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Spring 2024

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To change is to think greater than how we feel. To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of thememorized self. If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinventa new self. - Joe DispensaLocal TherapistsOrganic ProductsSpiritual practitionersLocal organic farmsAre we taking care of our brains?Chemicals that cause brain deficiency and low IQWhat are neurotoxins?

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The National Wellness Org MagazineWATER1 - Distilled water. 2 WAYS TOCLEAN TAPWATERNo. It is now well established that fluorideis not an essential nutrient. This meansthat no human disease – including toothdecay – will result from a “deficiency” offluoride. Fluoridating water supplies istherefore different than adding iodine tosalt. Unlike fluoride, iodine is an essentialnutrient (the body needs iodine to ensurethe proper functioning of the thyroidgland). No such necessity exists forfluoride.A reverse osmosis (RO) machine effectively removes fluoride fromwater, providing numerous benefits for health-consciousindividuals. By employing a semipermeable membrane, RO systemsfilter out fluoride ions along with other impurities, ensuring cleanand safe drinking water. This process helps eliminate potentialhealth risks associated with fluoride consumption, such as dentalfluorosis or skeletal fluorosis. Additionally, RO systems improve thetaste and odor of water, providing a refreshing and pure drinkingexperience. With its efficient filtration capabilities, investing in areverse osmosis machine offers peace of mind and promotesoverall well-being for you and your family.2 - Reverse Osmosis MachineDistilling water is an effective method for removing fluoride,along with other contaminants, from water. During thedistillation process, water is heated to its boiling point, causingit to vaporize and leave behind impurities such as fluoride,minerals, and bacteria. The vapor is then cooled and condensedback into liquid form, yielding pure water free from fluorideand other pollutants. Since fluoride has a higher boiling pointthan water, it remains in the original container, while thepurified water collects separately. This process ensures that theresulting water is nearly free of fluoride and othercontaminants, making it a popular choice for those seeking tominimize their fluoride intake for health or personal reasons.Do we really needFlouride?Scan to purchase nowClick to purchase now

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Thank you for picking up your copy of the Spring edition 2024. What a whirlwind of education the last 4 years has been!I genuinely feel as though we have been thrust onto a different dimension!Time feels as though it has sped up, we’re more stressed with an increasedawareness of what our governments are up to, how the systems around us havebeen built to enslave us and how little by little our health is diminishing and ourrights are being stripped away. But fear no more. Your community of awakened and enlightened individuals aren’t far away. Thelove and support you need to take action, feel well, get fit and strong and learnhow to successfully stand up for yourself, your children and your rights arehere. In this magazine, we provide you with links of key companies, communities andthose amazing individuals with incredible knowledge on how to live the bestlife you possibly can. The key to it all, is to let go of fear. Prepare yourself for the worst and be as happy and carefree as you possiblycan! Wishing you a fantastic Spring and live everyday as if it’s your last! A note from the Editor.LoveCompassionEmpathy

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—such as autism, ADHD, or dyslexia—can present unique challenges in social interactions,emotional regulation, and daily functioning. While each individual's experience is different, manyneurodivergent individuals find immense value in working with a registered psychotherapist.Here's a closer look at how psychotherapy can be transformative for those with neurodivergence.Navigating the world with neurodivergenceUnderstanding and ValidationOne of the primary benefits of psychotherapy forneurodivergent individuals is the opportunity to gainunderstanding and validation of their experiences. Often,neurodivergent individuals face misunderstandings ormisconceptions from others, leading to feelings of isolation orfrustration. A registered psychotherapist trained in workingwith neurodivergent clients can provide a safe space toexplore these feelings and experiences without judgment.This validation can be incredibly empowering and can helpindividuals build self-esteem and confidence.Developing Coping StrategiesNeurodivergent individuals may encounterchallenges related to anxiety, sensorysensitivities, or executive functioning.Psychotherapy offers a structured environmentto develop practical coping strategies tailored toindividual needs. For example, a therapist mightwork with a client with ADHD to implementtime-management techniques or teachmindfulness practices to reduce anxiety. Thesestrategies can enhance daily functioning andimprove overall well-being.Support for Transitions and Life ChangesLife transitions—such as starting college,changing jobs, or entering new relationships—can be particularly challenging forneurodivergent individuals. A psychotherapistcan provide support and guidance during thesetransitions, helping individuals navigate changeand adapt to new environments successfully.Promoting Self-AdvocacyPsychotherapy encourages self-awareness andself-advocacy, empowering neurodivergentindividuals to communicate their needs andadvocate for themselves in various settings. Thisskill is invaluable in academic, professional, andpersonal contexts, fostering independence andautonomy.In conclusion, working with a registeredpsychotherapist can be life-changing forneurodivergent individuals, providing essentialsupport, validation, and skills to thrive in aneurotypical world. By addressing specificchallenges and building on strengths,psychotherapy promotes resilience, self-acceptance, and overall well-being. It's essentialfor individuals with neurodivergence and theirfamilies to consider psychotherapy as a valuableresource on their journey towards personalgrowth and fulfillment.Contact Natalie for a FREEconsultation.

