SimPulse™ is a virtual patient simulator with real-time physiologic and pharmacologic responses. SimPulse™ utilizes Kitware’s Pulse Physiology Platform (Pulse) and integrates with SimEMR®, KbPort’s simulated electronic medical record platform to provide an accurate context of patient care for clinical decision-making and documentation.SimPulse™Virtual Patient Simulator&1712 Route 9, Suite 300, Clifton Park, NY 12065(518) 371-3971simpulse@kbport.comkitware.comScan to learn more
Convenient Remove the requirement of physical access to lab spacesRealistic Improve the quality of patient contexts with real patient responsesValuable Support high-volume repetition without increasing operational costsSimPulse™ combines the well-established training modules in SimEMR® and the accurate physiological patient feedback produced by the Pulse engine in a simple, intuitive user-interface, providing an accurate context of patient care.Well-suited for use in lab, classroom, and remote settings, SimPulse™ supports critical learning elements such as patient safety, medication administration, patient interactions, and patient vitals.“Cloud-based (accessible & secure)User-friendly, intuitive designWorks with Windows device or through Parallels for MacSimulatesApplying PPE Accurate vital signs Administering medicationSimEMR® integrationCustomizable users User permissions Patient & formulary contextWe want to do everything we can to enable educators and learners to have access to the most realistic training environments possible to affect positive educational outcomes and reduce medical errors when learners transition from training to clinical practice.– Chuck Miller KbPort™ President & CEOSimPulse™ simulates vital sensors and so much more!APPLY BLOOD PRESSURE CUFFAPPLY ECG LEADSAPPLY PULSE OXIMETERTAKE TEMPERA-TURETAKE BLOOD PRESSUREFeatures”Benets