Master of Arts in SLSUniversity of Hawaii (UH) at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI✤ Expected to graduate Spring 2025Bachelor of Arts in SLS | Minor in ChineseUH at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI✤ Expected to graduate Fall 2023Accelerated Language Program in ChineseDefense Language Institute (DLI), Monterey, CADecember 2015 - March 2017✤ Deans List 3 SemestersEducation
Relevant ExperienceLanguage TutorNaonow Inc.September 2023-Present✤ Led elementary ESL learners through pre-designed lesson plansHonolulu, HawaiiAugust 2022 - December 2022✤ Designed personalized lesson for ESL learner age 12, special focus on learningEnglish vocabulary, developing reading skills and cultivating speaking fluency andcomprehensibilityHonolulu, HawaiiApril 2022 - August 2022✤ Used language instruction book to teach beginner level to English to 12 learnersages 7-10, special focus on grammar-instruction and phonicsUH, MānoaFebruary 2022 - April 2022✤ Analyzed tutee speech for pronunciation needs, provided communicative-basedpronunciation instruction through listening discrimination and speaking activitiesDLI, Monterey, CAMarch 2016 - March 2017✤ Assisted language students with Mandarin grammar questions and speakingpractice English Discussion Leader Hawai'i English Language ProgramJanuary 2022 - February 2022✤ Facilitated conversations on STEM-related topics with Ph.D. students using ESLPacific & Asian Affairs Council Virtual Student ExchangeDecember 5, 2020✤ Supported Vietnamese students in practicing oral English, troubleshot technicalissuesLanguage Maintenance TeacherDepartment of Defense (DOD) December 2017 - March 2021✤ Developed 40+ hours of Mandarin FL teaching materials, conducted 20+ hoursof in-person and virtual lessons in reading and listening modalitiesConversational Language Exchange PartnerHelloTalkDecember 2022 - Present✤ Facilitated English conversations with adult ESL learners in China, used Englishand Chinese to enhance cultural exchange, provided partners with on-the-flygrammar, pronunciation and vocabulary instruction
CoursesLanguage Learning & Teaching SLS 302 Second Language AcquisitionUH Mānoa✤ First language and second language acquisition theories & conceptsSLS 303 Second Language TeachingUH Mānoa✤ Second language instruction theories, methodology, lesson planningSLS 313 Teaching Second Language Listening & SpeakingUH Mānoa✤ Lesson planning, methods and techniques for teaching listening and speakingSLS 490 Second Language TestingUH Mānoa✤ Measurement and evaluation of achievement and proficiency in secondlanguage learningSLS 601 Concepts for Second Language Learning & TeachingUH Mānoa✤ Language analysis—phonology, syntax, semantics, discourse for teachingsecond languages Linguistics & Other Related TopicsSLS 430 Pidgin & Creole English in HawaiiUH Mānoa✤ Historical background of pidgin and creole languages. Course discussionssurrounding pedagogy, linguistic change, language variation, and hands-onexperience with actual language dataSLS 460 English PhonologyUH Mānoa✤ Basics of English phonetics and phonologyEmphasis on second/foreign language learners, teachers, and researchersSLS 480U Interaction in the Digital WorldUH Mānoa✤ Theoretical and applied aspects of tracking conversational themes and howconversations are shaped in digital spacesSLS 660 Sociolinguistics and Second LanguagesUH Mānoa✤ Theoretical and applied aspects of language, culture, and society, andresearch methods in sociolinguistics, as they relate to second and foreignlanguage issues
Courses (cont.)ChineseCM 340 Chinese Area/Cultural StudiesDLI✤ General overview of Chinese culture as it relates to society and languageCHN 411 Advanced Mandarin ConversationUH Mānoa✤ Topical practice with academic level conversationsCHN 453 Study of Chinese CharactersUH Mānoa✤ In-depth overview of the origin, structure, and evolution of Chinese charactersCHN 486 Academic/Professional Chinese IIUH Mānoa✤ Academic and professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening(trained to meet ACTFL Superior standards)Education EDEF 310 Education in American SocietyUH Mānoa✤ Historical, philosophical, and socio-cultural contexts of education with emphasis oncontemporary ethical issues, problems, and applications
Language MaterialsPapersResearchInstructionBeginner Chinese Vocab LessonAdvanced English Reading Lesson(Chinese Learners)Advanced English Listening for ChineseLearnersAdvanced English Speaking for ChineseLearnersChinese Vocabulary Test DevelopmentLanguage Socialization ReflectionFossilization Response PaperLanguage Restructuring ResponsePaperVariation in Dialects of MandarinLearning “the” in English as NativeSpeaker of ChinesePronunciation TutoringHelloTalk Language TutoringClick to access hyperlinksProfessional & Academic Projects
100% 70%EnglishChineseSkills30%SpanishLanguage60% 80%Lesson PlanningLeadership70%Needs AssessmentWork
AdditionalInterestsIntercultural ExperienceReferencesSurfingPrioritizing healthy work-life balance throughsurfingMusicLearning more about culture through music andintegrating my knowledge and passion for music andmusic theory to enhance my teaching of vowels,consonants, connected speech, rhythm etc.Language StudyMaintaining my Chinese language skills throughdaily self-study practices such as reading novels andlistening to news broadcastsAvailable upon request.Immersion ProgramTaiwan Normal University, Taipei, TwNovember 2016 - December 2017✤ Participated in a study abroad program,increased cultural and historical knowledge ofTaiwan