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inSIGHTER Vol. 3

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"Hope for Humanity"a r r i v e d A p r i l 2 6 t hA MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENTSJudy Karp & Kelly Warsaw, Co-Presidents TheJ U N E 2 0 2 2V O L . 3inSIGHT officially kicked off its fundraising campaign at BallenIslesfor its major upcoming project entitled, “Hope for Humanity.” Inpartnership with the not-for-profit, ShadowLight, inSIGHT plans tobring this innovative learning tool to eight Palm Beach County highschools beginning February 2023.Through video projection on all four walls within the boxcar, thisunique exhibit educates visitors about the Holocaust, thecircumstances that led to it, the facts that surround it, and whatmust happen to prevent it from ever happening again. Many ofthe nearly 250 guests took advantage of the opportunity to see forthemselves what the students will experience. inSIGHT is alwayssearching for new and meaningful Holocaust programming...ShadowLight accomplishes both!ShadowLight’s founder, Jordana Lebowitz, addressed the crowd,“It is so important to educate students about the consequences ofhatred and to empower them to know that they can make adifference. Even ONE person can make a difference.” Student speakers from Palm Beach Central High School, whohad seen the exhibit, spoke emotionally about its impact. inSIGHT was honored to have in attendance: Robert Tanen,Southeast Regional Director of the USHMM; Michael Hoffman,Josephine Gon and Hope Silverman of the Palm Beach CountyJewish Federation; Linda Medvin, Director of FAU's Center forHolocaust and Human Rights Education; Tracy Butler, EducationDirection of the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts; KimberlyCoombs, Holocaust Program Planner K-12 PBCSD; MaureenHoltzer and Maureen Carter, Holocaust Educators among others.With the generous funds still being raised, inSIGHT will bring this moving exhibit to thousands of students and the community in PalmBeach County public high schools beginning February 2023. To learn more about this project, visit inSIGHT's It has been a truly exceptional year for inSIGHT.Membership revenue has more than TRIPLED andinterest in our mission is stronger than ever! Ourdedicated board and committees have elevated ourprograms, fundraisers and events to new levels. Thankyou to each and every one of you for your support! In this issue, we are pleased to share several of thegrants inSIGHT provided for students and teachers forthe 2021-2022 school year. Our mission has becomeincreasingly urgent and this summer we are makingplans for continued growth so we can do even more!Please share this newsletter with family and friends!

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Maureen Carter was presented with an award declaring herthe 2022 inSIGHT Honoree for Outstanding Contribution toHolocaust Education. As Holocaust Studies Program Plannerfor 14 years, she forged a blossoming relationship betweeninSIGHT and the Palm Beach County school district.Instead of retiring, Maureen mentored her successor, Kim Coombs,and began teaching Holocaust Studies at Boca Raton CommunityHigh School.Maureen’s numerous achievements include: Alfred Lerner Fellow • Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) Winner • Robert I. Goodman Award for Excellence in Holocaust Education • JFR Representative • National Council for Social Studies and the Florida Councilfor the Social Studies Member • Florida’s Task Force on Holocaust Education Congratulations, Maureen!The audience was enthralled with the story of how Arnoand Pardeep breached a great divide to find forgiveness,deep friendship and a mission to fight against hate. An engaging Q & A was moderated by David Karp. inSIGHT’s Annual Membership Appreciation Event washeld on March 6th at BallenIsles. Almost three hundredsupporters attended the program featuring ArnoMichaelis, a former white supremacist skinhead, andPardeep Kaleka, the son of a man killed in the violentterrorist attack at a Sikh Temple in 2012. These verydifferent men founded Serve2Unite, which works withstudents to create compassionate, inclusive climatesin their schools and communities. 2022 ANNUALMEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION ARNO MICHAELIS & PARDEEP KALEKAwithArno and Pardeep spoke to the entire studentbodies at two Boca Raton high schools. "This reallyhit home for me and so many friends...there are toomany people hating on others," said one student.GRANT:From left: Diana Federman, Asst. Superintendent PBCSD; Kim Coombs, Holocaust Planner PBCSD; Kelly Warsaw, Co-President inSIGHT, Linda Berlin & Nancy Cook, Past Presidents inSIGHT Arno Michaelis & Pardeep KalekaMichael BurkeSuperintendent PBCSD

