Unveil OpportunitiesMORTGAGESS O U T H E A S T M O R T G A G EBEYOND Elevate your career withSoutheast Mortgage.
GETTING TO KNOWSOUTHEAST MORTGAGEWe are craftsmen of mortgage solutions,meticulously crafting the finest options available.Our dedication knows no bounds; it revolves aroundpeople - whether our valued clients, our teammembers or our partnerships. People are at theheart of our purpose.It's simple - our focus is to forge bonds built on trust,to forge them one client, one partner at a time.Since 1993, Southeast Mortgage has providedclients with mortgage specialists they cantrust with the service they deserve.
Leaders ofMeet theOne person alonecannot and has neverachieved more than avillage with belief andpassion to be the best.Southeast MortgageChief OperatingOfficerKathyGyselinckPresidentJ.d.croweDirector ofMortgage RetailSalesJeffBrownExecutive VicePresidentChairman & Chief ExecutiveOfficerShaunGrahamCalHauptVice President |Director ofOperationskatiedickensChief FinancialOfficerReneaTurner
WHERE YOU CANFIND SOUTHEAST MORTGAGELicensed StatesOffice LocationsFor location addresses visitSoutheastMortgage.com912
010203THE POWER OFPARTNERSHIPWith over 30 years of experience, weare confident we know the toolsneeded to help you excel.From marketing and brand support toour attention to detail throughout andafter the loan process, you'll feel ourlevel of commitment to your success.Our local in-house operations teamencapsulates the essence of ourcommitment to excellence. It's aboutproviding you with the best possibleexperience.
GROWYOUR BUSINESSAt Southeast Mortgage our Realtorsare treated like royalty. As ourRealtor Partner you have access toresources that are unmatched inthis industry.Receive real time loan updatesthroughout the process of your clientsloan via e-mail and text message. Stay infront of your clients post-closing with ourcobranded marketing e-mail campaigns.Elevate your brand with SoutheastMortgage's marketing support. Spanningfrom professional photos and videos toco-branded print materials and digital ads,we can help increase exposure to yourbusiness. Our design options, social mediacampaigns, and event planning add extradistinction to your brand.With Southeast MortgageLoan process notificationsmarketing & Brand Support
A COMPLIMENTARYPARTNERSHIPADVANTAGEIn a world where visual content speaks volumes, webelieve in providing our partners not just a service,but an opportunity to enhance their brand identitythrough stunning imagery. Our professional lifestyle photography is just one ofour ways of investing in your growth. Our commitment to your success goesbeyond transactional interactions.
REAL-TIMELOAN UPDATESStay Informed, Stay AheadWith our innovative technology, you will receivereal-time loan updates via text and email. Thismeans you're always in the loop about theprogress of your client's loan application, fromsubmission to approval.Following closing we will still market you andyour brand, keeping you top of mind for anyfuture Real Estate needs.ApplicationStartedconditionalapprovalclosedclear tocloseUpdate Milestones
123Stop printing flyers! Put your brand infront of over 150,000 sites and mobileapplications to reach a wideraudience and increase your brandexposure. Captivate your audience, inspireaction, and generate leads. Whetherit's clicking a link, filling out a form, orinteracting with our live chat feature,our landing pages are strategicallycrafted to engage potentialcustomers and deliver measurableoutcomes.From eye-catching display ads tovideography, to team photoshoots, tosearch and social media campaigns,our experts create attention-grabbing content that drives results. Direct OnlineAdvertisinglanding pagedesignmarketing contentcreationthe old days ofmarketing are goneEngage with your customers where theyspend the most time...On their smart devices.Whether you’re looking to grow your brokerage, attractbuyers, sellers agents, business to businessopportunities or create community engagement,DigiRu is the technology to get your brand in front ofthose you want to see it.Leverage DigiRu to reach any audience inreal-time based on where their device is in use or hasbeen used recently. (Events, stores, neighborhoods,competitor locations, etc.)111Total leads in 6 months41Verified communityvisits from Total Leads3,048Landing page viewsLIVE CAMPAIGNSTATISTICS
LARGE PARTNERSSUPPORTINGAND BUILDERSWe take pride in our unwaveringcommitment to supporting our largepartners and builders. We understandthat your success is our success, and weprovide you with the tools, services, andexpertise you need to thrive in acompetitive industry. Here's how we support youCUSTOMIZED REPORTINGWe understand that clear and tailored reporting isvital for your customer's success. At SoutheastMortgage, we provide comprehensive andcustomized reporting solutions to meet yourspecific needs.Weekly Traffic Reports: Every Monday, we'llsend you a 7-day report, providing specificupdates for each client we've spoken to. Withstatuses such as approved, pending, anddeclined, you'll never have to guess where yourclient stands in their journey to homeownership.Weekly Pipeline Updates: Weekly, on a day ofyour choosing, we send a pipeline report for allborrowers that are in process on your behalf.This report can be customized to your needsand can contain the status of appraisals, locks,underwriting, titles, and more.
PIPELINE MANAGEMENTDEDICATED SUPPORT TEAMCentral Sales Contact: Our dedicated sales team takes charge of allcustomer service, addressing your concerns, structuring loans, andengaging in rate discussions. They are your primary point of contactfor pre-contract inquiries and support.Central Operations Contact: Once your buyer is under contract, ouroperations team takes over, handling all aspects of the borrower'sfinancing experience. They ensure a smooth and efficient process,making sure every detail is covered.Single Point of Contact: Your dedicated support team serves as yoursingle point of contact, making communication streamlined andefficient. They will ensure that your questions and concerns areaddressed promptly.Ongoing Assistance: Your support team is available for ongoingassistance, offering guidance and support to help you achieve yourproject objectives.We employ a two-fold approach to pipeline organization, ensuring aseamless and personalized experience.At Southeast Mortgage we recognize the importance of having adedicated support team to ensure your project's success. We provideyou with a committed team of experts who will be with you everystep of the way.Partner with Southeast Mortgage and experience thedifference in working with a company that isdedicated to your success.
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