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Spring 2024 Newsletter

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CODE^SHIFT NEWSLETTERCODE^SHIFT NEWSLETTERCODE^SHIFT is the Collaboratory for Data Equity, Social Healing, Inclusive Futuresand Transformation. Established at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School ofPublic Communications in 2022, we are a multidisciplinary research space focused oncommunication and data justice. We use data, media, design, technologies, art, andstorytelling to address contemporary social issues. CODE^SHIFT is committed to supportingprojects that are:DR. SRIVIDYA RAMASUBRAMANIANFounding Director of CODE^SHIFT Professor & Endowed Chair, Newhouse SchoolDr. Ramasubramanian specializes in media literacy,antiracism, data justice, difficult dialogues, community-based research, quantitative criticalism, mixed methods,critical media effects, and intersectionality.Collaborative, collective, andcommunity-engagedStrategic, purposeful, and data-drivenSustainable, systemic, and action-orientedEquity-minded, inclusive, and ethicalWHAT IS CODE^SHIFT?Spring 2024The CODE^SHIFT | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshift

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OUR TEAMOUR TEAMQualitative TeamNicole Cheah B.S., Magazine, News, and Digital JournalismJacquelyn Trotman B.S., Advertising B.S., RetailManagement Minnie MacMillianPh.D., Psychology Niah EdwardsB.S., Television, Radio,and Film Shannon BurthPh.D., MassCommunicationProjects: Data for Social Justice Book Chapter, Youth Activism and Media Literacy Paper,Bibliometric Analysis, Asian American MentalHealth, Comm MonographsRaiana Soraia DeCarvalhoPh.D., MassCommunication Martina SantiaPost DoctoralScholarMaya Espinel B.S., Public RelationsB.A., Political Science Sky ZhuangB.S., Photography Melody Wilson B.A PoliticalScience Projects: Chai with Srivi, Promotional Graphics, Social Media, Weekly Writing Circle, Newhouse Tabling,Symposium planning, NewslettersProjects: Outdated Cultural Depictions Project, Art-basedResearch Upstate Project, OUP Handbook, DEIMedia Literacy Book Chapter, Mapping ImpactfulMedia Literacy Project, Yanomami Project,Indigenous People’s DaySpring 2024Quantitative TeamCREATIVE | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftFACULTY ASSOCIATESDr. Jasmina TachevaAssistant ProfessorSchool of Information StudiesDr. Brice NordquistAssociate ProfessorCollege of Arts & SciencesNausheen HusainAssistant ProfessorThe Newhouse SchoolDr. David OhAssociate ProfessorThe Newhouse School

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UPCOMING EVENTSMarch 19: Book Publishing by Dr. David Oh February 28: Write2Vote Critical Media Literacy by Dr. SriviSpring 2024COMMUNITY BUILDINGCOMMUNITY | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftFebruary 2 and 9: Lunch & Learn MAXQDA Mixed Methods Researchby Raiana, Dr. Srivi, Shannon, and NausheenMarch 28: Film Screening and Workshop with Lynne Sachs March 27: “Data Justice: Authenticity, Agency, and Advocacy”by Dr. SriviWRITINGCIRCLEREGULARSSPRING 2024 WORKSHOPSSPRING TEAM LUNCHMARCH 1, 2024April 12:Writing with Joy: Scholarship for Collective Healing,Sense-Making, and Community-Building by Dr. Srivi WAER FM 88.3 RADIOINTERVIEWNewhouse Impact PodcastJacquelynShannonKandiceBenjieNicole MinnieAmandaMary

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UPCOMING EVENTSCODE^SHIFT SYMPOSIUM 2024CODE^SHIFT SYMPOSIUM 2024Spring 2024The second installment of CODE^SHIFT's annual Symposium took place on April 5, 2024 atthe S.I. Newhouse School Of Public Communications. This year's symposium featured cutting-edge scholarship from faculty experts across the country, altogether representing tenuniversities and a collective inquiry into immigrant issues and identities from both nationaland international perspectives. The showcase brought to the fore investigations on a diversespread of immigrant identities, from formerly detained migrants in the U.S., to Jamaicanimmigrant healthcare workers; and immigrant women educators in American academia, toAsian-American journalists. | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftOthered Immigrants: Inclusive Storytelling for Well-Being,Advocacy, and CounternarrativesIn between the event's fourspeaker panels, a lunchtimeposter session was held, whereCODE^SHIFT lab membersshowcased their ongoingresearch projects. Students fromthe Narratio Fellowship, aSyracuse-based program forresettled refugee youth artists,also shared videos on theirexperiences with displacementand cultural production.

