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Southern Gerontologist Fall 2023

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The Southern GerontologistF A L L 2 0 2 3 I S S U E 2V O L U M E 3 0The theme of the 45th Annual Meeting & Conference is A BalancedApproach: Seeking Evidence-Based Holistic Strategies toPromote Healthy Aging. Breaking down the title, I will start withevidence-based strategies. Evidence-based strategies areprograms, practices, or activities that have been evaluated and thefindings demonstrate improved outcomes.Why holistic strategies? The Oxford Dictionary describes holisticas being characterized by the belief that the parts of somethingare interconnected and can be explained only by reference to thewhole. In medicine, holistic strategies are characterized by thetreatment of the whole person, considering mental and socialfactors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness.What is healthy aging? Healthy aging is veryindividualistic and is highly influenced by thedegree to which basic needs are met. Forinstance, ensuring proper nutrition and a safeenvironment in which to live impacts a person’sability to age healthfully. Similarly, addressingstress levels, depressive symptoms, and socialisolation also impacts a person’s healthtrajectory.A critique of evidence-based practice is that itdoes not consider individual needs. This may beaddressed by using a holistic approach toprovide evidence-based practice. Evaluation,modification, and refinement can only enhanceevidenced-based strategies that supporthealthy aging across the lifespan.From a researcher's perspective, the themehighlights the development and ongoing studyand improvement of interventions thatsupport healthy aging. From a practitioner'sperspective, the theme highlightsinterventions that have evidence of success.From an individual’s perspective, the menu ofevidence-based practices is just that, a menuthat you can pick and choose from toimplement in your own life to foster healthieraging.We hope this balanced approach to attaininghealthy aging practices stimulates SGSattendees to think both broadly - on aprofessional level - and locally about our ownunique aging journeys.Dr. Leland "Bert” Waters

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 2For those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of meetingyet, I am your go-to person for all things SGS. Whenyou call or email, you get me! I am happy to answer anyquestions you have about your SGS benefits, theAnnual Meeting & Conference, volunteeropportunities, and more. If you are a member of an SGS committee, you’veprobably seen or heard my two children during acommittee meeting. I am the proud mother of a newlyturned 6 year old, Lily, and a 3 year old, Daniel. Theykeep me on my toes and help me hone mymultitasking and logistics handling skills that are souseful to my role at SGS. My husband (Vince), Lily, and I have taken karate forthe past two years. I am currently an advanced redbelt and will be eligible to take my first degree blackbelt exam next year. We are hoping to enroll Danielnext year. It has been a fun family experience as wellas providing physical activity and an increased senseof self defense. I also really enjoy singing and volunteering at mychurch, participating in a local Lions Club, trying newrestaurants, spending time kayaking on our backyardlake, and watching movies. If you would like to be featured in an upcomingissue of the Southern Gerontologist, please emailme at FROM THE DESK OFTHE SGS EXECUTIVEDIRECTORIn upcoming issues of the Southern Gerontologist, we will highlightSGS members, getting to know each other beyond our professionaltitles and accomplishments. The SGS Membership Committee hasrequested that we begin with me since I am the one person all SGSmembers will interact with in some way. Hello, I am Amanda James andI am your Executive Director. .

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Gaining experience to add to your CVIncreasing gerontological knowledgeFurther establishing your reputation as having expertise in the field of agingPersonal fulfillment knowing that you have contributed to an enlightening annual meeting withsessions designed to educate and empower academics, students/trainees, advocates,practitioners, policymakers, and community members concerned with enhancing the lives ofolder adults.Learn more about the Call for Abstracts at FOR ABSTRACT REVIEWERSSGS needs your help to ensure the success of the 45th Annual Meeting and Conference! We needmembers of SGS to volunteer to review submitted abstracts. Abstract reviewers assist in fulfillingthe mission of the organization and preserve the integrity of the annual meeting by confirming thehigh quality and relevance of proposed conference presentations. Your participation in theabstract review process will allow the SGS Program Planning Committee to organize a compelling,impactful, innovative annual meeting that fosters reflection, discovery, advocacy, andcollaboration to serve our aging society best.Being an SGS abstract reviewer can result in the following;Professional, Emerging Scholar, Encore, and Student Members can participate in the abstractreview process. Reviewers are assigned approximately 10 abstracts to review. Abstracts are nomore than 250 words and typically take ten minutes to review. You will be provided withinstructions.Deadline to Volunteer: December 31, 2023Abstract Review Period: January 15 – 26, 2024If you would like to participate, please complete the interest form.F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 3THE CALL FORABSTRACTS IS OPEN! SUBMIT YOURABSTRACT BY1/8/24!

