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Specialized Monthly November

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Manager of the MonthManager of the MonthOutreach Experience TeamOutreach Experience Team"I am nominating Crystyl Laguerre for theNovember manager of the month award.Crystyl is an outstanding employee andalways strives to make a positive impact onher team. Crystyl is a hard worker whoalways goes above and beyond in the “WeWin Together” People Principals. She isalways coming up with ways to recognize andmotivate her team. I love reading her Slackcomments, she makes it fun but alsochallenges her team to do their best! She isalways eager to share her ideas with theother managers whether it's a contest or howto present a difficult conversation. In the pastshe has put together an CMT EngagementCenter for her peers to get ideas andtemplates. She has also facilitated a weeklydiscussion on Leadership. I would love for herto be recognized for all she does!" One of two nominations!"Sam is an extremely approachableperson. Very welcoming and makes meas a member of his team feel valued.Sam listens and adapts to each personon the team according to ourpersonalities. I am always learningfrom Sam - sometimes it's just a matterof a few words he has said. Sam is always coaching us to be anowner, prompting us to find ways toinnovate and improve, and he alwayssupports us in adapting and growing!Thank you Sam for pushing me to getout of my comfort zone, and for alwayssupporting me at work and in mypersonal life!" Two of three nominations!

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Manager of the MonthManager of the MonthPost Order PruadSupply Chain Experience"Megan was a phenomenal partnerduring the most recent external hireLPS class. She went out of her way tobe involved in training chats as well asnesting meetings and to help supportnot only the new hires but also thetraining team with any help that wasneeded. Her presence in the nest wasalways positive and respectful as wellas knowledgeable and encouraging. Idon't think this training could havebeen as successful without hercontributions and I am ecstatic andthankful to have formed a newworking relationship with her. One of six nominations!"Austin has done a fantastic jobencouraging his team to shootfor the stars when it comes toovercoming roadblocks andgrowing. He has demonstratedthat he is always striving forsuccess through the informationhe shares in productionmeetings and his team's overallmetrics. He is an importantpiece of the puzzle when itcomes to making SST work andtruly an asset to have on anyteam. " One of two nominations!

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Alexis BishopAlicia KnowlesAndrew SawyerAshley OutingAshley SandovalAustin CazierBen NewellBobijo MitchellCrystyl LaGuerreEmily LarsenJewels TurnerJill HammerstoneJodie TeelJosh SevierJosh TilsonKatherine FlaniganKelli HurleyKevin SimpsonLandon WoodLeslie GiulianiLinda BeanLori AndersenMagen LozanofMegan AndersonMelissa SevierMelody RojasMohammad HuweihSam PrindallSpencer BurkTiara HillVictoria Fadden

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Employee of the MonthEmployee of the MonthOutreach Experience Team"Jenn has helped me improve and giveme the confidence I need to navigatesupport hub! Jenn brings a smile tomany of us when doing team huddlesand trying to adapt as a team!" "Jenn has been so very helpful withsharing her tools and practices for howto progress through tickets successfullyand in a timely manner. I appreciateher proactively reaching out to assistme with hard tickets and she's just agenuinely great person to have on ourteam!" Two of seven nominations! Outreach Experience Team"When I think of a change champion, I think ofAl Wyman. Al has been a huge support for histeam through our department's substantialefforts to grow and align on the SupportHubplatform. His willingness to adapt and grow isparamount in everything Al does, and his peersrecognize him for it when he takes the time toshare his best practices in chats and meetings.Whenever Al sees a roadblock, he surfaces itwith a strong understanding of how it willimpact our customers and suppliers, and hebrings a solution to help improve the process.Not only does Al help to drive results for histeam and department, he does so while beingpresent, supportive, funny and empathetic inall his interactions. Al, thank you for showingus how important it is to patient and thoughtfulwhile we innovate and improve as a team." One of two nominations!

