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Spending with Intention

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GRADES 6 8 Student Workbook SPENDING WITH INTENTION Course Concepts checking vs saving goal setting decision making budgeting avoiding scams

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3C This book belongs to EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N TABLE OF CONTENTS Meet Moolah 3 Unit 1 The Importance of Saving 4 Part One Why Save Part Two Goal Setting Part Three Why Save at a Credit Union Unit 2 Decision Making 13 Part One Decision Making Process Part Two Types of Decisions Unit 3 Protect Your Identity 19 Part One What Makes Up Your Identity Part Two How to Protect Your Identity Unit 4 Paying for Things 32 Part One Accounts and Ways to Pay Part Two Tracking Purchases Part Three Types of Expenses CU Practice Additional Activities 38 Glossary 46 2 Copyright 2022 Reseda Group LLC Ever Green 3C LLC Licensee

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MEET MOOLAH AND PENNY EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 3C The Ever Green 3C Forest is full of friendly helpers Look there s Penny the Owl and Moolah the Moose They re here to help you learn about the importance of saving money 3

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UNIT ONE THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING 3C Unit 1 The Importance of Saving Part 1 Why Save EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Free Write Why do you think it might be important to save up money rather than spend it all 4

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PART ONE WHY SAVE Why Save N 1 income Money received for providing goods or services 3C Saving is a great habit to start practicing today Saving money is part of being financially responsible and independent When you earn income1 you don t have to spend all the money you make in fact you shouldn t Saving money will help you be able to afford your future needs and wants EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Savings2 can help set you up for future financial success Your chances of being successful will increase if you set savings goals Think about your future wants and needs to create your savings goals Your goals may be long term things over a year away or short term things that you can reach within a year 2 savings Money saved for future needs and wants 5

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UNIT ONE THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING 3C Unit 1 The Importance of Saving EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 2 Goal Setting A short term goal is something you want to accomplish relatively soon anywhere from finishing the task by the end of the day to completing it several months from now Long term goals are those that you envision achieving in the distant future They can t be accomplished by tomorrow or even by next week Your long term goals are your big dreams that give you a sense of direction and purpose in life 6

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PART TWO GOAL SETTING EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 3C Directions Create a web of your personal short and long term goals For example you could save for a new phone gaming system or college Once you ve written down your goals color the short term goals green and the long term goals purple A short term goal example has been done for you New Phone SAVINGS 7

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UNIT ONE THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING SMART Goals 3C SMART goals can help you create an action plan to reach your goal SMART stands for specific measurable attainable realistic and timely N When planning your goal you want to be as specific as possible For example if you want to save money to buy a new camera break it down even further What type of camera do you want How much is the camera going to cost Once you know these details you can make your goal measurable and give yourself a time frame to save toward your goal Remember goals can be short term or long term but breaking down how much you save for your goal by month or week can help you stay on track and attain your goal EV SA E R M G PL R E EE You also want to make sure your goal is realistic If the camera you want to buy is really expensive and you only earn babysitting money once a month are you going to be able to save enough to buy the camera in a few months Probably not so you will have to make your time frame longer or think of other ways to save more money SMART Goal Example Goal I want to buy a new Instax Mini 11 camera Money Needed Deadline Start Date Months to Save Per Month Savings 70 00 xx 20xx xx xx 4 17 50 Ways to Reach Goal Put money in my savings every month 17 50 per month Earn extra money by mowing lawns or babysitting Save all my holiday and birthday money 8

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PART TWO GOAL SETTING Directions Select one short term and one long term goal from the previous activity on page 6 Then complete the SMART goal table If you are unsure of the money needed for this goal ask your teacher for help or make a realistic guess Money Needed Deadline Start Date Months to Save Per Month Savings EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Goal 3C Short term Goal Ways to Reach Goal Long term Goal Goal Money Needed Deadline Start Date Months to Save Per Month Savings Ways to Reach Goal 9

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UNIT ONE THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING 3C Unit 1 The Importance of Saving EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 3 Why Save at a Credit Union 10

