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AboutSnapIT® was founded on the core belief that byproactively growing and unleashing ourcollective human potential, empoweringindividuals and strengthening communities, wedeliver the most innovative, world-classtechnology, training, services and solutions.Our Core Beliefs

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TECHNOLOGY TRAINING RATIONALEEvery organization requires skilledtechnology workersSnapIT Solutions closes the techtalent gapTech job openings continue to faroutpace available talentJOBS IN HIGH DEMAND:Cybersecurity, Network Support, SoftwareDevelopment & Project Management

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What MakesUs Unique?What MakesUs Unique?Office etiquetteInclusive behavior & cultural competence trainingInterviewing skillsWorking in a team environmentLinkedIn profile developmentResume writingProfessional development training:Ongoing support via SnapIT’s alumni communitySnapIT Solutions® is an eligible training provider (ETPL) forKansas, Missouri, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma,Michigan, Kentucky, and Maryland.

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Customized hi-tech trainingCourses range between 100-240 hoursHands on experience thru internship or apprenticeshipInterns & Apprentices trained through a rigorousand comprehensive processRegenerative approach through ongoing self assessmentOpportunities to work on client projectsLed and mentored by seasoned professionalsPatent Pending:SPRNT™ ModelPatent Pending:SPRNT™ Model

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Present your ideas to the audience in easy-to-understandlanguage. Make the audience understand, motivated and inspiredby your ideas. You can use presentation media in the form of acombination of images, videos, graphics, tables and others witha good visual appearance so that the presentation is moreattractive.‒ ADIL LARI, JAVA GRADUATEWhat our Graduates are Saying"I have mostly worked in entry level customer service jobs.Because of my disabilities, I wasn’t hopeful that I could continueworking and eventually stopped. When I found SnapIT, I wasn’tlooking for a career, but something to occupy my time. I came toreally enjoy coding. It was totally new to me, fun and challenging.I did so well in the course, I was offered an apprenticeship. It’shard to believe where I am from where I started. I now have a full-time job as a junior software developer and can take care ofmyself".‒ KATY MILLARD, JAVASCRIPT GRADUATE

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SnapIT Solutions is a unique IT company. Not only isit a quality IT training provider, but it also functionsas an IT services firm providing IT solutions formany nationally known companies. Because SnapITactually does the work, it knows first-hand what thetraining for that work should include in order tomake its students competitive in the labor market.Its partnerships with major companies across thecountry also provide excellent networking andemployment opportunities for its graduates.”SnapIT Solutions is a unique IT company. Not only isit a quality IT training provider, but it also functionsas an IT services firm providing IT solutions formany nationally known companies. Because SnapITactually does the work, it knows first-hand what thetraining for that work should include in order tomake its students competitive in the labor market.Its partnerships with major companies across thecountry also provide excellent networking andemployment opportunities for its graduates.”- Keely J. Schneider, Executive Director / Workforce Partnership- Keely J. Schneider, Executive Director / Workforce Partnership“Through FEC’s partnership with SnapIT,we are proud to report 96 individuals havebeen trained and certified as juniorsoftware developers, with approximately77 placements in business and industriesin the Kansas City Metropolitan area.” - Shelley Penn, Senior Vice President /Chief Operating Officer - Shelley Penn, Senior Vice President /Chief Operating Officer Workforce & CommunityPartners

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Yvette Steele, Vice President - Technology Talent, Strategic Partnerships & National Expansion - Yvette@Snapit.Solutions THANK YOUWE LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOULEARN MORE: