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Shoreline Brochure - Summer 2024

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ShorelineShorelineShorelineShorelineClasses and Activities Summer 2024Classes and Activities Summer 2024

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 (562) 431-2527  |  Shoreline Summer 20242Table of ContentsCommunity Directory  3City News  4 – 7Community Events  8Registration Information 9Summer Camps  10 – 17Junior Programs   18Youth Programs   19 – 20Adult Programs  20 – 23Surf   23Older Adults  24 – 25Tennis and Pickleball  26 – 27Aquatics   28 – 30Map and Facilities  31MUNICIPAL MEETINGSCouncil Meeting2nd & 4th Monday of every month at 7:00pmPlanning Commission1st & 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00pmEnvironmental Quality Control Board4th Wednesday of the month at 6:00pmRecreation Commission4th Wednesday of the month at 6:00pmCity Hall is located at211 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740(562) 431-2527CITY COUNCILCity Council meetings are open to the public and are held on the   second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00pmMayor  Schelly Sustarsic, District 4Mayor Pro Tem  Lisa Landau, District 3Council Member  Joe Kalmick, District 1Council Member  Thomas Moore, District 2Council Member  Nathan Steele, District 5CITY STAFFCity Manager  Jill IngramAssistant City Manager  Patrick GallegosCity Clerk  Gloria HarperChief of Police  Michael HendersonDirector of Finance/City Treasurer  Barbara ArenadoDirector of Community Development  Alexa SmittleDirector of Public Works  Iris LeeMarine Safety Chief  Joe BaileyCOMMUNITY SERVICES STAFFRecreation Manager  Tim Kelsey, Ext. 1341Community Services Coordinator  Anthony Nguyen, Ext. 1344Recreation Specialist  Saul Martinez, Ext. 1701Recreation Specialist  Nathan Caukin Ext. 1307RECREATION COMMISSIONERSBrooke Mabe  District 1James Dunphy  District 2Larry Krueger  District 3Bill De Witt  District 4Ivan Painschab  District 5

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov3Community DirectoryClean Street (Street Sweeping) .........................(800) 225-7316Fire Department Main Line..............................(714) 573-6000Los Alamitos Unified School District ...................(562) 799-4700Republic Services (Waste Services).....................(800) 299-4989Seal Beach City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (562) 431-2527Seal Beach Community Pool at McGaugh Elementary School ...........................(562) 430-9612Seal Beach Lifeguard Headquarters....................(562) 430-2613Seal Beach Non-Emergency Police Department ......(562) 799-4100Seal Beach Police Substation ...........................(562) 431-1518Seal Beach Recreation and Community Services .....(562) 431-2527 X1307Seal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (562) 598-8624Seal Beach Recreation and Community Services Department InformationHours of Operation – Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm. Closed daily from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch.Address – 211 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740Phone – (562) 431-2527Extension 1307 – General information, park rentals, eld reservations, adult sports, senior services, and community gardens Extension 1344 – Special event permits, Recreation Brochure and classes, contract class instructors, facility rentals, senior transportation, and aquaticsExtension 1701 – Seal Beach Tennis and Pickleball CenterCity Hall Holiday Closures• Monday, May 27th – Memorial Day• Thursday, July 4th – Independence Day• September 2nd – Labor DayStay Connected in 2024 City Hall – (562) 431-2527 Seal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center – (562) 598-8624 @sealbeachrecreationOn the front cover featureThe City of Seal Beach is introducing a new app! Seal Beach Rec is the newest app that will enhance the user experience for those looking to register for classes, reserve courts, scan member passes, and stay connected to the City of Seal Beach Recreation and Community Services Division!Registration opens Monday, May 6th at 8:00am.We welcome both residents and non-residents to participate in our programs. Register early to avoid class cancellations. Pre-registration is required through the Recreation and Community Services Department for all classes. Individuals cannot participate in a class unless they are registered and appear on the class roster..SealBeachCa.Govnline

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Summer 20244City NewsCity NewsR.A.C.E.S.R.A.C.E.S. is a public service comprised of dedicated amateur radio operators, also known as HAMS. This group of volunteers provides communication personnel to the City of Seal Beach in times of extraordinary need. R.A.C.E.S. operations have two basic functions. First, they observe and report on local conditions in their neighborhood during an emergency or disaster. Second, R.A.C.E.S. members are an important member of the Emergency Operations Center; they handle incoming emergency messaging trac, operate the Amateur Television, assist with communica-tions at the Incident Command Post, and more.Volunteers in Policing (VIP’s)The Seal Beach Volunteers in Policing (VIP's) program utilizes the talents of citizens that are looking for a great place to volunteer. Some of the jobs that VIP's perform include eet management, Volunteers on Patrol, vacation patrols, administrative duties, and more. Members of the VIP’s are expected to volunteer 20 hours per month, attend a monthly volunteer meeting, and sta two special assignments a year. VIP’s team members must submit to a complete background check, attend the VIP's academy, and complete eld training within six months of becoming a mem-ber of the VIP's program.Many of our volunteers have dedicated over 7,000 hours to the community.In fact, VIP Sukie Sayala was awarded for performing more than 13,000 hours since she start-ed with the VIP’s program! For reference, one year of full-time (40 hours per week) of work equates to 2,080 hours.All these volunteers do so much to help our community.Without their assistance, we in the Seal Beach Police Department would be much less eective and ecient at providing services to the community. We could not be prouder of these men and women. There is truly no way we can thank them enough for their generosity and service to Seal Beach. If you are interested in this program or any of the volunteer programs, please visit Departments/Police/Volunteer-Programs. You can also con-tact Emergency Services Coordinator, Sergeant Brian Gray, at (562) 799-4100 ext. 1145or Seal Beach! We are excited to share with you some infor-mation about the Seal Beach Police Department! Although there have been some changes made to ensure the health and safety of the community, these programs are still mostly active and are always looking for volunteers.Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program was developed to provide basic disaster response training to individuals for their own neighborhood. The program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as re safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT oers a consistent, nation- wide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks.Seal Beach, in partnership with the cities of Cypress, Los Alamitos, La Palma, Buena Park, and Westminster, are members of the West Orange County Regional Community Emergency Response Team known as West County CERT. Chaplain ProgramThe Seal Beach Police Department enlists the ministerial services of those who would make counselling and pastoral services available to ocers, their families, other Department members, and citizens of this community through the Chaplain Corps, whenever such services are requested.A law enforcement chaplain is a clergy person with a passionate interest in, and the specialized training for, pastoral care in the dangerous world of law enforcement. This pastoral care is of-fered to all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, creed, or religion. It is oered without cost or proselytizing.The law enforcement chaplain is led in his or her own faith to be available and ready to serve those in need. Pastoral ministry provides a source of strength to the law enforcement ocers and their families, other department members, the community, and the incarcerated.Chaplains listen and participate in the workplace of law enforce-ment ocers with empathy and experience, advising calmly in the midst of turmoil and danger, and oering assistance when appropriate or requested.Seal Beach Police Department

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov5City NewsCity NewsCity NewsCity NewsPolice Facility Dog, Yosa. Certied @canineorg Facility Dog for the @sealbeachpolice helping victims, witnesses, and community members exposed to trauma. Follow her on Instagram @k9yosa.Police Explorer PostThe Seal Beach Police Department Explorer Post 1041 is for ages 14 to 18 who would like to learn about law enforcement procedures, attend community events, go on a ride-along, participate in regional competitions, and assist in volunteer activities throughout the county. The purpose of the program is to provide experiences that help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible, caring adults. Explorers are ready to investigate the meaning of interdependence in their per-sonal relationships and communities.Exploring is based on a unique, dynamic relationship between youth and the organizations in their communities. Local community organizations such as the Seal Beach Police Depart-ment initiate a specic Explorer Post by matching their people and program resources to the interests of young people in the community. The result is a program of activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.Explorers are expected to attend bimonthly meetings. During the rst year of participation in the Post, each explorer must also attend and graduate from the ve-day Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisor’s Association (OCLEEAA) Explorer Academy. Applicants must be between the ages of 14 (completion of 8th grade) and 18 years old and have a 2.0 or higher Grade Point Average. Participation is not limited to Seal Beach residents. For more information, email Lead Explorer Advisor, Corporal Mathias, at Applications are available at the Seal Beach Police Department - 911 Seal Beach Boulevard, Seal Beach, CA 90740.Social MediaThe Seal Beach Police Department is very active on social media.Have you ever wanted to go on a virtual ride-along with a Seal Beach police ocer?Are you curious about some of the calls we handle each day? Do youwant to be the rst to know about things happening in Seal Beach? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @sealbeachpolice. We know you will get a kick out of some of the stories we share.The Brieng RoomDid you know the Seal Beach Police Department is featured in a weekly column in The Sun News?At the beginning of every shift, every police ocer in every police agency across the country participates in a “brieng.” It is our time to go over the incidents of the day, talk about crime trends, share a few laughs, and catch up with each other.The Brieng Room is your opportunity to ask us (almost) anything.We will take your questions, go over them in brieng, and publish our answers in The Sun. We may even share a funny story from time to time.Do you have a question about parking? Ask us. Do you want to know what we think of the show Live PD? Ask us. Are you curious to know if police ocers prefer In-N-Out over Five Guys?Ask us!This is your opportunity to get a cop’s perspective on things directly from a cop.While we cannot answer questions about tactics, certain procedures, or active investigations, we will try to answer any other burning questions you may have. Email your questions to today and see if your question gets answered in our weekly Q & A.

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 (562) 431-2527  |  Shoreline Summer 20246Recreation and Community Services DepartmentCity NewsCity NewsSummer kick-Off: Picnic in the Parkvisitors to engage with and participate in local programs, the appsupports a vibrant community lifestyle.Download and DiscoverAvailable on both iOS and Android platforms, Seal Beach Recis your gateway to a more active and informed community life.Download it today to start exploring activities, services, and  community events in Seal Beach. For more information, visit theCity of Seal Beach’s website or reach out to the Recreation andCommunity Services Division.

