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SSA Newsletter December 2024

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In this issue...Activate Theatre ProductionBrings Youth Empowermentand CommunityResponsibility to the StageStratford School AcademyCelebrates World MentalHealth DayStratford School Academy proudlycelebrated World Mental Health Day with aseries of activities aimed at promotingmental well-being among students and staff. TThe performance captivated audiences withits powerful exploration of themes such as‘youth empowerment’ and ‘communityresponsibility’, leaving students and facultyalike with much to reflect upon.D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4I S S U E 0 1

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However, as you can see from this newsletter whilst ensuring students fulfil their academic potential is a top priority forus, we are also giving students access to a massive range of enriching experiences and opportunities to excel in a rangeof other ways. Particular highlights this term have included Enrichment Day 1 featuring Year 7 going to the pantomimeand Year 9 going on a walk around London; the annual Spelling Bee competition; a Bake Sale to raise money for charity;lots of exciting Careers opportunities including Post-16 progression fair, S&P Global mock interviews, several parentcoffee mornings and some great author visits and events to name a few.We have also done some significant work to enhance the site at Grosvenor Road with the completion of extraclassrooms and the addition of a new staff room. We are also seeking to further enhance our outdoor spaces and willinclude students in the consultation for this.Unsurprisingly given all of the above the number of students applying for places at the school in September 2025 hasonce again risen, even despite a well-publicised fall in primary-age children. This confirms our popularity as a topschool of choice in Newham.Wishing those of you who celebrate it a very merry Christmas and to everyone in the SSA community a safe and restfulbreak.What I’ve been reading..S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 1HEADTEACHERS MESSAGEMr Hewitt on the HighlightsWe are incredibly proud of what staff and students have achieved thisterm at SSA. We started the year on a really positive note followinganother set of excellent exam results in the summer, with SSAstudents once again in the top 10% of schools across the country forthe progress they make. We now have a 3-year average progress scorewhich places us in the ‘well above average’ category, the highestpossible, in the national league tables. We are therefore very confidentthat our curriculum, teaching and learning strategies and widersupport are well-established and that those students who work withus by attending regularly and behaving well are virtually guaranteed areally strong set of exam results. Our current Year 11 are working hardand are well on track to achieve a similarly impressive set of resultsnext summer. Year 11 parents should have received a letter explaininghow they can help support revision over the Christmas Holiday and wewill be holding a follow-up event to our successful Information Eveningnext term, this one focusing on revision techniques.I r e c e n t l y f i n i s h e d r e a d i n g ‘ P o o r ’ , t h e t o u g h b u t c o m p e l l i n ga u t o b i o g r a p h y b y K a t r i o n a O ’ S u l l i v a n . I t o u t l i n e s h o w g r o w i n g u pi n d i r e p o v e r t y p r e s e n t e d a h u g e n u m b e r o f c h a l l e n g e s f o r t h ea u t h o r a n d d e s c r i b e s i n g r i m , s h o c k i n g d e t a i l h o w d i f f i c u l t l i f ec a n b e f o r m a n y y o u n g p e o p l e . O ’ S u l l i v a n i s n o w a s u c c e s s f u la c a d e m i c , s o t h e s t o r y d o e s h a v e p o s i t i v e e l e m e n t s .S o m e o f t h e h e r o e s o f t h e s t o r y a r e t e a c h e r s , o n e o f w h o mO ’ S u l l i v a n s a y s ‘ c h a n g e d m y l i f e ’ . T h i s p o w e r t o c h a n g e l i v e s i ss o m e t h i n g I r e m i n d s t a f f a b o u t c o n s t a n t l y a n d i s s o m e t h i n g w ed o r e a l l y w e l l a t S S A . O u r o u t c o m e s f o r d i s a d v a n t a g e d s t u d e n t sp l a c e u s i n t h e t o p 3 % o f s c h o o l s n a t i o n a l l y , a n d w h e n c o m p a r i n gu s w i t h s i m i l a r s c h o o l s w i t h o v e r 1 0 0 s u c h s t u d e n t s w e a r er a n k e d i n t h e t o p 5 0 s c h o o l s i n t h e c o u n t r y . C h a n g i n g l i v e s i s o u rs u p e r p o w e r !

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The 2024 results were impressive from both a progress and an attainment perspective. The school hasachieved results that puts Stratford School Academy in the top 10% of schools nationally for studentprogress.Headline figures include:Progress 8 (P8) of +0.58 Well above average (Newham average 0.28, National average -0.03)Attainment 8 (A8) of 54.0 (Newham average 51.1, National average 45.9)62.8% 9-5 in English and Mathematics. (Newham average 56.4% National average 45.9%)79.5% 9-4 in English and Mathematics. (Newham average 72.2% National average 65%)These results that put amongst the top schools in the country for progress which has now been sustainedover several years.There were many individual successes, for example:Sukaynah Sharif, achieving 7 grade 9s and 3 grade 8sSaeed Omer, achieving 7 grade 9s and 2 grade 8s.Mithila Rahman, making outstanding progress achieving 3 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s, 3 grade 7s and a grade6.We would like to congratulate all the staff and students at Stratford School Academy for all their hard workin achieving these results.Stratford School Academy in Top 10% of schoolsnationally for student progressHIGHLIGHTSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 2

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HIGHLIGHTSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 3Stratford School Academy remains a school of choice forfamilies in NewhamThis term is always busy across the borough as Year 6 students from our local primaries begin the search,alongside their parents and carers, for the Secondary School that is right for them. Off the back of our outstanding GCSE results this summer it was no surprise that we had huge numbers inattendance at this year’s Open Evening.During the evening, we welcomed over three times as many families compared to the previous years and thenumber of requests for school tours equally saw a significant increase.We are extremely pleased that Stratford School Academy remains a school of choice for the families ofNewham. We are already working with our linked primaries to enhance the transition of those who will bejoining us at Stratford School Academy in the near future and we are excited to see with what the futureholds.

