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The Magic of Starfire Village Booklet 4

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryGood Morning GloryBooklet 4

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In the morning whenAnabella opened her eyesshe was startled.Snippy gently whisperedgood morning gloryand reminded hershe had spent the nightin Starfire Village.Eagerly, Anabellajumped up.It wasn't a dream!

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Snippy told her the dream fairieshad awakened earlier to gatherfresh morning dew for theirglitter dust recipe.

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And the flower fairies left the villageat dawn to sprinkle glitter duston children who still believed in magic.

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Anabella thanked Snippy forkeeping her warmand told him she was very happyto be in Starfire Village.Snippy walked her overto the creek to wash upbefore breakfast.

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They were joined bySnippy's bunny friends,Pete and Repeat,and they promised to takeAnabella home after breakfast.

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As much as she wantedto see her mom andtell her about Starfire Villageand her new friends,Anabella didn't want to leave.After they ate,she asked if she could stayjust a little while longer.

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Snippy and the bunnieswillingly agreedbecause they couldn't resistplaying a game first.

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Besides, they wanted tointroduce her to some otherwoodland friends,and the day was still young.There was plenty of they thought.

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The bunnies seemed especiallycute and funny to Anabella,and she wondered about their names.Pete told her they were twins.He was born first andhis mom named him Pete.Then, when his brother was born she shouted, Repeat!

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Anabella laughedand declaredtheir momhad a great sense of humor.Pete and Repeat.It madeso much sense!

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Snippy suggested they play hisfavorite game - treasure hunt.Anabella was curious todiscover what treasuresthey would find in the forestas Snippy explained the rules.

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Berries were worth five points,dandelions and clovers ten,and nuts twenty.

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So Snippy, Anabella,Pete, and Repeatset out to play the game.They started their hunt in thebrush just outside the village.

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Snippy took time to showAnabella some poisonous berries,explaining she wouldget sick if she ate them.

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He carefully pointed outthe tall pokeweed plants.Anabella thought the bright stemswith clusters of dark purple berrieswere quite lovely, and Snippy agreed.But he warned her never to eat them.

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He also showed her thebright red berries onthe evergreen shrubs.Anabella loved the colors butpromised to stay away.

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Anabella was delighted to finda cluster of strawberries.Pete and Repeatcollected dandelions,and they each made a wish asthey blew on the fluffy onesthat had gone to seed.

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Snippy found a carpet of cloverand got sidetracked searchingfor a lucky one.

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He told Anabella he wanted to marry a sweet fox named Sage.Snippy admitted he was shy, andthought a lucky four-leaf clover mighthelp give him the courage to ask her.Anabella saw the sparkle in his eyesand she knew he was in love.

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Several squirrels, chipmunks,and birds joined in the funas they continued the hunt.

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Repeat introduced Anabellato Sam and Sydney.The two silly squirrels ranup and down the brancheschasing each otherwhile chattering loudly.They were quite playfuland fun to watch.

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She also met Chipper,an adorable chipmunkwho came out of asmall hole in the ground.Pete explained it wasChipper's homeand she lived therewith her family.

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Anabella wondered why Snippy,being a fox, didn't eat the chipmunksand squirrels and otherwoodland creatures.Snippy replied that Starfire Villagewas a magical placewhere they all livedpeacefully as friends.

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Anabella thanked himfor not eating her new friends.

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While they gathered their treasuresAnabella began to sing and several songbirds joined in, creating a harmonious tune.They were having so much fun theytotally lost track of the time.

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When Miss Di found them she wassurprised Anabella was still there.Yet, she was thankfulwhen she saw the large treasureof food for their dinner.

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Anabella giggled when she realizedSnippy made their choreof gathering foodinto a fun game.A treasure hunt indeed!

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Snippy named Anabellathe winner since she hadcollected the moststrawberries and nuts.As the sun began to fade,the treasure hunters declaredit's time for dinner!

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So, we find ourselves once morewondering when Anabellawill return home.But again, it's obvious shecannot go in the dark,'ll see...

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Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!When do you thinkAnabella will return home?

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This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and if you’re ever in the forest,stay away from poisonous berries.

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Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.

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If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!

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The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 4Good Morning GloryKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2018 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 4