The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryThe BeginningBooklet 17
Typically when you finisha book it’s THE END.Well, not this one.It’s just the beginning.
But, let’s get backto the story first...The night of mygrandmother’s ceremony,I could not stop thinkingabout Rose andall the flower fairies.I wondered whenI would see them again.
I was filled with such sorrow andexcitement at the same time.I wanted to tell Granny Anniethat I knew she was Anabellaand that I met Rose and the BFFsand her other fairy friends.
I knew she would giggleand be happy for me.
I wished I was a little girlagain sitting comfortablywith my grandmother,listening to her tales.Yet, I wanted to seeStarfire Village myselfand make my own memorieswith the fairies andwoodlanders.
I wanted to meet Snippy,who kept her warm at night.I wanted to meet Sageand find out if theyhad any baby kits.
I wanted tomeet Eddie,Sam and Sydney,Pete and Repeat,the love doves,the Snagys,Miss Di and Sally,and Chipper, Gray,the Clarks, andLongfellows, too.
When I was younger and spentthe night at Granny Annie’s,I sometimes heard coyoteshowling at the moon.Now I wondered if it wasDude and Colt and Cade.I wasn’t frightened anymore.
A few days after the ceremony,I discovered grandmotherhad left me her house.Soon I graduated andmoved into her home,close to my parentsand my brother.
I maintained my grandmother’sbeautiful gardenand many times I wouldcatch a glimpse of aflower fairy traveling by.
Naturally the butterfliestruly enjoyed the flowersand always seemed happy.
Sometimes Roseand the BFFswould stop by mykitchen window and wave.Rose giggled andKesa and Tori and Sarahsmiled and blew kisses.
If they passed by whileI was in the garden,they always stoppedfor a visit,and we talked and laughedforever, it seemed.
The thing is,once I was sprinkledwith glitter dust at mygrandmother’s funeral,as long as I believed,I would forever see them.I’m sure you agree thatmagic is just so magical!
Eventually I met a wonderful guy,who believed in magic, too.I told him I was writinga book about a secret placecalled Starfire Village,a story my grandmothershared when I was young.He looked forwardto reading it someday.
When he asked me to marry him,my response had a catch.Before I said yes,I had some friendsfor him to meet.He was quite curious,and so was I.Would he pass the test?Did he really believe in magic?Would he see the fairies?
By and by we hikedto the meadow inStarfire Village.We enjoyed the daysitting on a logsurrounded bylovely wildflowers.At this pointI had not told him aboutthe flower fairies,nor had he read my book.
Sitting there was theperfect time to tell himmy book was about alittle girl whose dream tosee a flower fairy came true.I explained how it happenedand that we were in the samemeadow where she watched ameteor shower with herfairy friends, Rose and Kesaand Tori and Sarah.
He especially likedthe part of my storyabout Rose sprinklingAnabella with glitter dustat the exact moment shedreamed of seeing aflower fairy.
He smiled.As I began singing,he closed his eyesto enjoy thefresh air,or maybe tomake a wish?I saw Rosesprinkle himwhen suddenly hiseyes opened wide.
He believed in magic, too!I knew at that momentI would marry him!It was a glorious day.Suddenly several butterfliesstopped by to kiss us bothon the nose while the fairiesfluttered around with delight.
The following spring,we were marriedin the gazebo.All the flower fairiescame to celebrateour special day.
Soon it was time to leavefor our honeymoon.Our family thought we weresilly to go on a camping tripin Glitter Forest,but they knew we lovedbeing close tonature and wildlife.
We hiked to the clearingwhere everyone was waiting.It was the Lyrid’s meteor showercelebration and we stayed forthree enchanting nights.All the fairies andwoodland creatures were there,all of my granny’s friends.Even Snippy and Sage’s grand kits.
Over the next few years,we visited the villageas often as possible.It was magnificent in the fallwhen the trees werebright and colorful.During our early years,we never missed a meteor shower.Then along came the childrenand we decided to wait untilthey were a little olderto return.Add a title
I was an author,working on a new children’s book.I had already publishedThe Magic of Starfire Villageand naturally, I dedicatedit to my Granny Annie.
We had three boys.First came Bryce,then Colt and Cade,the twins.As they grew,and seasons cameand went,we were anxious tovisit the village again.
At bedtime, we often readmy book about Anabella’sadventures in Starfire Village,but they didn’t know it wasabout my grandmother,at least not yet.
My husband and I agreedwhen the boys were olderwe would let them knowthe story was realand take themto visit the village.
That day came soonerthan we expected.It was a beautiful fall day.The twins were sleepingand Bryce was playing in thegarden racing his trucksalong the flower beds.The butterflieschased after themand the flowers seemedto enjoy the fun.
It was late afternoonand I was making dinner.I looked out the windowto see what mischiefBryce got into,since I could no longerhear his laughter.
He was no where to be found.I stepped outside briefly,calling his name.He did not respond.
After a short time passed,I awakened the twinsand called my husband.I whispered it was timefor a hike to the villageto find Bryce.He simply said OKand I could see his smilejust from the sound of his voice.
Since we taught our boys toalways believe in magic,we both knew Brycewas safely with Rose on hisjourney to the village.We felt blessedto finally get the chanceto experiencethis magical placewith our children.
You see, there really is asecret wonderlanddeep in Glitter Forest,known only by a few asStarfire Village.And this my friend,is just the beginning...
It is my hope you sharethese stories with othersso eventually all the worldwill believe in magic again.
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.Will you sharethe magic?
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and remember to share the magicso all the world believes again.
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 17The BeginningKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2023 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 17