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Staff Information 2025

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2 0 2 5 E D I T I O NS T A F F I N F O R M A T I O N

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0 1general staff informationW E L C O M E T O O U R C A M PF A M I L YWelcome to the 2025 Camp in theCommunity summer camp staff. We’reexcited to have you as part of our team forthis summer. We look forward to workingwith you to provide kids with a fun, safe, andexciting Christian camp experience. Wehope this will be a rewarding, andchallenging summer for you as well.This information is provided to help get youready for the summer. Please read through itcarefully. If you have any questions or needany additional information, please give us acall at the camp. Once again, welcometo our staff!-Whitney Winston,

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0 2An overview of campEach camp runs Monday to Friday from8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The camp staff arriveson Sunday evening to set up, meet withjunior counselors, and move into their hosthome(s). The Site Coordinator checks in with churchleadership, and together they talk throughthe week, focusing on the plan for Monday.Each day when camp ends, the churchleader and site coordinator will check in toupdate and readjust. Campers participate in Morning Watch, ashort morning worship time with adevotion by a minister from the hostchurch. After morning watch, morning activitiesbegin. Lunch is at 12:15pm, and Bible studycommences immediately after lunch,followed by 3 more activities and afternoonworship before check out. All activities are designed to point childrento Christ, build a positive community withtheir group, connect them with a caringchurch, experience something new andunique, and have fun in a safeenvironment. Participants are not asked to providefinancial proof to attend, and CITC relieson churches to recruit the right campers. Camper populationUp to 50 CampersUnderservedCommunitiesAges 5-144+ Junior Counselors10%-75% minoritycampersAt each host site

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0 3getting ready forcampIIt won’t be lomg before it’s time to begin traveling to each of our 24locations. The campers are already excited about the opportunity tocome to camp and to meet you all. To ease your transition fromschool and home to camp, here are some things you can do to helpget yourself ready:- Do something physical each day (walk, bike, run, yoga, etc.)- Get outside; you’ll be there all summer- Get some sun so you won’t burn later (wear sunscreen)- Begin adjusting your sleep schedule (11:00pm to 7:00am)- Get in the habit of daily Bible study and prayer- Spend some time with children; you are going to be withthem every day this summerSite Coordinators and Assistant Site Coordinator will begin training onMay 18 International staff on May 24, and all domestic Counselors arescheduled to arrive for training on May 25 at 1:30pm at CITC’sBungalow (101 Pinedale St. Maryville, TN 37801). Housing isavailable Saturday night upon request. We will begin staff training for counselors on Sunday, May 25. Our twoweeks of training are split between our main office and housing space,The Bungalow, and our sister camp, Camp Lookout. During this time,practical experiences with children and continued training informationwill be provided. You may have very limited cell signal during training,though there is a landline you can use for emergencies or afterbusiness hours. We have a busy agenda for staff training as we prepare for thesummer. We’ll go non-stop from early morning to late in theevening each day. Come prepared for a fun, fast-paced, andchallenging staff training experience. Staff training for everyone willend on Friday June 6th in the evening.arrivalStaff Training

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0 4Clothing:Shoes:Swim Wear:Rain Gear:When packing remember you’re headed to camp. Bring clothes that are going to becomfortable and allow you to be active. You’re going to get dirty, so don’t bring that favoriteitem that you don’t want ruined. Be prepared for a variety of weather, both hot and cold.Bring shorts (modest) and t-shirts but also bring long pants and sweatshirts.You’ll be on your feet a lot at camp. Make sure you have several pairs of good, wellbroken-in shoes to wear. A pair of athletic shoes and a pair of lightweight hiking shoes area good choice. Sandals (not flip flops) are also good for the water activities or showers butnot for every camp activity.Don’t forget to bring your bathing suit and towel. You’ll get a chance to get wet during theweek during water games. Please bring swim wear that’s modest and appropriate for aChristian setting. A one piece suit is recommended for females and swim shorts formales.Sooner or later it’s going to rain at camp. When it does, we still do the activities on ourschedule so you need to be prepared. Make sure you bring rain gear (jacket, pants,poncho, etc.) that will keep you dry.Sleeping Arrangements:The best choice for sleeping at camp for most staff is a sleeping bag. You might also bringalong a sheet or light blanket for those nights when it is too hot for a sleeping bag. Mostnights will be spent on an extra thick twin air mattress, though occasionally we are offered‘real’ beds to sleep in. Each person will be issued their own air mattress for the summer.Our lodging situation is different each week, as the host church provides a place for us tosleep. Each weekend, we will have weekend housing available at The Bungalow. OnSunday, there are many options for church nearby, and we will begin staff meeting at 2pm.what to bringFor a full packing list see page 10

