Harry Falber 1 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
The Solo Parenting Idea Welcome to the 21st century a century where there will be millions of single parent households over 25 of all families The numbers are staggering Right now it s estimated that there are over 10 000 000 single family households What is this like in real numbers In 1994 according to the census bureau Almost 18 600 000 children under the age of 18 were living with a single parent A 4 increase over the previous year 1995 1996 1977 saw increases as well And single parents are not uneducated More than 35 have attended or graduated college or achieved advanced degrees Over three quarters of both single moms and dads with children
The Solo Parenting Idea Interestingly given the size of this market no magazine Internet site or television show focuses on calls attention to in a positive helpful manner endeavors to support or even capitalizes on the purchasing power of this group The Solo Parenting group intends to Focus on the joys problems and day to day living situations that all single parents and their families face Support all types of single parents Provide an advertising opportunity to marketers who recognize the purchasing power of this group Solo Parenting intends to do this synergistically in new media broadcast and print Harry Falber 4 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
What Is The Solo Parent Community Like 1 in 4 children are in a single parent home More than 27 of our kids over 18 000 000 are growing up with only one parent Men make up a rapidly growing segment desperately in need of a single parent forum they do not hang out with other single parents or share Harry Falber 5 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parents Do Things Like Everyone Else Only Differently Index Select Leisure Activities by Category Participation All Parents 121 99 115 120 107 113 112 103 125 162 105 106 101 135 Participated In Adult Education Attended Musical Performances Attended Dance Performances Barbecued Cooked For Fun Participated In Chess Went Dancing Dined Out Played Electronic Games Flew Kites Painted Or Drew Played Musical Instruments Did Woodworking Visited A Zoo Parents Kids
Going It Solo But Now With Help Harry Falber 7 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Contents Section 1 Solo Parenting magazine Section 2 Solo Parenting TVLive Section 3 www soloparenting org Harry Falber 8 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting Magazine A magazine for the over 10 000 000 single moms and 3 000 000 single dads with kids in total or shared custodial care A vehicle that recognizes and validates the special and unique needs concerns and goals of caregivers of the single parent household Harry Falber 9 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Objective Publish the only national subscription and newsstand or custom published magazine addressing the needs of and offering tools technology for single parents grandparents and extended families of single parents Provide a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach this committed and willing to spend andinvest market in an arena where special needs are being continually addressed Advertisers will build a loyal customer base upon formally recognizing this market Harry Falber 10 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting Charter Deliver information single parents need for day to day living and child development Share possibilities for growth and advise on single parent concerns Address single parents in their own unique forum Keep the needs of children s nurturing and development foremost Harry Falber 11 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Meeting the Needs Timely features on important single parenting issues and actions Special sections on exercises to develop communication between parent and child Special sections on improving adult communication and dialogue skills Role playing specific situations Single parent personals Timely interviews with well known single parents Advisory Board and roundtable of experts Single parent round table forums Advice on handling everyday problems Harry Falber 12 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Unique Niche Not a single national or regional magazine focuses on or has specific editorial for single parents Single parents are a huge growing and as yet un owned market Over 10 800 000 single mothers with children in the household 8 800 000 single mothers with children under twelve in the household 5 900 00 single mothers with children under six in household MRI Harry Falber 13 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Unique Niche More than 2 800 000 dads with children in the household Over 2 000 000 dads with children under twelve in the household More than 1 400 00 dads with children under six in the household MRI Harry Falber 14 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Benefits to Publisher This market is dedicated to children This market needs information This market is motivated to care This market is growing fast The affluent sector of this market is growing at an equally dizzying pace This market is valuable to advertisers Harry Falber 