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SonoluminescenseAncient and Modern Remedies that actually workAndromeda Light Press

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IntroductionIn this age of enormous change, political unrest,technology and distraction, it can be a challengeto keep focussed on keeping good health for themind, body and spirit. With wars, violence,trafficking, religious conflict, the endless diatribefrom people who wrongly assume authority overothers surreptitiously changing laws, along withover-processed food, unclean water, greedypeople, bad science and misinformation, the lackof critical thinking and indoctrination ineducation, is it any wonder by the time we reachour 50s, health becomes the most importantword in our vocabulary? Sadly, it could be saidthat it’s not until younger people have had ahealth scare that they take more notice of howthey are living and what they are putting intotheir bodies.There’s also a lot of quackery and nonsense outthere that costs a lot and does absolutelynothing except empty your bank account. Thedoor-to-door spiritual salesman and even somenaturopaths will tell you anything that soundsgood to get your hard earned cash in exchangefor an elite ‘in-the-know’ exclusivity.

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Good Health belongs to all of us as a divine right,along with the freedom to choose how we live,break free of set paradigms and co-existnaturally in harmony with our environment andall species on this Earth. Harmony includes beingkind, loving, gracious, thoughtful, slow to anger,self control, to be compassionate and all theother beautiful fruits offered on the eternal treeof life. We all need to grow and eat this kind offruit. Which tree will you choose?In this short book, I will give you some practicalremedies that have been proven to work andwon’t cost you an arm and a leg. This is perhapsin preparation for working on an even deeperlevel with a practitioner who can walk with youon your journey, supporting you as you go, untilyou can support yourself. No matter where youare on your journey, help to become healthy ishere and step by step, you can apply theknowledge as you see fit, using your own bestjudgement.

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Once you make the decision to live in a healthyway, your life will change for the better. It mightnot seem like that at first but as you detox from thejunk food, junk philosophy and junk spiritualplatitudes, you will be better off once you haveweened yourself from all the fakery.Go at your own pace. Do what you need to do,gently if possible.If there has been a health scare or crisis thenplease take the necessary steps to hold the fortuntil you are strong enough to make a differentchoice. Allopathic medicine still has its place in thisworld. Banging a gong won’t sew a finger back on ordress a wound. We have to be sensible. However, ifyou do not wish to go down the usual routes, thenthis book will open the doors to a differentperspective.

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ParasitesThe subject of Parasites is an open secret kept bythe medical powers that should not be. Mostdiseases are caused by parasites of some kindfrom diabetes to cancer. They are so intelligent(in a cunning way) and so ancient, they canshape-shift at the drop of saliva and cause havocin the host.Let’s take a look at a list of common parasites andwhat they do to the body:Protozoa Description: Protozoa are single-celled organismsthat can multiply within the host, leading to moresevere infections over time.Age: Protozoa have been around for over 1.5billion years and represent some of the earliestforms of life on Earth.

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Examples and Effects:Plasmodium: Causes malaria, affecting red blood cells and theliver. Symptoms include fever, chills, and organdamage over time.Giardia lamblia: Causes giardiasis, affecting the small intestine,leading to diarrhea, abdominal pain, andmalabsorption.Entamoeba histolytica: Causes amoebiasis, which affects the largeintestine and sometimes spreads to the liver,causing dysentery, abdominal pain, and potentialliver abscesses.If you have ever been abroad to Africa or India, thechances are you might have picked up Giardia. I didhaving visited India and have had to work very hardto keep it under control. These parasites can lastfor decades if untreated.

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Helminths (Parasitic Worms)Description: Helminths are multicellular parasitic worms thatoften live in the intestines or other organs andfeed on blood, nutrients, or tissue.Age: Helminths date back to at least 500 millionyears ago and have evolved alongsidevertebrates.

