2visionRespectDiversityCompassionAccountabilityCommitmentA strong, inclusive communitywhere everyone workstogether to make a differencein the lives of the people weserve.To empower people facingbarriers to employment, sothey can reach their fullpotential..Basic Computer SkillsFood ServiceCommercial CleaningSolutions Learning Centreis a non-profit, registeredcharitable organization inDartmouth, Nova Scotia.Since 1980, we have beenoffering employabilityprograms to adults in theHalifax Region.Our strength is ourcommitment to ourparticipants.We offer work placementswith community partnersto provide opportunitiesfor our participants toenhance their work skills.Our three work areas are:We also offer a GEDprogram in downtownDartmouth that boasts a96% pass rate.missioncore valueswhat we do
3Executive Director's NotePresident's NoteBoard of Directors & BookkeeperSummary of Revenue and ExpensesGED Participant CertificationsPersonal DevelopmentEmployment & Essential SkillsIntake & Work PlacementStaff TrainingCommercial CleaningComputer SkillsFood ServiceSLC CelebratesSLC In the LoopSpecial Thanks to our Partners Contact us!4 5678101112131415161718192021 CONTENTS
4Our Red Seal Chef, Chris Lampier,provides entry level, industry standardsafety training required in mostcommercial kitchens, along with skillsfor cooking and cleaning.We are very proud of the newcomputer lab - computers withupdated software including Windows10 and Microsoft Office 2016, alongwith new furniture and painting.Participants are taught by our GeneralOffice Facilitator, Dorna Downey, andlearn entry level office reception skills,along with many programs - thisprogram is popular and often has awaiting list.Last year we launched theEnvironmental Services Programsuccessfully, which teachescommercial cleaning skills and ourFacilitator, Jesse Herritt, bringstremendous experience and excellentinstruction to this dynamic program.We are always looking for new waysto enhance our programs and willcontinue to do following last year'ssuccess. Thank you to the Department ofCommunity Services, The Departmentof Labour and Advanced Educationand the United Way of Halifax fortheir support with all of our programs.Our participants set the standards forall of our work. They arrive with highexpectations, hope and inspiration andwe will always work to help them meettheir goals.Sincerely,44SonyaDudkaExecutive Director's NoteS O L U T I O N S L E A R N I N G C E N T R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2with SONYA DUDKAThere were many changes during the 2021-2022 program year. We entered anew three-year contract with the Department of Community Services. While weare grateful for the ongoing program support, we were also faced with severallay-offs and retirements. Needless to say, it has been a challenge! That said - Ican only thank the amazing team of people who work at Solutions LearningCentre for the dedication they have not only to our program, but also to ourparticipants, and to each other working as a team. They ROCK!!!I will be leaving my role here on May 31, 2022. This has been an amazingexperience and I want to thank so many people that I fear if I start naming folks,I will forget someone. Suffice it to say that during my time here I was fortunateto have such a terrific group of people to work with. I miss many of you whohave left and the ones I left on May 31, 2022.Good luck to everyone. This program works and it changes lives. I am humbledto have been part of these experiences.