The annual Summer Kicko is back and getting a fresh twist! This year, weinvite you to join us for a delightfulSummer Picnic in the Park. This event will be heldat Edison Park onJune 15th, with the picnic starting at 11:00 AM. Edison Park is located in College Park West, on 99 College Park Dr.What to Expect:• BBQ: Savory barbecue hosted by the Seal Beach Lions Club.• Games and Relay Races: Compete with your friends and neighbors!• Activities and Crafts: Get creative with our craft stations.• Face Painting and Balloon Animals: Let your imagination run wild.Bring your picnic blankets, sunscreen, and dancing shoes! It’s going to be  a day of community, laughter, and celebration.Seal Beach Rec, the Newest Mobile AppThe City of Seal Beach proudly introduces a game-changing  mobile app to improve community engagement: Seal Beach Rec.This app is designed to enhance the customer experience forboth residents and visitors, oering a suite of intuitive featuresthat bring the city’s many services to your ngertips.What the App Oers:• Ease of Access: Stay logged in to the app, so you can register without having to open a web browser to log in.• Instant Class Registrations: Easily sign up for a variety of classes, from tness to creative arts, for every age group.• Tennis & Pickleball Court Reservations: Book your next court at the Seal Beach Tennis & Pickleball Center with real-time  availability and reservation capabilities.• Digital Pool Pass: Gain pool access with a digital pass directly  from your phone, simplifying the swimmer’s entry to the  McGaugh Community Pool.• Up-to-Date Notications: Receive push notications for the latest on events, programs, and any schedule or venue chang-es, ensuring you’re always in the know.Empowering a Connected CommunityThis app is not just about simplifying access to recreational  and community services; it’s about fostering a stronger, more  connected Seal Beach. By making it easier for residents and  For more information and updates,  call Recreation and Community  Services at (562) 431-2527 ext 1307,email, or visit our website at look forward to celebrating  with you at Edison Park  on June 15th!

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov7City NewsCity NewsHTTPS://TWITTER.COM/SEALBEACHCITYCAFOLLOW THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ONSOCIAL MEDIA TO STAY IN THE KNOWHTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CITYOFSEALBEACH/HTTPS://WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/CITYOFSEALBEACHCA/Friday Nights $425 each teamINTRODUCING16" BIG BALL LEAGUEPlease Contact: Nathan Caukin (562) 431-2527 X 1307ncaukin@sealbeachca.govSUMMER 2024$20 Umpire Fee per gameLeague Start Date: June 21st*Dates subject to change*$2 Fare per RiderHours of operationThursday - Friday, 4PM - 10PMSaturday, 12PM - 10PMSunday, 12PM -6PMHow it Works123Download the Ride Circuit Appor Wave a car downDriver confirms they are on the wayEnjoy your ride!With Circuit, you can enjoy eco-friendly and stylish rides in fully-wrapped electric cars. Our service runs 4 days per week and we go to all of your favorite spots including Main St. and the Seal Beach Pier.DOWNLOAD IT NOW!Eco-friendly ridesare now available!ridecircuit.comAll inquires, please contact Jessica Salvador at JSalvador@SealBeachCA.Gov

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Community EventsCommunity EventsWednesday, July 3, 20244:00 p.m. Gates Open8:45 p.m. Gates CloseLos Alamitos Joint Forces Training BaseEnter through Lexington or Orangewood GatesFireworks Show begins approximately 9:00 p.m.Bring lawn chairs & blankets (no bleachers and no drive-up seating)No reservations requiredNo pedestrians, walk-ins, or bicycles at the gateMinors without an I.D. must be accompanied by a parent/guardianNo outside alcohol, fireworks, BBQ’s & motor homes No pets (service dogs are allowed on post)Title SponsorFree to attend Adults must have photo ID to enterFood Court Vendor Booths Musical Entertainment Beer GardenRising Star SponsorsPremier SponsorsIn order to ensure there is enough space for all residents to enjoy the concerts, please do not set unattended chairs or any other items to reserve spots until after 4 p.m. All chairs and items that are in the park before 4 p.m. must be accompanied at all times, and limited to space accommodating up to four people. If left unattended, your belongings will be picked up and held at the chamber booth for pickup and your space will be forfeited. H Umbrellas must come down 15 minutes prior to the start of the concerts. H No EZ Ups are permitted except for Sponsor Booths. Please contact the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce at (562) 799-0179 for additional information. H If there is an emergency, please call 911 or SBPD non emergency line at (562) 594-7232. H All lost and found items will be turned in to the Police Substation at the end of the concert.

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov9 Registration for classes beginson Monday, May 6that 8:00am Please register early to avoid class cancellations.Mail-In RegistrationMail-in registration begins on Monday, May 6th. Mail reg-istration form and check to the Seal Beach Recreation and Community Services Department located at 211 8th Street, Seal Beach CA 90740. Please make checks payable to the City of Seal Beach. Credit card information is not accepted via mail-in registration. Online RegistrationOnline registration begins on Monday, May 6th at 8:00am via A credit card pay-ment is required, and the City of Seal Beach accepts the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Refund PolicyIf minimum enrollment is not met 72 hours prior to the class start date, the class may be subject to cancellation at the discretion of the instructor. If the class is cancelled due to low enrollment, a full refund will be issued. Refunds for one-day classes or workshops must be requested no less than three (3) days prior to the class start date. Refunds for all other classes will only be granted if requested prior to the second regularly scheduled class or specialty camp meeting. After the second regularly scheduled class or specialty camp meeting, approval is required in order to issue a refund and the refund may be subject to proration. The $10 administrative fee applied during registration is non-refundable and is applied per person, per class. General InformationRegistration for classes and programs is open to both Seal Beach residents and non-residents. Participants may register online at, in person at the Recreation and Community Services De-partment at City Hall located at 211 8th Street, or by mail to the Recreation and Community Services Department. Early registration is encouraged so that class minimums can be reached in advance of the rst class. General PoliciesThe City of Seal Beach does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to, or treat-ment in its programs and activities. Alternative methods of communication will be made available, if requested, for those wishing to participate in City programs or activities. Information concerning the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act is available by calling City Hall at (562) 431-2527. Individuals registering for a class must meet the age requirement prior to the rst class meeting. Children may not remain in adult classes and adults may not remain in children’s classes during instruc-tion unless otherwise stated. In-Person RegistrationIn-person registration begins on Monday, May 6th. The City of Seal Beach City Hall is open Monday-Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm and is closed daily for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Registration takes place in the Recre-ation and Community Services Department on the sec-ond oor of City Hall. Late RegistrationRegistration will be accepted at the rst and second class if space is available. Prorated fees are at the discre-tion of the instructor. Call rst to verify an opening at (562) 431-2527 X 1307.REGISTRATION INFORMATION

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Spring 202410Art CampsAP Camps - Cute Baby Animals AP Camps - Cute Baby Animals Art CampArt CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachHave you ever seen how adorable Japanese squirrels are or how silly baby giraes look? This exciting camp will make learning about dierent animals and their environments tons of fun! We will play animal-inspired games, discuss cool animal facts and better yet, every day we will use several art mediums to create museum-worthy masterpieces for our exhibit at camp’s end!$35 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327040-01 1 week Mon - Thu 6/10 – 6/13 11:00a-12:30p 5 - 12 $168Special Interest CampsAP Camps – Addams Family AP Camps – Addams Family Theatre CampTheatre CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachJoin us in a creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky lled week of Ad-dams Family fun! Campers will play theatre games, dance, sing, and act, preparing for a Broadway styled performance at camp’s end.$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327055-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/29-8/1 11:00a-12:30p 6-13 $168AP Camps – Descendants AP Camps – Descendants Theatre CampTheatre CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachTravel to Auradon and the Isle of the Lost with all our favorite Descendants characters: Mal, Evie, Jay, Ben, and more! Exploring improv, acting, singing and dancing, campers will put on a powerful performance at camp’s end!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE326032-01 4 days Mon - Thu 6/24 – 6/27 9:30a-11:00a 6-12 $168AP Camps - AP Camps - Enchanted Princess CampEnchanted Princess CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCome dream of far-o lands and enchanted forests full of unicorns and fairies where fairytales do exist. Princesses will sing, dance, and create magical costumes to wear for the happy ending- the enchanting show at camp’s end!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327049-01 4 days Mon - Thu 6/17 – 6/20 9:30a-11:00a 4 - 7 $168AP Camps - Fabulous Fairy and AP Camps - Fabulous Fairy and Perfect Pixie CampPerfect Pixie CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachDo you believe? With a sprinkle of pixie dust, we will journey to a fanta-sy land where fairies dance the days away. From ower fairies to secret garden games, every day will be a magical, new adventure. We will cre-ate our own pixie dust and fairy wings to wear for our special show at camp’s end.$35 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327053-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/8 – 7/11 9:30a-11:00a 4 - 7 $168AP Camps - Harry Potter Acting CampAP Camps - Harry Potter Acting CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCalling all muggles and wizards - it is time to board the Hogwarts Express and head into Miss Anne’s Ministry of Magic Acting Camp! Students will memorize lines for a magical show at camp’s end featuring costumes we create!$35 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327059-01 4 days Mon - Thu 6/24-6/27 11:00a-12:30p 6 - 12 $168AP Camps - Hip Hop CampAP Camps - Hip Hop CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachHigh energy, pumping music, and tons of fun! This camp will not only get everyone dancing to appropriate, upbeat music, but we will throw down mats and do some tumbling too. We will make our own Breakin’ Funky T-shirts to perform in camp’s end! $30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327043-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/22 – 7/25 9:30a-11:00a 6 - 12 $168SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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Shoreline Spring 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov11AP Camps - Magical Mermaid CampAP Camps - Magical Mermaid CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachSplish splash princesses of the sea! Dive into summer and explore the marvelous world of mermaids. From seashells to the coral reefs, mermaid princesses will sing, dance, and create treasures of the deep for a magical show at camp’s end.$35 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327076-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/29-8/1 9:30a-11:00a 4 - 7 $168AP Camps - Musical MatildaAP Camps - Musical MatildaMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachThis summer break, head back into school with Matilda, Lavender, Bruce, and friends to face o Miss Trunchbull and save the day! This mu-sical theatre camp will have campers singing, acting, and dancing all the hits from Matilda the Musical to put on a smashing performance at camp’s end!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327031-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/22 - 7/25 11:00a-12:30p 6 - 13 $168AP Camps - Paw PatrolAP Camps - Paw PatrolMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachSave the day with our beloved pup patrol heroes! Using gymnastic skills we will run rescue missions, complete obstacles and dance away as we pretend to be Chase, Skye, Rubble and all our favorite characters in this action packed camp!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327078-01 4 days Mon - Thu 8/5-8/8 10:30a-11:30a 4 - 6 $138AP Camps – PopStar Camp!AP Camps – PopStar Camp!Marina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal Beach5678… calling all fans to the danceoor! Join in a rockstar popstar week of song and dance with a superstar performance at camp’s end.$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327046-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/8-7/11 12:30p-2:00p 6-12 $138AP Camps - Sonic! Dance and AP Camps - Sonic! Dance and Gymnastics CampGymnastics CampMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachSpeed on in and get moving as fast as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in this action lled camp. Using golden rings, we’ll create our own maps of safeworlds to explore as we search for the Master Emerald and banish Dr. Robotnik from Earth! We will tumble, roll and dance, creating a su-personic show at weeks end!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327046-01 4 days Mon - Thu 7/8-7/11 11:00a-12:30p 5 - 10 $168AP Camps - Superhero GymnasticsAP Camps - Superhero GymnasticsMarina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachRun fast! Jump high! Leap far! Join Miss Anne in an action-packed gymnastics camp. Superheroes will learn tumbling skills and create their own super-powered costumes.$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327048-01 1 week Mon - Thu 6/10-6/13 9:30a-11:00a 4 - 7 $168AP Camps – Trolls!AP Camps – Trolls!Marina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachLet your true colors shine! With Poppy, Branch, and all our favorite trolls, we’ll sing and dance our way through a fun-lled rock-n-roll camp! At camp’s end, we will put on a concert for all our biggest fans!$30 materials feeInstructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE326056-01 4 days Mon - Thu 6/17 – 6/20 11:00a-12:30p 5 - 12 $168Mad Science – Galaxy Defenders Mad Science – Galaxy Defenders Marina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachPrepare to defend the galaxy with Mad Science! As you become Astro-Scientist you will make and take home space copters and ying zzlers, learn about planets and create your own. Discover the fun involved in rockets and experience an awesome rocket launch. Join now and help our Mad Scientists protect the Earth from Alien Invaders!$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327021-01 1 week Mon - Fri 6/10-6/14 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 12 $194Register online at SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Spring 202412Mad Science – Secret Agent Lab Mad Science – Secret Agent Lab Marina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachLook out, 007! – Mad Science’s Secret Agent Lab will help you sharpen your secret spy skills as you learn about the science of sleuthing! Step into the shoes of a detective as they learn all about decoding messages, gathering evidence, checking out spy gear and cracking security systems. Secret sci-ence agents will make take-home projects each day for their spy kit.$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327229 -01 1 week Mon - Fri 6/24-6/28 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 12 $194Mad Science - Crazy Chemworks Mad Science - Crazy Chemworks Marina Community Center – Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCome and discover what it is like to be a real scientist and work in a Mad Science Lab. Each day we will experiment with dierent chemicals and tools to see what kind of interesting and crazy reactions we can create! Students will explore acids and bases, reveal the secret recipe of slime, and examine crystallization. By the end of the week, the Jr. Mad Scientists will have their very own chemistry set so they can perform their own experi-ments at home! The $30 materials fee is due the rst day of class.$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327203-01 1 week Mon - Fri 7/8-7/12 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 12 $194Mad Science - Little Scientist Lab Mad Science - Little Scientist Lab Marina Community Center 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachInvestigate the science of nature with this fun summer camp for the youngest of scientists. Cultivate your interest in life science as you learn about insects, weather, plants and soil. Experience fun hands-on experi-ments in this week-long lab. Parents requested not to stay during class. Must be potty trained.$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327202-01 1 week Mon – Fri 7/22-7/26 9:00a-12:00p 3.5 - 5 $209Mad Science – Rollercoaster Robotics Mad Science – Rollercoaster Robotics Marina Community Center – Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachInvestigate the eects of Newton’s Laws as you engineer games, explore gravitational energy, potential energy, & kinetic energy! Master the sci-ence behind the most thrilling rides on Earth. Discover the exciting side of physics and robotics while designing, experimenting, & building the Mad Science Odessey- your very own roller coaster robot to take home! The $30 materials fee is due the rst day of class.$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327234-01 1 week Mon - Fri 7/29-8/2 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 12 $209Mad Science - NASA Jr Astronauts Mad Science - NASA Jr Astronauts Marina Community Center – Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachJoin our Academy of Future Space Explorers. Use teamwork to complete an important space mission, race a balloon rocket, and then see the real thing - a model rocket launch up to 300 feet in the air! Make and take home your own comet, Space Copter, rocket & much more. This NASA camp is “Out of this World”! The $30 materials fee is due the rst day of class.$30 materials feeInstructor: Mad Science of West Orange CountyCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327200-01 1 week Mon - Fri 8/5-8/9 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 12 $194Movies by Kids – Movies by Kids – Hollywood Special EectsHollywood Special EectsOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachAre you a fan of Special Eects in movies? In this exciting class,how to create easy Hollywood special eects right in your HD Camera or Smart Device. Then you will collaborate with classmates to create a movie applying everything you have learned. Special eects used include: Forced Perspective, "Green Screen" technology, CGI, making charac-ters appear and disappear, etc.! All movies will be available to view and download! $30 materials feeInstructor: Movies by KidsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327330-01 1 week Mon - Fri 7/15-7/19 9:00a-12:00p 7 - 13 $199Movies by Kids – Avengers & Movies by Kids – Avengers & Justice League AnimationJustice League AnimationOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachDo you like Captain America, Black Widow, Spiderman, and Hulk? Or do you prefer Superman, Batman, Flash, or Wonder Woman? Well, we have all of those LEGO characters & more! Join Movies By Kids in this classic mash-up class where you will create and animate your own su-perhero movies using the art of stop-motion animation! The class starts with creating an idea involving Marvel or DC heroes or super villains. Then, you