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Examples and Effects:Tapeworms (Cestodes): Attach to the intestinal wall, absorbing nutrientsdirectly from the host's food intake, leading tomalnutrition, abdominal discomfort, and vitamindeficiencies.Roundworms (Nematodes): Cause diseases like ascariasis (affectingintestines, lungs) and filariasis (lymphatic system,leading to elephantiasis). Symptoms range fromabdominal pain and nutrient malabsorption tolymphatic blockage and severe swelling.Flukes (Trematodes): Such as liver flukes, which invade the liver andbile ducts, causing liver inflammation, gallstones,and, in severe cases, liver cirrhosis or cancer.Some people in the medical profession will not talk openlyabout this! You will need to do your own research to qualifywhat I am saying. However, here is a video you might findinteresting: Makeup your own mind. N.B.: There are good doctors out there who are on their oathand will tell you the truth.

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EctoparasitesThese nasty creatures can cause diseases likeLyme which literally sucks the life out of you. Oneof my clients, who is now healed, was bed boundfor 3 years. Description: These parasites live on the skin orexternal surfaces of the body and do not typicallylive inside human organs but can transmitdiseases.Age: Many ectoparasites evolved over 100 millionyears ago, as vertebrates emerged and becamehosts.

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Examples and Effects:Lice: Infest the scalp or body, causing itching andskin irritation. Can transmit diseases like typhus.Mites (e.g., Scabies): Burrow into the skin, leadingto intense itching and rash. Secondary infectionscan occur if the skin is broken by scratching.Fleas: Often associated with the spread ofdiseases such as bubonic plague. They bite anddraw blood, causing itching, skin irritation, andpossible allergic reactions.If you have animals of any sorts, you may need todo a deep clean regularly and keep on top of theirparasites. Fleas, lice and mites are common somake sure you read the cure for this.

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Fungal ParasitesDescription: While fungi are not traditionally viewed asparasites in the same way as protozoa orhelminths, some fungi are parasitic,particularly in immunocompromisedindividuals.Age: Fungi evolved over a billion years ago andhave various ecological roles, includingparasitism.Examples and Effects:Candida albicans: Normally harmless but can become invasive,causing infections like oral thrush, vaginalyeast infections, and, in severe cases,systemic infections affecting organs like theliver, kidneys, heart, and brain. Aspergillus: Can cause aspergillosis, primarily affectingthe lungs, leading to respiratory symptomsand, in severe cases, lung damage orsystemic infection.

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Candida Albicans

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Bacteria-Like ParasitesDescription: Some bacteria, like those in thegenera Rickettsia and Mycobacterium, behavesimilarly to parasites as they depend on hostcells to survive and replicate.Age: Bacteria have existed for around 3.5billion years, and bacterial parasitism has beena strategy for survival and replicationthroughout their history.Examples and Effects:Mycobacterium leprae: Causes leprosy, whichdamages nerves, skin, respiratory tract, andeyes, leading to disfigurement and disability.Rickettsia: Transmitted by lice, ticks, or fleas,and causes diseases like Rocky Mountainspotted fever, which affects the blood vessels,leading to fever, headache, rash, andsometimes organ failure.

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How Parasites Affect Human Organsand the BodyDigestive System:Primary Target: Many parasites, especiallyprotozoa and helminths, target theintestines, causing malnutrition, weight loss,abdominal pain, and nutrient deficiencies.Examples: Tapeworms, Giardia, androundworms affect nutrient absorption andmay cause persistent digestive symptoms.Liver and Bile Ducts:Target of Certain Helminths: Flukes like liverflukes inhabit the bile ducts, leading toinflammation, bile obstruction, jaundice, andpotential liver damage.Examples: Entamoeba histolytica andschistosomes can lead to liver abscesses andfibrosis in chronic infections.