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0 5Housing:Meals:Health Care:Schedule: Staff members are provided housing during the week at or near the site we are hostingcamp. On weekends, staff members are free to go home or stay at the providedhousing at The Bungalow in Maryville, TN. Lodging at our central campus is for staffuse only and overnight guests are prohibited without the prior approval of the director.Staff members receive their meals free of charge at each church during the week. If youhave special dietary needs please let our Director know on your health form so that wecan make arrangements. Staff living at the house at the Bungalow over the weekend willbe allowed a grocery stipend to be used for the whole community.The camp has an experienced certified health care professional who can provide treatment inthe case of illness or injury. Please make sure any medications, prescription or over thecounter, that you bring to camp are in their original container. We will need to check in eachmedicine you take and record the information in our health booklets. You will be in charge oftaking your own medications, but it will be kept in a locked container to make sure children orothers cannot access your medications. All staff members must have a completed healthform. Staff members will normally be required to be at The Bungalow each week, with luggageloaded at 2:00pm on Sunday and will finish on Friday at about 6:00pm.Pay:Staff members will be paid on the 15th and last day of each month.things to know:Laundry:We have laundry facilities available at no cost for staff members.Absences:If you need to be absent any time this summer, please let Director or Assistant Directorknow those dates before you arrive so that arrangements can be made to coverfor you in your absence. Staff members who are gone for an entire work day willhave one day of pay deducted from their check.

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0 6Vehicles:CPR:Visitors:Mail:Telephone:Staff members who are licensed drivers may bring vehicles to the Bungalow for theweek, and they will remain in the designated parking area while camp is in session,unless prior arrangement has been made with Whitney. Travel to our host locations willbe arranged between Director and Site Coordinators, to minimize vehicles at each siteand maximize our community building opportunities.All counselors and leadership staff are required to be certified in CPR. If you are currentlycertified, please bring a copy of your certification with you to staff training. If you are notcurrently certified, the camp will provide the training to you at no cost.In order to ensure the safety of the campers we do not normally permit staff members tohave visitors during the week. You can receive mail at the following address:Your NameCamp in the Community Staff 101 Pinedale St.Maryville, TN 37801Whitney will make mail deliveries as she visits each site during the week.There will be limited cell phone service available at some of our camp locations dependingon your service provider. In case of emergency, messages for you can be left at (865) 518-2482Internet Access:Some of the camp locations have wireless internet so staff members who bring their ownlaptops can access the internet at appropriate times. Please be aware, however, that timefor use of the internet will not be while camp is in session. Use of the CITC WIFI is forchecking email and official purposes due to the fact that it has a data limit. Many staff members have an online presence at sites such as Facebook, X, TikTok, orInstagram. It is important to remember that these sites are public, not private and can beviewed by anyone. Once camp begins, campers and their parents may try to access yourpage on these sites. Staff members should review the content of their online pages andensure it is appropriate (content, language, pictures, etc.) for viewing by camp families.Social Media:

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0 7Christian Lifestyle:Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco:Clothing:Appearance:As staff members in a Christian camp, we each represent our faith and the church tothose we meet at camp. Staff members are looked at by campers and parents as rolemodels. Each staff member is expected to live and model a Christian lifestyle whileworking at camp.The camp has a zero tolerance policy towards the use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco bystaff members while at camp. Violations of this policy may result in immediatetermination.Staff members will be given staff shirts that must be worn Sunday, Monday and Friday.During the remainder of the week staff members may wear whatever clothing they wish, aslong as it’s appropriate. Please remember that we are a Christian camp and that your clothingshould be modest. Short shorts, see-through materials, and bare midriffs are not acceptableduring any aspect of camp. T-shirts cannot contain references to inappropriate topics such asalcohol, tobacco, violence, sex, etc. Presenting an appropriate appearance is important in sending a message to parents andothers that we are professional and can be trusted to care for children. Staff members areexpected to be as clean and well groomed as possible given the camp setting. Our goal isto focus attention on the camper and Christ, not on ourselves.Relationships:With a tight-knit group of young adults working at camp it is natural for some romanticrelationships to develop. Unfortunately, often times these relationships cause theindividuals to become more focused on the other person than on their campers andresponsibilities at camp. These relationships can also be very disruptive to campers.During the week it is inappropriate for staff members to engage in any type of physical orverbal behavior that expresses their romantic interest in another staff member. While atcamp the relationship should be invisible both to the campers and other staff members.important policies:During staff training we’ll thoroughly go over all of the camp’spolicies and procedures. As you prepare for camp, here are somepolicy related items to be aware of...Phone Usage:Cell phone usage and access will be limited to times when campers and churchvolunteers are not present, and during designated break times. We want to give our fullattention to each camper we serve, and we know this Is what Is required to make thatpossible.

