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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 SQL Process Notes Contents Page 1. How to Export a SQL Report into Excel Format 2. How to Open SQL Europe Report 3. How to Run Multiple Company Reports - Account Summary 4. How to Run Multiple Company Reports - Aged Cash Collection 5. How to Run Multiple Company Reports - All Companies GL Extract 6. How to Run Multiple Company Reports - GL Extract by Account Range by Company 7. How to Run Multiple Company Reports - Unposted Batches 8. How to Run PM Historical Aged Trial Balance 9. How to Run RM Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance 10. How to Run RM Summary Historical Aged Trial Balance

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Export a SQL report into Excel Format Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process will enable you to put an excel report on an excel document Process Steps 1. In SQL, select the folder of the company you are working on to open it. Select the Relevant report you are trying to run.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. Once your report has been run select the highlighted icon and choose “Excel” 3. This will bring up an excel file. It is suggested that you transfer the data to a new blank excel document as this will then be on an updated excel sheet. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Open SQL Europe Report Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope The below process is how to open the SQL Europe Reports. These reports are used for month end purposes and various other reports can be pulled off SQL that are linked to GP. Process Steps 1. Log into C:Strap using the link below RD Web Access ( This page will appear, fill in your username and password if not already saved & click on sign in or hit enter.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. This screen will open up Fill in the code provided using the Duo App on your phone or if it you are setup to receive messages, fill the code you receive in via message. Then click on Log in or hit enter. 3. This screen will then open, click on the icon highlighted below. 4. This screen will open, click on the link to open the file

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. This screen will open, click on Connect 6. This screen will open, click on show details 7. This screen will open, fill in the code using your Duo app on your phone or via message, which ever you have setup & hit enter. (Note: Your numpad does not work)

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. This screen will open, this means you are now in SQL. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run Multiple Company Reports – Account Summary Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope In this process note we will show you step by step process on how to run the multiple company report by Nominal Process Steps 1. Once you have logged in to the SQL report, please select the Multi company Report from the folder

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. Below Screen will pop up, please select Account Summary 3. After that you can select the Year, Period and Account number you wish to download. For example, if you were to look for Bank charges for all our companies during 2022 for the period of March. You will select the Year, period and the first 6 digits of the nominal and click view report

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. After the report is populated, you can download it in Excel format by clicking on the Export drop down menu and select Excel Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run Multiple Company Reports - Aged Cash Collection Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This report is used to get an amount of cash collection across various companies for a set period. Process Steps 1. Open SQL 2. Select Multiple company reports

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Select Aged cash collection 4. Select the period you want to analyse 5. Select View report Your data will appear as below To export this data please refer to: How to export a SQL reports process note Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run Multiple Company Reports – All Companies GL Extract Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope On this process note we would like to show the step-by-step process on how to run GL (General Ledger) report for all our companies. Process Steps 1. Please log into to your SQL Server Reporting Services. In SQL Server, please select Multiple Company Report

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. In Multiple company reports please select All companies GL extract 3. Once you are in All Companies GL extract you can select the date Range From and to, your accounts nominals (which is already selected as All for you) and in Series, please select All 4. Once you have selected your choice then please select Run Report on your right. After the report is completed, you can export and save it in the excel format. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run Multiple Company Reports – GL Extract by Account Range by Company Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope On this process note we would like to show the step-by-step process on how to run GL (General Ledger) report by account range by company. Process Steps 1. Please log into to your SQL Server Reporting Services. In SQL Server, please select Multiple Company Report

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. In Multiple company reports please select GL extract by account range by company 3. Once you are in GL extract by account range by company you can select the Company you want to run the report, for e.g., here we have selected Retail and Sports ltd, select Date Range From – to and Select Account for example here we have selected 1300-10-0-000 (Prepaid Expense) from and to. 4. Once you have selected your choices then please select Run Report on your right. After the report is completed, you can export and save it in the excel format. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run Multiple Company Reports - Unposted Batches Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This report is a live feed and will show all the unposted batches across the group. To export this data please refer to: How to export a SQL reports process note Process Steps 1. Open SQL 2. Select Multiple company reports

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Select Unposted batches The below screen will appear Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to run PM Historical Aged Trial Balance Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This report is used for the month end handovers as well as other transactional tasks. Process Steps 1. To Run PM Historical Aged Trial Balance please log into JonasEurope-SQL-Reports from CSI SecureGateway

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. When you are in the SQL Server select the company that you want to run the report for e.g., CCR Education 3. Select the Purchasing folder 4. Now select the PM Historical Aged Trial Balance

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Put in the date you want to run the Report, Select GL Posting Date in Report Using and click View Report 6. After the data is populated click on the Floppy Disk dropdown and click on Excel to export data. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to run RM Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This report is downloaded and used in the month end handover process; it can be used for other reasons such as to check outstanding debtor balances etc. Process Steps 1. Log into SQL. Refer to: How to open SQL Europe Report 2. Once you have logged in this screen will appear. Select the company you want to print the RM Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance for. Example: Contronics 3. This screen will open, select Sales.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. This screen will open, select RM Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance 5. This screen will open next

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Select the date you want to print the report at. Example below: Report at the 28/02/2022 Everything else stays the same. Then click on View Report to the right 6. Once the report has run, you will see the below information

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. Click on the icon highlighted in yellow below and select excel. 8. This will export your report into excel format, and you can then copy it across onto your handover or work on the report, depending on what you have downloaded it for. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run RM Summary Historical Aged Trial Balance Version Number 1.0 Section SQL Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process will enable you to run the RM Summary Historical Aged Trial Balance. Process Steps 1. In SQL, select the folder of the company that you are working on to open it.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. Select the ‘Sales’ folder. 3. Click on ‘RM Summary Historical Aged Trial Balance’. 4. Click on the calendar symbol as highlighted below to select today’s date and then click on ‘View Report’ on the right-hand side of the screen.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. The information will then display as below. This information can be exported to an excel document by clicking on the symbol as highlighted below and then by clicking on ‘Excel’ from the dropdown menu. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting