Classes Begin Mon. January 22, 2023Monday Tuesday Thursday 6:30 – 8:00pSaturday 10:30a - 12:00pAll classes virtual ZOOM 595 140 5570 passcode MITT0920
Rev. Dr. Patricia CarrollClasses held on Mon. 6:30 pOTS390 Isaiah Isaiah can seemintimidating. It's a big book covering an extendedtimescale, full of unfamiliar names and places.You may be familiar with Isaiah's vision of God'sholiness in chapter 6 or his description of thecross in chapter 53. But the book of Isaiah is fullof good news. Forming a kind of bridge betweenthe Old Testament and the New Testament,Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens ourunderstanding of salvation, and illuminates ourBible reading. It points forward to Jesus and fuelsour vision for the church and our mission. This isgood news worth shouting about! Textbook:Isaiah For You by Tim Chester.
Apostle William McKissickClasses held on Tues. 6:30 pTHE300 Harmony of the GospelsFour Gospels—four different accounts of the same Man. And the Gospels do not contradict one another. They collaborate in order to provide a deeper, multifaceted description of Jesus Christ. In Matthew, Jesus is Messiah and King of the Jews. In Mark, He is the Servant of Jehovah. In Luke, He is the human Jesus as the Son of Man, Adam’s descendant. Finally, in John, we thrill to the supernatural Jesus who is undoubtedly the Son of God. No believer can truly know Jesus without having an understanding of the four distinct roles He fulfilled in His time on earth. A deeper dive into the four Gospels will boost your faith and bring you ever closer to a Savior who is fully human, fully divine, and above everything, Lord of all. Textbook: Why Four Gospels? By A W Pink
Pastor Dr. Paul HyltonClasses held on Thurs. 6:30 pPRE325 The Nuts & Bolts of Effective Preaching/Teaching Author Paul Hylton challenges the preacher of the gospel to seek to develop his or her preaching skills while understanding the nature of the audience. It is not a textbook on preaching but a practical guide to effective preaching.The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ. Even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Featured topics include: ·The cost of leadership · The responsibility of leadership ·The qualities and criteria of leadership. Required (1) Preaching with Relevance in the 21st Century Church by Paul A. Hylton and (2) Spiritual Leadership: Principles
Pastor Dr. Yvonne GallaherAuthor: C.O.W.S.Classes held on Saturday 10:30a – 12:00pBBL375 Scarlet Thread A single, scarlet thread runs through the entire Bible, weaving a beautiful garment of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. This thread shows how the Old and New Testament fit together to tell one complete story. This sacred thread is the blood covenant Jesus made with God for you.Discoverthe prophetic origins of the New Testament’s promise for believers and how they picture Jesus in every book of the Bible. Experiencepersonally the deep significance of the covenants, the Passover, crossing the threshold and eating the salt of the covenant. Have a fresh encounter with God and the supernatural power of the blood of Jesus! Author: Richard Booker
Call: 860-346-0733Tues – Friday12:00 pm – 4:00 pmEmail is the best way to contact usText: 855-579-1285