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a Dream ofS u m m e rby FaugetUnlock the power ofholistic healing atZynell in Ripley,Derbyshire. Experiencethe transformativebenefits of Reiki,massage therapy, andsound baths in a sereneand welcomingenvironment. Let ourskilled practitionersguide you on a journeyof relaxation,rejuvenation, and innerbalance. Whetheryou're seeking relieffrom stress, physicaldiscomfort, or simply amoment of tranquility,our personalizedtreatments cater toyour unique needs.Discover the harmonyof mind, body, andspirit at Zynell andembark on a pathtowards holisticwellness. Book yourappointment today andelevate your well-beingwith us.1 0NEW Practitioner Click here for more information“Most change starts with the simple process of something outside of us altering something inside of us. If you begin the inwardjourney and start to change your inner world of thoughts and feelings, it should create an improved state of well-being. If youkeep repeating the process in meditation, then in time, epigenetic changes should begin to alter your outer presentation—andyou become your own placebo.”― Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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A neurotoxin is a substance thatspecifically targets and damages thenervous system, including the brain, spinalcord, and peripheral nerves. These toxinsinterfere with the normal functioning ofnerve cells by disrupting neurotransmission,leading to a range of neurologicalsymptoms and disorders. Neurotoxins canbe found in various sources, includingcertain chemicals, metals, pesticides, andeven some naturally occurring substances.Understanding neurotoxins is crucial foridentifying potential health hazards anddeveloping strategies to mitigate theirimpact on human health and theenvironment.What are the effects of neurotoxins in foods?Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): MSG is aflavor enhancer commonly used inprocessed foods. It contains glutamate, anexcitatory neurotransmitter that, inexcessive amounts, can overstimulatenerve cells and potentially lead toneurotoxicity. Some people may experiencesymptoms such as headaches, nausea, anddizziness after consuming foods high inMSG.It's crucial to prioritize your health byreading the ingredients labels oneverything you buy. Many processed foodscontain additives and preservatives thatmay contribute to neurotoxicity, potentiallymanifesting as symptoms like ADHD,fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. Ifyou're experiencing any of these signs,consider conducting a full and completedetox by eliminating processed foods fromyour diet and opting for whole,unprocessed alternatives. Before considering medication, addressingpotential neurotoxicity through dietarychanges and detoxification may offersignificant benefits to your overall well-being. Always consult with a healthcareprofessional for personalized advice andsupport on your journey to better health.For details on how to detox,contact a therapist on the onlinedirectory , Certain preservatives usedin processed foods, such as butylatedhydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylatedhydroxytoluene (BHT), have been linked toneurotoxicity in animal studies. Thesecompounds may interfere with normalbrain function and have been associatedwith cognitive impairment andneurobehavioral disorders.Artificial Food Colors: Synthetic food dyes,such as tartrazine (Yellow 5), sunset yellow(Yellow 6), and Allura Red (Red 40), havebeen associated with hyperactivity andbehavioral issues in children. While theexact mechanism of neurotoxicity is notfully understood, these additives mayaffect neurotransmitter levels and neuronalfunction.Trans Fats: Artificial trans fats, often foundin partially hydrogenated oils used inprocessed foods, have been linked toinflammation and oxidative stress in thebrain, which can contribute toneurodegenerative diseases such asAlzheimer's and Parkinson's.What are neurotoxins and how are they affecting us?-Sam KeanSeveral ingredients commonly found inprocessed foods have been associatedwith neurotoxicity or adverse effects onthe nervous system. These include - Artificial Sweeteners: Certain artificialsweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, andsucralose have been studied for theirpotential neurotoxic effects. They maydisrupt neurotransmitter function and havebeen linked to headaches, migraines, andneurological disorders in some individuals.

