STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLV I R T U A L P D M A G A Z I N EPrincipal: Nikki L. Hudson2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3
OUR BELIEFSWE Believe in a Culture of Equity and ExcellenceWE Believe in Purposeful and Rigorous InstructionWE Believe in College & Career ReadinessWE Believe in Nurturing the Whole ChildWE BELIEVE our scholars will Achieve
Principal HudsonAP SmithSocial StudiesAP JonesMathAP Gonzalez ELARAP WilliamsScienceCoord. Loftis CIC Guerrero SEL FloYour InstructionalSupport TeamILT McMillianILT KennedyILT Finley-Stubbs8th Green7th HammondCounseling Team6th MakutuyahCOMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATIONCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCELEBRATIONCELEBRATIONCELEBRATION******The 3 Cs of Stockard's Culture
TimeActivityPresenter (s)9:00- 10:00Welcome, Vision, Mission, Campus Goals,Accountability/Data Celebrations 10:00-1030Break 11:00-12:30Convocation (virtual)Auditorium12:30-2:00Lunch/ complete teacher checklist/asynchronouscourses) 2:00-4:00Asynchronous Courses (Required)Schoology (50 min)Digital Citizenship (30 min)Taking Student Attendance (45 min)Why Attendance Matters (45 min) District AsynchronoussessionsTeachers have untilAugust 12th to complete(Complete on your own)5:00-6:306th Grade Panther Camp6th Grade Team andElectives(select link for agenda) STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLA U G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 2TODAY’S PURPOSE: CAMPUS REQUIRED PDLOCATION: L. V. STOCKARD
Teachers will need to bring cash to use at a concession stand or bring their non-refrigeratedlunch (Concession stand options are: Pizza, Burgers, Deli/ Salads, or Chicken Tenders withFries)Carpooling is encouragedLot E has been reserved for parkingShuttle availability is being finalizedImportant InformationLunch will be on a staggered scheduleTravel:TimeActivity8:00 - 8:50Feeder Pattern Meeting9:00- 9:50SEL Bell to Bell10:00- 10:50Collective Equity11:00- 11:50Choice Session12:00- 12:50Lunch1:00- 2:50Quarter 1 Curriculum3:00- 3:50Choice Session STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLA U G U S T 9 , 2 0 2 2Today’s Purpose: District Required PDIn-person learningLocation: Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center TEACHER ATTENDANCE IS REQUIREDSelect Magnifier to link to moreinformation
TimeActivityPresenter (s)8:30-9:00SEL ActivityTbd9:00- 10:00Campus Safety Plan/ Emergency PreparednessHudson, Smith(Auditorium)10:00-10:15Break 10:15- 11:00Campuswide Discipline planGonzalez(Auditorium)11:00 - 11:45Gradebook/AttendanceVideo - Taking AttendanceMendoza/Williams/Sanchez 11:45- 12:45Lunch (provided for you)Lunch Delivery (Smokey Johns)12:50-1:50Staff Handbook/ First DayProceduresHudson (Auditorium)1:50-1:55Break 2:00- 3:00Counselors sessionNearpods/Asynchronous trainings(teachers bring charged technology)Counselors STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLA U G U S T 1 0 , 2 0 2 2TODAY’S PURPOSE: CAMPUS REQUIRED PDLOCATION: L. V. STOCKARD
TimeActivityPresenter (s)8:00Arrival (TA log in at regular time) 8:15- 10:00Create a positive environment for students Classroom management strategies SEL/Reset expectationsInteractive PrometheanDisciplinary LiteracyMultiple response strategiesHigh level questioningWICORInstructional strategies breakouts1.2.3.ILTs, Coordinator, CIC, Flo &Smith*See page 8 for location10:25- 10:35Break 10:35-10:45AVID, Campus instructional goals, AVID committee andtraining, AdvisoryBackes (Auditorium)10:50-12:00Grade LevelGrade Level APs*See page 8 for location12:00- 1:00LunchOYO1:00- 4:30PLCData celebrations, Calendar, IPC, Playbook, Lookforward/Look back protocols, HB45/tutoring expectationsAP’s, ILTs, Electives, andContents Travel with Appraiser *See page 8 for location5:30 - 6:307th/8th GradeParent Informational Meeting STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLA U G U S T 1 1 , 2 0 2 2TODAY’S PURPOSE: CAMPUS REQUIRED PDLOCATION: L. V. STOCKARD
Grade Level Break Out6th1347th1358th136PLC locationsSmith132Williams233Jones225Gonzalez234 Interactive Promethean 135Disciplinary Literacy 134SEL/Creating Positive Environment 1366th8:15-8:559:45-10:259:00- 9407th9:00- 9:408:15-8:559:45-10:258th9:45- 10:259:00- 9:408:15-8:55 STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLA U G U S T 1 2 , 2 0 2 2*ELECTIVES/ TA’S CHECK WITH YOUR ADMINISTRATOR/ APPRAISER (SEE PG. 9)LOCATION/ ROTATION INFORMATION
Nikki HudsonMarco GonzalezVenita JonesLisa SmithKia WilliamsAPEIGonzalez, MarcoJones, VenitaSmith, LisaWilliams, KiaCMSAlegria, BrendaAyala, RubyHernandez,DeniseMendoza, MonicaMartinez, DeebiMejia, CristinaReyes, AlexisRobledo, MarthaSanchez, OscarSible, NatalieSt. Hubert, RooslyThompson, LiliaValdez, DomingaWillis, TerrenceTEIDarby, AnthonyMarble, KistaTEIButler, RoderickColberg, ColbergConnors, TateDixson, AngelaGomez, AnnaHarris, AhleeyahKennedy, NatalieKuykendall. HeathMurray, WilliamOguntunde,StephanieOuber, KyleRice, AdrienRivera, AllieRivera, RosieRodriguez,GriseldaSchmidt, AmyYount, AlexiaCMSTaylor, FredrickLoftis, DemetriaTEIAmin, MohammedCarrillo, SavannahGutierrez, JoseLister, ValneshiaMartinez, JuanaMonsivais, JoseOlatunde,TomilayoReese, MichelleSohn, ChristinaUkpede, LauraWalker, ElizabethWinbush, LytinaSanchez, ElizabethSegoviano, JuanitaZurutuza, JulenVacant - Math Incl.Vacant - Math ILTCMSGuerro, BrendaTEIDorce, NehemiahEspinoza, CindyEwell, RyanFinley-Stubbs,JenniferGonzalez, CesarGrosskreutz,AllysonLashley, RebeccaMartinez, AshliMoore, ClaireOritz, JoseOudshoorn, KelseyPoquette Drews,BethSaavedra, XochitlShepherd, JohnSmith, CarolineUrey, ZacharyCMSFleurinor, PierreTEIAlozie, LilianBackes, RyanBrooks, PhedraBurnett, JessicaContreras, DiegoCormier, ChristinaGonzalez, JenniferHaster, CareyHernandez, JesusJohnson, RandallMcMilian, CandreaMontgomery,CrystalOlivo, EvelenePena, ClaudiaPitts, JoshuaReeves, JoyceRoyal, RobertWebb, JonathanNieto, NormaCMSVacant Monitor STOCKARD MIDDLE SCHOOLAPPRAISER ROSTER2022-2023
We are an AIM CampusAIM (Achieving in the Middle)We are proud to be an AVID campus,working to ensure our scholars areCollege and Career Ready!Follow US#smsWEBELIEVE@Stockard_msUpdating soon