THEBESTOWALCEREMONYBestowal: something given tosomeone as an honor or gift withoutexpectation of a return.
As many of you know, I started this self-love book club out of a need tolove myself, encourage myself and fill my mind with all the good thingsthat resonate with truth, beauty and goodness.I dreamed of having a gathering of unique, wild, rebellious, women to goon this inward journey with me. I had no idea where to start. However, itwas my big sister who planted the idea of reading and doing thehomework for Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. I had already readthe book but had no idea there was homework. I jumped at the idea ofdoing a mini book club with her! Since she lived in a different state, itproved rather difficult to coordinate our schedules so it never got off theground.However, the homework was calling me, so I asked my daughter and afew close family & friends to join me in the journey of self-love and adeeper wisdom from within. From then on, I was hooked and SOPHIACOLLECTIVE was born! Now here we are almost 2 years later, goingdeeper still and finding truth, beauty and goodness in ourselves, eachother and our lives.Thank you for taking the journeywith me and enjoying Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances. May we all be rich AF!I love you all!MeredithSOPHIA COLLECTIVE: A collection of women whogather together to share in wisdom; otherwise known asSophia, the goddess of wisdom, and the many differentincarnations of sacred feminine knowledge.Hello!Welcome to book Club!
I am rich AF.I am worthy.I am deserving.I am creating a life beyondmy wildest dreams.I choose to attract wealth.I choose to believe in myinnate ability to receive. There is nothingI can not achieve.Amanda Frances
1 2AFFIRMATION3 4Plethoras,avalanches andoverflows of moneycome into my life soquickly, naturally,continually andeasily.I am worthybecause I am. I dream big tocreate the amazinglife I want.I trust myself. Everything isalways working outfor me.Money comes andmoney comes andmoney comes.MUSIC PLAYLISTEnjoy a playlist in Spotify for some fun,uplifting and empowering mantras fromTemple Atelier for SOPHIA COLLECTIVE.
24 K GoldL U X U R I O U S B O D Y O I LINTENTION | ABUNDANCE | ILLUMINATEmagical properties:Jasmine | Jasinum gradiflorumencourage self-confidence, optimism, andintuition. Jasmine dispels dark thoughts andworries. Helps balance moodiness, alleviateanxiety and tension. Effective for easingmenstrual cramps, nourishes dry skin andtightens wrinkled skin.Ylang Ylang | Cananga odorataenhances moods and intensify emotions. Hasa relaxing effect helpful in antidepressant. Eases spasmodic pains, stress levels and highblood pressure. Softens skin and balancesmoisture.ingredents:Healing oils of sunflower, coconut, jojoba,calendula and squalene, magnesium, andvitamin e. Essential oils of ylang ylang andjasmine. Infused with full moon energy, love,intention and healing. Adorned with citrinecrystals and pure gold flakes.A LUXURIOUS BLEND OF AROMATHERAPEUTIC OILS TONOURISH THE SKIN, MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT. PERFECT FORINTENTION SETTING AND MANIFESTING BEAUTY,ABUNDANCE AND LUXURY IN ALL FORMS.Use in a ritual bath, or directly after on skin for beautiful glowing skin.I AM WORTHY.I AM LUXURIOUS.ALL GOOD THINGS AREFLOWING MY WAY.
I bless my body with strength. I am opening to my own power. (anoint your shoulders)I bless my mind with focus. I am opening to my own wisdom. (anoint your third eye - the center of your forehead above your eyebrows)I bless my spirit with vitality. I am opening to my own potency. (anoint your heart)I bless my blood with memory. I am opening to my own heritage. (anoint your wrists)I bless my path with mystery. I am opening to that which is greater than myself. (anoint your feet)I bless my Self with sovereignty. I am opening to my own ascendency. (draw a crown around your head)By the Powers who watch over me, by the Powers living with me, So it is so! So it is done! So mote it be!Bestowal Blessing24k Gold OilA lit candleA small bowl of saltINGREDIENTS
The Wealthy Woman trusts herself.She knows who she is.She knows what she stands for.She trusts herself with money - to generate it, receive it,release it and use it well.She knows she can always generate more.The Wealthy Woman does not play small or blame others.She shows up, does her thing and takesresponsibility for her life.The Wealthy Woman elevates herself.And yet is working with something greater - an energy oflove and power - that is always by her side.Solid. Strong. Confident. Sure. Flowing. Trusting.She is force. An empire in and of herself.I am the wealthy woman.AMANDA FRANCESW E A T H YW O M A NM A N T R AWEALTHY WOM
2 Tablespoons freeze dried organic coffee crystals2 Tablespoons filtered water2 Tablespoons coconut sugarOat MilkKahlua and/or Rum (if feeling witchy)iceVOO DOO LADYwhipped coffeeMAGIC ELIXIRCombine coffee, water and sugar in a mixer (stand mixer ispreferred but hand mixer will do).Mix until desired whippiness (about 5 minutes).Fill glass with ice, oat milk, and dollop of whipped coffee ontop! If feeling a bit witchy, add a splash of Kahlua and orrum!Enjoy with biscotti and a spoon!INGREDIENTSINSTRUCTIONS
COFFEE MAGICALIt provides peace of mind and grounding.It helps to dispel nightmares, negative thoughts andovercome blockages and unhealthy emotions. It is ideal forprotection and to get rid of all kinds of negative energy.Coffee is a stimulant and can be used to give spells, potionsand amulets a boost to speed things up.Coffee grounds can be used in divination and they can beread like tea leaves.It is considered excellent to break curses and clear blockages.Can be used as an offering on your altar.From sacred rituals of Ethiopia, where it is said to originate, tothe Sufi mystics, coffee long ago took its place in religious ritesaround the world.Whether you need to clear emotional blockages, draw freshcreative ideas or generate motivational energy for an importantproject creative, coffee offers a very vast array of magical and metaphysical benefits!coffea arabica
Take this moment and breathe! You have made it! You have done thework. You have journeyed into yourself and have emerged even greater,stronger, more powerful! You know you are worthy. You know you canchoose to believe whatever you want and decide to believe. You holdand have all the power! You know that you are a force so strong thatanything is possible. Trust yourself, believe and receive.You have begun that long journey into yourself.Thank you so much for joining this self-love book club | RICH AS F*CKby Amanda Frances! I hope you continue the journey with SOPHIACOLLECTIVE! I love you!With love, light & bright blessings,MeredithFor more information about the self-love book club follow SOPHIA COLLECTIVEon Instagram @sophiacollectivebookclub or at templeatelier.comCONGRATULATIONS!