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We all need a little help from time to time.. Life coaching is a transformative process that offers numerous benefits toindividuals seeking personal growth, clarity, and fulfillment in various aspectsof their lives. Here are some key advantages of life coaching:Clarity and Goal Setting: One of theprimary benefits of life coaching isgaining clarity about what you want toachieve and setting specific,achievable goals. A life coach helpsyou identify your values, strengths,and aspirations, enabling you to createa roadmap for success. Throughstructured sessions, you can breakdown large objectives intomanageable steps, making progressmore tangible and attainable.Accountability and Motivation: Lifecoaching provides accountability andmotivation to stay focused on yourgoals. Coaches offer encouragementand support, holding youaccountable for taking consistentaction towards your desiredoutcomes. This accountability fostersa sense of responsibility andcommitment, boosting motivationeven during challenging times.Stress Reduction and Well-being:Through life coaching, clients learnstrategies to manage stress, enhanceresilience, and prioritize well-being.Coaches may incorporate techniquessuch as mindfulness, relaxationexercises, and boundary-setting topromote emotional balance andoverall health.In summary, life coaching offers astructured and supportive process thatempowers individuals to clarify theirgoals, enhance self-awareness, andcultivate skills for personal andprofessional success. Whether navigatingcareer transitions, improvingrelationships, or pursuing a healthierlifestyle, life coaching can be a valuableinvestment in achieving a more fulfillingand purposeful life.

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Our farmers need YOUR help!Join the Facebook Group - The potential consequences of farmers being put out of business are multifaceted and far-reaching,posing significant risks to both society and the economy. Firstly, disruptions in the food supply chainwould likely occur, leading to shortages, increased food prices, and difficulties in accessing essentialitems. This could exacerbate food insecurity and impact the nutritional well-being of populations.Economically, agriculture is a cornerstone industry in many countries, and the collapse of farmingbusinesses would result in widespread job losses, particularly in rural areas where farming is a primarysource of employment. The ripple effects would extend to related sectors suchas food processing, transportation, and retail, amplifyingeconomic downturns and potentially triggeringrecessions. Moreover, the decline of farmingcommunities could lead to social challenges, includingincreased poverty, reduced access to services, and theloss of cultural heritage associated with agriculturaltraditions. Environmentally, abandoned farmlands couldsuffer from neglect and degradation, contributing tohabitat loss and biodiversity decline. Additionally, theknowledge and expertise held by farmers in sustainablefarming practices would be lost, hindering innovation inagriculture and threatening long-term food productioncapabilities. The reliance on imported food wouldincrease, exposing countries to external marketfluctuations and geopolitical risks. Ultimately, thecollapse of the farming sector jeopardizes not only foodsecurity and economic stability but also theinterconnected social fabric of rural communities.Policymakers must therefore consider the broaderimplications and prioritize measures to support andsustain farming as a vital component of societalresilience and well-being.Are you doing your bit to help our Farmers?Join the group, invest inyour local Farms and helpsave your society.

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Did you know, that parasites could bethe cause of your illness? We treat our pets for parasites every month, so why don’t we treat ourselves? Do we considerourselves immune from parasites? Or is this topic too icky that we don’t want to face the fact thatwe might have wriggling worms in our bodies? Whatever the answer, right now we have parasites inyour body. We have them in our hair, on our skin and wriggling around inside of us. They can beunder the skin, within our organs and inside our brains. It begs the question, do parasites cause mental health issues? During the Covid 19 era, Ivermectin, a strong and effective parasitecleanser, was banned for use and purchase. Heavily promoted by DonaldTrump, he landed himself in hot water as he scretly knew this was a curefrom the so-called “virus” Covid 19. Even now, medics, that have little orno knowledge of parasites (as it is not a topic of education at medicalschool), are supporting the ban of parasite cleansers and denying thatparasites have any effect on the human body. Yet, more and more of usare taking the time to learn from other sources outside of officialgovernment documents and medical reviewed papers, that symptoms likeADHD, Autism and other mental health disorders are alleviated by detoxcleanses and by using specialised parasite medication. What kills parasites?Raw, Organic Garlic is a fantastic gut cleanse. Not only does thiswonderful plant clear out parasites, but it also fights Candida! Here are some other herbs and naturalways to remove those pesky parasites! To find out more,check out our directoryof holistic

