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SiriusXM Zovy Archive Annual Report

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ZNZ Resources [formerly Zovy] I OverviewZNZ Resources is the leading provider of accessible data governance solutions. ZNZ Resources offersindustry-leading data archiving, email archiving, backup, and eDiscovery solutions that allow companiesto simplify IT strategies, lower overall costs, and free up resources without having to make sacrifices interms of functionality, security, or control. ZNZ Resources is the best solution for any organizationseeking a partner to help them develop, implement, and execute a customized data governance strategyfor their organization.ZNZ Resources and SiriusXM’s PartnershipSiriusXM was one of ZNZ’s first hosted clients, and ZNZ Resources is proud to have partnered withSiriusXM for over 13 years. During this time, SiriusXM has utilized the ZNZ Resources Archive for bothend-user mail access and compliance and legal purposes, performing critical discovery searchesthroughout your organization and maintaining a compliant/immutable copy of all email communications.ZNZ Resources Archive stores the data in an efficient and secure private cloud. The data issingle-instanced and compressed, as well as fully indexed and searchable for eDiscovery andcompliance retrieval. The actual data stored in your archive represents over 600 terabytes of data ifrestored to its original format.ZNZ Resources has created a resilient and highly available system that complements Exchange/Office365 and will continue to reduce the overall cost of any Microsoft deployment. The archive provides amore flexible and targeted Discovery system and low-cost access to historical data. The SiriusXMarchive has captured new data for more than 21,000 unique custodians in the past 12 months.Direct Cost Benefits[1] Reduced Office 365 licensing costs[2] No Hardware Upgrades Required for Local Data Storage[3] Allowed capture and integration of Pandora data[4] Access to Legal Search and Production on a Flat Fee Basis[5] No direct administrative overhead for ZNZ Resources (hosted and managed model).______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1

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Key Statistics I 2023-2024 Contract YearData Footprint Summary● Total number of distinct messages archived: 1.43 B● Total discoverable documents in the archive: 2.68 B● Last 12 months' daily distinct average archived message count: 545,000● Last 12 months' daily distinct average archived volume in GB: 84 GB● The estimated size in Exchange if restored is between 600 and 650 TB● Number of AD users (custodians) with archived content: 29,500● Total data center footprint size 650 TBSearches / Legal● 589 unique searches performed in the last 12 months● 19 legal searches for matters conducted in the last 12 months● 74 exports performed in the last 12 monthsPerformance● 2 build code upgrades were conducted with no outages● 9.1.3 user interface rolled out with no outages and no training required● Zero cases of unauthorized access /data breaches● Zero cases of data loss● Zero cases of incorrect search export on legal reviewActivity Logs● Zero interruption to mail capture.● ZNZ assisted with eDiscovery processes and methods.● Sirius inquired about Single Sign-On capabilities. ZNZ Resources will implement the integrationwith SiriusXM’s new Okta Single Sign-On System at no additional charge.● Upgrade to the latest version of Zovy Archive with more efficient eDiscovery and export.● 15 reported Support cases – average response time 40 minutes.Root Cause Analyses on Support Cases● 5 instances of assistance with Discovery searches or exports. Included assistance withtime-sensitive legal requests involving complex search requirements, as well as the methodologyto target data for eDiscovery cost reduction.● 1 request for information about Single Sign On. ZNZ offered to implement Okta integration.● 3 instances of service restart/status update for searches.2

