The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryVillage RulesBooklet 6
Anabella was happy towake up again inStarfire Village.She told Snippyshe wanted to go onanother treasure huntwith her new friends.
Snippy happily agreed.As they walkedto the creekto wash up,he told Anabellahe wanted to sharethe village ruleswith her.
She exclaimed her momhad rules too,so she was eager tolearn theirs.
Snippy explainedthere were only two rules.Always be forgiving.Always be grateful.
Anabella told Snippy the rulessounded easy to follow,but she was curiousif all the sprites andwoodland creatureslived peacefully,who would theyneed to forgive?
Snippy thought thatwas a good question,but he clarified thatthe magic didn’t extendto those beyond the village.
He went on to sayonce an outsideris approved by Miss Di,she grants themthe right of passage.It’s a unique giftthat forever fills themwith the magicof Starfire Village,no matter where they are.
He continued telling Anabellaabout the forgiving rule.Miss Di didn’t like it when thevillagers would returncomplaining about theactions of those on the outside.So a very long time ago sheestablished the ruleto keep the mood happyinside Starfire Village.No more complaining,only forgiveness.
While looking for their friendsand gathering mushroomsalong the way,Anabella asked Snippy if he everhad to forgive anyone.
He told her the story ofthe farmer whochased him with a gunand almost shot him.
Snippy explained he had beenwalking by a farm afterEddie had taken some corn,so it was a case ofmistaken identity.
Snippy forgave the farmer,who was onlyprotecting his garden.He also forgave Eddiefor taking the corn.And he never complainedabout the incident.Anabella liked theforgiving rule.
Anabella was tickledto see Chipper run bywith some blueberries.Then Snippy askedabout her mom's rules.
Anabella smiled anddemonstrated her mom'sdouble L rule.She formed an L with herthumb and index finger,then as she flipped her handback and forth she saidnever lie, never litter.
Anabella told Snippy shenever lied to her mom,but one dayher brother did.He picked someflowers for their mom,then dropped the vase.He panicked whenit broke in twoso he quickly put the piecesback in the cupboard andthrew away the flowers.
About a week later theirmom found the vaseand asked who broke it.Her brother was quick toblame the dog,but she knew he was nottelling the truth.
Anabella told Snippytheir mom gave her brothera second chance to be honest,and he confessed.She did not punish himbut emphasizedhe should alwaystell the truthright from the start.He learned his lesson.
Anabella and Snippyhad a good laughas they imaginedthe dog sneakinginto the cupboard.Then Anabellatold Snippy aboutlittering.
Her mom didn't like it when peoplethrew trash on the roadside.She believed they had no respectfor Mother Earth.So every month Anabella'sparents gathered all the cousinsand they walked up and down theroad collecting trash.
She told Snippy she encouragedher brother and cousinsby telling them how happythe flowers would be after theyfinished clearing up the roadside.
Snippy enjoyed the examples andpraised Anabella foralways telling the truthand cleaning up the litter.
JustthenPeteandRepeatran bywithsomewalnuts.
And Sam and Sydneyscampered aroundchatteringabout the red ripestrawberries they found.Then the hunters gatheredtogether and began to sing.
As Anabella looked around,she had mixed feelings.She missed her familyand her mom's garden,yet she was contentwith her friendsand treasure huntsand eveningsfilled with happiness.
Anabella was gratefulSnippy had sharedthe village rules.She hoped her momwould forgive herfor wanting to staya little longer...
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!What are your family rules?
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and always rememberthe double L rule:never lie, never litter.
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 6Village RulesKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2021 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 6