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HOW CAN WEHELP?Our online directory of holistic therapists serves as avaluable resource benefiting society by providing easyaccess to alternative and complementary healthcareoptions. This platform connects individuals with skilledpractitioners offering holistic therapies such asacupuncture, herbal medicine, yoga therapy, and more. Byfacilitating connections between clients and therapists, ourdirectory promotes holistic wellness, supports mental andphysical health, and encourages a comprehensive approachto healthcare. This access to diverse healing modalitiesempowers individuals to explore alternative treatments,potentially improving overall well-being and contributing toa more holistic approach to healthcare within society. expand your reach and connect with newclients by signing up for free on our onlinedirectory at Showcaseyour unique services in alternative andcomplementary therapies includingacupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, yoga,and more. Joining our platform gives youvisibility to individuals seeking holistic healthsolutions, enhancing your practice and impact.It's easy and free to create your profile,allowing you to share your expertise andattract clients who value a holistic approach towellness. Don't miss out on this opportunity togrow your holistic therapy practice and be partof a supportive community. Sign up today!Are you a holistic Therapist or WellnessPractitioner?

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KamboSamLet’s talk about making your life better!It’s very easy to tell ourselves that “we’re fine as we are” andthat we’re happy with current circumstances. In fact, as themedia is constantly ramping up the fear porn at every avenue,its becoming easier now, to tell ourselves that things aren’tactually as good as they could be. And so begins the negativeself-speak. AAaaaand....Most of us have absolutely no ideahow to improve our current situation, and feel helpless. The true enemy is not the government, or Hamas, or Isreal, or people around us, or the WEF orthe WHO.........the true enemy is fear. Take fear out of the equation and you’ll do anything youset your mind too! We are so programmed with constant messages telling us that we should beafraid of world war 3, or the apocolypse, or nuclear war or whatever big event is “coming,” thatwe are being limited. The fear is taking us away from our true potential. Are you happy? If you answer yes, are you absolutely sure? Addiction, Narcissism, Hatred, Resentment, Jealousy, Envy, Greed, all of these negativeemotions stem from fear....but also, complacency, feelings of being stagnant, not really movingfurther in life, feeling stuck or not quite able to reach your life goals. Isn’t it about time you broke free from fear and set yourself free?! You are far more powerful than you think you are!Kambo concentrates on the physcial and the spiritual. The magic of Kambo, worksmetaphsycially. The spirit of Kambo, when envoked, sweeps through the body and the energyfields that surrounds us, cleaning and cleansing what is not needed. Think of it as the CCcleaner on your computer. Over time we collect pieces of data that hang around, that we forgetabout, and they’re the things that aren’t really doing anything to benefit us. But, they’re theretaking up space, and weighing us down, because the more we collect, the heavier we become. Kambo, is the CC cleaner, it totally detoxes the mind and energy field leaving you feeling100% lighter, brighter, more motivated, more productive and really really happy!! In fact, you will reach a point where you will wonder where you have been all this time! You’llbegin to ask yourself, why haven’t I done this before? The next stage is, you will begin to question what you consume. With this new knoweldge,you’ll begin to question whether certain practises or foods or behaviours are altogether rightfor you. You’ll begin to question everything and then begin to make conscious decisions tomake the right choices for you. Want to learn more?Want to give it a go?Check out our social media forupdatesContact Sam - 07835 453483

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Scan to ExploreOur WebsiteOpen your phone'scamera app.Point it at the QR codeTap the notificationto view our menu123The National Wellness OrganisationInstructions:Scan MeEnquiries@TheNWO.com0044 7835 453 Marketplace for Healing