A SIMPLE CONVERSATION: I D E N T I F Y I N G V E T E R A N C A R E R E S O U R C E SGetting help often starts just by having aconversation. A senior veteran outside theGarland VA Medical Center found this outwhen Wiley Murray, owner of Amada SeniorCare of Garland, Texas, walked up to him.Wiley was at the VA hoping to introducehimself to social workers and case managersso that he could explain Amada’s caregivingservices that are available to veterans.His Amada business recently had beenapproved by the Veterans Administration toprovide non-medical, in-home care toveterans in the Garland area. Wiley knew that his contract, credentials andcontact information now were housed withinthe VA Healthcare System.However, Wiley quickly realized getting theAmada name in front of social workers andcase managers wasn’t a given. Here’s his storyin his own words:I found out very quickly that the VA receptionists– the people that you meet at the front door –are very good gatekeepers. Like, “No, sorry,you're not getting in this building,” is what itamounted to. So I was walking out of there kind HELP AT HOME FOR VETERANS & SPOUSES of with my tail tucked between my legs. As I wasgoing out, I saw there was a veteran sitting on thesidewalk in his ambulator. I could tell he was aveteran. He had the VA cap on and so I circledback around, parked the car and walked over tohim and started a conversation.As it turned out, he was a veteran. He had justwalked with his ambulator about 2-1/2 miles,which took him four hours to get to the VA, all tofind out that what he needed was not there – itwas at the Dallas VA.I was just thinking oh man, this guy was obviouslyin a lot of pain and just not doing well. So I askedhim about his Homemaker / Home Health Aidebenefit – who's helping him, what's going on?And long story short, I stuffed him in my carand took him back to his home. He was at asenior living place down the road. And Isaid, OK, number one, we got to change this.This is unacceptable.You're going to have to change to Amada asyour provider, and we started that process.That was the beginning of understandingwhat's going on in the VA.It was about 10-day process from the timewe started to actually getting theauthorization from the VA Community CareNetwork (CCN). I learned very quickly thatyou've got to get on the inside before youcan get anything done.When Larry had his next VA appointment, wecalled. He had no idea who his social workerwas or who the case manager was.He had the name of a doctor at the Dallas VAMedical Center and so we called and made anappointment for him. On that appointment day,I took him there and I went in with him.Once you get past that gatekeeper, the people atthe VA are amazing. They love their veterans.When we were with the physician, I asked tomeet the social workers and they took me there.As we began to talk, I saw very clearly that thesocial workers and case managers love theseveterans just like we do.So long story short, I have all their numbers.They know who I am and I can see the light atthe end of the tunnel. I am now seeing referralsfrom the VA social workers and case managerscome in to the office.And it all started by having a conversation.CLICK HEREto find an Amadaoffice near you
If you are a senior veteran, don’t miss outon VA benefits that could help cover yourhome care services. Contact AmadaSenior Care today to see if you qualify.At Amada Senior Care, we recognize theprofound sacrifices made by Americanveterans. Our professional care teams arededicated to ensuring that servicemembers receive the respectful supportand comprehensive care they deserve intheir later years. Whether you are a veteran or anadvocate for one, we are committed toproviding the necessary resources andguidance to help you navigate youroptions. If you are a veteran who is notyet enrolled in the VA Healthcare System,please reach out to us.Our advisors are ready to assist with theenrollment process, allowing you to beginenjoying your benefits as soon aspossible.L E T A M A D A B E Y O U R D E D I C A T E D A D V O C A T EBENEFIT #1: Aid and AttendanceThis benefit provides additional funds toqualified veterans or their surviving spouses,enhancing their monthly pension from the VA(Veterans Administration) to help cover in-home care costs.Eligible veterans must:Have 90+ days of active duty, including atleast one day during wartime (two yearsfor Persian Gulf service).Require assistance with activities of dailyliving such as bathing, dressing, grooming,walking, meal preparation, and eating.Have a significant portion of incomeallocated towards care expenses.BENEFIT #2: Homemaker / Home HealthAide (HHA)This program supports local veterans whowish to remain independent in their ownhomes, providing them with a trained homehealth aide or homemaker. ASSISTANCE FOR VETERANSDON’T MISS OUT ON VA BENEFITS FOR HOME CARE SERVICES These in-home professionals assist with dailyliving activities and offer companionship.Veterans’ services are contracted through non-VAproviders, typically home care agencies.Qualification criteria include:Enrollment in a VA medical benefits package.Confirmed eligibility for community-basedcare services.A doctor’s prescription for home care services. BENEFIT #3: Respite CareRespite Care offers temporary relief for familycaregivers, allowing them time for personalerrands, their dependents, or their mental health. Services may include home visits by a homehealth aide, adult day care, short-term stays incommunity living centers or VA nursing homes, orin-patient care at VA medical centers. Continued on Next Page >