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UPCOMING EVENTSSpring | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftsession 1: OtheredImmigrants & Well-BeingSatveer Kaur-Gill, Assistant Professorof Communication, University ofNebraska-LincolnNickesia Gordon, Associate Professorof Communication, Rochester Instituteof TechnologyRukhsana Ahmed, AssociateProfessor of Communication,University at Albany (SUNY)Monica Cornejo, Assistant Professorof Communication, Cornell UniversitySESSION 2: Immigrant Advocacy& CounternarrativesYea-Wen Chen, Professor ofCommunication, San Diego StateUniversityMakini Beck, Assistant Professor ofSociology & Anthropology, RochesterInstitute of TechnologyRitika Popli, Instructor, ColgateUniversityHelen Wang, Professor ofCommunication, University at Buffalo(SUNY)SESSION 3: LunchtimeCODE^SHIFT Poster SessionSESSION 4: Creeping Crisis inSouth Asia: Perspectives onHealth & Environmental CommSESSION 5: Syracuse ShowcaseSYMPOSIUM PRESENTERSNarratio Fellows: Md. Sharif Jafari (B.A., Onondaga Community College), Reshma Bista(B.A., Maxwell School), & Rayan Mohamed (B.A., College of Visual & Performing Arts)Melody Wilson (B.A., Maxwell School)Maya Espinel, Jacquelyn Trotman, & Nicole Cheah, (B.A., Newhouse School)Niah Edwards & Sky Zhuang (B.A., Newhouse School)Raiana de Carvalho (PhD Student, Newhouse School)Shannon Burth (PhD Student, Newhouse School)Minnie McMillian (PhD Student, College of Arts and Sciences)Martina Santia (Post-Doc Fellow, Newhouse School)Iccha Basynat, Associate Professor ofCommunication & Global Affairs, GeorgeMason UniversityMuhammed Ittefaq, Assistant Professorof Communication Studies, JamesMadison UniversityBrice Nordquist, Associate Professor ofWriting and Rhetoric, SyracuseUniversityCharisse L’Pree Corsbie-Massay,Associate Professor ofCommunications,Syracuse UniversityDavid C. Oh, Associate Professor ofCommunications, Syracuse University

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UPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTSCHAI WITH SRIVICHAI WITH SRIVISpring | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftChai With Srivi is an ongoing series of dialogues with leading mediascholars and professionals, filmed and edited by CODE^SHIFT’s VideoTeam. The series featured six guests this semester. Episode 9 will bepublished during the Spring 2024 semester. Episodes 10, 11, and 12 areslated for release in Fall 2024. EP. 9: DR. CATHERINE KNIGHT STEELEEP. 10: LYNNE SACHSEP. 12: DR. ICCHA BASNYAT &DR. MUHAMMED ITTEFAQEP. 11: DR. HELEN WANG & DR.YEA-WEN CHENAssistant Professor of Communication,University of MarylandExperimental Filmmaker and PoetAssociate Professor of Communication & GlobalAffairs, George Mason University; Assistant Professorof Communication Studies, James Madison UniversityProfessor of Communication, University atBuffalo, The State University of New York;Professor of Communication, San Diego StateUniversityTune in to our episodes on YouTube:@SRIVIDYA RAMASUBRANIAN

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On March 28, acclaimed filmmaker Lynne Sachs visited theCODE^SHIFT lab to host a workshop and screening of herlatest film, "Contractions". During the session, Sachs presentedthe 12-minute short film and engaged with participants, sharingtips for conducting oral history research and documentaryfilmmaking. Sachs, who is based in Brooklyn, has had a 30-year career as anexperimental filmmaker and poet. Born in Tennessee, shecompleted her undergraduate studies at Brown University,studying History with a focus on studio art. Sachs has producedover 40 films in addition to live performances, installations, andweb projects. She has tackled a myriad of topics, oftenconfronting social and political issues. According to Sachs'website, her films have screened at MoMA (Museum of ModernArt), Tate Modern, Image Forum Tokyo, Wexner Center for theArts, as well as festivals worldwide. It was Sachs' latest residential commission that brought her toSyracuse. In 2023, she received the New York State Council onthe Arts (NYSCA) Support for Artists grant, and she is in the cityto create commissioned work for the Urban Video Project (UVP),a media art program which projects the work of filmmakers andvideo artists onto the facade of the Everson Museum of Art indowntown Syracuse. During the workshop, Sachs was joined byAnneka Herre, faculty member in Syracuse's College of Visualand Performing Arts and UVP Program Director.UPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTSSpring | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftCODE^SHIFT WELCOMES FILMMAKER LYNNE SACHS FOR"CONTRACTIONS" FILM SCREENING & WORKSHOP"The workshop was so amazing! As an audience member, thefilm held my attention and left me feeling inspired and moved.Lynne was able to give her audience a glimpse into the newchallenges women and healthcare professionals are facingafter the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I am thankful that Dr. Sriviprovided a space to discuss such an important issue." ~ Minnie McMillian, PhD Student (Psychology)Nicole Cheah, Digital Journalism UndergraduateTo create her ongoing project, titled "Citizen Second Class" ,Sachs plans to work with local artists, reproductive careproviders, and activists to explore issues of reproductive justiceand bodily autonomy. She is particularly interested in doing sothrough the lens of Central New York's history with womens'rights. This project is part of a larger effort in which Sachs isinvolved, called "The Abortion Clinic Film Collective", a group of artists from aroundthe country who cametogether in the wake ofthe landmark 2022Dobbs decision thatoverturned Roe v Wade.