will create the stories, lm the movie, and become the voices for all of the characters! By the end of class, you will have created your own animated superhero movie! All movies will be available to view and download online! Instructor: Movies by KidsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327324-01 1 week Mon - Fri 7/15-7/19 1:00p-4:00p 7 - 13 $199Register online at SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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Shoreline Spring 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov13Movies by Kids – Movies by Kids – Zombie Movie WorkshopZombie Movie WorkshopOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal Beach More Campy & Funny for this thrilling and exciting, special eects based movie camp! Along with your classmates, create a story in the post-apocalyptic setting of your imagination, and decide which among you will be survivors, and which one of you will join the ranks of the undead masses!. Have fun with using Zombie makeup and creating realistic action sequences!! All student projects will be made available for down-loading online! Let your imagination run wild!$30 materials feeInstructor: Movies by KidsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327331-01 1 week Mon - Fri 8/5-8/9 9:00a-12:00p 9 - 15 $199Movies by Kids - Minecraft MoviesMovies by Kids - Minecraft MoviesOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal Beach Do you love Minecraft? Join Movies By Kids in this exciting camp where you will design a Minecraft world using Legos, and choose your own crazy Minecraft Lego characters. Work with your classmates to create your own Minecraft movie and become the voices for all the charac-ters, as well. Create monsters, creepers or your own personal hero to tackle the incredible environment that you create. All student lms will be made available for viewing & downloading! $30 materials feeInstructor: Movies by KidsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE327332 -01 1 week Mon - Fri 8/5-8/9 1:00p-4:00p 7 - 13 $199Play-Well TEK - Minecraft Play-Well TEK - Minecraft Engineering Using LEGOEngineering Using LEGOOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachVenture into the world of Minecraft in our unique LEGO® experience. Get ready to build your base, craft your tools, use your Minecart to har-vest raw resources, and battle to stop the Ender Dragon from ending the world. Come explore the endless possibilities of LEGO® with a trained Play-Well instructor.Instructor: Play-Well TeknologiesCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313058-01 1 week Mon – Fri 7/8-7/12 9:00a-12:00p 5 - 8 $215Play-Well TEK - LEGO Engineering Play-Well TEK - LEGO Engineering Design ChallengeDesign ChallengeOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachAre you ready to up your engineering game? Our instructors will intro-duce mechanisms to get your gears turning; then, it’s your job to take it to the next level! Go head-to-head or work towards a new personal best as we get ready to apply real-world concepts to LEGO® challenges!Instructor: Play-Well TeknologiesCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313059-01 1 week Mon – Fri 7/8-7/12 1:00p-4:00p 7 - 12 $215Play-Well TEK - Adventures in STEM Play-Well TEK - Adventures in STEM using LEGO Materialsusing LEGO MaterialsOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachLet your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer-designed projects and use special pieces to create your own unique designs! Projects are rotated seasonally to ensure that both new and returning students can explore the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO® building system.Instructor: Play-Well TeknologiesCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313062-01 1 week Mon – Fri 7/29-8/2 1:00p-4:00p 6 - 11 $215Play-Well TEK - Pokemon Play-Well TEK - Pokemon Engineering with LEGO MaterialsEngineering with LEGO MaterialsOrange County Fire Station 48 3131 N Gate Road, Seal BeachCalling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship ap-proaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well Instructors as we build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master. Come along on our journey to catch ‘em all!!Instructor: Play-Well TeknologiesCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313060-01 1 week Mon – Fri 7/29-8/2 9:00a-12p 6-11 $215Special Interest Camps My Robot CollectionsMy Robot CollectionsMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCampers will build one motorized robot per day and collect all in one week! They will learn about robot construction, mechanism, gears, mo-tors, circuits, sensors and concepts of automation. Campers must be able to read and write. Material Fees: $70 for 4-day camp. $90 for full week camp.No Class: 7/4Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313130-01 1 week Mon-Fri 6/17-6/21 9:00a-12:00p 6-9 yrs $385313130-02 4 Days Mon-Fri 7/1-7/5 9:00a-12:00p 6-9 yrs $329313130-03 1 week Mon-Fri 7/15-7/19 1:00p-4:00p 6-9 yrs $385SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Spring 202414Minecraft ModdingMinecraft ModdingMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachWant to make a cyber-chicken or robo-pig? Learn to create your own Minecraft block, item, food, tools, and even a new mob or biome - forge MOD for Minecraft without coding! Material Fees: $30Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313132-01 1 week Mon-Fri 6/17-6/21 9:00a-12:00p 8-12 yrs $359313132-02 1 week Mon-Fri 7/15-7/19 9:00a-12:00p 8-12 yrs $359C++ CodingC++ CodingMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCampers program in C++ for a competition robot. They learn texted based coding in C++ on a computer and test on a pre-build robot for a mini competition. Pre-requisite for all Rolling Robots VRC team members. Material Fees: $30Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313133-01 1 week Mon-Fri 6/17-6/21 1:00p-4:00p 8-12 yrs $359313133-02 1 week Mon-Fri 7/15-7/19 1:00p-4:00p 8-12 yrs $359Battle BotsBattle BotsMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachLearn how to build your own small battle robot and play the epic robot battle games! Kids will learn mechanical design, engineering process and competition strategies. Material Fees: $30Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313134-01 1 week Mon-Fri 6/17-6/21 1:00p-4:00p 9-12 yrs $369313134-02 1 week Mon-Fri 7/15-7/19 9:00a-12:00p 9-12 yrs $369VEX IQ Robot Build with VEX GOVEX IQ Robot Build with VEX GOMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCampers' favorite robotics camp - They will learn robotics in the way that kids like – design and build their own robots, code it and play games to learn about VEX IQ Challenge game. It prepares campers to join the VEX IQ robotics competition teams. Material