After interviewing Amada Senior Care, I didn’t feel the need to look any further.Amada totally met and exceeded my expectations! I appreciated every aspectof the service. It was a HUGE relief having Amada around to help withthe care of my husband. – Nora W. ASSISTANCE FOR VETERANS> Continued from Previous PagePriority is typically given to older veterans (75 and older), disabled veterans, orthose with greater financial or health needs. To qualify, veterans must:Be enrolled in a VA health care benefits package.Need assistance with daily living activities or have a chronic illness thatrequires professional care.For more information on veterans’ benefits, check the Department ofVeterans Affairs website at When discussing Benefits #2and #3 with your VA Primary Care Physician, explicitly state yourpreference for Amada Senior Care as your designated caregivingprovider. Please make sure to provide our NPI number, 1558048199,to facilitate this request. How Amada Senior Care Can HelpToo often, veterans and their spouses or family members are unaware of theireligibility for financial assistance from the government through the VA. AtAmada Senior Care, we can help our veterans determine eligibility for VA Aidand Attendance benefits, as well as other forms of financial support. Learn More Veteran Care BenefitsAt Amada Senior Care, our care teams are passionate about supportingseniors and their loved ones throughout their senior home care journey. Tohelp make this possible, many Amada offices are VA-contracted for theVeteran Homemaker/Home Health Aide and Respite programs.Learn more about Veteran Care benefits at no cost! Click here for a FreeVeteran’s Care Needs Consultation.
RECOGNIZING THOSE WHO SERVE OUR NATION’S VETERANSA M A D A F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S ( M I )H O N O R S V E T E R A N S ’ A D V O C A T E SAmada Senior Care of Farmington Hills, MI, sponsored service awards honoring those whosupport veterans during a September 27th ceremony at the Dingell VA Medical Center inDetroit. Amada co-owners Greg Hines and Kevin Manuel have been active partners since 2016.“We wanted to honor the folks within the VA and the community that services veterans,” Gregsaid. “Some of them are veterans themselves who help find benefits and services – whatevermakes life a little easier for veterans.” “We feel lucky to work with the Wayne County Commissioner Monique Baker McCormick tohelp bring our veteran community together and support each other,” Greg added.PASS IN REVIEWKevin Manuel and Greg Hines honor vets alongsideRetired Army Colonel Dr. Eunice J. Banks.Members of the Motown Women Veterans Associationprovide resources, advocate, lobby, and raise funds.Kevin chats with Under Secretaryfor VA Benefits Joshua Jacobs
What are VA benefits? This is the questionHeidi Maddocks often answers for seniorveterans and healthcare professionals.As the Director of Healthcare Strategy andNational Alliances for Amada Senior Care,Heidi is at the forefront of education.Heidi facilitates seminars and workshops thatbring Amada franchise owners and their VAreferral partners up-to-date on home carebenefits and the availability of federal fundingfor veterans who qualify.“There are so many veterans that don’t knowwhat benefits are available to them,” Heiditold members of the Long Beach AreaVeterans Collaborative (LBAVC) during a May17th meeting via Zoom. “It’s our responsibilityto let them know about resources.” Bill Morisette, Community EmploymentCoordinator for Long Beach VA in SouthernCalifornia, said one in two veterans are notaware they are entitled to benefits. Othersfeel that they shouldn’t ask for help.A lot of Vietnam vets feel ‘Yeah, I served mycountry. That’s what I was supposed to do.I don’t need benefits,’” Bill said.HELP AT HOME FOR VETERANS & SPOUSESHeidi emphasized Amada Senior Care’scommitment to educating veterans, especiallyolder senior veterans. “They shouldn’t have topay out-of-pocket to age in place when thereare benefits that they have earned and canuse through the VA system.”One of Heidi’s prime responsibilities iseducating the owners of Amada franchiseoffices (there are about 200 locationsnationally) about VA benefits and funding.Continued on Next Page>M I L I T A R Y V E T S F A C E C O M P L E X C H A L L E N G E SA C C E S S I N G C A R E S E R V I C E S A N D R E S O U R C E SWHAT CAN VA BENEFITS DO?Heidi Maddocks,Director of Healthcare Strategyand National AlliancesIt’s ourresponsibilityto let them knowabout resources.