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If you are an SGS member in the “Encore” membership category and have maintainedat least five (5) years of SGS membership, we encourage you to apply for a travelgrant to help offset the cost of attending the SGS Annual Meeting & Conference. Theamount of the grant will be determined by the SGS Executive Committee and may besplit amongst more than one applicant. Winners will remain anonymous.Learn more and apply here.F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 4CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN!SGS has kept conference rates the same as 2023. Make sure you log in as an SGSmember to access membership rates. See all rates and register at 2024 Annual Meeting & Conference will be held at the HyattRegency Greenville. The Hyatt Regency Greenville offers gueststhe perfect balance of Southern hospitality and modernamenities. Located in the trendy downtown area of Greenville, SC,they are near the area’s best dining, shopping, and entertainment.We are pleased to offer a conference room rate of $179/night forsingle/double occupancy and $189 for triple/quad occupancy.Limited government room rates are available for the prevailing perdiem rate. Learn More Here.Welcome to the Greenville Everyone Is Talking About: Yeah,THAT Greenville! Greenville, South Carolina.How did we become that Greenville, you ask? People came,enjoyed, and started to talk about us. They talked about ourdelicious food and drink, quaint Main Street, bustling art scene,bike-friendly attitude, girlfriend getaways and mancations,picturesque parks, fun-filled festivals, and our sweet Southernhospitality. And the more they talked, the more people wanted tocome experience it all for themselves...which brings us to you. Asnice as it is to hear other folks say nice things, it’s you we wantto impress. So come on—give us a try! You’ll find your ownfavorite place, tastes, and ways to celebrate. Experience whatturned "America’s Friendliest City" into one of America’s hottestdestinations and one of The New York Times' "52 Places to Go in2023".

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Deadline: 2/10/2024F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 5SGS AWARD NOMINATIONS OPENSpotlight the resources, products, and services your company has to offer.Participate in valuable networking opportunities that allow you to have one-on-oneconversations with potential consumers.Support the SGS mission of improving the quality of life for older adults through education,research, and practice.Designated exhibitor breaks will allow registered attendees to participate in all conferenceactivities.Stay in downtown Greenville and enjoy the area's best dining, shopping, and entertainment.Why Sponsor the SGS Annual Meeting & Conference?LEARN MORE HEREKeep up with all the latest conference updates at

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 6Did you miss the Aging in Advocacy Virtual Forum? SGS Members can accessthe recordings and handouts from the Member Homepage after you log in.Non-SGS members can register here.The SGS Public Policy & Advocacy Committee has developed a Disasters &Older Adults Resource Page. Please check it out and feel free to submit otherresources we should include.Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 7Good profiles will be entered once. Better profiles will be entered twice. Best profiles will be entered five times. SGS MEMBER DIRECTORY PROFILE GUIDE CONTESTDid you know that all SGS members have access to our Member Directory? The Directory can be awonderful tool for networking with other members, looking for resources, and identifying potentialmentors. In order for our Directory to serve its purpose, we need all members to make sure theirprofile includes helpful information. The SGS Member Directory Profile Guide will walk youthrough how to update your profile as well as suggested items to include. As an incentive for updating your profile, SGS will be providing two $50 gift cards to the retailer ofyour choice. In order to enter for your chance to receive a gift card, you must update your profile byDecember 31, 2023. You can learn about Good, Better, and Best profiles in the SGS Member Directory Profile Guide.

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S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 3PAGE 8BEAUTY OF AGING PHOTO EXHIBITIn late 2022/early 2023, SGS invited studentsof all ages to submit photos of older adults intheir life and explain why they thought theolder adult was beautiful. The Georgia State University GerontologyInstitute partnered with SGS to develop aphoto exhibit showcasing these photos.This photo exhibit is available to showcase atyour organization for a suggested donation of$300. Your donation will go toward the SGSEndowment Fund which provides a small granteach year to address one or more issuesrelated to aging in the South.The photo exhibit will also include a selection ofnotecards featuring the photos while supplieslast. If you would like to discuss how to bring theBeauty of Aging Photo Exhibit to yourorganization, please contact Amanda James You may also contact Amanda James if youwould like to purchase a set of 10 notecardsfor $20 shipped to you.