26with Diana DaltonIt is hard to believe we have already seen a year pass us by. It has also beenanother year of health restrictions due to COVID. This means our operationshave been affected and our numbers have been down.Nonetheless, we have continued to operate thanks to Sonya, our ExecutiveDirector, and the staff at Solutions Learning Centre. The Board is muchappreciative of the efforts they have made to carry on our programming. Theyall deserve our congratulations and support.The Board has continued to meet at regular intervals by Zoom. Our financialposition continues to be positive as is our programming. It will be a pleasure tomove on from our COVID position to one of creating new programming andactivities. We have noted the provincial DCS commitment to work activity during thistrying time for everyone. These have been trying days for our public servantsand their dedication has been appreciated.There are better days ahead!! Sincerely,5DianaDaltonPresident's NoteS O L U T I O N S L E A R N I N G C E N T R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2
2The Board of Directors ofDartmouth Work ActivitySociety - Solutions LearningCentre rise to every occasion inensuring our goals aresupported and met each year,so on behalf of the staff ofSolutions Learning Centre, wethank you so much for yourongoing commitment anddetermination supporting ourwork here at Solutions LearningCentre.Sincerely,President Diana Dalton Vice-PresidentVacantTreasurer Eric Ladovich Secretary VacantMembers at LargeKatherine Howlett Katherine FrankCatherine MacDonaldKimberly DrisdelleBronwyn Andrews65 Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors ofDartmouth Work Activity Society- Solutions Learning Centre rise toevery occasion in ensuring ourgoals are supported and met eachyear. On behalf of the staff of SolutionsLearning Centre, we thank you somuch for your ongoingcommitment to our agency.BOOKKEEPERIslam ElbatieIslam provides SLC with hisaccounting expertise for whichwe are very thankful!SO L U T I ONS L E A RNI N G C EN TRE A N N UAL R E P ORT 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2S O L U T I ON S L E AR NI NG C E N TR E A N N U AL R E P O RT 2 0 2 0
7DARTMOUTH WORK ACTIVITY SOCIETYSO L U T I ONS L E A RNI N G C EN TRE A N N UAL R E P ORT 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2 Revenue and ExpensesFor the year ending March 31st, 2022REVENUEEmployment Nova ScotiaOther RevenueEXPENSES 215,644 818,575 159,007 195,96719,677 582,491181,26154,823 103,48932,16123,357AdministrationSalariesProgram-relatedProgram DeliverySalariesOccupancyMaterials and ParticipantsGEDSalariesOccupancyProgram RelatedTotal ExpensesExcess Revenue over Expenses for the year 1,192,29324,692$ 1,216,985$ 1,193,226 $ 23,759
2 39% 96with HARVEY MUNROE andALEXANDRA RUSSELLGED FacilitatorsThe General Educational Development(GED) is an internationally recognizedhigh school equivalency testing programfor those who have not attained theirhigh school diploma. The programconsists of a series of 5 tests in in theareas of Math, Science, Social Studies,Language Arts: Reading, and LanguageArts: Writing which must be passed inorder to attain a GED Certificate. Tests can be written in Nova Scotia ifone: is 18 yrs old or older, a Canadiancitizen, permanent resident orrefugee/protected person, lives in NovaScotia, is not currently in school, anddoes not have a high school diplomarecognized by the NS Dept of Educationand Early Childhood Development.We're proud to say that since ourinception in March 2013, more than 100learners have written and successfullycompleted their GED. We work hard toprovide the necessary supports toensure our learners are prepared towrite their tests. While most learnerspass their GED tests on their firstattempt, they are permitted threeopportunities to write each of thesubject tests over the course of the year if their initial attempts are notsuccessful.Overall, we celebrate our GED programwith this year's pass rate of 96%. Thusfar in the 2021-22 school year, only twolearners failed tests on their firstattempt and are working towardswriting a second time. As well we areseeing more learners register for theGED Prep program who are currentlyparticipating in the SLC employmentprograms. While Covid is still impactingour overall numbers, our total hours thisyear increased by almost 20%.8GED ProgramOU R G ED PA SS R ATE96%75%NATIONAL GED PASS RATESO L U T IO NS L E A R N IN G CE N T R E A NNU A L RE PO RT 2 0 2 1- 2 02 2 1476Total GED Hoursup 20% this year
9 Harvey Munroe (Top) and Alexandra Russell (Bottom) are our GED Facilitators.They facilitate at the GED Centre on Portland Street, and play a major role inensuring a near perfect GED pass rate every year. First and foremost we want toacknowledge the hard work our participants put in to prepare for their tests.SO L U T I ONS L E A RNI N G C EN TRE A N N UAL R E P ORT 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2GED Program
