To My KidsWritten and Illustrated by Nicholas Townsend SmithISBN 978-1-300-40496-5)Copyright Nicholas Townsend Smith, 2012. All rights reserved.
One day while wandering in my dreamsI saw the strangest thing.A man was planting different seedsto see what fruits they’d bring.
I watched him till and dig the earthand carefully prepare it
but when he’d plant tomotoes therethe bush brought forth a carrot.
He threw some orange seeds in the airand whichever ground they fell on,the trees would grow extremely talland bring forth watermelon.
The broccoli seeds would grow as pears
The peach trees...artichoke.I couldn’t see how this could be, it must have been a joke.
But I saw him plant with so much caresome wild raspberries,and as he watered and nurtured themthey started growing peas.
I was confused, my head a mess. How could this ever be?But with my own two eyes I sawa blossoming turnip tree.
Beets were squash and squash was corn
Pumpkin trees made funny shapes
But the strangest one I ever sawwas a palm tree full of grapes.
I rubbed my eyes and pinched myselfand fell right out of bed.I woke up from the crazinessthat took over my head.
I wondered on the spectacleof such abnormal dreaming.Could the things I saw that nighthold a deeper meaning?I wondered and I pondered hardabout the things I saw,and then I realized that they werecontrary to God’s law.For God has blessed each thing on Earthto keep us from a bind,and therefore every seed we plantbrings forth in its own kind.
A tomato seed will grow tomatoes
A pea will be a pea
You will never plant an olive seed
and grow a mango tree.
In kind, the actions that we sowwill work in the same way.If we sow some kindnesswe’ll enjoy its fruits some day.
If we seek for confidencethen that is what we plant
or if we want to know we can,we never say we can’t
For what you put out in the worldwill end up as your keep.
Be sure that you rememberwhat you sow you’ll always reap.
Sowing Seeds ISBN 978 1 300 40496 5 90000 9 781300 404965 www nicholasTownsendSmith com