The SACRED HEART Way9,700+ADMISSIONSInto our various services6,200+INDIVIDUALSReceived treatment110+PREGNANT ADMISSIONSInto our various services100+CHILDREN ADMISSIONSInto Clearviewsnapshot320+EMPLOYEES99“OVERALL SATISFACTION”REPORTED BY CLIENTSRECEIVING TREATMENT%OutpatientLocationsSupportiveHousingCapacity507ResidentialFacilities3Withdrawal ManagementResidentialVaries on # of childrenBEDS49221To us, this means doing the right thing for the people we serve, and going ABOVE AND BEYOND. We believe everybody deserves a chance.99“RECEIVEDQUALITY TREATMENT”REPORTED BY CLIENTSRECEIVING TREATMENT%500+JAIL MEDICATION-ASSISTEDTREATMENT ADMISSIONS
3 Out of State1000+501-999100-50001-99BY COUNTY DEMOGRAPHICSADMISSIONSLOCATIONSSACRED HEART is dedicated to assisting all people with behavioral health issues, including those with limited means, to improve their quality of life. We have 10 locations that serve all 83 counties, which provide withdrawal management (WM), residential inpatient (RES), outpatient (OP), medication- assisted treatment (MAT), women’s specialty, outpatient ambulatory withdrawal management, outpatient statewide telehealth, opioid health home,housing (HSN), peer, and prevention (PRE). Our HIV/AIDS care coordination and prevention services also provide Housing Opportunities for Persons Living with AIDS (HOPWA) which assist people in 33 counties. snapshotsnapshotBY SERVICE43%28%14%8%5%1%1%OPWMRESPREJAIL MATHSNHIV/AIDSDRUG OF CHOICEPRIMARY DIAGNOSIS18-2425-3435-4445-6465+5%29%33%31%2%63%37%GENDERAGE79%18%3%WHITEBLACK orAFRICAN AMERICANOTHERRACE11TH GRADE OR LOWERHIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA or GEDCOLLEGE EDUCATION or VOCATIONALEDUCATION20%34%46%33%40%22%5%ALCOHOLOPIOIDCOCAINE or OTHER STIMULANTOTHER1000+MAT ADMISSIONS INTO OP, JAIL, RES OR WM