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Employee of the MonthEmployee of the MonthOutreach Experience Team"I would like to recognize Carlin as employee of themonth for FCOT 2 because she has really stepped up tothe plate and is a force to be reckoned with. Hercontributions to the team are not only felt throughout herimmediate team, but also within the entire FCOT org. Shehas been a phenomenal support to her peers both in thepublic chat and in private messages and is alwayswilling to engage, share knowledge and answer anyquestions that anyone has. She has become a go-toexpert amongst her peers on the team and herknowledge is highly valued. She brings a steadyreliability to the team by keeping consistent metrics andby working the most OT hours out of her entire peergroup. She is always building on her knowledge byreaching out and asking appropriate questions to betterunderstand our processes and it has been a pleasure towatch her grow in her skillet and confidence. While sheis a strong performer, she is also very humble in hersuccess. Carlin is a strong driving force for consistencyand excellence on our team. She always providesvaluable, actionable feedback in coachings and teammeetings to help update and refine our processes andshe is an absolute pleasure to coach. She has highstandards when it comes to her own work and her peersand leadership team truly appreciate all that shecontributes."Post Order Fruad"Michelle has been an awesome asset to haveon our team. Michelle keeps everyone laughingwith her funny stories and is always keepingthe team energy positive. She's always helpingout her team members and working her teamstickets. In the absence of her manager, Michellewill take the initiative to announce who's OOOso that our team is informed and makes surethat no one's tickets are breached. Michelle hasalso climbed her way to be a Top 5 performerand her hard work is paying off. She's taken thelead on team huddles and has an awesomepresence about herself. The team genuinelyenjoys having Michelle on our team and shebrings a ray of sunshine to our team dynamic.Michelle is the epitome of our People Principlesas far as "We Win Together". She's consistentlyhelping her team, helping her managers, andworks hard to have a consistent performance.We appreciate Michelle for all that she does."

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Employee of the MonthEmployee of the MonthPost Order Fruad"Travis is truly deserving of thisnomination for his relentless customerfocus and, great judgement, and hisability to consistently deliver greatresults. Travis has maintained a highreorder rate, focusing on retainingcustomers whose orders have beencancelled in error. His approach oftreating each and every customer as ifthey are legitimate creates raving fansand gains back trust that's been lost. Asa result of his hard work anddedication, Travis has been #1 on ourteam for an impressive 3 monthsrunning! More importantly, his effortshave resulted in retaining both valuedcustomers and lost revenue. Thank youfor all you do, Travis!"Supply Chain Experience"Cristina has really stepped upthis month embodying winningtogether, over the last 6 weeks theDHD team has onboarded 2 newclasses as well as overflowassistance from our HomeServices Team. Cristina has madeherself available in group chatand individual chat to ensure allnew and cross trained folks aresupported and confident in theirduties. She has also offered wordsof encouragement to all teammembers during highvolume/high stress times as wellas championed engagementactivities."

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Employee of the MonthSupply Chain Experience"Chris has been extremely helpful andfriendly to anyone that needs assistance.There's been multiple times where Chris hasvolunteered to assist or allow others toshadow to show them the ropes. Thank youso much for helping build the best team!Here's some of the recs he got: "Chris! Thankyou for volunteering a shadow session so Imay see the Outbound LPS ticket process.You walked me through the process frombeginning to the the end and answered anyquestions I had. You were very helpful.""Thank you Chris for taking the time to allowme to shadow you while I train for my newrole. I appreciate your patience withanswering all of my many questions andsharing your knowledge and best practices.You are a great asset to the Wayfair team!""Thank you for letting us shadow you andgiving us a preview of how outbound works!You are awesome!""Abigail SalinasAl WymanAlethea HorneAlisha KoyerAlison MillhollandAmanda MorrisAmy MayoAmy PolasekArthur FeldmanAshawndia AndersonAshleigh HicksAshlel SalzanoBeth FarringtonBobijo MitchellBreanne RinfretBrett SvedinCamille Gjording-NavaCarlin JohnsonChelsea HurleyChris YamadaChristiara JonesCourtney KelleyCristina ArpinCrystal RodriguezErica SentenoGail LittleGerri Anderson-EpleyJackie SpainJaime MarchonJenn DavisJon DeckerKevin SullivanKim AndersonLarisa FerrazasLiz RedmondMaddelin McGovernMary MangumMonica LimaRachel WebsterRuthann DowlingSabrina BishopSharita HamiltonShawna RosaShequita GravesSherlandy HamiltonThomas BradyVivian Miller