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Debate Mate is an exciting opportunity for students to develop essential skills like critical thinking, publicspeaking, teamwork, and creativity. Through engaging and fun sessions, you'll learn to craft compellingarguments, express your ideas confidently, and think on your feet.Why Join Debate Mate?Improve your confidence, communication, and analytical thinking.Participate in trips to prestigious universities, the House of Parliament, and engage in local and nationalcompetitions.Explore fascinating topics in a creative environment while having a great time with your friends.Example Motions We Debate:This House believes that the police should take threats made in song lyrics seriously.This House would stop funding space exploration.When and Where?Every Wednesday at 3:10 PMGrosvenor Road, Room G204It’s not too late to join and prepare for our first exciting local competition, happening on Wednesday, 29thJanuary 2025, right here at our school. We'll be hosting up to 10 secondary schools from East London – afantastic opportunity to showcase your skills and meet new people."Debate Mate is AMAZING! It’s helped me become somuch more confident when speaking in class andsharing my ideas. I’ve learned how to think about bigissues and explain my opinions clearly. Thecompetitions are super exciting, and the trips touniversities make me feel like I can achieve anything!It’s so much fun debating creative and crazy topicswith my friends every week. Plus, I’m following in thefootsteps of my older sister, who was a Debate Matesuperstar and part of the team that won the DebateMate Cup in 2022. I can’t wait to try and do thesame!”HIGHLIGHTSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 4Join Debate Mate – Sharpen Your Skills and Have Fun!S T U D E N T T E S T I M O N I A L – S A F A H

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0 5Stratford School Academy proudly celebrated WorldMental Health Day with a series of activities aimedat promoting mental well-being among studentsand staff. The event highlighted the importance ofmental health and provided practical strategies tosupport the school community.As part of World Mental Health Day, all KS3 Tutorgroups participated in the National Literacy Trustcampaign to #Take10toRead. There is a proven linkbetween reading and good mental well-being. Aspart of #Take10toRead, each tutor group read ashort extract of a story, which helps promote a calmstart to the day and boost the sense of belongingwithin the school community.In addition to the reading campaign, the StudentLeadership Team met and devised a list of well-being strategies which was shared with staff. TheStudent Leadership Team recognises theimportance of the staff’s work and its difficulty. Theyexpressed their care for the staff’s well-being just asthe staff care about the students’ well-being andfuture. These are some of the following tips thatwere shared to help promote mental health:Set specific times for marking and lessonplanning, and avoid bringing work homewhenever possible.Regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga,or a fitness class, can help release tension andboost your mood.Use your free periods or short breaks to stepaway from the classroom.Group similar tasks together (like marking orresponding to emails) so you can complete themmore efficiently.Take time to acknowledge your successes, evenif they’re small, like managing a difficult studentinteraction or a lesson going well.BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1Stratford School AcademyCelebrates World Mental HealthDayTo further support staff well-being, the schoolprovided a free breakfast, encouraging staff to takethe opportunity to connect and support each other.Additionally, a coffee morning was hosted by ArefaAttan, the in-house mental health practitioner whoworks with Place2Be to create a safe space forstudents to talk about their worries. During thecoffee morning, Arefa discussed ways to recogniseand manage stress in teenagers. This event tookplace on Wednesday and provided valuable insightsfor both students and staff.Stratford School Academy is committed to fosteringa supportive and inclusive environment wheremental health is a priority. The school looks forwardto continuing its efforts to promote mental well-being, both in school and across the widercommunity.

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BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 6SSA welcome more parents thenever at there first Coffee Morningof the year.Parent Coffee mornings have been a hugesuccess this term. A variety of sessions havealready been held with parents suggestingthe topics they would like to talk about.We have had a range of topics from theimportance of mental health to post-16progression.Over the years, we have seen a significantincrease in the number of parents attending theParent Coffee Mornings. Coffee mornings are agreat way for Parent/Carers to connect witheach other, share experiences, learn new skillsand relax. It will also be a time for you to beable to engage with school and be a part ofyour child’s learning and all of the excitingthings that are happening here at StratfordSchool Academy . It will also be the forum tosupport you in any issues you may have relatingto your child and their schooling.So, why not spare a little time and come alongto our Coffee Morning/Parent Support Group –you can make a real difference in your child’slife!As usual, refreshments are provided for theface to face Coffee Mornings.Please keep an eye out on our website andsocial media for more information on anyupcoming Parent Coffee Mornings.

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BREAKING NEWSHOW TO JOINPTAVolunteer and contribute your skills for the benefit of your childand the school community.Help to create and organise fundraisers and events volunteerat events attend PTA meetings encourage partnerships withlocal businesses in the communityCOME JOIN US AND MAKE ADIFFERENCE TO THE SCHOOLIf you would like to find out more about becoming a PTAvolunteer, please contact Ms Cuddihee, AssistantHeadteacher by

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BREAKING NEWSWHY JOIN THE PTA Research shows that children perform better when parents are engaged ineducation both at home and at school. Parental involvement boosts studentachievement. By joining the PTA, your child will see first hand the importance you place oneducation. COME JOIN US AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE SCHOOLCHILDREN BENEFITSSA BENEFITSITS GOOD FOR YOUMAKE CONNECTIONSThe PTA strives to create a positive and caring atmosphere in the school. The PTA addresses issues that are important to parents and the wider schoolcommunity. The PTA organises fundraising events to support various aspects ofeducation and student wellbeing.PTA involvement helps you stay connected with the school and allows you togain a broader perspective of how you can play a supportive role. You also makeconnections with other parents, business partners and agencies that share acommon goal of student achievement. Volunteering with your PTA allows you to contribute your skills and knowledgefor the benefit of not only your child but for your school community. The PTA can help you gain expertise as a leadership volunteer, build your CV andmake friends for life.

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On Tuesday 5th November our school was proud to host an exciting and thought-provoking theatreproduction delivered by the talented team at Activate Theatre Production. The performance captivatedaudiences with its powerful exploration of themes such as ‘youth empowerment’ and ‘communityresponsibility’, leaving students and faculty alike with much to reflect upon.The play centred on the critical importance of voting and the impact young people can have on shapingtheir communities and the world. It sparked deep discussions among students about the significance oftaking an active role in society, especially as they prepare for their futures.One of the highlights of the production was its interactive format, with the cast engaging directly with theaudience, creating a dynamic experience. This unique interaction not only made the performance moreengaging but also allowed students to feel personally connected to the message being conveyed.An SSA student who watched the production said:The event is just one of many ways our school aims to foster a greater sense of civic responsibility andempower students to become active, engaged members of society. We look forward to more enrichingexperiences like this one in the future.“I found the production both helpful and inspiring. It conveyed a strong message about theimportance of voting, showing how our individual voices can contribute to meaningful change. Theproduction's examples and storytelling helped me understand that voting isn’t just a right—it’s aresponsibility. By the end, I felt more confident that my voice matters and that I have the power tobe heard. Overall, it was a great experience that left a lasting impact on me.'' BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 10 9Activate Theatre Production Brings YouthEmpowerment and Community Responsibility to theStage

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“Our students know that they are part of much more than anew, modern, building full of people. They are part of acommunity with a rich history that has contributed to ourlocal area since the creation of West Ham Municipal CentralSecondary School in 1906. Putting this history on display,alongside working with alumni and outside speakers showsour students the contributions and sacrifices theirpredecessors made, thus adding to their understanding andappreciation of the past.”BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 0SSA restores WarMemorial ready forRemembrance Day110 years after the outbreak of World War One, andin time for Remembrance Day, Stratford SchoolAcademy has restored a previously damaged WarMemorial. The War Memorial was commissioned in1920 to remember sixty students of West HamMunicipal Secondary School who died in the armedforces during World War One.When war broke out in July 1918 over a million menvolunteered to join the British army. However, dueto high death and injury rates from trench warfare,the Military Service Act of 1916 enlisted most menaged 18 to 41 into the British armed forces. Thisincluded young men from local colleges and sixthforms and recent-school leavers. The words “We died for England – We bid you livefor her” introduce the names of those who died, andare explained in words the school magazine of 1920(which is also now on display) – “All can live forEngland if they remember that the nation is but thesum of the individuals who compose it, and that ifeach one of us practices love and tolerance to hisneighbour, truth and honesty in word and deed, anddiligence and earnestness in his [or her] life-work,then he [or she] will be living for England andmaintaining at a high level her old traditions ofliberty, justice, honesty and diligence”.The World War One Memorial was put into storagewhen Stratford School Academy was rebuiltbetween 2012 and 2014, during which time itsuffered water damage. 12 years later, HeadTeacher, Craig Hewitt decided it needed to berestored and put back on public display: The school is currently working on a creating anexhibition of the school’s history and would like toexpand its alumni network. This includes thehistories of West Ham Municipal Central SecondarySchool (1906-1945), Stratford Grammar School(1945-1972), Stratford School (1972-2011), andStratford School Academy (2011-Present).

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JACK PETCHEY’SACHIEVEMENT AWARDSBREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 1Enrichment Day 1On Thursday 28th December, studentsparticipated in the first Enrichment Day of theacademic year.Enrichment Day’s are where our regulartimetable is suspended to ensure studentsencounter topics they wouldn’t otherwise getthe opportunity to do and to enhance theircultural capital.A huge thank-you to all the staff and externalproviders who helped deliver an excellent day ofenrichment activities. Year 7: Students explored different elements of pantomimethrough sessions lead by a range of subjectsincluding Art, Design Technology, Drama, Food andMusic. Students were then taken off site after theirlunch break to watch a performance at TheatreRoyal Stratford East. Year 8: Students participated in basic first aid. They learntwhy it is important to learn first aid and how toadminister it. By taking first aid training, our studentsreflected on themselves and how they react incertain situations. Having this understanding hasboosted their confidence in a wide range of non-medical day to day situations.Year 9:Year 9s were off on an adventure around the city ofLondon. As part of their tour, students took in arange of sights and learnt about their relevance.They enjoyed their time out of the classroom andhad a great time learning about the historicmonuments around the city.Year 10:Students challenged themselves with publicspeaking workshops, receiving valuable guidancefrom the Speakers Trust. By the end of theworkshop every student delivered a speech theycreated from scratch to their classmates and a smallpanel of judges. Year 11: Students received information and guidance aboutpost 16 options and the world of work. Theyprepared their personal statement and applicationsto help them secure the college place of their choiceand attended an incredible Post-16 options fair,organised by Ms Green.

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S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 3BREAKING NEWSThis term, our Year 11 Geography students tooktheir learning outside to complete a day offieldwork as part of their GCSE course. The tripinvolved visiting the River Ching, where studentsinvestigated how the river changes as it movesfrom the source to the mouth. Some of theexperiments they undertook were using metrerules to measure width and depth, as well as dogbiscuits and stop watches to time the velocity. Ourstudents loved being out in nature, despite it beingvery muddy.The Geography Department would like to extend ahuge well done to the students for their hard workand great behaviour during the trip. Our studentstruly embodied the school’s values of excellence,respect and responsibility. We wish them a well-deserved break and we look forward to seeingthem again in the New Year!Geography students explorethe geographical reality oflocal environmentsMany employers value the skillsobtained by students who go onlocal and international fieldworkexpeditions as they develop highlydesirable skills, including datacollection, independence and theability to work in different settings.DID YOU KNOW?We are thrilled to announce the remarkableachievements of our students at the recent crosscountry championships held on Wanstead Flats.The event was a tremendous success, showcasingthe dedication and talent of our young athletes!In the Year 7 boys’ category, Ahmed secured animpressive 2nd place in his race, standing outborough-wide. Yahiya finished 8th, anotherexcellent result contributing to the team’s overallperformance.For the Year 7 girls, Ana was our top performer,finishing in 16th place.In the Under 15 boys’ category, Antolie achieved11th place, followed closely by Andruis in 14thplace and Amir who finished strong in 17th place.In the Under 15 girls’ category, Abrar finished 8th,Gabija secured 10th place, and Charlotte came in12th.All the students who participated demonstratedexceptional effort and sportsmanship. Theirbehaviour was exemplary, and we are immenselyproud of each one of them.Notably, any students who finished in the top 10may be selected to represent us at the LondonYouth Games and the Essex Championships,highlighting the high calibre of our athletes.Congratulations to all our runners for theiroutstanding performances and dedication. We lookforward to sharing more updates as the finalresults come in! Outstanding Performances atCross Country Championshipsin Wanstead Flats

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S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 4BREAKING NEWSStratford School Academy welcomes new members to theStudent Leadership Team!Stratford School Academy is proud to announce the introduction of our newest recruits to the StudentLeadership Team. These passionate students have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and astrong commitment to contributing positively to our school community.Following a rigorous selection process, which included well-written applications and impressiveinterviews, the following students have been selected as new student leaders: Safa, Swapnil, An,Hanzalah, Laurence, Karol, and Abdulwajid. Their dedication and enthusiasm were evident throughoutthe process, and we are confident that they will make significant contributions as student leaders.The Student Leadership Team interviews have commenced at both the Grosvenor Road and UptonLane sites. Current student leaders played a crucial role in the interview process, assessing applicantsand providing valuable insights. They were involved in the final selection process, ensuring that the newleaders can build on the successes of last year.We are excited to see the positive impact these new leaders will have on our school community andlook forward to their contributions in fostering a supportive and dynamic environment at StratfordSchool Academy.

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1 5BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1Bake Sale Raises Over £120 forBen Kinsella FoundationWe are excited to share that our recent BakeSale, held on December 6th, was a hugesuccess, raising over £120 for the Ben KinsellaFoundation, a charity dedicated to combattingknife crime.A huge thank you to Ms. Bahar and Ms.Akinwumi, who generously volunteered theirtime to help sell the delicious treats, and toMs. Ahmed and Ms. Murali, who kindlydonated baked goods to support the cause.The event wouldn't have been possiblewithout the hard work of our StudentLeadership Team, who baked an array of tastytreats the day before the sale and workedtirelessly throughout the day to ensureeverything ran smoothly.The funds raised will go towards supportingthe Ben Kinsella Foundation and its vital workin raising awareness and providing support inthe fight against knife crime.Thank you to everyone who contributed—whether through baking, volunteering, orpurchasing treats. Your support makes adifference!

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S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 6BREAKING NEWSYear 9 Girls Shine atSTEMETTES Coding ChallengeOn Thursday 17th October, 11 of our Year 9 girlshad an exciting opportunity to participate in acoding challenge hosted by STEMETTES at AkamaiTechnologies in Soho.STEMETTES, a charity focused on inspiring youngwomen to pursue careers in Science, Technology,Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),organized the event, bringing together bright youngminds from various schools.During the visit, our students gained valuableinsights into the world of computer science andtechnology careers.They learned about the different departmentswithin the tech industry and had the chance toexperience what it’s like to work on real-worldprojects.Our students competed against two other schools ofYear 10 girls in a thrilling challenge to design andbuild a website for an eyewear company usingHTML coding.After hours of creative problem-solving, coding, andteamwork, the students presented their finishedwebsites to a panel of judges, which included thedirector of Akamai Technologies.The competition featured four award categories:Judges AwardJudges Runner-UpPeople's AwardPeople's Runner-UpWe are incredibly proud to announce that ourstudents triumphed in multiple categories! Theywon the Judges Award, the Judges Runner-UpAward, and the People's Runner-Up Award.A special congratulations goes to Saiyeda andFarabi, who won the overall competition,showcasing their incredible talent and hard work.This event was a fantastic opportunity for ourstudents to develop their coding skills, build theirconfidence, and explore the exciting possibilities inSTEAM careers.A huge well done to all the girls who took part—youhave made the school proud!

