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The Magic of Starfire Village Booklet 13

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryPreparationsBooklet 13

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Most of Starfire Villagewas secretly hiddenby a wide grove of trees,but on the far sidewas a clearing,..

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...a large meadow whereeveryone assembledtwice a year duringthe spring and fallmeteor showers.It was the perfect locationwhere the trees didn’t blockthe view of shooting stars.

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Along the edge of the meadow,close to the trees,were little nooks and cranniesof thickets and brush.This is where theymade their beds.For on a meteor shower nightit was a village sleepover!

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After Gray and his family were organized,Miss Di cleverly asked him to help readya sleeping space for the coyotes.Dude, Colt, and Cade were getting closerand Gray was happy to pitch in.

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Miss Di was being sneaky.She figured if the coyotesknew Gray helped crafttheir sanctuaryit might alleviate their fear.She knew they were unsureof how the magic worked.

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Gray insisted their bed beright next to his.Miss Di was pleased.Sam and Sydney agreed to help,in between playingwith the cubs, of course.

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Meanwhile, Chipper, Francie,and the songbirdswere delicately makinga crown of flowers for Sage.

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The birds practicedwedding love songssending sounds of happinessto drift by in the spring breeze.

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Sally was scampering aboutwith her list whenthe Longfellow family arrivedwith their gaggle of ducklings.They quacked at her as theysecured their spot.

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After Mr. T made certainhis family nest was ready,he went to help Sallybecause his quack waslouder than her chatter.

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Mrs. T and her sons designeda grassy bed lined with leavesalong the river bankfor the Clarks.Woody and Graham Longfellowhad been best friendswith Olive and Emery Clarkfor years and wereanxious to see them.

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When they arrived,the Longfellows andClarks helped Sallyarrange anenchantingbed of flowers forSnippy and Sage,right next to wherethe sprites wouldnestle for the night.

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A howl of delightcould be heard asDude, Colt, and Cade arrivedand headed for the clearing.

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The entire village stopped,wondering what would happenwhen the coyotes and bears metfor the first time ever,but they knew the magic was real.

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Anabella and Snippy showed upjust in time to greet them.Motioning for Gray to follow,Miss Di reminded him aboutthe magic of the village.Gray began to chuckle.So did Anabella and Snippy.

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Gray waved for his family to join him.It was a challengeconsidering thecubs were still playing tag.

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They grumbled a bit,then trailed behind their parentstoward the emerging groupin the middle of the clearing.

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Chipper came running upand gave a flower of loveto both Gray and Dude.Very excitedlyshe said,Bryce, this is Gray,and Gray,this is Bryce,but now thatyou’re friendsyou can call him Dude!

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Next she presented Colt and Cadeand the entire village gatheredfor introductions.

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Afterwards,Hooty, Snooty, and Hootsterkicked off the party byhoot-singing a country dittywhile everyone joined ina hoedown dance.

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Anabella laughed as Snippyexplained they did itevery meteor shower.It was a village tradition.And a fun one, indeed!There was muchmerriment and giggleswatching Grayand the coyotessporting a jig.

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Finally, Miss Di suggestedit was time to wind downfrom all the excitement.She asked the merrymakers,What time is it?In unison they all shouted,It’s time to eat!

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After dinner,Gray escorted the coyotesto show them their sleep site,pointing out it was next to his.Dude was relieved.He was the happiestcoyote in the whole wide word.Imagine sleeping peacefullynext to a family of bears!It was magical, indeed.

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In the midst of all the activity,Anabella began thinking abouther family and the traditionsthey held so dearly.

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Like every night at bedtime,her mom would kiss heron the cheek and whisper,Goodnight Irene.Anabella would respond,my name’s not Irene,and they both wouldlaugh with glee.Her mom always wanted herto fall asleep with a smile.

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She couldn’t wait to continuethat fun game with her mom,but then as she looked aroundher sadness faded…

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Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to recognize my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for the endless magical contributionsduring her years of editing.Her journey has takenher in another direction for now.I miss her hugely.I hope she returns soon!Does your family haveany traditions?

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This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and remember every time you heara country jig, kick up your feet!

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Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.

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If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!

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The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 13PreparationsKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2023 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.

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The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 13