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● 1 request related to archiving of Outlook contacts. SiriusXM originally elected to archive contactdata. ZNZ offered to capture this data if desired.● 1 issue with sFTP access. Resolved when SiriusXM updated the sFTP client on their end.● 1 instance of a slow Discovery user interface was reported. ZNZ optimized the UI for SiriusXM.● 2 instances where users and automated systems reported that the Archive interface was notaccessible. This was due to delayed payment by SiriusXM.● 1 instance where search results were not displayed. Issue traced to search indexer and resolvedby ZNZ.● 1 instance where Discovery cases were not deleted. Settings were updated by ZNZ and theissue was resolved.ZNZ Resources I Aligning Your Strategic Initiatives[1] Data Drop: File Collaboration for the Legal TeamSiriusXM’s legal team frequently transfers data for legal processes, both within the organization as wellas to external parties such as outside legal counsel. Data transfer through complex tools like sFTP isalso a challenge. ZNZ Data Drop simplifies the data transfer process, eliminating the need for convolutedsteps like searching, exporting, and relying on dedicated file transfer software. Streamlining theworkflow reduces delays, potential data corruption, and documentation complexities, saving valuabletime & effort for legal teams.ZNZ Data Drop is directly integrated with Zovy Archive for efficient and secure data sharing of thearchived data.[2] Data Retention: Organize and ConsolidateSiriusXM is in the process of reviewing data repositories and eliminating and consolidating data toreduce risk and cost. We can support SiriusXM in effectively implementing retention policies on not onlyyour data in the archive but on multiple information sources within your organization. Implementation ofretention policies using the retention management tools in the archive is included in the subscription.The data in Zovy Archive is structured, so age, ownership, and other key factors in determining retentionmake it easy to apply. For more difficult-to-address unstructured data in other repositories, our strategicpartnership with SiriusXM will include our newest tool, Ai Data Detect.[3] Ai Data Detect: Eliminate ROT, Save Money, and Identify Data RiskThis proposal includes up to 20 TB of Ai Data Detect to perform metadata analysis for the elimination ofROT (Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data) and retention implementation (a $40,000 value) at noadditional cost.3

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Ai Data Detect is designed to provide rapid visibility and deep insights into the intricate landscape ofdata stores. By unlocking the untapped potential of data assets, this powerful solution empowersenterprises to gain unparalleled visibility, make informed decisions, and maximize the value of their data.Ai Data Detect is a cutting-edge tool that offers you a robust solution for optimizing your data storage,bolstering efficiency, achieving regulatory compliance, substantially decreasing data storage expenses,and unlocking the inherent value of your data assets. The solution's machine learning algorithms allowyour organization to intelligently decide what data to retain and what to discard, making datamanagement more effective. These algorithms comb through vast volumes of data, accuratelydistinguishing between valuable data and ROT (Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data), as well asidentifying data with risk elements, such as PII and PCI.Through Ai-augmented analysis and defensible deletion, you can remove unnecessary data thatexceeds defined retention schedules, achieving immediate cost savings and a more streamlineddata environment.The Full Ai Data Detect Presentation can be found here.● Standard pricing is included on page 13 for reference.● Key information related to ROT elimination and storage cost savings is on pages 29-31.● Learn details about the savings that GE achieved on page 52.● Learn about reducing risk and identifying sensitive information on page 25.See It In Action: General ElectricAi Data Detect is a proven tool, in use at one of the largest power, energy, and aerospace companies inthe world.Cost Table: Estimated Before and After Reduction per Tiered and Overall Storage Cost Savings.4

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Proposed Contract Terms I 2024-2027ZNZ Resources is pleased to offer SiriusXM a 3-year contract term which offers significantsavings and predictable costs. The 2024-2025 renewal, the first year of the three-year term, includesup to 14,500 active users and 81 TBs of data archived in our hosted environment. Unlimited access toinactive mailboxes is included in SiriusXM’s subscription. The SiriusXM annual renewal is due on March31, 2024.Renewal Economics2024-20252025-20262026-2027Data Volume Archived81 TBs95 TBs110 TBsMSRP$688,500$807,500$935,000Discounted Rate$648,000$712,500$770,000Cost Savings$40,500$95,000$165,000Total Cost Savings Over 3 Years: $300,500SiriusXM will benefit from a discounted rate for the next three years, while growing year over year at anexpected rate of 15% per year, given past statistics and growth. SiriusXM may further reduce the costby implementing retention policies with the assistance of ZNZ Resources.5

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Proposed Contract Terms I 1-Year Option6

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Proposed Contract Terms I 3-Year Option (Paid Annually)7