Fees: $30No Class: 7/4Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313135-01 4 days Mon-Fri 7/1-7/5 9:00a-12:00p 8-12 yrs $309Super Car Build with VEX GOSuper Car Build with VEX GOMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCampers build the most amazing super car to learn energy storage & transfer! Create fascinating contraptions and mechanisms to ignite the love of engineering in youth. Material Fees: $30No Class: 7/4Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313136-01 4 days Mon-Fri 7/1-7/5 1:00p-4:00p 6-8 yrs $309Minecraft Build and DesignMinecraft Build and DesignMarina Community Center Small Room 151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCampers' favorite - Play Minecraft on computers. They will learn Mine-craft building techniques, using Red Stone, the details of command blocks, and change the look of the game using resource packs. Material Fees: $30No class: 7/4Instructor: Rolling RobotsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE313137-01 4 days Mon-Fri 7/1-7/5 1:00p-4:00p 7-12 yrs $309Sport CampsEpic Sports Week Summer CampEpic Sports Week Summer CampBluebell Park Almond Ave & Bluebell StSportballers will learn and play 8 dierent sports throughout the week with our fun skill based games, drills, and game play (soccer, volleyball, golf, hockey, tennis, ad baseball). Your sportballers will be talking about the Epic Time (hosted daily) they had for the rest of the summer, with a dierent activity daily from water games, dodgeball tournaments, Lego building, Nerf gun challenges, Battleship, kickball, and so much more! Please send a nut-free snack and lots of water with your child.Instructor: SportballCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE323200-01 1 week Mon - Fri 7/8 – 7/12 9:00a-12:00p 6-12 yrs $165323200-02 1 week Mon - Fri 7/22-7/26 9:00a-12:00p 3-5 yrs $165323200-03 1 week Mon - Fri 8/5-8/9 9:00a-12:00p 6-12 yrs $165Superhero Sports CampSuperhero Sports CampBluebell Park Almond Ave & Bluebell StWear capes, defeat villains and save the day. Learn to be a Superhero at our Sportball Summer Camp! Participate in superhero themed sports games, challenges and adventures as we discover our superpowers together! Please send a nut free snack and lots of water daily with your child. Children must be potty trained and able to use the restroom unassisted.Instructor: SportballCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE323201-01 1 week Mon - Fri 6/24-6/28 9:00a-12:00p 3-5 yrs $165Challenger TinyTykes CampChallenger TinyTykes CampEdison Park 99 College ParkChallenger International Soccer Camp will reect the truly global nature of the sport today and will provide young players with a wide variety of coaching styles, practices, and inuences that will help them develop a well-rounded skill set. We have taken the best coaching methodologies and practices from England, Brazil, Spain, USA and France have woven them together in a multi-faceted on and o-eld coaching experience.CODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE323170-01 1 week M-F 8/5-8/9 8:00a-8:45a 2-4 yrs $130SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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Shoreline Spring 2024   (562) 431-2527  | register.sealbeachca.gov15Register online atregister.sealbeachca.govChallenger Foundational Skills Half Day Camp Edison Park   99 College Park DrIndividual skill development, core techniques and small sided games.Monday to Friday inclusive, 3 hours per day, delivered by our profes-sional and international sta. Complete technical player developmentfeaturing practices from around the world as part of our internationalcamp curriculum. Your children will enjoy the World Cup small-sidedgame element to our daily camp session as well! Includes access to avirtual coaching world, motivating players to practice more at homebefore, during and after their program on the eld!Instructor: Challenger Sports CODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE323171-01  1 week  M-F 8/5-8/9  8:00a-12:00p  5-14 yrs  $205Challenger Foundational Skills Full Day Camp Edison Park   99 College Park DrThe full day program builds on the half day experience on our FoundationalSkills Camps, and has a perfect balance of those just for fun activities, largersided games for more tactical knowledge, and individual skill elementssuch as freestyle! Emphasis is placed upon improving individual dribbling,passing, control and shooting. Includes access to a virtual coaching world,motivating players to practice more at home before, during and after theirprogram on the eld! 6 hours per day. Monday to Friday inclusive. Sessionsare typically split into 2 x 3 hour blocks. Supervised lunch hour (packedlunch required, unless this is a morning/evening camp).Instructor: Challenger Sports CODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE323171-02  1 week  M-F  8/5-8/9 9a-4p  7-14 yrs   $290Intensive Basketball Camp McGaugh Elementary School Gym  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachAre you in Middle or High School and want to level up your game withhigh school and college drills? Our Intensive Hoops Camp will push youwith advanced drills and workouts to get your child ready for next sea-son. Each day will conclude with full court scrimmaging. All campers willget a Camp T-Shirt. Contact Ryan at 562.822.7525 with any questions.Instructor: One on One BasketballCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE323047-01  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/22-7/26  12:45p-2:45p  11-17  $120323047-02  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/29-8/2  12:45p-2:45p  11-17  $120323047-03  1 week  Mon - Fri  8/5-8/9  12:45p-2:45p  11-17  $120Summer Basketball Camp McGaugh Elementary School Gym  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachJoin our highly-experienced coaching sta this summer for the bestbasketball experience in So Cal. Each day will include fundamental bas-ketball drills, games, and scrimmages as well as a focus on teamwork,sportsmanship and fun - All campers get a Camp T-Shirt. Contact Ryanat 562.822.7525 with any questions.Instructor: One on One BasketballCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEEHalf Day Camp323040-01  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/17-6/21  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-02  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/24-6/28  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-03  3 days  Mon - Wed  7/1-7/3  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $126323040-04  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/8-7/12  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-05  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/15-7/19  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-06  