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PART THREE WHY SAVE AT A CREDIT UNION Saving at a Credit Union 3C You may have a piggy bank or other safe place to save your money but have you thought about saving it at a credit union Saving your money at a credit union keeps your money in a safe place If your piggy bank is lost or stolen your money is gone and you may not be able to get it back Credit unions have insurance that protects your money if someone tries to steal it N Credit unions will also pay you every month to keep your money saved in a savings account This money you earn is called dividends3 Dividends are often shown as percentages because credit unions pay you money based on a percentage of your account balance This means you can earn dividends on the dividends the Credit Union previously paid you as long as you keep them in your savings account EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 3 dividends Money paid regularly at a certain rate to an individual for keeping funds in a savings account Converting Percentage to Decimal Percent means per 100 so 25 means 25 per 100 or 25 100 When we divide 25 by 100 we get the decimal number 0 25 Therefore to convert percent to decimal we simply divide by 100 There is an even easier way to divide by 100 by simply moving the decimal point two places to the left Example Let s convert 75 to a decimal Currently the decimal is located right here 75 Now move the decimal points two places to the left 0 7 5 Now you have a decimal number of 0 75 Calculating Dividends Earned Be sure to convert the dividend rate to a decimal number before calculating Equation Yearly Dividends Earned Initial Balance x 1 Dividend Rate 11

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UNIT ONE THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING Directions Convert each percentage into a decimal point The first one has been done for you 1 7 0 07 6 86 7 9 3 12 8 25 4 76 9 54 EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 3C 2 100 5 33 10 1 Math Problem Aliyah just celebrated her birthday Some of her family members gave her money so she could open a savings account In total she has 50 to put into her savings account which earns a dividend rate of 3 yearly How much will Aliyah have in savings after one year Answer 12

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UNIT TWO DECISION MAKING 3C Unit 2 Decision Making EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 1 Decision Making Process 13

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UNIT TWO DECISION MAKING Let s Practice Problem Solving EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 1 Identify the problem 2 Analyze your options Weigh the pros and cons Who are the stakeholders4 What are the possible outcomes good and bad 3 Make a decision 4 Reflect and learn from the results 3C People make thousands of decisions every day Some are easy to make like deciding to brush your teeth twice a day Others can be harder and may take a longer process before you fully decide what to do like deciding what you want to be when you grow up For decisions that are more complex it can be helpful to move through a decision making process 4 stakeholders Someone with interest in or affected by a decision Reflection is Key What was the outcome of your decision Did it turn out like you planned Could you have done anything different to change the outcome Asking these questions can help you learn and make better decisions in the future Practice Problem Terrence is a great saver He started to develop this habit when he learned about the different types of coins Over a few years Terrence has been able to save 300 He is considering buying a new video game system but has never made a purchase this large and knows that it would use his entire savings A Friday afternoon at school his friend Nolan asks him if he is going to join the baseball team Terrence and Nolan love to play catch after school but neither of them have played on a real team before Nolan really wants to play on the team but would be really excited if Terrence would play on the team with him Nolan gives Terrence a signup sheet where he reads about the 150 fee that would cover equipment for the team a jersey and some new baseball cleats 14

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PART ONE DECISION MAKING PROCESS Directions Use the decision making process to help Terrence decide what to do Analyze Options Cons EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Pros 3C Problem Who are the stakeholders What are the possible outcomes Make a decision Reflect on your decision What could you have done differently 15

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UNIT TWO DECISION MAKING 3C Unit 2 Decision Making EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 2 Types of Decisions 16

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PART TWO TYPES OF DECISIONS Financial 3C Opportunity cost5 means that it takes time to make money Time is one of your resources that you can t get more of Once it s gone it s gone In some cases it may not be worth the amount of time it takes to make the money to buy something You may miss out on other opportunities that could have been a better use of your time EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Educational N 5 opportunity cost Potential loss of better or alternative options based on the decision made Big education decisions may seem like they are not important to start thinking about now but this may be one of the biggest decisions of your life You may already have a college in mind that you are interested in What kinds of things can you do now to start preparing to make that decision Consumer Decisions When making purchases big or small comparing costs can save you time and money in the long run You may think it would be better to buy the cheaper item but it may not last as long and you will end up having to replace it or buy it a second time In other cases you may not want to spend a lot of money on something that you know won t last you a long time Think about your cost per use Examples You may want to spend more money on a tent if you go on lots of camping trips You want it to last for years and hold up to wear and tear of the outdoors You may want to spend less money on expensive clothes or shoes if you are still growing It doesn t make sense to spend a lot of money on something that is not going to fit you in a few months 17