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 9RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENT - Using a Delphi panel to access Home and CommunityBased Services (HCBS) and resources post COVID-19 changesI am conducting a study about the experiences of professionals in the aging network’s views ofHome and Community-Based Services (HCBS). If you are a health professional or a service providerwho is working to provide these services with older adults and are interested in participating in thisIRB-approved study (Protocol # 2103) please click this link to the survey.Please feel free to share this link with people you think may be interested. Thank you!Submitted by Joyce Weil. Towson UniversityANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTSFROMFROM MEMBERSMEMBERSNEW BOOK - Keenagers: Telling a New Story about AgingAre you looking for a book that will inspire and motivate you to take on newchallenges and break outdated stereotypes about aging? Keenagers: Tellinga New Story about Aging by Dr. Corinne Auman is the perfect read. This bookwill change your life by showing you that life doesn't have to stop when thegray hairs start to come in. It will empower you to make the most of yourlater years and find new adventures and opportunities, no matter your age.Learn how to embrace and make the most of your later yearsGet inspired to take on new challenges and break outdated stereotypes of agingDiscover how to create a fulfilling life, even when faced with changing circumstancesExplore the stories of keenagers and gain a deeper understanding of the aging processWhat you'll find in Keenagers:CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 10SGS AROUND THE REGIONAbove - Amanda James at the Georgia Gerontology Society ConferenceRight - Dr. Adrienne Cohen and AmandaJames at the Social Gerontology CommunityConference L to R: Karen Appert, Dr. Debra Dobbs, Dr.Ethlyn McQueen - Gibson, and Dr. LindsayPeterson at the Florida Conference on AgingLook for SGS! American Public HealthAssociation Conference November 12 - 15Positive Approach toCare Conference November 15 -17

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 11The Carework Network organized a bilingual (Spanish and English) three-day conference andbrought together carework researchers, scholars, and stakeholders from across the globe. Morethan 250 people attended the Third Global Carework Summit, a substantial increase from previousSummits. Participants came from 32 countries and represented various interest groups, includingacademics, activists, and policymakers. Over three days, the Carework Network held three keynote events, 35 sessions of presentations,two lunchtime conversations with book authors, and many opportunities to network and shareideas. SGS provided logistical support and a sponsorship. You can read a wonderful review byGrazielle Valentim here. L to R: Dr Louise Oldridge, Dr. Bert Waters, Dr. Cindy Cain, AnnieRhodes, Dr. Christina Barmon, and Dr. Jennifer Craft Morgan

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 12JAG provides an international forum for information that has clear and immediate applicability tothe health, care, and quality of life of older adults. Published monthly, it brings you comprehensivecoverage of all areas of gerontological practice and policy, such as caregiving, exercise, death anddying, ethnicity and aging, technology and care, long-term services and support, mental health, andsexuality. Submit your paperThe Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG) depends onvolunteer peer reviewers to evaluate manuscripts andrecommend revisions in order to publish innovative andpractical applied gerontology research. Learn more aboutreviewer awards offered by Sage here. If you are interested inlearning more about being a reviewer, contact Editor-in-Chief,Dr, Debra Dobbs at INTERESTED IN BEING A REVIEWER FOR JAG?WRITING A PAPER?The Sage Perspectives blog focuses on highlighting topical and interesting research published inSage books and journals. The blog includes posts from authors across a wide range of subjectdisciplines and research areas. Authors published in JAG have contributed blogs on a variety oftopics within the field of gerontology. Explore the blogs and associated articles here.