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Blood and Circulatory System:Effect of Bloodborne Parasites: Someparasites, like Plasmodium (malaria), infectand destroy red blood cells, leading toanemia, fever, and organ damage due toimpaired oxygen transport.Examples: Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness)affects blood and central nervous system,leading to neurological symptoms andpotentially death if untreated.Lymphatic System:Effect on Immune Function: Parasites likeWuchereria bancrofti, which causes lymphaticfilariasis, damage lymphatic vessels, leading tolymphedema (severe swelling).Examples: Lymphatic filariasis results inelephantiasis, where limbs become grosslyenlarged due to lymph fluid buildup.Respiratory System:Lung Invasion: Some parasitic worms migratethrough the lungs, causing respiratorysymptoms like cough, chest pain, andshortness of breath.Examples: Ascaris larvae pass through thelungs, causing transient respiratory symptomsbefore moving to the intestines.

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Nervous System:Severe Neurological Impacts: Someparasites, like Naegleria fowleri (a brain-eating amoeba), directly infect the brain,leading to meningitis-like symptoms and,often, rapid death.Examples: Neurocysticercosis, caused byTaenia solium larvae, results in cysts in thebrain, causing seizures and neurologicaldamage.Skin and Eyes:Skin Lesions and Blindness: Certain parasitescan migrate through or live in the skin,causing visible rashes, itching, and irritation.

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As you can see, parasites have an enormouseffect over the human body and need to bedealt with and kept under control.There are a number of ways to do this andas a recently qualified herbalist, I highlyrecommend the natural approach. Havingovercome skin cancer myself, which afterdeeply detoxing proved the point, here aresome useful tips in overcoming challengingconditions naturally.

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The Natural Remedy I make this natural parasite cleanse myself andrecommend it to all my clients.Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)Known for its bitterness, wormwood has beenused traditionally against various parasites,especially intestinal worms. It kills the middlesized parasites.Black Walnut HullThe green hulls of black walnut are thought tohave antiparasitic qualities, particularly againstintestinal worms. This kills the adult fullygrown parasites.Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)Clove oil and cloves kill parasite eggs and helpprevent reinfestation.Known for its strong antimicrobial properties.

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I use this daily, three weeks on and one weekoff along with diatomaceous earth. Theparasites lay their eggs at full moon and sowe double the dosage one day before, at fullmoon and one day after. One large bottlefrom me costs £20.00 including postageand instructions. It’s extremely potent andmade using vodka to preserve.

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Other parasite cleansing foods and herbsinclude:Garlic (Allium sativum)Garlic has been used as a natural remedy forcenturies and is believed to help combat arange of parasites and pathogens.Contains allicin, an active compound knownfor its antimicrobial effects.Oregano OilOregano oil contains carvacrol, which hasbeen studied for its antimicrobial andantifungal properties. It's used for a varietyof gut-related issues, including parasites.

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Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita pepo)Pumpkin seeds contain compounds that mayhelp expel intestinal parasites, especiallytapeworms.They can be eaten raw or taken in powderedform.Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)Thyme has thymol, which has shownantimicrobial effects and can supportimmune function against intestinal parasites.Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)This works really well and I highlyrecommend the Neal’s Yard Tincture.Goldenseal is valued for its berberinecontent, which helps to fight parasites andbacteria. It’s typically used in combinationwith other herbs to boost their effects.Papaya Seeds (Carica papaya)Papaya seeds have been used to help expelintestinal parasites, especially in tropicalmedicine.They contain enzymes like papain, which maysupport digestive health and parasitecleansing.

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If your condition does not change or hasbecome chronic and unmanageable, it mightbe wise to ask your health practitioner forIvermectin.What is Ivermectin?Ivermectin is a medication approved by theFDA to treat parasitic infections in humans,such as certain intestinal worms, lice, and skinconditions like rosacea. Generally taken in pillform for humans, under medical supervision. Itis crucial to consult a healthcare providerbefore using ivermectin, as dosage and safetydepend on individual health factors.Ivermectin is not approved in all Countries.