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UNIT TWO DECISION MAKING 3C Directions Write the estimated price of each item on the line below N Plane Ticket EV SA E R M G PL R E EE House milk One Week of Groceries New Car 18 New Gaming System

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UNIT THREE PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY 3C Unit 3 Protect Your Identity EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 1 What Makes up Your Identity 19

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UNIT THREE PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY What Makes Up Your Identity 3C Identifying information includes your Social Security number address account numbers birth date etc Identity could be smaller details that are different from person to person Examples could be the name of your first pet your mother s middle name or your first concert Often times these questions are used as security questions for secure logins such as online banking so it s very important that you are careful who you share this information with EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Negatively affects your credit score Acquiring debt that isn t yours Long process to resolve stolen identity Loss of funds N Possible Consequences of Stolen Identity What to do if Your Information is Stolen Tell your parents guardians Report it to the police Call the credit bureaus and follow their steps Call your financial institution if banking information is stolen 20

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PART ONE WHAT MAKES UP YOUR IDENTITY Directions Based on what you learned about protecting your identity Circle whether you would post or reply on social media in the examples below Friends Your mom bought a brand new car You took a picture of her with the car and you wanted to post it on social media You noticed you got the license plate in the picture EV SA E R M G PL R E EE There is a fun social media game trending that involves you answering a series of questions about yourself Some of the questions are what street did you live on growing up or what is your first pet s name The questions seem pretty harmless Next 3C Cyber Saver Recents Cancel N Create Post 377MSU7 Add to Your Post Post POST OR DON T POST POST OR DON T POST Stranger s Name Active now Search for Location You receive a message from a stranger on Facebook Messenger This person says they are friends with your parents but you have never met them before or heard about them They are also not friends with your parents on Facebook and have no profile picture Where are you The Bahamas The Royal at Atlantis Your family is on vacation in the Bahamas You re having a blast and want to share all the fun photos on Facebook Aa REPLY OR DON T REPLY POST OR DON T POST 21

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UNIT THREE PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY 3C Unit 3 Protect Your Identity EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 2 How to Protect Your Identity 22

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PART TWO HOW TO PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY Online Email N 3C There are many websites on the internet that are not safe Many times they can look very similar to the real ones Often times they may appear as ads on social media For example it could be an ad for discounts on really nice insulated water bottles Once you go to the website it looks legitimate so you order a water bottle You may receive something in the mail that is not quite what you thought it was online or you might not receive what you purchased They then have your card information and might continue to charge the card or charge it for amounts that are different than you thought When buying online make sure that the web address has https The s is a sign the website is secure Your internet browser may also show a little lock in the address bar This is also a sign that the website is secure EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Scammers will use email to obtain personal information This attempt is called phishing6 These emails contain links that when clicked on prompt you to input personal information or the link can contain malware that can be harmful to your computer s security 6 phishing Emails that contain false information could look like it is coming from a legitimate company Text A text message that like phishing contains a link to click on that is trying to collect personal information like card numbers login usernames and passwords This is called SMSing7 7 SMSing Using text messages in an attempt to obtain personal information Phone Call It is not safe to share personal information like your birth date or address with someone that calls you Never provide your personal information to anyone over the phone unless you called that person Always ask where they are from why they need it and never feel pressured to respond right away Also it s important to remember that you should never trust your caller ID there are mobile apps out there that can change a person s phone number 23

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UNIT THREE PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY of a scam before he purchases AirPods Directions Circle any thing that should alert Sebastian 3C comes across an Apple advertisement They are selling While on Facebook Sebastian Headphones for only 25 when normally they cost 150 250 It s a great deal AppleTM 500 like this page N Headphones are on sale for 25 Click on the link below to purchase before supplies run out EV SA E R M G PL R E EE http www aerply com buynow857353 http www apple com headphones_flashsale Sebastian clicks on the link and it takes him to the website below http www aerply com buynow857353 Flash Sale Headphones on sale for 25 Act fast before they re gone We do not accept Mastercard Applee Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc registered in the U S and other countries 24

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS 3C Unit 4 Paying for Things EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 1 Accounts and Ways to Pay 25

