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Sports Nutrition for Beginners

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Sports Nutritionfor Beginners C R E A T E D B Y W E B B T R A V I S &M I Q U E L L E F R A N Z E S E

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Contents DisclaimerintroductionDesign your Nutrition Prescription calories Macronutrientsfood qualitynutrient timingNow you try...WW

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LegalDisclaimerThe ideas, concepts & opinionsexpressed in this e-book isintended for educational purposes only.This E-book is provided with theunderstanding that authors & publishersare not rendering medical advice of anykind, nor is the packet intended toreplace medical advice, nor to diagnose,prescribe or treat any disease,condition, illness, or injury. It is imperative that before beginningany diet or exercise program, youreceive full medical clearance from alicensed physician. Authors andpublishers claim no responsibility to anyperson or entity for any liability, loss ordamage caused or alleged to be causedirectly or indirectly as a result of theuse, application or interpretation of thematerials in this packet. WW

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WWMeet the Coaches Webb Travis is a fitness entrepreneurwith over 20 years of experience inthe fitness & wellness community.Holding both his Bachelor's & Master’sDegrees in Kinesiology. Nutrition & Strength Coachingbackground, Webb also is the founderand owner of TURF. TURF is arenowned & popular training facility inSouthern California. Known forhelping people lose weight, build uptheir strength &conditioning, alongwith supporting its Orange CountyCommunity in philanthropy eventsand more. Miquelle Franzese is a Nutrition Coach,Personal Trainer & Group Instructor.With almost 20 years of experience inthe fitness world herself, Miquelle is alittle powerhouse. Miquelle has worked with many women of all ages & life stages. Helping them gainthe confidence they want & the bodies they deserve. The biggest thing that they are going to teach you, is how to educate yourself andtake it step by step on your fitness journey. We all know how food can be a strugglefor everyone, so this booklet was created for your success!Enjoy!

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Building your Nutrition PrescriptionWW

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CaloriesWhat is a calorie? A calorie is a measure of energy released by foodas the human body digests it. Keep it simple. How many calories doesyour body need as an individual, in order to maintain current weight?In order to figure that out, we need to know your BMR (BasalMetabolic Rate), then calculate it with our TDEE, total daily energyexpenditure. Calculate your BMRSTEp 1: What is BMR? Your basal metabolic rate is the number of caloriesrequired to keep your body functioning at rest. It does not take intoaccount any additional activites you do throughout the day such asyour walks, workouts, hanging out with your pets, or energy for yourjob. BMR only takes your essential body functions such as breathing,heart beat, digestion, etc. Use the Harris Benedit Formula to calculate BMR: men:women:BMR = (10 x Weight in KG) + (6.25 x Height in CM) - (5 x Age) + 5 BMR = (10 x Weight in KG) + (6.25 x Height in CM) - (5 x Age) - 161 WW

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Here's an example: A 47 year female who is 5'7" and weighs 155 lbs. Her BMR is :Calculate your TDEESTEp 2: What is TDEE? TDEE is the sum of your BMR, along with your EA(Exercise Activity), NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis), andTEF (Thermic Effect of Feeding). We don't need to know all of thoseitems, let's keep it simple and focus on the essentials. Our Movementwill help us determine the TDEE. bmr = (10 x 70.45) + (6.25 x 170.18) - (5 x 47) - 161BMR = 704.5 +1063.53 - 235 - 161BMR = 1372 Calories/day Now that we figured out our BMR, lets figure out what our bodiesmaintenance calories are when we take into account everything we do,every single day. First, we need to know our TDEE! WW

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tDEE = 1372 x 1.55This is how manycalories she needs to consume viafood/drink in orderto maintain her current weight. Little to no exercise = BMR x 1.2Little Exercise, Trains 1-3 Days Weekly = BMR x 1.375Moderately Active, Trains 3-5 days weekly = BMR x 1.55Very active, trains 6-7 days weekly = BMR x 1.725extremely active, double- day training and/or intense physical job = BMR x 1.9 Using our 47 year old female as an example again, let's say shedoes strength workouts 4x a week & 1x day of cardio. We'd put herTDEE at 1.55. tDEE = 2,127 Calories/Day WW