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S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 7BREAKING NEWSS&P Global Mock Interviews:A Valuable LearningExperience for Year 10StudentsOn Wednesday, 4th December 2024, 105 Year 10students from Grosvenor Road had a fantasticopportunity to practice their interview skills duringthe S&P Global Mock Interviews event. Thisenriching experience gave students the chance toengage in one-on-one and two-on-one interviewswith business volunteers from S&P Global, gainingvaluable insights into the interview process andpreparing for their future careers.Throughout the day, students had the opportunityto learn more about the world of work from the S&Pvolunteers, who provided guidance on the skills andqualities that are essential to succeed in thebusiness world. Each student received personalizedfeedback on their responses to interview questions,which were thoughtfully designed to help themreflect on their future aspirations and understandthe values they could offer to potential employers.The event was made possible thanks to theparticipation of 18 dedicated volunteers from S&P,who generously shared their time and expertisewith our students. This hands-on experience was agreat way for Year 10 students to develop theircommunication skills, boost their confidence, andgain a deeper understanding of the businessenvironment.We extend our heartfelt thanks to S&P Global andtheir volunteers for making this event a success andproviding such a valuable learning opportunity forour students.We look forward to more events like this in thefuture that will help our students build the skillsneeded for their professional journeys.

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On November 25th, 2024, Year 10 Computer Science students from both Grosvenor Road and UptonLane sites participated in the exciting Data Ambassador Programme, held at HereEast Plexal. Thisincredible opportunity provided students with a deeper understanding of careers in data, as well ashands-on experience in designing an app.Throughout the day, students were guided by volunteers from Cognizant, who helped them explore theworld of data and encouraged them to apply their skills in an innovative setting. Students collaboratedin teams to design an app, with the added thrill of competing against other schools, including thosefrom LDE UTC and Plashet.The event was further enhanced by an inspiring speech from the Deputy Mayor, who spoke about howthe innovation and creativity of young people are vital to shaping the future. The speech emphasizedthe power of technology and how students can use their ideas and skills to support future generations.Reflecting on the day, one Year 10 Computer Science student shared, "The trip to HereEast was aspectacular experience as it allowed for collaborative efforts within our groups and gave us the chanceto use our creativity for innovation. It was very fun to be with others in Computer Science to have aneducational yet practical activity. Our group, Connect, won the competition!"Congratulations to all our students for their hard work and innovative ideas, and a special mention tothe winning team, Connect, for their outstanding app design. We are excited about the futureopportunities that events like these provide in helping our students develop the skills they need fortheir careers in tech.Thank you to Cognizant and all the volunteers for making this experience possible, and we look forwardto more such opportunities in the future!S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 11 8BREAKING NEWSData Ambassador Programme 2024: A Day of Innovationand Learning at HereEast Plexal

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CALLING ALL FORMER STUDENTS... If you’re a formerstudent of Stratford School Academy, we want to hearfrom you!Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current studentsto feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We’d love you to join ouralumni network and stay connected with the school.We’ve partnered with the national education charity Future First, who specialise inhelping schools like ours to stay connected with their former students.You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you can act as a career andeducation role model, provide work experience, become a mentor in person or online,or help with donations, fundraising or even apply to become a governor.You can give a talk or lecture about the career path you've taken, the roles you'veended up in and how your time at SSA influenced these, you could offer to mentorstudents, give students interview practice etc.It doesn’t matter when you left us, whether you’re in further education or employment,whether you still live nearby or have moved further away, there are still ways you canhelp.In order to sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form – we promise itwill only take a couple of

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Speakers for School Work Experience Platformallows students to sign up to virtual workexperience opportunities. There are hundredsof experiences to choose from, including eye-opening work experience from the likes ofBentley Motors, the NHS, Santander, Boots,the National Portrait Gallery, and VirginAtlantic. We encourage all students to participate in avirtual work experience placement during theirtime at Stratford School Academy, there aremany offered for extended days over theschool holidays. Register for Speakers forSchool or Springpod with your StratfordSchool Academy email address to grant youraccess. Year 10 Pupil Dylan P advocates bothSpringpod and Speakers for School; “they provide a great opportunity, if you have theoption to sign up you should!”. Dylan signed up for a virtual work experienceplacement with Speakers for Speakers forSchool in which he learned about NHS careerpathways. “wonderful experience, it granted theopportunity to expand my knowledge, learn moreand nursing it was interactive. I had chance toanswer and ask questions. The experience helpedclarify my interests in medicine”. 2 1BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1Speakers for School WorkExperience

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The History department at Stratford SchoolAcademy provided an enriching educationalexperience for Year 10 historians by organizing atrip to central London. The students visited theprestigious London School of Economics (LSE) andthe Hunterian Museum at the Royal College ofSurgeons, as part of their Medicine Through TimeGCSE studies.The day began with a tour of the LSE campus andlibrary, offering students a glimpse into universitylife and the academic environment. This visitaimed to inspire and inform students about highereducation opportunities and the vibrantintellectual community at LSE.Following the campus tour, the students exploredthe Hunterian Museum, renowned for its extensivecollection of anatomical specimens curated by thepioneering surgeon John Hunter. This visitprovided a unique opportunity for students toconnect their classroom learning with real-worldhistorical artifacts and medical advancements.The highlight of the trip was an interactiveworkshop at the Hunterian Museum, wherestudents engaged in hands-on activities andparticipated in a Q&A session with a retiredsurgeon. This session allowed students to deepentheir understanding of medical history and gaininsights from a professional with firsthandexperience in the field.Overall, the trip was a resounding success, offeringYear 10 historians a comprehensive and engaginglearning experience that brought their MedicineThrough Time studies to life. The Historydepartment at Stratford School Academycontinues to provide valuable opportunities forstudents to expand their knowledge and exploretheir academic interests beyond the classroom. 2 2BREAKING NEWSS S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1Year 10 Historians exploremedicine through time incentral London

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The annual Winter Music Concert at Stratford SchoolAcademies, held on Tuesday, December 10th at theUpton Lane site’s Assembly Hall, was a resoundingsuccess! The evening was filled with captivatingperformances, with the atmosphere buzzing withexcitement and energy.One of the standout moments of the night was theincredible saxophone performance by Sidor Calin.Although he has only been with the school for a fewweeks, Sidor’s talent left the audience in awe,showcasing his impressive musical abilities. Anotherhighlight was the charismatic host, Aayat Ahmed, whoeffortlessly kept the crowd entertained, adding a livelyenergy that kept the evening flowing smoothly.A special mention also goes to Ms. Murali and Amelia,whose Bollywood-inspired performance brought atouch of magic to the event. Their vibrantperformance was a beautiful addition to the diverserange of musical acts.Kassia deserves a round of applause as well forstepping in at the last minute to sing when aperformer was unable to make it. Her quick thinkingand willingness to rise to the occasion were trulycommendable, and she delivered a stellarperformance. Ms. Roghini’s choir also shone brightly,with their harmonious voices adding a perfect touchto the evening.Reflecting on the event, Sidor remarked,“The Winter Music Concert was unforgettable!Every performance was amazing, and theenergy in the room was incredible!” Stratford School Academies’ Winter Music Concerttruly highlighted the remarkable talent and spirit of itsstudents, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating nextyear’s event.S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 12 3SSA Winter Music Concert!BREAKING NEWS

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Too EasyJust RightToo HardDo they knowalmost everyword?Are there just afew words perpage they don’tknow?Are there morethan 5 words on apage they don’tknow?Can they read itsmoothly?When they read,are some placessmooth andsome choppy? When they read,does it sound toochoppy?Do theyunderstand thestory very well?Do theyunderstand a lotof the book?Are they confusedabout what ishappening inmost of the book?Reading is a fundamental skill that underpins allaspects of learning. Strong reading skills improvechildren’s academic attainment across a range ofsubjects, including English, maths and science. Theaverage reading age of GCSE exams is 15.5 years,so it is imperative that your child has strongreading skills to ensure they can comprehend andengage with the exams effectively. Reading alsoleads to better health and well-being, as well ashaving a positive impact on future income. At Stratford School Academy, we believe thatevery child should have the opportunity to developa lifelong love of reading. Encouraging your child toread for at least 30 minutes a day can make asignificant difference in their educational journey. Supporting Your Child with ReadingWe ask for your support in nurturing this habit athome. Please see the below for a list of strategiesto support your child reading at home Reading strategies and supporting your child athomeHelping your child choose the right book fortheir reading levelThese are general guidelines for finding the rightlevel of book. However, don’t underestimate achild’s willingness to struggle with a difficult book ifhighly motivated by the topic or a friend’senthusiastic recommendation of the book. Five finger ruleTeach your child the five finger rule. Have themopen the book to any page and begin to read.If they miss five or more words on a page, thebook is a challenge for them right now.If they don’t miss any words, the book may betoo easy.If they miss three words, it is just right.2 4READING!S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1The Importance of ReadingThe “Goldilocks” methodUse this strategy below to find out if the book istoo easy, just right, or too hard for them.Encourage your child to read many types of books,including picture books that are more sophisticated,informational books, biographies and poetry. Justlike adults, some children prefer informational booksover fictional stories. The more they are exposed to,the better the chances are that they will find a genrethat gives them pleasure and inspires them to goback for more.Read aloud: Reading aloud to your child canhelp them comprehend more because theirlistening skills are usually stronger than theirreading skills. Ask questions: Asking questions helps childrenunderstand the text and monitor their owncomprehension. Ask them to summarise whatthey have read, focusing on the main points anddescribing characters. Also, ask your child toguess how the story would develop/how it wouldend. Create a reading space: Pick a comfortable spotwith enough light and room to keep a book ortwo. Read regularly: Establish a daily routine ofreading, such as bedtime reading. Buddy read: Take turns reading by sentence,paragraph, or page. This can help your child gainfluency and prevent discouragement.Visit the library: Make visiting the library part ofyour family's routine.Make reading an experience: Help your childunderstand the value and purpose of reading

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Below is a list of books that your child could read over the holiday.They will be available at your local library, or you could order them from Amazon. They are available asboth a hard copy, or as the kindle edition. 2 5 S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1READING!

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This Christmas, Newham Libraries are offering a fantastic range of activities to keep teenagersentertained during the holidays. Whether you're looking to get creative, develop new skills, or simplyenjoy some festive fun, there's something for everyone. Here’s a look at what’s on offer:Christmas Crafts and WorkshopsGet into the festive spirit with hands-on craft sessions across Newham Libraries. From creating yourown Christmas decorations to designing personalized holiday cards, these workshops are perfect forunleashing your creativity. Teens can also learn how to make DIY gifts that are perfect for family andfriends. All materials are provided, so just bring your imagination!Festive Movie NightsWhat better way to spend a cold winter evening than by watching classic Christmas movies with friends?Join one of the movie nights at Newham Libraries, where teens can enjoy festive favorites and discovernew seasonal films. With free popcorn and comfy seating, it’s a perfect way to unwind and enjoy theholiday season.Teen Reading ClubsFor those who love to read, the library’s Teen Reading Clubs are hosting special Christmas-themed bookdiscussions and reading challenges. From fantasy to mystery, there’s a book for every interest. Not onlydo you get to read exciting stories, but you can also participate in group discussions and sharerecommendations with fellow young readers.Gaming and eSports TournamentsIf you’re into gaming, head over to Newham Libraries for some thrilling gaming sessions. Whether youprefer console gaming or PC eSports, there will be plenty of opportunities to compete in tournaments,try new games, and make new friends. With consoles and equipment provided, it’s an event not to bemissed!Coding and Tech WorkshopsWant to kick-start your future career? Join the tech workshops at Newham Libraries where you canlearn the basics of coding, game design, or even how to create your own website. These workshops area great way to build new skills, and you’ll be able to show off your projects to friends and family by theend of the holidays.Festive Storytelling and Poetry SlamsFor budding writers and performers, Newham Libraries are offering special storytelling and poetry slamevents. Get the chance to perform your own holiday-themed poems or stories, or simply enjoy thecreative performances from your peers. These events are great for boosting confidence and honingpublic speaking skills in a fun, supportive environment.Volunteer OpportunitiesLooking to give back this holiday season? Newham Libraries are also offering volunteer opportunitiesfor teenagers to help organize events, assist younger children with their activities, or help decorate thelibrary for the festive season. It’s a great way to build experience and give back to the community.How to JoinAll activities are free, but spaces are limited, so it’s best to book your place in advance. Check out theNewham Libraries website or follow them on social media to stay updated on timings and registrationdetails. Whether you’re into art, tech, or just looking to hang out with friends, there’s plenty to do thisChristmas at Newham Libraries!Newham Libraries