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS Savings and Checking Accounts 3C Credit unions offer different kinds of accounts that serve different purposes The main types of accounts are savings and checking Savings accounts8 are like they sound for saving money Credit unions will pay you monthly dividends for keeping your money in a savings account Checking accounts9 are a little different Checking accounts are made for spending money Debit cards and checks can be connected to your checking account You can withdraw money from either a savings or checking account at an ATM or at a credit union branch N 8 savings account An account used for saving money and typically earns dividends EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 9 checking account An account used for spending typically connected to a debit card or check Check Checks10 are processed differently than a debit or credit card Checks are great to be able to pay for bills that are sent in the mail or to send family and friends money Checks are also great to be able to give money to other people like family and friends and even to donate money to charities 10 check Piece of paper that has information tied to a checking account and can be used to pay for things Checks are written to specific people or companies and then the recipient is the only one that can cash the check When the check is written the money does not automatically come out of the person s account Whoever received the check needs to deposit it in their account to get the funds Once a check is deposited the financial institution will have to verify that the check is good That means they make sure there is still enough money in the account of the person who wrote the check so that money can be moved into the account of the person or company who received the check This is why checks take longer to process Money Order A money order11 is similar to a check in that it is on a piece of paper Funds from a money order are taken out of your account right away and usually used to pay for larger items like rent To get a money order you have to go to a credit union or bank The person who receives a money order knows that the check is good and that it will not bounce 11 money order Similar to a check but funds are withdrawn from an account immediately 26

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PART ONE ACCOUNTS AND WAYS TO PAY Cashier s Check 3C You also have to get a cashier s check12 from a credit union or bank The money is taken out of the person s account right away The credit union needs to know who the cashier s check is made out to and they will be the only person that can deposit the check These are used to buy things like vehicles or boats The person receiving the cashier s check knows that the funds are good FUN FACT EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 12 cashier s check Similar to a money order the funds are withdrawn immediately and are considered guaranteed funds Different from money orders cashier s checks are filled out by the cashier Checks were first printed in the United States in 1762 They were introduced by Lawrence Childs a British Banker How to Fill Out a Check Write cents as a fraction of 100 Example 75 13 should be written as seventy five and 13 100 Person or business being paid Date check is filled out Payment amount Payment amount in words Why you wrote the check Your signature Resource fin plaid com articles checking out a brief history of checks 27

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS Directions Convert decimals to word form and word form to decimals The first one has been done for you 3 88 75 EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 4 1500 N 2 thirteen 3C 1 25 50 t wenty five and 50 100 5 three hundred eleven 6 47 32 7 2752 8 five and 10 100 9 ninety five and 75 100 10 782 11 nine 12 59 28

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PART ONE ACCOUNTS AND WAYS TO PAY Directions Write a check for each scenario below EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 3C On May 18 of this year Jada goes shopping at Cats and Co to pick up essentials for her new kitten In total her purchase costs 345 67 Help Jada fill out the check to pay for her purchase Kyleah lives at Riverside Apartments and her rent is 795 a month Rent is due the 15th of every month She decided to pay a little early and writes the check on September 7 Fill out Kyleah s check below 29

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS Debit Card vs Credit Card 3C There are two types of cards Debit cards are connected to a checking account and credit cards are loans Both can be used to make purchases in stores or online With a debit card you have a PIN personal identification number that is used to make purchases or used at an ATM You can also decide to process a debit card in the same way a credit card is processed without a PIN This type of transaction takes 1 3 days for the money to come out of your account whereas when you use your PIN it comes out of your account immediately EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N You can build credit with a credit card and not a debit card Credit cards are considered revolving loans which means that you are given a spending limit and are able to use the card while staying within that limit When you use a credit card to make a purchase you will receive a monthly statement with the amount that you borrowed where you spent the money your due date for payment minimum payment amount required and full statement balance If you pay back the entire amount you used on or before the due date you will not be charged interest Interest13 is a fee for borrowing the money If you decide to only pay the minimum payment and not pay the entire amount back then interest will be calculated based on the amount you owe and your interest rate until the credit card is fully paid off Credit cards can be a great tool to build your credit By paying your credit card on time every month you build a strong positive payment history and if you pay back the entire amount of what you borrowed each month you can avoid paying interest 13 interest Money paid regularly at a certain rate for borrowing money Cash Bills and coins are used to pay for things and only come in certain amounts Today coins are made out of different kinds of metal like copper plated zinc nickel and brass Some coins used to be made out of silver and gold Bills are paper made out of cotton and linen It is safe to only carry money in your wallet that you plan to spend It is also important to not share with others how much money you are carrying when you have money in your wallet or backpack If cash is stolen there is not a way to get it back Card Transaction Process When a customer pays with a debit or credit card the store sends the details to acquire the funds from the customer s account The store sends the details from the card to the acquirer who reaches out to the card network i e Visa The card network then communicates with the customer s financial institution to authorize the payment at the store Resource azom com article aspx ArticleID 8088 30