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A Day of Learning toRemember...right here in FL!We are so fortunate to have within driving distancethe outstanding Craig and Barbara Weiner HolocaustReflection and Resource Center at Nova SoutheasternUniversity in Davie. During an immersive full day on acollege campus, students were enlightened by manyengaging stories of survival. They saw real life propaganda material promulgated by the Nazis,prisoner drawings and other original artifacts fromBuchenwald, Auschwitz, Majdanek and other camps.Students were particularly awed to interact with avirtual Survivor through the latest technology inHolocaust Education. Developed at the USC Shoah Foundation, "Dimensions in Testimony" was recentlyseen on 60 Minutes. A true way to preserve history--forever. inSIGHT plans to continue funding these importantfield trips during the 2022-2023 school year. After the field trip, one of the students, Lulu, wrote,“What I learned will impact my life as I continue toshare the story of what truly happened in the 1940s."GRANT:GRANT:The School District of Palm Beach County beginsHolocaust Education early by teaching theimportance of kindness and friendship. Thefoundational years are critical. This live performancewas attended by over 1,500 young minds.When Daisy, the cat's human mom, rescues Mitzvahthe dog from a kennel, Daisy’s not a happy feline. A life-changing illness makes them all see what ispossible when compassion is not just something youfeel, but something you do. Teachers surveyed found the live performance avaluable educational tool, as well as the providedperformance guide which was helpful for their pre-showand post-show discussions and projects on kindness. Proudly Sponsored "a Mitzvah for Daisy" attended by over 1,500 homeschooled and public school (K-2) students. Transportation for more than 500 middle and high school studentsfor a full day visit to the Holocaust Reflection and Resource Center. Another middle schooler, Nicolas, commented, “What I learned at the museum will impact my life heavily. Itwill make me have the courage to stand up for other people. If I don’t, how will I live with myself knowing thatI could have saved someone…"

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Live from Israel, Erez discussed his engaging exhibition that aimsto increase Holocaust awareness with a positive spin. He speaks allover the world to audiences of every age enlightening with hisunique perspective. Check out Humans of Tel Aviv and Humans ofNew York. LAUREN MARGOLINGOOD BOOK FAIRY11.15.21 • ZOOM12.8.21 • ZOOM2.16.22 • ZOOMEREZ KAGANOVITZ, PHOTOJOURNALISTHUMANS OF THE HOLOCAUST: CHANGING THE WAY WETALK ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST1.27.22 • ZOOMAUTHOR EMUNA ELON HOUSE ON ENDLESS WATERSIn this novel, Israeli author and activist, Ms. Eloncaptures the reader with clever transitionsbetween past and present that ultimately reveal adeep family secret. Set in Amsterdam with suchimagery--you'll want to walk in the shoes of thecharacters! LIVING VOICES:ISLAND OF HOPEPuppetswithPurpose!Happy first graders throughout the District onceagain were able to view a live puppet show withtalented puppeteer, Ronni Gerstel. "Tales ofTogetherness" promotes acceptance and isbased on the children’s books, Big Al, and TheCrayon Box That Talked." There is a waitlist forthis educational puppet show every school year!GRANT:Living Voices offers dynamic solo performances combinedwith archival film which transform history into moving,personal journeys. This show shares the story of a young girlimmigrating to America in the early 1900s to escape Russianpersecution in the New World.Island of Hope was presented virtually tomore than 9,000 second grade students.Through the Eyes of a Friend-- the tellingof Anne Frank's story was presented tomore than 14,000 students.GRANT: Presented LIVE to over 2,000 first grade students. OUR SPEAKERS WERE OUR SPEAKERS WERE AMAZINGAMAZING...WANT TO LEARN MORE?...WANT TO LEARN MORE?While we can't recreate the engaging conversation, we can provide you with more information!humansoftheholocaustLauren is nationally-recognized as the go-to gal on whatto read now and what is coming soon from the bestauthors. An engaging book influencer and blogger,Lauren shared insight and little known facts aboutstorylines and authors that always captivate. goodbookfairy