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0 8Rules and Discipline: The following infractions are meant to be illustrative, not exhaustive, and may result inimmediate termination or other disciplinary action: 1. Possession and/or use of intoxicants or narcotics during working hours or on conferencecamp property or projects.2. Theft or destruction of conference, staff member or client property.3. Provoking a fight, personal harassment or unprovoked attack on conference property orprojects.4. Falsification of conference records, including the employee’s own or any other staffmember’s time sheet.5. Possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons on conference property or projects.6. Continued poor performance after progressive counseling.7. Insubordination, which includes failure or refusal to obey orders or instructions and the useof threatening or abusive language toward supervision.8. Unauthorized use of conference tools, equipment or vehicles. Authorization must be inwriting.9. Violation of safety rules or practices.10. Damage to conference property due to carelessness or misuse.11. Causing or creating a disruptive influence during working hours or on conference propertyor projects (including horseplay).12. Conducting personal business on conference time.13. Excessive personal telephone calls.14. Excessive or disruptive visits by friends and/or relatives.15. Loaning out keys to staff members or others who do not have written authorization from aDirector.16. Unauthorized dissemination of confidential information.17. Three consecutive days of absence without permission. Acts other than those listed may result in disciplinary action as well. Any questions aboutacts which may cause a staff member to be disciplined, should be discussed with theDirector.

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0 9Schedule of the weekT H I S W I L L H E L P Y O U P R E P A R E F O R T H EC A M P S C H E D U L E D U R I N G T H E W E E K , A N DI D E N T I F I E S W E E K D A Y A N D W E E K E N D F R E ET I M E .SundayMonday-ThursdayFriday12:00 PM - Camp Leadership Team Meeting - Maryville, TN2:00 pm - All Camp Staff Meeting - Maryville, TN4:00 pm - Depart for Host Site____ - Arrive at Host Site____ - Team Splits up to:Meet with LeadershipSet up CampBegin Jr. Counselor Orientation____ - Dinner and Move In7:45am - Staff Arrive at Church8:30am - Check in Begins9:00am - Camp Schedule Begins4:15pm - Check Out Begins5:30pm - Team Splits up to:Check in with church leadershipClean up and set up for next day6:15pm - Dinner7:15pm - Debrief & Bible Study with team8:00pm - Camp Staff Free Time11:00pm - Camp Staff Bedtime (encouraged)7:45 am - Staff Arrive at Church8:30 am - Check-in Begins9:00 am - Camp Schedule Begins2:00 pm - Check Out Begins2:15 pm - Team Splits up to:Check-in with church leadershipClean up and pack trailer3:15pm - Team Departs for the Bungalow______ - Arrive at the Bungalow - Enjoy your weekend!

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1 0Packing LIstF O R A M O R E D E T A I L E D D E S C R I P T I O N O FL I S T , G O T O P A G E 4ClothingShort sleeve shirtsLong sleeve shirt(s)ShortsLong athletic pantsSocksUnderwearSwimsuitJacket/hoodieAppropriate PJsRain JacketShoesTennis shoesWater shoes/SandalsBeddingPillowSleeping bag -OR-Twin sheets and blanketOther ItemsMedicationBibleAlarm clockBug repellantSunscreenPersonal hygiene items(towels, toothbrush, soap, etc.)Pen/pencilJournalWatchWater BottleFace masksBooks to readCameraHatMusical instrumentBackpackStationary to send mailSnacksHeadphonesDo not BringPetsKnives (a small pocket knife is okay)Bows/Arrows (camp provides these)Any weaponsInappropriate books/music Clothing with inappropriatemessaging

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1 1Important dates & TimesP L E A S E N O T E : E V E R Y S U N D A Y W E M E E T A T1 : 3 0 P M A T T H E C A M P H O U S EMayMay 18: Leadership Training begins (10am at the Bungalow)May 24: International staff arriveMay 25: Staff training begins (1:30pm at the Bungalow)JuneJune 1: Second week of training (2:00 pm at the Bungalow)June 8: First week of camp begins! (2:00 pm at the Bungalow)JulyJuly 27: Last week of camp begins (2:00 pm at the Bungalow)AugustAugust 1: Last day with campers & End of Camp Celebration begins August 2: End of Summer cleaning day at camp houseThe Bungalow101 Pinedale St. Maryville, TN 37801Contact &