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PART ONE ACCOUNTS AND WAYS TO PAY 3C Directions Refer to the paragraph Card Transaction Process to complete the activity below Put a number by each action to represent the order Number 1 being the beginning of the card transaction process and number 4 being the end EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 1 2 3 4 The customer receives their receipt The store requests payment from the customer s financial institution A customer makes a purchase and authorizes with a PIN or signature The customer s financial institution verifies funds are available and approves request 31

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS 3C Unit 4 Paying for Things EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 2 Tracking Purchases 32

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PART TWO TRACKING PURCHASES Why Track Purchases EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 15 service An action someone does and is then paid for N 14 good An item that can be purchased 3C Money is not endless To earn money you have to provide a good14 or service15 It is important to know how much you are spending so you are able to afford the things that you need and want Saving for your future is an important skill to develop Developing this skill will help you afford the things you need and want without going into debt or having to sacrifice the things you have Creating a budget16 can help you track your spending Budgets can be as simple as writing down your different spending categories and limits on how much you want to spend in a notebook You could also do this with a computer and create a digital spreadsheet Once you know how much income you have you can set up the spending limits for all of your categories Keeping track of your spending will help you stay on track with your budget and help you have extra money to put toward your savings goals 16 budget A plan that outlines what money you expect to earn and how you will save spend or share it 33

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS 2 39 3 89 1 99 Hat Socks T shirt EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Bread Peanut Butter Grape Jelly Clothing Store N Grocery Store 3C Directions Alanzo is running errands He has to buy groceries new clothes fill his car with gas and buy a gift for Mother s Day Before making any purchases his checking account balance is 300 Based on the receipts below what is Alanzo s new account balance after shopping 8 27 Total Gas Station Gas Beef Jerky Energy Drink 34 21 7 97 2 19 Sales tax 0 06 2 66 Total 47 03 Answer 34 12 49 14 99 16 79 Sales tax 0 06 2 65 Total 46 92 Flower Shop Bouquet Vase 48 00 13 79 Sales tax 0 06 3 70 Total 65 49

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PART THREE TYPES OF EXPENSES 3C Unit 4 Paying for Things EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Part 3 Types of Expenses 35

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UNIT FOUR PAYING FOR THINGS Fixed Expenses EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Rent house payment Auto loan Insurance Internet Phone bill Subscriptions N Examples 3C These are expenses that are the same amount every month Variable Expenses These are expenses where the cost changes from month to month or changes based on use Examples Groceries Gas Clothing Utilities Emergency Expenses These are expenses that are not planned Examples Car repairs Health care Broken technology 36

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PART THREE TYPES OF EXPENSES Directions Imagine you recently purchased a car List the fixed variable and emergency expenses that you might have EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Variable N 3C Fixed Emergency Directions Imagine you recently adopted a kitten List the fixed variable and emergency expenses that you might have Fixed Variable Emergency 37

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 1 The Importance of Saving Short term Goal Money Needed Deadline Start Date Months to Save Per Month Savings EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Goal 3C Directions Choose two goals and fill out the SMART goal tables below If you are unsure of the money needed for this goal ask your teacher for help or make a realistic guess Ways to Reach Goal Long term Goal Goal Money Needed Deadline Start Date Months to Save Per Month Savings Ways to Reach Goal 39

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 1 The Importance of Saving Decimal to Percent 0 7 5 75 N 0 75 3C Directions Convert each percentage into a decimal point or decimal to a percentage The first one has been done for you Percent to Decimal 0 7 5 0 75 EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 75 40 0 99 99 59 0 11 0 13 43 0 56 0 05 88 0 27 0 41 77 65 0 39 0 04 18 0 21 26 92 1 36

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 1 The Importance of Saving EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 3C Math Problem Damien is mowing his family and friends lawns for 10 each to save up for a new gaming system So far he has mowed 11 lawns He decides to put his earnings in his savings account that earns a dividend rate of 0 05 yearly How much will Damien have in his savings after one year Answer How much will Damien have in his savings after two years Answer 41

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 2 Decision Making 3C Directions Read the following examples and draw an arrow to either the incentive side or the disincentive side based on where the example falls Disincentive N Incentive EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Receiving 15 off dessert at a restaurant when you spend 20 Being charged 5 fee for using another bank s ATM Receiving a fine for returning your library book late Buy one get one 50 off sale on shoes Earning 1 cashback on purchases with your credit card 42

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 3 Protect Your Identity N 3C Directions Tavoi recently opened a savings account at a credit union He is excited to be able to create an online login to view his savings progress Tavoi wants to make sure that his password is strong His favorite number is 23 because it is the day his birthday falls on He also really likes sports and his favorite team has a tiger for a mascot He is not sure if he should include this information in his password but he also does not want to forget his password Help Tavoi rank his password ideas from best to worst 1 being the best and 5 being the worst EV SA E R M G PL R E EE TigerFan23 TaVoI23 Knock Tout ofthePark85 password23 44slideintohomebase 43

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 4 Paying for Things 3C Directions Convert decimals to word form and word form to decimals The first one has been done for you 17 EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 44 80 N 56 13 fifty six and 13 100 843 eleven and 5 100 4374 125 one and 10 100 576 11 11 sixty two and 42 100 72 44

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CU PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Unit 4 Paying for Things Monthly Budget 200 100 Clothing Grocery Store Sushi Lunch Meat Cheese Total Savings N Groceries 80 EV SA E R M G PL R E EE Bills 3C Directions You are out shopping for groceries and some new clothes You come across a really good deal on noise canceling headphones for 50 Based on your budget and the receipts do you buy the headphones 50 Clothing Store 11 99 4 49 2 99 Sandals Shirt Jeans 19 47 Sales tax 0 06 3 54 Total 62 52 12 99 20 00 25 99 Do you buy or not buy the headphones Why did you make this decision 45

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GLOSSARY Definition 3C Vocabulary Money received for providing goods or services 2 savings Money one has saved for future needs or wants EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N 1 income 3 dividends 4 stakeholders 5 opportunity cost Someone with interest in or affected by a decision Potential loss of better or alternative options based on the decision made 6 phishing Email that contain false information could look like it is coming from legitimate company 7 SMSing Using text messages in an attempt to obtain personal information 8 savings account 46 Money paid regularly at a certain rate to an individual for keeping funds in a savings account Account used for saving money and typically earns dividends

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GLOSSARY An account used for spending connected to a debit card or check Piece of paper that has information tied to a checking account and can be used to pay for things EV SA E R M G PL R E EE 10 check 3C 9 checking account Definition N Vocabulary 11 money order 12 cashier s check 13 interest 14 good 15 service 16 budget Similar to a check but funds are withdrawn immediately Similar to a money order the funds are withdrawn immediately and are considered guaranteed funds Different from money orders cashier s checks are filled out by the cashier Money paid regularly at a certain rate for borrowing money An item that can be purchased An action someone does and is then paid for A plan that outlines what money you expect to earn and how you will save spend or share it 47

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CREATED BY CREDIT UNION FINANCIAL EDUCATORS Financial Literacy Made Fun 3C Created and maintained by certified financial educators Ever Green 3C s Financial Literacy workbooks are designed to help develop the personal finance knowledge and skills that K 12 students should possess Use Ever Green 3C s resources to supplement your curriculum and help students gain the financial literacy skills they ll need to manage their financial resources effectively throughout their lives About Ever Green 3C EV SA E R M G PL R E EE N Ever Green 3C is a CUSO credit union service organization powered by Reseda Group a wholly owned CUSO of MSU Federal Credit Union We help credit unions establish better engagement loyalty and lifelong relationships with their members and communities through financial education solutions For more financial literacy solutions please visit www evergreen3c com Classroom Workbooks GRADES K 2 SAVING GRADES 3 5 CHOOSING GRADES 6 8 GRADES 9 12 SPENDING WITH INTENTION CAREERS COMPENSATION AND CREDIT 05 2022 Copyright 2022 Reseda Group LLC Ever Green 3C LLC Licensee www evergreen3c com