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Please note: There are such things asSpiritual or Energetic Parasites and theyreally do need to be dealt with swiftly.For more information about thatparticular subject, please contact Helenprivately.

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Sound medicine is the future and the futureis now. As a musician I have always known thepower of sound over the human soul, thebody and the spirit. If I had not had the gift ofmusic, I would probably not have survivedthis world and I know I can speak for manycolleagues who feel the same way.When I was 17 years old, I knew thateverything was sound and light andcorresponded to a different part of the body,each organ, different colours and numbers.That was 50 years ago and it has taken thatlong to find the science to back it all up!

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I have recently found some research statingthat sound turns into light at very highfrequencies. This is known as ‘Sonoluminescense’. What a great word! Let me explain a bit further:In the world of physics sound in the range ofgigahertz to terahertz, can produce similareffects to light. The sound waves are close to the samewavelengths as infrared or ultraviolet light.Think about this, even our thoughts havefrequency in the form of brainwaves, hencecolour, light, sound.In Sonoluminescence, sound waves in aliquid create microscopic bubbles that emitbrief flashes of light when they collapse. Theexact mechanism behind this remains an areaof research, but it shows how intense soundenergy in certain environments can result inphoton emission. Biophotonic light (anexample would be the Biophoton plasmamachine) can be used in the same way assonic frequencies to cure all sorts of ailments

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Voice AnalysisI work with an amazing piece of software(The VAEEG) which measures the audibleand inaudible sound and light spectrum ofyour voice. This creates a spectrum ofsound which correlates to the frequency ofparticular diseases, and, not only that,measures your energy, brain frequencyand inherited conditions right down to theDNA. It pulls no punches. In response tothe findings, the system is set to createunique frequencies for each individual tohelp heal unhealthy diseases in the body,from parasites to bi-polar, depression toneurological conditions. It is like Rife’swork ten-exed. The inventor of this systemis a genius.People are really amazed at the depth inwhich this program can go. It is alsoimportant to have someone who can workwith you as a practitioner to interpret thefindings.

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MethodI take a 10 minute recording of your voiceand you get a deep diagnosis and healingfrequencies to work with. Research will tellyou that is takes 3 weeks to 3 months tocreate neurogenesis where new neuronesrewire and fire together in a better way.After 3 sessions and listening every day(usually on headphones) to the sound files,your body, mind and spirit should be in a lotbetter shape. Take a look at the testimoniesfor yourself on my website or google.soundmedicinehub | findyourvoiceandroar

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Tuning Fork and Sound Bowl TherapyTuning fork therapy is also known as soundhealing or vibrational therapy. It’s part of amuch older tradition of sound-based healingpractices that can be traced back to ancientcivilizations, such as Ancient Egypt (Kemet),Tibet and probably before history was written!Here are some key historical facts and culturalconnections about the ancient roots of soundhealing practices that laid the groundwork forthe modern art of tuning fork therapy:In Kemet, sound was believed to be a powerfulforce for healing, creation, and transformationjust as it is today. The ancient Egyptiansbelieved that sound could interact with thebody's energy fields to promote physical andemotional balance. This belief aligned with the general principlesof sound therapy, where vibrations helprestore harmony, release trauma and clearblocks, through sympathetic resonance andresonance behaviour.

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Tibet has a long history of sound-basedhealing practices, often using metal singingbowls that produce harmonic overtoneswhen struck or rubbed. The sound interactswith the energy centres of the body. Tibetan monks also used and still usechanting and overtone singing to heal.The Greeks and Romans followed suit andhad extensive knowledge of sound's effectson the human body. Pythagoras, inparticular, is often credited with exploringthe idea of “musical medicine,” usingharmonic frequencies to address variousailments. He believed that specific musicalintervals and tones could realign the souland body.