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Lose Fat: You must Burn more calories than you intake.Gain Muscle/Fuel for Performance: You must intake more calories than you burnMaintain weight: You must intake approximately the same calories that you burn. Using our 47 year old female as an example again, let's say she wantsto lose weight, we would put her in a 10-20 percent deficit. 2,127 Calories x .10 = 213Now Let's talk about Goal Setting... 2,127 - 213 = 1914 Cals/Day Now let's say our 47 year old female wants to eat for performance, wewould put her into a small calorie surplus, 10-20 percent. 2,127 Calories x .10 = 2132,127 + 213 = 2340 Cals/Day Now we know how to figure out our total calories... let's figure out macros!WW

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now we know what our calorie prescription is on a daily basis, we need to figureout what to eat... and how much of it. Let's figure out our individual macro goals. macros Some people do not require that much, however if you are veryactive, and wish to lose unwanted body fat faster, eat one gram ofprotein per pound, every day. Protein is the one macro with the highest thermogenic effect soit's great to maximize protein intake during a fat loss phase. Once that's all set, take your protein intake and multiply by 4 togive you the total number of calories assigned to your protein goal.Determine Protein STEp 3: keep it simple1 gram per pound of body weightWW

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Using our 47 year old female athlete, her body weight is at155 lbs, meaning she requires 155 grams of protein everyday! macros 155 grams x 4 calories/gram620 Calories per Day 1 ounce of steak = 7 g of protein4 ounce = 28 g of Protein WW

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macros If you're already lean and looking to get shredded, orif you're a performance athlete. Determine FatSTEp 4: Our 155 lb Female Athlete who is consuming 2,127 calories a day.Works out 5x a week, Would need 30 % of her daily calories to comefrom fat: 638 Calories (divide by 9 grams/calorie) 71 Grams of fat per daily goal20 - 30% 30-50%If you have more body fat to lose or if you'reperformance athlete who is off season and needs tofocus on hormonal/physical recovery. 60-70%If you have pre-diabetic conditions, or if you arepurely looking to eat for health and longevity and dolittle to no exercise. The simplest way we've found to determine fat is by assigning the fatto a certain percentage of calorie intake. WW

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macros 30% of Daily Intake should be Carbohydrates. Determine Carbohydrates STEp 5: Our 155 lb Female Athlete who is consuming 2,127 calories a day.Works out 5x a week, her goal is to maintain her weight; 50% of her daily goal is 1064 calories should be from carbohydrates1064 divided by 4 = 266 grams of Carbs. Weight lossMuscle Gain40-50% of Daily Intake should be Carbohydrates. Maintenance 50-60% of Daily Intake should be Carbohydrates. The simplest way we've found to determine carbohydrates is basedupon body type & energy needs. WW

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macros 155 g What is her Daily macro Goals?proteinCarbohydrates 266 gfat71 g3 meals a day: P: 52 f: 24 C: 894 meals a Day: P: 39 F: 18 C: 675 Meals a Day: P: 31 F: 14 C: 53what should each meal look like?WW

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food qualityYou have a 90% chance of the food being locallysourced, especially in California. Fun fact, Californiaprovides 75% of the country's produce.FUN FACT: Just because it's from the farmer's market,doesn't mean it is organic. In order to be deemedorganic, you have to be certified by the USDA. Where is your food coming from?STEp 6: Farmer markets Buying Organic While buying Organic is more costly, this is the mostbeneficial long term solution for your grocery &health bill. Eating organic will help you avoidinflammation, chronic diseases & heart disease. Eating organic will also help you avoid the pesticides,hormones, add-ons, antibiotics, food dyes, etc. Organic is best, think local. How long did it take for your food to comefrom the farm, to the market, to your dining table. Processed FoodsThese are foods that are made in a labs, factory, orcontrolled farms. They are pumped with food dyes &unwanted ingredient add-ons. They are also strippedof their micronutrients and fiber. WW

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Nutrient Timing0-60 minutes before workout: Something light suchas fruit; apple, banana, berries, etc. 60-120 minutes before workout: Varies from personto person, but something with protein & low glycemiccarbohydrates. 120+: You can have a full out meal, protein, fat, carbs,fiber, etc. When should You be eating? STEp 7: Pre workout Post WorkoutLearn how to understand when and what you should be eating, howmuch & why. 0-60 minutes after workout: A fast Liquid version of aprotein and carbohydrate blend (Protein Shake). 60-120 minutes after workout: Eat a substantial mealof 40-50% of your daily total carbohydrate goal.Along with 25-40 g of protein. Minimal fat if possible. WW

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Now, You Try...What is your BMR?What is your TDEE?What are your specific goals?What is your Daily Calorie Goal?What are your Macros?Protein?Fat?Carbohydrates? WW