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Fall 2023UPCOMING EVENTSUniversity of Michigan, Department of Communication | HumanizingData in the Age of AI Empire (January 2024)University of Michigan, Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences(QMSS) | Data Justice: Quantitative Criticalism for Social Justice(January 2024)Michigan State University (WKAR/NPR/PBS and College of Comm Arts& Sciences) | Building Inclusive Communities: The Role ofCommunication (January 2024)Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information (Power& Inequality Working Group) | Can Research be Revolution? SpeakerSeries (February 2024)University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Communication | DataEquity: Humanizing Data for Storytelling, Social Justice, & CommunityImpact (May 2024)Spring 2024KEYNOTES & INVITED TALKSKEYNOTES & INVITED | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshift

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Spring | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftWe are excited to share that Raianawill be joining the CommunicationStudies Department at FurmanUniversity as an Assistant Professor(tenure-track) this Fall 2024.Congratulations and wishing you asmooth transition!We are excited to share about our first journal acceptance featuring all and only CODE^SHIFTmembers as co-authors: de Carvalho, R., Santia, M. & Ramasubramanian, S. (in press). Framingthe Yanomami: Decolonial Analysis of U.S Coverage of Indigenous People in Brazil duringCOVID-19. Ethnic & Racial Studies. Additionally, the “6Es of Media Literacy Impact” paper from the Mapping Impactful MediaLiteracy Practices (MIML) Project is forthcoming in the Annals of ICA. The project involvesCODE^SHIFT members Dr. Srivi and Shannon, as well as Bobbie Foster (U Arkansas), PaulMihailidis (Emerson), Melissa Tully (U Iowa), Patrick Johnson (Marquette U) and EmilyRiewestahl (CODE^SHIFT Alum).student awards & accomplishmentsRaiana deCarvalho Shannon Burth won a top posteraward, RIT Student Research inCommunication Conference alongwith Yoon Lee for their project onOutdated Cultural Depiction labels.Go team!EmileeBakerMurphyMacFarlaneMurphy has won many awards! a 2024 Newhouse Scholar2024 AEJMC Festival of VisualMedia: Gold, Video Category2024 White House NewsPhotographer Association Eyes ofHistory Contest: 3rd Place2024 BEA Festival of Media Arts:3rd Place, Micro-DocumentaryEmilee will be joining as a postdoctoral fellow n BiologyEducation at the University ofMinnesota after graduation from herPh.D. in Education. All the best toher in the new chapter of her career!ShannonBurthSky Zhuang Sky was elected to the Studentassociation with the position ofPhotography Director. He hostedportrait sessions for internationalstudent ambassadors and the BlackHistory Month student discussionpanel.

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Spring | Instagram: @nhcodeshift | Facebook: @NHcodeshiftBenjie was awarded the 2023Foreign Correspondents’Excellence Award. He willalso be travelling to Santiago,Chile this May to participatein World Press Freedom Day2024.Melody Wilson Maya EspinelJacquelyn TrotmanNicole CheahNiah EdwardsSky ZhuangDean’s listBenjaminTettehJacquelynTrotman Jacquelyn was invited to givea speech at 2024 Leadershipscholar reception, titled“Welcome Home.”WELCOME DR. OH!WELCOME DR. OH! Dr. David OhDr. Oh is an Associate Professor of Communications who joinedNewhouse in the Spring 2024 semester. We are excited to have him joinCODE^SHIFT as a faculty affiliate. He is a renowned expert on media, audiences and identity. His workemphasizes Asian American representations in popular and digital cultureand Asian American identities and media. He is the author of“Whitewashing the Movies: Asian Erasure and White Subjectivity in U.S.Film Culture” (2022) and "Navigating White news: Asian Americanjournalists at work (2023), both published by Rutgers University Press.