The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryThe Lucky CloverBooklet 7
Here we are, once again,enjoying anotherglorious dayin Starfire Village.The treasure huntersare hunting for treasureand cheerfully singing.
Anabella noticed Miss Ditalking to a group of birds.Miss Di spotted Anabella andmotioned for her to join them.She introduced Anabella to Sally,who was her assistant and alsoSam and Sydney's mother.
Sally whispered to Anabellathat she had a special surpriseplanned for the nightof the meteor shower...then she smiled and winked.
Sally and Miss Didashed away in a hurry,leaving Anabella pondering aboutthe night of the meteor shower.Did Sally just provide a hint?
Eddie joined her and sheeagerly confidedthat Miss Sally was planninga special surprise for the nightof the meteor shower.Eddie was elated and pledgedto get corn and carrots,then playfully saidfor your going-away bash, too.
Anabella's eyes sparkledwith excitement.She thanked Eddie andbegged him not to getchased by the farmer,for fear he might get shot.He assured her he wascunning and would runvery, very fast.
Still thinking about shooting stars,Anabella turned around to findPete and Repeat.They indicated the birdshad been patientlywaiting to greet herafter their chat with Miss Diabout the Lyrids shower.
First Pete introduced herto the Snagys,two happily-married,jet-black ravens.He reported they werealso known as the Admirals.
Like their distant cousinsthe crows,ravens were super territorialand helped protect the village.
Ravens also are quite smart,maybe the smartest in Glitter Forest.Since they have a wide wingspanthey can fly amazingly high.This gives them the ability tokeep watch for any dangerand sound the alarmto warn everyone if needed.
Anabella asked Eddiewhat kind of dangerthere was in sucha peaceful place likeStarfire Village.Eddie hesitatedbut promisedto tell her later.
Pete and Repeat statedthat the Snagys and crowsand other birds helpedthe fairies by gatheringstar dust duringa meteor shower.
Repeat introduced her toBaldy the eagleand Henry the hawk,and explained they wereknown as the Generals.Eddie informed herthey were in charge oforganizing and directing thestar dust gatherersduring a meteor shower.
Just then all the other birdsgathered around Anabella.There were robins, bluebirds,cardinals, chickadees,mockingbirds, and doves.Many Anabella knew,but some she hadn't met yet.
So Pete introduced her toa pair of doves, Limi and Richey.They were called the love doves.
Anabella learned a doveis the most romantic bird.She was inspired by theirsoft cooing andobvious love for each other.
They were very stocky birdswith short legs,so when they waddled throughthe grass their headsbobbed up and down.
Eddie explained that doves arethe official messengersof Glitter Forestsince they are the bestnavigators and quite fast.Limi and Richey guidedthe others to spread the wordquickly when needed.
Then Eddie showed her arafter of turkeys anddirected her attention totwo woodpeckers who werebusy pecking at thetallest tree in the forest.
Next, Anabella met Snooty.He was a distinguished owlwho was Hooty's brother andHootster's dad.Anabella laughed andremarked that Snooty didlook a little snooty.
They waved goodbye toSnooty and ran off tojoin the others.Naturally, they foundSnippy searching ina clover patch.
And, as usual,Chipper was busy collectingblueberriesso Pete, Repeat,and Anabella joined her.
The birds began toserenade thehappy hunterswhen all of a suddenSnippy startedyelping loudly.
He did it!He finally found afour-leaf cloverafter looking formonths and months.Now he had thecourage topropose to Sage.At last!
Anabella was delightedthat Snippy was sowildly in love.She wondered if hewould propose to Sagebefore she leftthe village…
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!When will Snippy propose?
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and if you are ever lucky enoughto find a four-leaf clover,be sure to holler loudly!
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 7The Lucky CloverKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2021 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
kc publishingF l o r i d a U S AThe Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyBooklet 7