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Splash Of Joy Mermaid Affirmatio

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Splash Of JoySplash Of JoySplash Of JoyMermaid Affirmations For Little Hearts

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Splash of JoyMermaid Affirmations for Little HeartsFirst EditionCopyright © [2024] by [Winifred Aniece]All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingphotocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain othernoncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.Whimsical Wonderland Digital Creations6907 E. 100TH STKansas City, Mo

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Each of these affirmations is crafted to instill confidence,kindness, and a sense of wonder, using the enchantingworld of mermaids as a backdrop. They're designed to be accessible and meaningful to youngchildren, helping to build a positive self-image and anappreciation for the world around them.

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am kind to all creatures,big and small."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am helpful, like aschool of fishsticking together."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am adventurous,always ready toexplore newwaters."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am bravelike amermaidexploringthe ocean."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am loved like the warmsun shining on the sea."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I can make magic happen with my words and actions."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am smart and learnnew things every day."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am important, likea treasure hiddenbeneath the waves."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am creative, makingwaves of imagination."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I let my lightshine whereever i go."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am peaceful,floating calmly onthe ocean's surface."

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"splash of joymermaid affirmationsfor little hearts."

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"I am joyful, splashing inthe sea of happiness."

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