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Newham LibrariesNewham Libraries have a variety of fun, free Christmas activities for you to take partin. Please see upcoming dates/times below:Support for Families This Christmas: Referring to the Holiday Activityand Food(HAF) ProgrammeFamilies in receipt of benefit-related free school meals have the opportunity to takepart in the Christmas Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme. This initiativeprovides essential support, ensuring children and young people have access tonutritious meals, engaging activities, and positive experiences during the holidayperiod. Please find the link here with further information.

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S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 12 9BREAKING NEWSYear 8 student; Zarwa M, sharesher favourite cake recipe!Year 8 student, Zarwa has finally shared her famous redvelvet cake recipe for you to try over the ChristmasHolidays.• 2 ¼ c u p s ( 2 7 5 g ) f l o u r - r e g u l a r a l lp u r p o s e • 3 t b s p ( 1 8 g ) c o r n f l o u r - a l s o k n o w n a sc o r n s t a r c h• 3 t b s p ( 1 4 g ) c o c o a p o w d e r -u n s w e e t e n e d• ½ t s p b a k i n g s o d a• 1 t s p b a k i n g p o w d e r• ½ t s p s a l t - o m i t i f u s i n g s a l t e d b u t t e r• 6 t b s p ( 8 6 g ) u n s a l t e d b u t t e r - r o o mt e m p e r a t u r e• ¾ c u p ( 1 4 1 g ) u n f l a v o u r e d v e g e t a b l e o i l- I u s e c a n o l a• 1 ¾ c u p s ( 3 4 4 g ) w h i t e g r a n u l a t e d s u g a r• 3 l a r g e e g g s - r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e• 1 t b s p ( 1 2 g ) v a n i l l a e s s e n c e / e x t r a c t• 1 ½ t s p l e m o n j u i c e• 3 ½ t b s p ( 3 8 g ) r e d l i q u i d f o o d c o l o u r i n g• ¾ c u p ( 1 5 8 g ) b u t t e r m i l k - r o o mt e m p e r a t u r eC r e a m C h e e s e B u t t e r c r e a m• 1 c u p ( 2 2 5 g ) u n s a l t e d b u t t e r - r o o mt e m p• 4 ½ c u p s ( 5 7 0 g ) i c i n g / c o n f e c t i o n e r ss u g a r - u s e m o r e f o r a t h i c k e r f r o s t i n g( s e e n o t e 1 )• 1 ½ c u p s ( 3 3 5 g ) c r e a m c h e e s e - c o l d ,f i r m t y p e• 1 ½ t s p v a n i l l a e s s e n c e / e x t r a c t• 1 ½ t b s p l e m o n j u i c e - m u s t b e f r e s hI n g r e d i e n t sI n s t r u c t i o n s f o r t h e c r e a m· C r e a m y o u r b u t t e r f o r a f e w m i n u t e s u n t i l i t ' s l i g h ta n d f l u f f y . E i t h e r u s e a h a n d m i x e r o r s t a n d m i x e ro n a m e d i u m h i g h s p e e d . I f u s i n g a s t a n d m i x e r , u s et h e p a d d l e a t t a c h m e n t .· A d d i n t h e i c i n g s u g a r i n 3 b a t c h e s w h i l e m i x i n g o nl o w . E n s u r e t h a t e a c h b a t c h o f i c i n g s u g a r i s m i x e di n t o t h e b u t t e r w e l l b e f o r e a d d i n g i n t h e n e x t b a t c h .· N e x t a d d i n y o u r c o l d c r e a m c h e e s e , v a n i l l a a n df r e s h l e m o n j u i c e . M i x j u s t u n t i l t h e f r o s t i n g i ss m o o t h . A v o i d o v e r - m i x i n gI n s t r u c t i o n s f o r t h e C a k e· P r e h e a t o v e n t o 1 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 0 ° F ) w i t h t h e f a n o n .· S i f t t o g e t h e r y o u r f l o u r , c o r n f l o u r , c o c o a p o w d e r ,b a k i n g s o d a , b a k i n g p o w d e r a n d s a l t . U s i n g a w h i s ko r f o r k , m i x u n t i l w e l l c o m b i n e d . S e t i t a s i d e .· I n a n o t h e r b o w l , a d d i n y o u r b u t t e r , v e g e t a b l e o i la n d s u g a r . U s i n g a n e l e c t r i c m i x e r , c r e a m t o g e t h e rf o r 2 - 3 m i n u t e s u n t i l l i g h t a n d c r e a m y .· A d d i n e g g s o n e b y o n e , m i x i n g w e l l i n b e t w e e ne a c h a d d i t i o n ( a b o u t 1 0 - 1 5 s e c o n d s b e t w e e n e g g s ) .· A d d i n y o u r v a n i l l a , v i n e g a r a n d r e d l i q u i d f o o dc o l o u r , a n d m i x u n t i l w e l l c o m b i n e d . N o w s e t y o u rm i x e r a s i d e a s t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e b a t t e r w i l l b ef i n i s h e d b y h a n d .· F i n i s h o f f b y a d d i n g i n h a l f o f y o u r p r e m i x e d d r yi n g r e d i e n t s t o y o u r w e t m i x t u r e , a n d g e n t l y f o l d i t i nw i t h a s p a t u l a u n t i l j u s t c o m b i n e d . T h e n a d d i n a l l o fy o u r b u t t e r m i l k , a n d f o l d i t i n u n t i l j u s t c o m b i n e d .L a s t l y , a d d i n t h e r e m a i n i n g d r y i n g r e d i e n t s a n dg e n t l y f o l d i t i n t o t h e m i x t u r e u n t i l j u s t c o m b i n e d .D o n o t o v e r m i x .· D i s t r i b u t e t h e b a t t e r e v e n l y i n t o t h e t w o 8 - i n c hc a k e t i n s a n d b a k e f o r 3 0 m i n u t e s o r u n t i l at o o t h p i c k c o m e s o u t c l e a n . B e c a r e f u l n o t t o o p e nt h e o v e n d o o r t o o e a r l y o t h e r w i s e t h i s c a n c a u s e t h ec a k e l a y e r s t o s i n k . A l s o a v o i d o v e r b a k i n g t h e c a k el a y e r s o t h e r w i s e t h e y w i l l d r y o u t .