VETERANS SERVING IN SENIOR CARETYLER TRAN >Continued from Previous PageJohn Oppenheim, a senior veteran himself andvolunteer veteran’s advocate for LBAVC, notedthat the VA is newly focused on HomeBased Primary Care that allows for aging-in-place. “Rather than trying to get veterans intoa facility that is a) expensive and b) verylimited … at least Home Based Primary Careis a good place to start,” John said.The HBPC Program “is for veterans who needteam-based, in-home support for ongoingdiseases and illnesses that affect their healthand daily activities. Veterans usually havedifficulty making and keeping clinic visitsbecause of the severity of their illness and areoften homebound, but that is not required.”Heidi pointed to a few challenges AmadaSenior Care and its referral comes acrossregularly with fellow VA Community CareNetwork (CCN) partners.Finding veterans who are “untethered”and getting them enrolled in the VAHealthcare SystemDebunking the myth that home carebenefits are available only for veteranswith a service-connected disability.Helping to educate civilian hospital casemanagers, social workers and nursesabout the availability of funding for asenior veteran’s home care needs.“When a veteran comes into their hospital,what questions should that case manager,social worker or nurse ask and what can theydo help them?” Heidi asked. “That’s one of thebiggest knowledge gaps I see.” John Oppenheim,Veteran / Veteran’s AdvocateCLICK HEREto watch John receive the AlohaAward from Heroes’ Hearts Inc.for his many years of volunteerservice advocating for veterans.Amada Senior Care is a proud member ofthe Military Spouse Employment Programfor which it has been inducted by theDepartment of Defense.Even before becoming an MSEP employer-partner, Amada proactively reached out tomilitary spouses to fill caregiver andadministrative roles at our independentlyowned franchise offices around the U.S.We have many caregivers and admin staff,as well as franchise owners, who are retiredfrom military service. Some of them arriveat Amada through other federal programs,as did Tyler Tran, administrative assistantat Amada Orange County (CA).Tyler, 23, served four years in the MarineCorps, and he was stationed for a year inOkinawa, Japan. Near the end of his service,Tyler entered the DOD SkillBridge Program.SkillBridge connects service members to acivilian work experience through specifictraining, apprenticeships and internships.Tyler, who earned a B.A. in Social Sciences,is trying a few positions at Amada OrangeCounty such as caregiver recruitment. He’llput his degree to work as he learns moreabout caregivers and their wants, needsand challenges. Tyler says he plans to pursuea master’s degree in social work.“When I think of caregiving and caring forothers, I think of it as being able to leave animpact on someone,” Tyler said. “I see therole of caregiving as something that sparkshappiness, joy and fulfilment, and providesthe highest level of honor.”Military spouses and retired servicepersonnel are encouraged to apply!Email RANK ABOVEA M A D A A C T I V E L YH I R E S M I L I T A R YS P O U S E S & V E T S