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Ruth Salton turned 100 years “young” in January, 2022. She isa  Holocaust  survivor  who  went  on  to  rescue  many  hiddenJewish children and escorted them to safety in Israel. Once inAmerica, she married her great love, George, also a survivorand they raised  three children. After retiring, they moved toPalm  Beach  Gardens  where  Ruth  and  George  becamefounding  members  of  inSIGHT.  She  was  a  force,  recruitinghundreds of members to contribute funds for the Palm BeachCounty School District’s Holocaust Studies program.The  Naftaly  Award  for  Excellence  in  Teachingthe Lessons of the Holocaust was presented byPast  President,  Anita  Naftaly,  to shining  star,MaryEllen  Richichi,  from  Independence  MiddleSchool  in  Jupiter.  Mrs.  Richichi's  "student-centered"  approach  allows  students  to  "to  diveinto  content  with  hands-on  activities  andanalysis from primary sources." With  her fireand  passion  for  teaching  this  subject,  Mrs.Richici's  students  create  projects  themselvesinvolving  survivors,  their  stories  and  theirlegacies. Congratulations, MaryEllen Richichi!The REALLY TRULY Miraculous Life of Ruth Salton...100 years young!Our  Annual  Installation  of  Officers  took  place  at  BallenIsles  CountryClub  and  was  meticulously  planned  by  JoAnn Chasen,  Margie Blockand  Carole  Rosen.  Roz  Lewy,  a  past  President  of  inSIGHTinducted  the  new  officers,  speaking  powerfully  about  inSIGHT's  pastand present--and most importantly the hope and promise she sees forthe future.We were very honored to have in attendance Child Holocaust Survivors,Eric Lipitz, Zelda Fuksman and Norman Frajman, who have worked withinSIGHT for many years.Board Installation 2022 • April 4thFrom left: Elaine Lewis, Mikki Rocker, Ruth Bell,JoAnn Chasen, Irma Blauner, Ann Barth,Marni Cohen (sister of Kelly Warsaw), Judy KarpMaryEllen Richichi& Anita NaftalyAfter George passed away in 2016, Ruth was persuaded by herdaughter, Anna Salton Eisen, to move to Colleyville, Texas, tobe  with  family.  Their  quiet  world  was  shattered  in  January2022,  when  a  hostage  crisis  occurred  at  Congregation  BethIsrael where they are active members.Ruth Salton, at 100 years youngand daughter, Anna SaltonDespite  the  pervasive  tragedy  in  Ruth's  life,  it  was  also  filled  with  bountiful love  for  George  and  their  family.Anna  felt  that  love  deeply,  but  also  experienced  walls  of  silence  from  her  parents  that  were  intended  as  aprotective shield.  In an  effort to keep her parents’  legacy alive,  and the unspoken trauma they  suffered, Annawrote a recently released memoir: Pillar of Salt: A Daughter's Memoir in the Shadow of the Holocaust, in  whichthat silence is broken.

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Three ways to show you care FOR LIFE S HAPPIEST MOMENTS AND THE SAD ONES TOO THERE S A PERFECT WAY TO SAY I M THINKING OF YOU CUSTOM TRIBUTE MEMENTOS PERSONALIZED TRIBUTE CARDS We send customized for any occasion For tributes of 100 or more your recipient will receive an 8 5 x 11 custom printed cardstock weight certificate Each certificate features a hand embellished 3 dimensional die cut butterfly with coordinating border Plenty of room for your personal message A truly beautiful sentiment We send with your message For tributes up to 100 your recipient will receive a 4 5 x 6 5 glossy butterfly foldover card Butterfly cards available in five colors with coordinating ink within and in the meaningful quote on the back Room inside for your personal message You select when ordering in memory in celebration or custom Both options available on the DONATIONS page of our website BOXED TRIBUTE CARDS You send as needed Five pastel butterfly designs with coordinated ink Assorted messages include in celebration in memory and blank to be used for any occasion Space for a personal message on the inside Available in our SHOP 50 boxed set Ibby s DELICIOUS Rugelach Available Year Round The PERFECT gift to take to friends or to keep in the freezer for the occasional nosh Available in our SHOP 20 bag

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What a truly incredible season inSIGHT has had attracting so many new inSIGHThip rs e b m e M Memo members from all parts of Palm Beach County and beyond A HUGE thank you to the Membership Committee for all of their hard work Wine Cheese Conversation In effort to increase awareness of inSIGHT and attract members Wine Cheese Socials where held in several communities Kimberly Coombs Program Planner for PBCSD K 12 attended every single one to share the impact on our work in the schools Thank you Kim If you are interested in hosting an event for your friends and neighbors please reach out to membership insightthrougheducation org inSIGHT sends the invitations and provides the food and refreshments Thank you to the following for hosting this season s membership socials BallenIsles 3 socials Hosts Judy Karp Suzanne Sussman Carole Paul Rosen Frenchman s Creek 2 socials Host Group 1 Ellen Mark Levine Joan Bud Mopper Barbara Peter Sidel Host Group 2 Iris Knight Arest Melanie Lipson Wendy Maurer Gale Salz Ibis 1 social Host Group Julie Buckner Suzanne Fanaroff Abby Shumacher Mirasol 1 social Ros Sumner Karas Boutiques C RD P RT ES inSIGHT s HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE AND SPRING BOUTIQUE LUNCHEON drew huge crowds as Covid restrictions were being lifted It was SO wonderful to finally be back to seeing familiar faces in person Both events were very successful in raising money for our mission Thanks to those who attended OF NOTE NEW vendors are being welcomed into our mix that you ll want to check out in December Holiday Boutique Save the Date 12 9 22

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To Make a General Donation... OR donate "in honor of,""in memory of" or just tocelebrate someone special! To Volunteer - We need you! To Become a Member To Learn More About Us...We do great things!!NEWSLETTER CHAIRS/EDITORS: Marilyn Blank & Julie Buckner COMMITTEE/WRITERS:Erika Barr, Edie Broida, Marjorie Feinstein, Judy Karp Susan Kline, Elaine Lewis NEWSLETTER DESIGN: Judy KarpWhen a 10th grade teacher was sharing a lesson onstereotyping, she asked the class to suggestexamples of common stereotypes.One student raised his hand, and said, "Jews are eviland dangerous." As a Jew, the teacher was shocked, but maintainedcomposure. She replied, "Did you know that I'mJewish? Would you say I am evil?" Antisemitism is being taught both at home AND through misinformation among our youth. inSIGHT's work is critical NOW!inSIGHT Through Education, Inc. is a not-for-profit non-sectarian 501(c)(3) all volunteer organization. Itspurpose is to inspire and educate, using lessons learned from the Holocaust and genocides worldwide; torecognize and oppose hatred and bigotry, and to encourage tolerance, acceptance and respect.ANTISEMITISM IS LearnedA recounting of a true occurrence at a high school in Indian River County in Fall of 2021VISITwww.insightthrougheducation.orginSIGHT Through Education, Inc.P.O Box 33054Palm Beach Gardens, FL"No," he replied evenly. She continued, "Do you think I am dangerous?"Again he answers, "No." She prods further: "Then why would you think such athing?""Because that's what my parents told me."