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Outreach Experience TeamEmail from a customer: "Hi Jill, I wanted to takea moment to give recognition and thanks to myCase Manager Leslie L. She has been workingwith me on a backordered chandelier issue andhas SINGLE HANDIDLY turned what would haveotherwise been a very frustrating customerexperience, into one of TOTAL SATISFACTION.Her positive attitude, consistent follow up andoverall pleasant demeanor made the entirejourney and outcome wonderful. I asked her foryour email so I could let you know just howamazing she is and how lucky you are to haveher on your team. Customer support can makeor break the e2e consumer journey, and withrock stars like Leslie - Wayfair is in great hands!THANK YOU! :) Briana PS I work for an e-commerce company and have an extraappreciation for how hard her job is and howimpressed I am when I come across someonewho does it so well! You have me as a customerfor life because of her!""Hi my name is Bob and I'm a customer of Wayfairand was expecting a delivery today. When I wascontacted yesterday that a delivery was scheduledfor today I took time off of work. I woke up thismorning to get an email canceling my delivery. Icalled to discuss this cancelation because its costingme $200 (unpaid day off from work) I waited onhold for several minutes furthering myunhappiness. Once an agent (Jennifer ) connectedwith me I began to discuss my issues anddispleasure with my canceled delivery. Jenniferhandled my displeasure with a professional andwell explained explanation of why the cancelationmay of happened. She diffused my displeasurestaying professional and maintained a positiveattitude. I'm not sure if the call was recorded or not,but I just feel as though you should be made awareof Jennifer's great customer service andprofessionalism. Her professionalism and generalconcern for my inconvenience has ensured I willcontinue to use Wayfair in potential furtherpurchases and recommend Wayfair to others." Supply Chain Experience

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Post Order Fraud"Lindsey received these CSAT commentsfor the month of November: "Lindseywas delightful She listened to what Iwanted and diligently searched forsolutions Ultimately she found an itemthat worked better than the original oneI found We need more Lindsey's in theworld" "Lindsay was purely a God sentperson She helped me find out thatsomebody had tried to FRAUDULENTcharge over 4000000 worth of productsthrough my Wayfair account I'm thrilledto be a Wayfair customer abd know thatyou guys are on your toes with this kindof problem You denied every effort topurchase on my credit card Thanks amillion""As an individual who has been on SST forsome time, Vivian's expertise reallycontributes to the customer experienceevery day. Her thorough knowledge in theprocess and explaining it in a way toensure the customers security speaksvolume on the plus one service she appliesconsistently. Here's what one of Vivian'scustomers had to say: "Vivian is the besttype of fraud agent never made me feellike I was being looked at as suspiciousand explained everything to me politelyand accurately The only reason I knew shewas a fraud agent is because of myprofessional background and she nailed itIts time to promote her to a trainer or amanager if she wants it" Keep up the greatwork, Vivian!" Post Order Fraud

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Lakeasha HaireLaTasha CofieldLeslie LangfordLindsey BoggsLindsey HadleyLisa MoaMelinda MarshallMichelle PolkNikky TaylorPatricia TrepanierRachel CarpenterTeresa EnseyVivian MillerAmanda YoungAmber BrownCandis MotaCasey MerrittChris YamadaJennifer HeathJoe Morrison

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CMT118.55% to goal!117.78%to goal!114.8% to goal!112.44% to goal!111.96% to goal!

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FCOT110.17% to goal!108.91% to goal!108.80% to goal!107.15% to goal!105.45% to goal!

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WIMS113.71% to goal!112.95% to goal!110.52% to goal!106.15% to goal!113.80% to goal!

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RPOps144% to goal!141% to goal!121% to goal!120% to goal!119% to goal!

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ERT99.98% to goal!96.17% to goal!96.03% to goal!95% to goal!95% to goal!

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SST112.14% to goal!111.55% to goal!111.52% to goal!111.03% to goal!110.84% to goal!

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DHD107.5% to goal!107.5% to goal!107.49% to goal!107.03% to goal!104.62% to goal!

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LPS Inbound

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LPS Outbound133.67% to goal!130.5% to goal!126.04% to goal!116.2% to goal!115.38% to goal!

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Wayhome Pro Services