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WINTER ACTIVITIESL O O K I N G F O R S O M E T H I N G T O D O T H I S W I N T E R B R E A K ? L O O K N O F U R T H E R !Winter and the festive season is finally here with us andNewham have produced an extensive winter activitiesprogramme brochure, for Newham’s Children and youngpeople. The brochure contains information about all the freeactivities on offer, the dates and the venues.Click on the image to access the Winter 2024 Holiday Programme.Get inspired this winter. Explore your local borough or visit exciting locations in London with your family and friends!S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 13 097 things to do in London this winter Newham: London - Winter 2024 Holiday ProgrammeFrom mid-November through December, January and intoFebruary, it’s a true winter wonderland in London. So get outand explore!Experience the magic of Christmas, New Year’s Eve and ChineseNew Year, which are just some of the many must-see winterevents in London - but don't forget to put on some extra layers! Click on the image to view Visit London's top 97 things to do.

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Throughout this term, we have been surveyingYear 8 and Year 9 students about their careerambitions and how the subjects they study linkto future careers. Over the winter break, students in all yeargroups should set aside time to explore careerresources on Morrisby. Morrisby providessecondary school students with careersinformation in one comprehensive, user-friendly platform.To get full access to Morrisby you must spend15-20 minutes completing your aspirationquestionnaire. The questionnaire will themtailor your user experience to your interestsand learning style. Thank you to everyone who has engaged withMorrisby so far, well down to everyone hasreceived an amazon gift card for their use ofMorrisby. To gain access to Morrisby you will first need tolog in to your school email account and findyour Morrisby username and password. If you have any issues with registering, pleaseemail Ms Green, Try out the engaging Huxby AI tool, which offersdirect careers information, with updated labourmarket information and insight. 1CAREERS GUIDANCES S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1Explore Morrisby during theWinter breakRemember to access Morrisby over theWinter and complete the aspirationsquestionnaireHAVE A QUESTION ABOUT MORRISBY?Visit SSA Careers or email Ms Green at

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SUPPORT Supporting your Child!Parents play a crucial role in supportingtheir children’s learning, and levels ofparental engagement are consistentlyassociated with better academic outcomes.We have a range of resources available onour website from; supporting your child withhomework, to effective revision strategywebinars that you can have look through.Visit our website;Stratford School AcademyYear 9 Parents/Carers: Help yourchild make the best GCSE choicesWhen we return in January the focus of ourYear 9s will turn to their KS4 options. Overthe winter break, we recommend you beginto think about the future with your child.Consider careers, higher education, furthereducation and then bring that back to whichoptions would be the right choice to getthem to where they want to go. You may not have heard much about theEBACC, which is something that needs to bepart of your considerations. Please clickhere to read up on the EBACC and theadvantages of taking the qualifying subjects: Department for Education - EBaccInformationApply for Free School Mealsduring the winter breakWith many families facing unprecedentedfinancial hardship amid the cost-of-livingcrisis, we are encouraging all families toapply for Free School Meals. If your child eats a free school meal 5 days aweek, you could save your family an averageof £132 each term. Apply for Free School Meals atNewham: London – Free School Meals The online application takes just 5 minutesand all you need to hand is your NationalInsurance number.Note, the DWP will only tell Newham if youqualify. They will not give Newham or StratfordSchool Academy any information aboutbenefits you may receive or any detailsregarding your financial income.IFG Innovate: Christmas dinnertips and tricks to reduce costsand utilise leftoversWhilst Christmas is a wonderful time of yearwith lots of family time and presents, it canalso be very stressful. Our school caterers have put together theultimate Christmas go-to guide - taking youthrough the main elements of yourChristmas dinner with some hints to reducecosts and utilise leftovers.Christmas Masterclass by IFG3 2 S S A N E W S L E T T E R | I S S U E 0 1

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Stratford School AcademyGrosvenor Road BuildingGrosvenor RoadForest GateLondonE7 8JA0208 472 415Upton Lane BuildingUpton LaneForest GateLondon E7 9PR0203 823 Ali, Media and Communications