10 Our Participantsearned 99certificates !!! WHMIS 2015Food SafetyEmergency First AidNova Scotia's BEST Fire & Life SafetyOccupational Health &SafetyRespectful WorkplaceSO L U T I ONS L E A RNI N G C EN TRE A N N UAL R E P ORT 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2Despite Covid-19...Placements & EmploymentThanks to our Workplace Coordinator for supporting our folks before,during and after their placements. To find work placements during apandemic is quite a challenge, so a big thank you to those employers whohosted work placements in the past year. 69% of participants whocompleted our programfound employment and arecurrently employed and 2 participants went on tofurther education.78% of participants onplacement completedtheir work term and 67% of those foundemployment with theirhost employer.81% of participants whocompleted the programare employed
11 with ALI FARR, Manager, and EMMA KEHOE,Personal Development FacilitatorFrom research, we know what employers arelooking for when hiring potential employees.Through our Personal Development program,the PD Team of Ali & Emma provide meaningfulopportunities for participants to engage ininteractive and stimulating skill developmentworkshops to give them the leg-up to viecompetitively in the labour market. Criticalemployability skills such as teamwork,accountability, adaptability and motivation areoffered to foster transformational learningthrough individual reflection, critical thinkingand group work, using a face to face andvirtual blended learning approach. Participantsare empowered to share and grow inworkshops built on the foundation of respect,diversity and inclusiveness. In conjunction with facilitated sessions, Emmaoffers on-going, one-on-one support to helpparticipants reach their employment goals.Through the use of the Employment SkillsAssessment Tool (ESAT), participants receivevalued and timely feedback to help bridgeidentified skill gaps. The PD team is committedto offering memorable and enjoyable learningopportunities while supporting each participantas they navigate through their chosenprograms.Personal DevelopmentAli Farr (top) andEmma Kehoe(bottom) S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
12Our Essential Skills (ES) Program hasundergone a considerable shift over thispast year from a change in staff andtraining of new CAMERA Assessors. The ES curriculum will continue its focuson the 9 essential skills as identified bythe GOC however, ES Facilitator, Taylor offers even more detailed elaborationon the skills, knowledge and abilities thatadults need to fully participate at work,school and in the community. Taylor also facilitates EmploymentWorkshops which include careerdevelopment, resumes, interviews, coverletters, networking, job search, etc. Thegoal is that everyone will have a strongresume, know how to adapt resumes andcover letters to jobs and be comfortablewith interviews and completing jobsearches in the end to secure potentialwork placements.Through learning these enhanced ESskills, participants will be in a betterposition to meet the shift in skills neededin our evolving Canadian labour marketand workplaces. This new curriculumtracks competencies and performance.Employment& Essential Skills1S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2with Taylor WhaleyEmployment & Essential SkillsFacilitator
Kaitlyn follows up references and hasconversations with workers to determinehow an applicant might do at Solutions.She also arranges CAMERA testing forthe applicant and based on those resultsplus the background checks, aprospective participant may be acceptedfor the program, deferred or declined.This decision is made in consultation withmanagement. Alternatives for otherprograms are always given for anyonethat does not make it into the program.with Kaitlyn Patterson, IntakeCoordinatorIntake S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2Kaitlyn has been very successful recruitingnew participants to the program throughsocial media platforms. She contactseither the referral source, or the applicantand arranges for a tour (in non-Covidtimes) and if interested, conducts aninterview. During this Covid period Kaitlyn has beenconducting interviews via Zoom. 13WorkPlacement Sharon is responsible for networking withlocal employers and building relationshipsthat result in work placements and ideally,employment opportunities for ourparticipants. She works closely with allstaff to ensure the best outcome for workplacements. Whether a participant coulduse more work on assertiveness orconfidence, a hair cut or interviewclothing, Sharon makes it happen. Sheworks 1:1 to prepare participants forplacement, provides support during theplacement and conducts a thoroughevaluation to capture relevant information.Sharon ensures our programs are fulfillingemployers’ needs. She also supportsparticipants following work placement,whether it be an employment offer or jobsearch.with Sharon Stacey, WorkPlacement Facilitator
