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The Magic of Starfire Village Booklet 9

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryThe CascadesBooklet 9

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He simply told her there wasdanger in the forestand they must be cautious.Anabella didn't understandand Eddie remarkedthere was no timefor explaining now,but promised againto tell her later.

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The happy explorersheaded down by the creekwhere Anabella and Snippywashed up in the morningbefore breakfast.

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They followed the creekand entered a grove ofelegant treesstanding tall,basking in thewarmth of spring.Soon the woodssurrounded them,but they could still seethe water alongside.

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Around a bend,where the creek widenedinto a river,they happened upon a familyof wood ducks.

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Snippy introduced Anabellato the Longfellows,explaining they called themMr. and Mrs. T for short.Mr. T confirmed they wouldattend the meteor showercelebration at the village.

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Eddie gathered someberries for the ducks who cheerfully thankedhim by honking loudly.It was a splendid displayof gratitude.

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After waving goodbyeto the Longfellows,they continuedtheir journeythrough thesecluded forest.

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At one point they heard a deep butmusical croaking sound.Eddie let Anabella know it wasthe Snagys flying high above,keeping watch.

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Finally they came uponthe most beautiful site!Tucked among the trees wasa magnificent waterfall.

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It wasn’t as large as the oneher family had been to,but it was stunning.She could see the waterbouncing off the boulders,gently cascading intothe river that flowedall the way to Starfire Village.

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When Anabella awakenedthe day before the Lyrids,Snippy announced they were goingon a fun adventureafter the daily treasure huntso he suggested they hurry along.

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Anabella could smellthe fresh air,and the sound ofrushing waterquieted her heart.She loved beingsurrounded by nature.

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Eddie told Anabellathat deeper into the woodsabove their secret waterfallwas a much larger one,the upper falls.

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He commented it might bewhere her parents took herbecause there was a parkwhere people gathered,especially on weekends.

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He added that the woodlandersstayed close to the lower fallssince the brush was thick,to keep them safely hidden.

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Richey flewdown and landedon a branch,cooing happilywhile waitingfor Limi.

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The Snagys joinedthem and gavethe all clear,yet expressedthe need tocontinuepatrollinguntilall returnedto the village.

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Sam sat silently by a treeeating walnuts.He did not want todisturb the peacefulness.Anabella thanked him fornot chattering noisilywith Sydney.

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Chipper scurried off to visither cousin Franciewho lived nearby,and Anabella founda rock to sit on.

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Suddenly, out of the brush,a herd of deer appeared and stoodgracefully near Anabella.They introduced themselvesas the Clarks.

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The two fawns came closerand let Anabella pet them.Their names were Emery and Olive.Emery declared that Anabella was alegend throughout the forest,and Olive expressed her wish to hearAnabella and the birds sing.

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He rounded upSam and Sydney and Chipper,then Pete and Repeatshowed up with Eddie.

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Anabella was touched.Just as Chipper arrivedwith Francie,Anabella and the songbirdsbegan singing.

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It was an exceptionalday for Anabella.However, her feelingswere bittersweetsince she was eagerto see her family...

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...yet she also didn’t wantto leave the village.Anabella decidednot to think about it,for now...

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Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!Have you ever beento a waterfall?

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This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and remember todo something special each day.Stand out. Be a legend!

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Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.

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If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!

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The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 9The CascadesKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2021 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 9

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The group happily set out togather their dinner,and Anabella was especiallycurious to seewhat Snippy had planned.

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The day wasbeautifuland there wasan abundanceof sunshine.Limi and Richeyarrived, andnaturally Chippersurprised themwith some berries.

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After they delivered theirgoodies to Miss Di and Sally,Snippy told Anabella it was timeto leave for their adventure.Sally smiled andwinked at Anabella.

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As they wandered away,Snippy revealed theywere going to the Cascades.Anabella remembered thatlast year her family visiteda waterfall with the same name.She expressed her excitementto find out if it wasthe same place....Snippy grinned.

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Richey and Limi saidthey would join them afterletting the Admirals knowthe travelers weredeparting the village.

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Other than the brushjust outside the villagewhere theyhunted for treasure,Anabella had notbeen any further.She wondered why theAdmirals were needed,so she asked Eddie.