The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryThe EndingBooklet 16
As I said in the beginning,when I was young,my grandmother told mebedtime stories aboutAnabella and Starfire Village.She knew it was mynever ending wishto someday seea flower fairy, too,just like Anabella.
Her garden wasgloriously beautiful.When I visited,I would sing to the flowerswishing with my whole heartto see a flower fairy.
Granny Annie would giggleand tell menever to stop wishing andalways believe in magic.
I discovered Granny Anniealso told my motherabout Starfire Villagewhen she was growing up.My mom echoedmy grandmother’s notionthat magic was the key.
As I got older,I became busy with friendsand school so I didn't visitmy Granny as much as I didwhen I was younger.
Over time the magicbegan to fade.I still believed,but I had forgotten howimportant it isto dreams and wishes.
Eventually the stories aboutRose and the BFFs andStarfire Villagewere tucked awayin a corner of my mind.Then I would visit mygrandmother again and shewould gently remind me.
Her eyes would sparklewhen she talked aboutStarfire Village,encouraging me tonever give up.She promised if Iwas persistent,someday I wouldsee a flower fairyeven though nowI was all grown up.Then she would gigglesome more.
One day I asked her whyshe always giggled when shetalked about Starfire Village.I told her I was curious,which only made hereyes sparkle brighteras she giggled some more.
Over the years I longedto be a little girl again,listening to her stories,hanging on every word.But, school and friendsgot in the way ofmy desire tovisit Granny.
I was about 21,living away at school,when I received a sadphone call from my mother.She informed me mygrandmother had passed awayvery peacefully in her sleepthe night before.
I rushed home and the next few dayswere filled with family, friends,and much celebrating Granny Annie.There were many heart-warmingstories shared by those she touchedalong her life journey.
It was Granny Annie’s desireto be buried in the back yardnext to my grandfather,near the garden,close by theweeping willow tree.
She used to walk me overto where he was buriedand we would sing hisspecial song.She told me how muchhe loved to hear it.She also said the weepingwillow tree never weptuntil grandfather waslaid to rest there.
My grandmother'sceremony was quite lovely.All the flowers seemed tosense her passing andmade a special effortto ensure her day wasfilled with lovely scentsand vibrant colors.
Not only were the flowersshimmering with love,but the weeping willow treeseemed to perk upas the branches swayedin the soft breezeon that warm spring day.
Growing up I always calledher Granny Annie,but her real name was Ana.During the ceremonyI was taken by surpriseto learn my great uncle Greg,who we called Papa,shared his favorite memoryabout his sister andhow she got her nickname.I had not heard thisstory before.
He explained when they were young,she used to beg their mom to ringthe Christmas bell every day for themonth leading up to Christmas day.So, he nicknamed herAnabella.
Papa also reminiscedabout the time she was lostin the forest for several dayswhen she was just a little girl.He said it was a miraclewhen she returned;not only unharmed,but quite healthyand much happier.
I was stunned.I couldn’t breathe.I was dazed in my thoughts.Suddenly it all startedto make sense.
The stories my grandmothertold me about a little girlnamed Anabellaand Starfire Villageand Rose and the BFFsand the other spritesand woodland creatures,were about her.She was Anabella.
I didn’t know.She never told me.Is that why she giggledwhen telling her stories?I sat in wonder and missedthe rest of the ceremonyas I tried to put the piecestogether in my mind.
Were the stories true?Is there really a place calledStarfire Village withinGlitter Forest?Did Granny Annie really getsprinkled by glitter dust andfollow Rose to the village?
Tears ran down my cheek becauseI knew I would never get thechance to ask her.
I finally noticed everyoneheading back to the housefor refreshments.I told my mother I wishedto stay behinda little while longer.
I walked around the gardensinging Granny Annie'sfavorite song,the one we alwayssang to grandpa.I wanted to be close to her andfor her to hear my melodyso she would rest in peacenext to him.
Then I rememberedhow she giggled when she told meto always believe in magicand be sure to make a wishwhile singing to the flowersand that someday I wouldsee a flower fairyjust like Anabella in her stories.
I walked over to a beautiful flower and whispered thatI would always believe in magicand that I wished to seea flower fairy,just like my grandmother,Anabella.
My eyes widened as I looked around.I saw not one,but many flower fairies.I closed my eyes for a moment,thinking I must be dreaming,but when I opened themthere was one fairydirectly in front of me.She announced her name was Rose,the one that sprinkled mygrandmother with glitter dustso very long ago.
At that moment all of theflower fairies began to talkalmost at once,telling me stories about theirtime with my grandmother.
Rose told me they all attendedGranny’s ceremonybut no one could see them.Then she said softly thatmy grandmother knewthey were there.
When the ceremony ended,they gathered to returnto Starfire Villagewhen they heard me singingmy grandmother's song.They knew I must be specialto her so Rose sprinkled mewith glitter dust,at the same momentI wished to see a flower fairy,just like Anabella did when Rosesprinkled her so many years ago.
They told me how much they lovedmy grandmother and hoped theywould see me again someday,then they fluttered off toStarfire Village…
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.Are you surprised tolearn Granny Anniewas Anabella?I sure was!
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and remember surprise endingsare always surprising!
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 16The EndingKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2021 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 16