14 Keeping Up toDate! Virtual Facilitation Skills - GerardMurphy, Barefoot FacilitationCAMERA Assessment Training - NSGovernmentE-3 "Skills For Success" ESAT - Online LMS Training -FutureworxWHMIS; OH & SFood Safety - Safety FirstRespectful WorkplaceNova Scotia BESTInstructional Design Strategies -NSSALTeaching & Learning Online - NSSALNorth Star Digital AssessmentTraining - NS GovernmentMental Health Awareness -Dartmouth Community Health TeamVarious staff members haveaccessed training in the past year.These include: S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
COMMERCIALCLEANING Kevin gives his participants thechance to learn and practice industrystandard cleaning techniques thatprepare them for entry level cleaningpositions. From mixing chemicals,making cleaning plans, to learninghow to safely use floor cleaningequipment, they learn a wide rangeof employment skills. Participants also work withcustodian, Debbie Rigby and gain in-house cleaning experience.Commercial Cleaning is verysuccessful at securing employmentfor participants. KEVIN ANDREACOMMERCIAL CLEANING FACILITATOR Kevin Andrea(CommercialCleaningFacilitator(right), andDebbie Rigby,Custodian (left).15S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
Sharon concentrates on teachingbasic computer skills: Microsoft Word,Excel and Outlook. These skills arevaluable in a number of jobs beingthat we live & work in a digital age.From creating and editing documents,to using spreadsheets or managingOutlook emails and calendar,participants quickly gain confidence intheir abilities. Participants also work with our OfficeAdministrator, Marina Perrault,assisting with reception duties. Withupdated computer and customerservice skills, participants are betterprepared for employment in 2022.16SHARON STACEYCOMPUTER SKILLS FACILITATOR COMPUTER SKILLSS O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
The Food Service Facilitator provides participantswith practical hands-on experience in ourcommercial kitchen. It is a fun, fast paced,supportive environment. From dishwashing to usingthe grill, prepping food to baking, the kitchen crewlearn skills for entry level food service positions.Cooking meals and snacks and serving customers inthe SLC cafeteria using our new POS systemencourages growth in many areas includingconfidence, team work and time management. Plus- they make some great food! FO OD SERV IC E FACILIT AT ORF OO DSERVIC E 17 S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
WE LOVE TO CELEBRATE !!23 S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 218
BookkeeperIslam ElbatieCustodianDeborah RigbyWorkPlacement /ComputerSkillsFacilitatorSharonStaceyAndrew Jones, FoodServices FacilitatorNahil Sadaqa, Financial OfficerSheila Watt andDorna Downey retired in December 2021 after working more than 20 years at SLC!Rose Downey and Michael Peck retired in 2021 after working at SLC for years.In 2021 we bade farewell to...Theresa Kennedy, Essential Skills FacilitatorBrian MacDonald,Employment Support FacilitatorWelcomeour new staff!IN THE LOOPVOL. 8 | JUNE 202219Congratulations are in order!With SolutionsLearning Centre
Affirmative VenturesAPTEC/Native Council NovaScotiaBarefoot FacilitationBlue FrogBoston PizzaCMHA At Work ProgramCredit Counselling Services ofAtlantic CanadaCommunity Job Developers GroupConnections DartmouthConstruction Safety NSDartmouth Community HealthTeam (NSHA)Dartmouth Learning CentreDress for SuccessFreshmart, Eastern PassageFutureworx (ESAT Training)GDI Integrated Facility ServicesGovernment of Nova Scotia(CAMERA training)Halifax Public Libraries(Woodlawn and Alderneybranches)Halifax Regional Fire &Emergency ServicesHealthy Minds CooperativeIWKLakeCity WorksMetroworks (Stone Hearth Bakeryand Options)Merry MaidMolly MaidNova Scotia WorksNPOWER CanadaNS Department of CommunityServicesNSCC Achieve ProgramNSHANSSAL (Nova Scotia School forAdult Learning) ES InstructorTrainingnsthrs (Nova Scotia TourismHuman Resource Council)Oceanview ManorreachAbilitySafeCheckSafety First - SFCSalvation Army - DartmouthShannexSteak and SteinSteele Auto - Portland StreetSuperstore, Cole Harbour andPortland St.Youth the FutureSPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MANYVALUED EMPLOYMENT AND COMMUNITY PARTNERS20 S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 2 1- 2 0 2 2
CONTACTUSCall Us:Phone:902-468-1320Fax:902-468-7633 Visit us:Solutions Learning Centre15 Poseidon CourtDartmouth, NS B2Y 4T9Hours of Operation:8am–4pm Find out about us: Email:info@sollc.caWebsite: Interact with us online: Instagram: Solutions LearningFacebook: Solutions Learning Centre23 S O L U T I ON S L E A RN I N G C EN TR E A N N UA L R E P OR T 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0