am part of the Gaelic camogie teams for the school which I really enjoy with my friends 30 St Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Year 8 Familiarisation Day 31 Saint Conor s College Prospectus 2024 Shea Bradley Hello my name is Shea Bradley and I am a past pupil of St Mary s Primary School Greenlough My form class is 8O and my form teacher is Mr McGuigan who is very helpful and funny Since moving to secondary school I have made a lot of new friends and have been learning new subjects like Science Technology and Design Irish and French We went to Woodhall for a school trip at the beginning of the school term and it was a lot of fun We got to take part in a range of activities like human jenga the leap of faith and archery it was a great opportunity to get to know my teachers and my year group My favourite subjects are PE TD Science and HE I love St Conor s and I think that you will too Caolan Gribben Hello my name is Caolan Gribben and I am a past pupil of St Patrick s Rasharkin I am in 8N and my form teacher is Mrs Forrest I have enjoyed my first few months at St Conor s and have made a lot of new friends Outside of the classroom there are many different clubs and sporting opportunities such as soccer Gaelic Young Farmer s and lunchtime Minecraft My favourite subjects are Technology and Design ICT and PE The teachers are friendly and supportive and you can talk to them if you need a hand or if you are not sure about anything St Conor s is a great school and I would highly recommend it to anyone in primary seven Miche l Kelly Hello my name is Miche l Kelly and I transferred here from St Mary s Primary School Greenlough I am in 8C form class with twenty other pupils My form teacher is Mr McCrystal he is also our TD teacher Lots of other Greenlough children came to this school and I am lucky enough to have four of them in my class I wasn t nervous coming here as my big sister came the year before me and couldn t stop talking about how friendly everyone is and how amazing the staff and school are I would have to agree From day one at the Open Day to attending the fun filled summer scheme and then eventually walking through the doors in my uniform on the first day of school in September it s been fantastic I have made loads of new friends from different areas and you wouldn t believe how much I have learnt This was the right school for me I hope to see you at our Open Day it really does showcase what a fantastic school St Conor s is

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Jessica Hutchinson My name is Jessica Hutchinson and I am a past pupil of St Brigid s Mayogall 8O is my new form class and my Form Teacher is Mr Mc Guigan He is an Irish teacher in our school and he is very funny and most importantly understanding and caring After mid term we had the opportunity to go to Woodhall with another class in Year 8 I loved Woodhall Getting involved in the activities was a super way to bond with other pupils and to meet new friends In terms of work my favourite subjects are Technology and Design PE Home Economics and Science These are new subjects for me and I am so glad that I now get to study these subjects I have felt so welcome since the moment I walked through the doors of St Conor s and I know already that St Conor s was the right school for me Brianna Griffin Hi everyone my name is Brianna Griffin I am a past pupil of St John Bosco Ballynease I am in 8C and my Form Tutor is Mr McCrystal Mr Mc Crystal is so kind to all of us and we really enjoy having him as our teacher At St Conor s you will make loads of new friends I can t believe how many I have made already I am lucky because I have one sibling in St Conor s too Our Head of Year Mrs Mc Bride has really helped me to settle into the new school I think she is amazing My absolute favourite subjects are Art Drama PE Science and Technology and Design There are so many opportunities in St Conor s including lots of sports I cannot wait to try out for the Year 8 Camogie team when the opportunity comes I really enjoyed our first school trip and I am looking forward to all the other trips that will come my way Picking St Conor s as my school is the best decision I have made and I believe it would be a good option for you too At St Conor s we spend our time Living Learning and Excelling Together I hope I see you in September 32 St Conor s College Prospectus 2024

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Living Learning Excelling Together