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Today, the Ancient wisdom is as true now asit was 10,000 years ago, we just have moreavailable science to back it up. Bjorn Vickhoff, musician and neuroscientistresearched the opening of the dopaminepathway and piloerection when particularmusical cadences were played. I am sureyou have particular pieces of music thatmove you or do the same thing.Paul Newham wrote the book ‘The SingingCure’ and as a singer and voice coach forover 30 years, this book was of particularinterest. He could tell the intelligence of ababy through its spectrum of notes andoctaves.Cymatics (Hans Jenny) revealed the shapeof sound in the 1950s and now can beviewed via the cymascope. Emoto’s waterexperiments demonstrated how speech andthe frequency of intention affect water,plants and our whole natural environment.

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This correlates to the Bible’s Genesis 1 as‘God spoke the world into being.’ Whichleads me on to:Calibrated affirmations. A modality I beganin 2019 creating bespoke affirmations forclients according to their trauma andexperiences in life. Changing the narrativecan have an incredibly positive effect,especially as research tells us that werespond best to the sound of our own voices. As part of the Sound Therapy, I recordpersonalised affirmations for people tolisten to. I also write music calibrated to theirvocal tone when requested.Affirmations reprogram the mind and neuralpathways as we speak life into being.Thoughts, words, vibrations and frequenciesall have an enormous part to play in thehealing of each of us. Electro-smog and EMFshave a lot to answer for when it comes downto who is healthy and who is not.Technology is useful but not at the cost of oursouls. Remember to turn off the wifi at night.

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Spiritual AlignmentThe word spirit derives from Old French andLatin, meaning to breathe.Breath of life. Can we see the breath? No, only if thetemperature is freezing. Breath is like thewind, we only see the effect of it. Spirit - breath - life. Spirit: That which is unseen brought intomanifestation. Energy, vibration, frequencies…. All verysimilar.Here we are as living beings in a physicalbody, inhabiting space and journeyingthrough time. Our time lines are not fixedotherwise, why pray? Why affirm? Whymeditate? We are given choice and the choices we makecreate the past and the future.

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Whatever your beliefs are, coming intonatural alignment is important. Why?Because broken bones hurt until they areonce again aligned with themselves andhealed.Everyone’s relationship with ‘God’ ispersonal, it’s between their inner being andCreator, however that is represented.Through external worship, meditation, innergratitude, prayer or whatever we choose, wecan raise our awareness, become betterpeople, love more, give more and be morejoyful to be around. We can be more healthyand kind. All of us, no matter how that looks,there is no judgement. Atheist or Jewish,Buddhist or B’hai, Sufi or Christian,ultimately, it’s all about loving life and oneanother. I have my faith and relationship with‘the Divine’ and I am in no position to preach,but I will say one thing: ‘to thine own self betrue.’

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Authenticity is key to a healthy life.Pretending, wanting, yearning, lying,comparing, being fearful, hateful, arrogant,jealous, lustful, warring and so on just leadsto more destruction. I truly believe we arehere to become our best selves and we canall do this together.If you need to overcome unforgiveness,greed, anger or any other challenge, we canwork through this together and release allthat no longer serves you. We can create aninternal environment which is authentic andenergetically strong and kind. We cancleanse the energy, the mind, the body and emotions, alchemising darkness andignorance into high vibrations, sound andlight for good health and wellbeing.Whatever your beliefs, let’s talk it allthrough and then make a better decision.Two heads are better than one!Authenticity

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There are many way to heal and overcome:Emotional AlchemyRe-viewingInner psycho-expansionCleaning the BiofieldDetoxing the BodyDetoxing the SoulDetoxing the MindCalibrated AffirmationsVoice Spectrum AnalysisTuning Fork Sound TherapyMusical CalibrationAromatherapy - The Frequency of OilsRemote HealingMeditationPrayerNutritional cleanses (eg no sugar)Inner-WorkIf any of the above interest you and you want to godeeper, contact me privately and we can have a chat tosee if we are a good match.Many thanks for reading this little Ebook.Helen