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Making the Most of Your MembershipContribute to the Southern GerontologistF A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 13Please send your professional accomplishments (i.e. promotions, job changes, awards, grantwork, scholarships, graduation notices) and newsworthy personal events such as weddings,anniversaries, births, etc. Have you published a video, article, or podcast you would like to have in the newsletter? We cando that! Just send us a link to the material and a description, along with any information youneed us to include to help promote the great things you are working on!Also, we would like to remember those who have been influential to SGS. Should you know ofanyone who may have passed away, please let us know. We welcome the opportunity to publish"In Memoriams" written on the behalf of SGS members who are no longer with us. And if you need to brag on one of your fellow members, that's okay too! If you have any upcoming events you'd like other members to put on their calendars, please besure to send the dates and details!SGS is excited to bring back the Southern Gerontologist to our membership. Our next issue will bereleased in the fall, and we invite SGS members to submit articles on issues. What's New(s)?Please limit articles to 250 words with no more than two photos. Send content to Amanda Jamesat you currently on an SGS committee? Joining a committee is one of the best ways to influencethe work of SGS and meet other SGS members. You can read about all of our committees at Did you know that all SGS members have access to our Member Directory? The Directory can be awonderful tool for networking with other members, looking for resources, and identifying potentialmentors. In order for our Directory to serve its purpose, we need all members to make sure theirprofile includes helpful information. Our SGS Member Directory Profile Guide guide will walk youthrough how to update your profile as well as suggested items to include. If you would like helpupdating your profile, please reach out to Amanda James Join a CommitteeUpdate Your Profile

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P A G E 1 4 A Supplement of the Southern Gerontologist provided by the Student and Early Career CommitteeThe characteristics and social resources needed for individuals to make decisionsabout healthcare. Our health literacy capacity can be thought of as a “constellation of skills” that areneeded to effectively function in the healthcare setting and act on healthcareinformation.What Is Health Literacy?How Did Health Literacy Awareness Month Begin?Occupational therapist Helen Osborne, proposed Health Literacy Month in 1999, to raiseawareness about health literacy and clear communications among clinics andhealthcare systems, insurance providers, literacy programs, libraries, and social serviceagencies, industry, government agencies, and others. Helen spoke live at the 2023 US Health Literacy Policy and Press Event on October 2,2023. Here’s what she touched on: Health information is miscommunicated all the time, why October? Well, October hasbetter weather and fewer religious holiday and events. Additionally, October bringsawareness for many health outcomes and health-related topics, including breastcancer, HIV/AIDs Awareness, National Medical Librarians and National Mental HealthAwareness week. Lastly, October is soon before elections, so she figured thisawareness would serve well for politicians to clearly communicate to their constituentsand understand the dire need to address health literacy in the US. H A P P Y H E A L T H L I T E R A C Y A W A R E N E S S M O N T H !Submitted by Karah Alexander

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P A G E 1 5 Who is this month for? Originally it was geared toward healthcare professionals, thenit was envisioned to include policy makers, community leaders and the general public.Health literacy knows no geographical grounds and is now celebrated worldwide! What exactly happens during the month? Advocates and organizations work togetherto recognize the importance of making health information easy to understand and thehealthcare system easier to navigate through trainings, workshops, and other events.There is no right or wrong way to celebrate health literacy awareness month! Checkout the Institute for Healthcare Advancement’s (IHA) website for upcomingvirtual events taking place. A CALL TO ACTIONHealth literacy is now a central focus of Healthy People 2030. One of the initiative’soverarching goals demonstrates this focus: “Eliminate health disparities, achievehealth equity, and attain health literacy to improve the health and well-being of all.” ALL OF OUR STUDENT BLOGS HERE

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F A L L 2 0 2 3PAGE 16SGS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 - 2024President: Leland "Bert" Waters, Ph.D.President - Elect: Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson, DNPSecretary: Kyle Bowers, Ph.D.Treasurer: Sandi Lane, Ph.D.Treasurer-Elect: VACANTPast-President: Althea Taylor Jones, Ph.D.Member - at- Large (Year 2 of 2)Su-I Hou, Dr.P.H.Sarah Marrs, Ph.D.Amy Riedesel, MPAElizabeth Tait, Ph.D.Member-at-Large (Year 1 of 2)Glenna Brewster, Ph.D.Lindsay Peterson, Ph. DAbby Schwartz, Ph. DKim Stansbury, Ph. D. Encore Representatives:Jodi Teitelman, Ph. D. Graham Rowles, Ph. D. Student Representative:Morgan Alexander, LMSWStudent Representative-Elect: VACANT