15 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Benefits to Advertisers Single parents rely on quality branded products Are concerned consumers Will spend for their children Will support those companies that address their needs Single parents with incomes above 32 000 yr Are as likely to spend as much if not more than married couples on raising children American demographics Harry Falber 16 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Target Charter Advertisers Po te n ti a l Ch a rte r Ad v e Au to m o ti v e Ta rg e t Ac c o u n ts Fo rd n d s ta r Wi Do d g e Ca ra v a n Ch ry s l e r J e e p Su b u ru Fo rd Ex p l o re r Vo l v o Ch e v ro l e t L u m i n a Ho n d a M i n i Va Pa th fi n d e r Fo o d Ho u s e Ho l d Pro d u c ts Ta rg e t Ac c o u n t Na b i s c o Bra n d s Ge n e ra l Fo o d Ca d b u ry Sc h we p p e s Kra ft Pro c to r Ga m b l e He a l th Ca re In s u ra n c e In v e s tm e n ts Ox fo rd He a l th Ca L e d e rl e M e tL i fe Th e Pru d e n ti a l Ea s te rn M o u n ta i n M CI Sp ri n t M o to ro l a Pa g e rs REI Cl u b M e d Fi d e l i ty In v e s tm e n ts Hi l to n Re s o rts Ge rb e r Bl u e Cro s s Se a rs Sta te Fa rm J ohns on J oh Eq u i ta b l e Ty s o n Re c re a ti o n Tra v e l c o m m u n i c a ti o Ci ti Ca rd Vi s Di s n e y Re s o rts Ko d a k Fu j i Sta te To u ri s m B We a ra b l e s Re ta Ed u c a ti o n En te rta i Os h Ko s h Se a rs Bo o k o f th e M o n Ap p l e Co m p u te r To y s R Us Fi s h e r Pri c e Di s n e y M i c ro s o ft GUESS Po l a ro i d M i l k Bo a Am e ri c a On l Ni c k e l o d e Ne rf Re e b o k Ni k e To y s R 17
Solo Parenting TVLive Series concept Solo Parenting will be the first television program designed for and dedicated to single parents their children and their families More than a how to show Solo Parenting combines useful advice with entertainment real life profiles and inspiration It is designed to not only help single parents and their families with the challenges of raising children alone but also to celebrate the special joys that are part of parenting in an untraditional family Solo Parenting validates the single parent experience whether single by circumstance or single by choice Harry Falber 18 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting TVLive Show themes might include Celebrating the holidays as a solo parent Dealing with a holiday while you are solo and your kids are with their other parent Grandparents and other extended families Weekend low cost activities Normal parenting issues that need to be handled differently in a single parent household Summer vacation planning Dating and the kids Dealing with ex s special friend Single mom by choice or widow dealing with child calling every friend daddy Making the transition work how to help your kids survive the big D s divorce and death that have left them with a solo parent Rules discipline and other tough stuff Harry Falber 19 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting TVLive Format Solo Parenting is a weekly half hour live magazine format show co hosted by a single mom and a single dad The hosts will be young 30 s personable and attractive and will be drawn from credentialed backgrounds e g Primary education pediatrics and or the entertainment world e g Broadcasting theater etc Harry Falber 20 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting TVLive Each show will cover 3 4 topics e g commuting kids How to make the transition from mom s house to dad s house easy separate but equal how to co parent without playing tugof war with your kid easy entertaining dinner parties that even a single parent of 3 can manage In some cases shows may be themed with every segment relating in some way to the overall theme of the week For example the Solo Parenting vacation show might feature segments on low cost vacations for single parent families airline tips surviving a five hour flight with 3 small kids that s short on flight attendants and in your case short by one parent vacation co oping group vacations for solo parents holidays without guilt how to enjoy a vacation without your child kids eye view what makes a vacation great Harry Falber 21 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting TVLive Set The show will be set in home style setting Much like a family room It will contain two interview areas a sofa and chairs for hosts and guests And a play area for interviews with kids and for activity demonstrations Sample outline Solo Parenting intro co hosts and coming up on the show 1 30 Commercial break Topic A e g Juggling kids balancing nutrition guest interview 3 40 Corning up next 20 Harry Falber 22 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting TV Commercial break Topic B e g Decorating with your child creating a fulltime home for a part time kid film segment on location at the home of a solo parent 3 40 Coming up next 20 Commercial break Viewer letters tips from the expert e g Child psychologist summer camp director etc 3 40 Coming up next 20 Commercial break Harry Falber 23 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo parenting TV Magazine Kids corner tips from the kids 3 40 Commercial break Coming up in our next show 30 End titles Total 30 22 30 Harry Falber 24 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Solo Parenting On line Http www soloparenting org Will draw from an estimated on line single parent community exclusive of extended family members of over 3 o00 000 on the web 1 000 000 on AOL and thousands of others on new and emerging portals and ISP s including cable Based on extrapolation from web and AOL data compared to US pop Estimates Will be an Internet channel that understands that parenting issues while perhaps universal need to be framed and developed with the special and unique needs concerns and goals of caregivers in a single parent household 25
