brought to you byWhat to expectWhat to expecton theon the Fourth of JulyFourth of July
4th of July is such a fun andexciting holiday.
Many people go watchfireworks shows at nighton the Fourth of July.
In a fireworks show, peoplewatch the sky outside at nightand see fireworks in the air.
Fireworks are beautiful burstsof colors across the dark sky.
Many people think it is funto watch fireworks shows.
Fireworks can make loud noisesthat sound like a boom or awhistle. Listen to Fireworks Noise
Some people do not think that it isfun when they hear loud noises,and that is ok.
If you do not like the loud noiseyou can bring earplugs orheadphones along or just use yourhands to cover your ears.
Sometimes, the last fireworks inthe show are very loud and brightbecause there are many fireworksin the sky at the same time.
If I don't like this, I can cover myears and close my eyes.
My family likes to watch thefireworks, so I will try to stay withthem while they watch. This canmake them feel happy.
I might like watching thefireworks too. But if I don't, that'sokay.
Now I know what to do if thesound or the lights bother, and Iam ready for the Fourth of July.
I am ready for the Fourth of July.
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