The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark NagyA Child's Bedtime StoryAnabella's MomBooklet 11
On the day of theLyrids meteor shower,Rose was enteringGlitter Forestnear Anabella’s homewhen she hearda sweet voice singing.
She stopped short becauseit sounded so sad.In between the wordsshe heard tears.
Rose fluttered over tothe garden where shehad met Anabella.She saw a woman sittingon the swing underthe weeping willow tree,whimpering a song.
The woman cried out,Where are you Anabella?Please come home.
Rose knew instantlyit was Anabella’s mother,and was shakento feel her sadness.
She wanted to tellher thatAnabella was happy and safeand would be coming homethe next day,after the Lyridspassed by tonight.
She wanted Anabella’s momto know Anabella was eatingwonderful meals of nuts andberries and sometimes corn,when Eddie was able to sneak somefrom a neighboring farm.
Rose wished she could tell herAnabella was always warm at night,drinking dandelion teaand sleeping in Snippy’s soft fur.
How could she let her knowthat Anabella had met manynew friends and brought greatjoy to the entire village?
But Rose knew she could notinteract with Anabella’s mom,so she quickly flewback to the village totell Miss Di what she had seen.
Miss Di was equally concerned,but assured Roseshe would not go back on herword to let Anabellastay for the festivities.Rose was comfortedknowing Anabella wasgoing home in the morningafter the Lyridsand the weddingand her farewell party.
Rose admired Miss Difor being honorableand keeping her promise.But she had no time to be sad.There were many thingsto do yet.
The entire villagewas energeticallypreparing forthe night'scelebration.Sam and Sydneywent with Eddie toraid the nearbyfarm for somecarrots and corn.
Eddie wasespeciallyexcited tofind thebiggest earfor Snippyand Sage.
Sage was with her momgetting ready for herwedding under theshooting stars.
The Admirals and Generalsgathered sprigs withsoft leaves to make aspecial viewing spotin the middleof the clearingfor their new friends,the coyotes.
The treasure hunterswere busy gatheringthe celebratory feastof nuts, berries, clover,dandelions, and maybemushrooms, too.On their way,Snippy and Anabellastopped to talk to Sallywho was running in circlesjabbering orders.She sounded just like Miss Di!
Sally confided she wantedeverything to be perfect.She carried on about the food,the entertainment,the wedding,the going-away party,the meteor shower,their new friends,and visits from old friends.She was obviouslyovercome with excitement.
Snippy offered to teachher a trick he learnedfrom Anabella.He suggested she make ato-do list and checkeach item off as shecompleted that task,keeping her organized.
He handed Sally a stick and sheproceeded to make a list.She thanked them for the greatidea and said it would definitely help.
Once she had her list,Sally scooted away to ask Chipperto make a flower wreathfor Sage to wear.Chipper eagerly agreed andSally calmly checked offthe first item.No more jibber-jabber!
Next she visitedthe dream fairiesto make certain themorning dew was readyto mix with the star dustthat would becollected later that night.They always made a batchof glitter dust the dayafter a meteor shower.Yes! Another itemchecked off the list.
The entire villagewas lively and spirited,and finally even Sallywas enjoying the excitement.
Anabella was thrilledby the enthusiasm,but heartbrokento even thinkabout leavingStarfire Village.
She thought about her mom anddad and brother and howmuch she missed them.She imagined her mom’sgarden and wanted tosmell the flowersand sing to them.
Yet, she was conflictedknowing she may never seeher new friends again.And she wondered if theywould even remember her.She was troubled thinkingshe would soon be forgotten.Yes, her heart wasall mixed up...
Thank you for readingThe Magic of Starfire Village.I also wish to thank my friend,Dianne McKinney Delcourt,for her editing magic!Would your feelingsbe jumbled too?Would you want to stayor go home?
This book is dedicatedto my grandchildren,The Cool Cousin Crew:Bryce, Colt, Cade, and Sage.May you find Thankspirationin everything you do,and someday make a flower wreathfor someone you love.It will make them smile.
Thankspirationis the people and thingsin our liveswe are grateful for.Dare to beextraordinaryby virtue of yourThankspiration!It's my wish for you.
If you areflipped outby my books,please makea donationso I cankeep writing!
The Magic of Starfire VillageBooklet 11Anabella's MomKaren Clark NagyKC PublishingCopyright © 2022 Karen Clark NagyCOPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT#ThankspirationAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout written permission from the author.
The Magic ofStarfire VillageKaren Clark Nagykc publishingF l o r i d a U S ABooklet 11