Objective Through a series of forums bulletin boards auditoriums and events offer single parents a safe secure community environment designed as streets avenues cafes playgrounds neighborhoods etc To share opportunities problems goals and advice with others in the same arena Develop a potential on line advertising vehicle with members so unique and fiercely loyal to those that recognize them as having special needs that advertisers will build a steadfast customer base upon formally recognizing this market Harry Falber 26 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Creative Objective Design an on line advertising medium that is unique to the field in that the advertising will be woven into the page construction without the need for banners or buttons Advertisers will be a part of the fabric of the content and viewers will move with ease into the advertising message Address single parents in their own unique forum where they do not have to penetrate layers of other information to reach their own special site Help insure that focus is kept on the well being of the children first and foremost Provide single parents with access to a worldwide community of friends and family that many have foregone due to the duties and requirements of solo parenting Harry Falber 27 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Meeting the Needs Forums on important single parenting issues and actions Special town hall meetings and guided tours on exercises to develop communication between parent and child Provide a safe haven for openness and discussion by development of coffee shops avenues and main streets of information community spirit and dialogue designed to insure that single parents come back to the soloparenting over and over again Role playing of specific situations in community theater Single parent introductions Live coffee shop interviews with well known single parents Coffee shop roundtable of experts fielding questions Harry Falber 28 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Meeting The Needs The brew pub chat room for single dads and single moms who want to come in open on select days and during select hours A playground with avatars for single parents and their children to come on line and meet other single parent families together The breakaway diner for single moms to break bread with other single moms open 24 hours a day Solo Calendar a monthly listing of single parent child activities from around the country Hand in hand A special travel group dealing exclusively in single parent destinations Sponsored regional and local activities planned for single parents and kids Harry Falber 29 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Unique Niche There is not a single national or regional on line community specifically for single parents covering all aspects of single parenting in an easily navigated comfortable on line site Single parents and their extended families are a huge growing and as yet un serviced market Harry Falber 30 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Benefits to Internet Content Providers Single parents tend to stay home more and can access internet and on line services more frequently for advice and adult companionship This market needs information This market not only grows but replenishes itself This market is valuable to advertisers as they spend more per child than married parents Harry Falber 31 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
What Is Being Requested Commitment and financial support for initial development of Solo Parenting magazine Solo Parenting TVLive and soloparenting com through test market Development of single parent services Hand in hand travel and entertainment group Agreement to explore development of additional content for on line communities and other broadcast concepts Syndicated radio segment Syndicated TV news program segment Harry Falber 32 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com
Estimated Yr 1 Developmental Funds Web site development Web site maintenance Cost for original articles Cable production 13 shows Paper printing Photography illustration Magazine distribution costs Consumer research Staffing Offices office expense Advertising promotion Public relations 33 175 0 50 0 75 0 400 0 100 0 25 0 TBD 50 0 200 0 100 0 250 0 60 0
Revenue Streams Year 1 Magazine advertising On line Sponsors Cable licensing fee Syndication fees radio TV programming Sale of retained spots in TV radio syndicated shows Subscription fees Database list sales Harry Falber 34 203 557 4150 hfalber gmail com