The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryHooty WhoBooklet 5
That night, as the villagersgathered for dinner,Miss Di announcedshe had a special celebrationplanned since Anabellawas still with them.
She revealed that Anabella anda choir of songbirds would singfollowed by Hooty's story time.
All the sprites andwoodlanders cheered.They loved Anabella's singingand knew Hooty's storieswere always filled with funness.
Anabella was curious.Hooty? Who? Who was Hooty?She was in for a surprise.
Everyone enjoyed a tasty meal ofclover, dandelions, nuts, and berries.Hooray for the treasure hunters!
They also had a special treat,compliments of a raccoonnamed Eddie.He raided one of the farmsnear Glitter Forestand brought backa bundle of corn to share.
During dinner Miss Diasked the dream fairiesfor a status report.Remember, dream fairiescollect dew each morningand it takes time togather the perfect amount.
The fairies reportedthey had reached their goal,and now only needed star dustfrom a meteor showerto transform itinto magical glitter dust.
This was great news!Miss Di advised themthat the Lyrids meteor showerwas expected to appear in a few nights.
She explained to Anabellathat meteor showers happen whenthe Earth passes through bits ofdust or rocks traveling through space,typically from a comet.This cosmic debris is very tinyand most of it burns up when crossinginto Earth's atmosphere.
When this happens the debris trailsthat streak across the night skyare called meteorsor shooting stars.
During a meteor shower,the birds that are able to fly high collect residual fragmentsof star dust to completethe magicalglitter dust formula.
Miss Di told the bunchthe Lyrids was herfavorite shower,and this yearit was sure to bespectacularsince the moonwas just a sliver.A darker sky makes forbrighter shooting stars.Exuberancefilled the air.
After dinner, as promised,Anabella and the songbirdssang in harmony.It was captivating!
Finally, it was time for Hooty's story.Everyone applauded with enthusiasmand began to chantHooty Hooty Hooty!
Anabella's curiosity turned intowonder as a big hoot owl cameflapping down from a tall pine tree.The spectators went wild asHooty hooted his greeting.
He flew overto Anabellaand thankedher and thesongbirdsfor theirsplendidserenade.
As he landed on a big rock in themiddle of the clearing,a hush came over the crowd.Then, in a commanding voice,Hooty started telling aonce-upon-a-time story.
It was abouthis nephew Hootster,a story they had hearda zillion times beforebut even so,no one could resisthearing it again.
Hootster was only threewhen he wandered offthe first time.He soared around the woodsand eventually parked himselfin a maple treenext to a charming cabin.
After Hootster gave out a hoot,a little boy stuck his headout his bedroom windowand mimicked himwith a hoot of his own.
Hootster enjoyed the echoso he hooted again and again.And each time the young boyrepeated Hootster's hoots.
Meanwhile,Hooty had followed his nephewand was listening tothe exchange of hootsfrom high up in a tree.
After a hoot hoot hereand a hoot hoot there,Hootster decidedto make it more interestingand began hoot-singinghis favorite song,pausing after each lineto wait for the echo.
Many neighborsgathered aroundwhen they heardall the hooting. Hootster and theboy finished witha stellarhoot-song duetin unison.
The neighbors cheeredas Hootster flew away,leaving the awe-struck boyfilled with joy.
Hooty told his audiencehow proud he was of his nephew.Naturally, Hooty took creditfor teaching Hootsterhow to hoot-sing.
Hooty flapped his wingsand flew towards a tree,then announced he hada show-stopper surprise.The cheers were exhilarating.
Just then Hootster flew downand joined Hooty on a branch,and together theyhoot-sang a lively tune.
They all danced and celebratedwhile the firefliesilluminated the night.Anabella was filled with excitement.She felt so lucky to be there.
It was another fun-filled eveningin Starfire Village,and soon Anabella fell fast asleepin Snippy's soft, warm fur.She dreamed of berries and fairiesand owls and shooting stars.
Anabella might wantto stay a few more nightsto see theLyrids meteor shower.I am absolutely positivelydefinitely 100% certainI would...
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!Would you stay in the villagea few more nightsto see the Lyrids?
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and remember each good hootdeserves another!
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 5Hooty WhoKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2020 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 5