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/22-7/26  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-07  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/29-8/2  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210323040-08  1 week  Mon - Fri  8/5-8/9  8:45a-12:15p  6 - 14  $210Full Day Camp        323040-09  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/17-6/21  8:45a-2:45p  6 - 14  $330323040-10  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/24-6/28  8:45a-2:45p  6 - 14  $330323040-11  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/15-7/19  8:45a-2:45p  6 - 14  $330Tennis CampsJunior Tennis Camp3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal BeachPlease be advised that the Jr. Tennis Camp operates on a monthlypayment basis, where participants are charged for the entire month'ssessions regardless of individual attendance. Seal Beach Tennis andPickleball Center (SBTPC). All registration takes place at the SBTPC.Instructor: Mickey YelvertonCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE 1 Week  Mon - Fri  6/10 – 6/14  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  6/17 – 6/21  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  6/24 – 6/28  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 4 days  Mon - Thurs  7/1 – 7/5  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $195 1 Week  Mon - Fri  7/8 – 7/12  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  7/15 – 7/19  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  7/22 – 7/26  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  7/29 – 8/2  9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245 1 Week  Mon - Fri  8/5 – 8/9 9:00a-12:00p  6 - 17  $245Summer  Camps

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Spring 202416Surf CampsAqualand Summer Surf CampAqualand Summer Surf CampSurfside Beach Anderson Street and Surfside Avenue, Seal BeachWith small class sizes, a fantastic location and well-trained, attentive, safety-minded instructors, Aqualand Surfside is perfect for surfers of all skills. Our camp at Surfside has no crowds, clean water, and consistent surf. Aqualand sta is stoked to pass the gift of water condence onto the next genera-tion. Various board options provided. Please bring our own wetsuit. 10% discount for siblings applied. For parents who need extra coverage or campers who refuse to leave the beach, Surf Camp and Seal Training kids can now hang from 11:45p-4p via our aftercare program with Sgt Schooley and Aqualand Sta. Daily Aftercare will include lunch, sunscreen, manda-tory hydration and tent time out of the sun, plenty of bathroom breaks, marine biology and beach walks. Entering the water after 12p is based on conditions and at the discretion of Aqualand sta.No Class: 7/4Instructor: AqualandCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEEHalf Day Camps367070-01 5 days Mon - Fri 6/17– 6/21 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-02 5 days Mon - Fri 6/24 – 6/28 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-03 4 days Mon - Fri 7/1– 7/5 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $262367070-04 5 days Tues - Fri 7/8 – 7/12 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-05 5 days Mon - Fri 7/15 – 7/19 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-06 5 days Mon - Fri 7/22 – 7/26 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-07 5 days Mon - Fri 7/29 – 8/2 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-08 5 days Mon - Fri 8/5 – 8/9 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-09 5 days Mon - Fri 8/12-8/16 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325367070-10 5 days Mon - Fri 8/19-8/23 8:00a-12:00p 8 - 17 $325Full Day Camps367070-11 5 days Mon - Fri 6/17-6/21 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-12 5 days Mon - Fri 6/24-6/28 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-13 4 days Mon - Fri 7/1-7/5 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $494367070-14 5 days Tues - Fri 7/8-7/12 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-15 5 days Mon - Fri 7/15 – 7/19 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-16 5 days Mon - Fri 7/22 – 7/26 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-17 5 days Mon - Fri 7/29 – 8/2 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-18 5 days Mon - Fri 8/5 – 8/9 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-19 5 days Mon - Fri 8/12 – 8/16 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615367070-20 5 days Mon - Fri 8/19 – 8/23 8:00a-4:00p 8 - 17 $615Aqualand Summer Surf PassAqualand Summer Surf PassSurfside Beach Anderson Street and Surfside Avenue, Seal BeachSurf all 4 or 8 weeks! Campers must reach out to and schedule their weeks ahead of time. For parents who need extra coverage or campers who refuse to leave the beach, Surf Camp and Seal Training kids can now hang from 11:45p-4p via our aftercare program with Sgt Schooley and Aqualand Sta. Daily Aftercare will include lunch, sunscreen, mandatory hydration and tent time out of the sun, plenty of bathroom breaks, marine bi-ology and beach walks. Entering the water after 12p is based on conditions and at the discretion of Aqualand sta. No Class: 7/4Instructor: AqualandAqualand Seal TrainingAqualand Seal TrainingSurfside Beach Anderson Street and Surfside Avenue, Seal BeachFor younger children looking to become comfortable at the beach and in surf, Aqualand at Surfside is holding weekly SEAL TRAINING. This Ocean Prep Camp, in conjunction with regular swim training, will start your Seal Pup o with the proper techniques needed to eventually become playful and independent ocean goers. Through play and games, Seal Training will introduce campers to paddling, boogie boarding, beach tness and accli-mating to waves and changing ocean conditions. Campers must be able to swim and will be divided into Bravo and Charlie companies based on age and ocean prociency. 10% discount for siblings applied. For parents who need extra coverage or campers who refuse to leave the beach, Surf Camp and Seal Training kids can now hang from 11:45p-4p via our aftercare program with Sgt Schooley and Aqualand Sta. Daily Aftercare will include lunch, sunscreen, mandatory hydration and tent time out of the sun, plenty of bathroom breaks, marine biology and beach walks. Entering the water after 12p is based on conditions and at the discretion of Aqualand sta.Instructor: AqualandCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEEHalf Day Camps367072-01 5 days Mon - Fri 6/17 – 6/21 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-02 5 days Mon - Fri 6/24 – 6/28 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-03 4 days Mon - Fri 7/1 – 7/5 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $128367072-04 5 days Tues - Fri 7/8 – 7/12 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-05 5 days Mon - Fri 7/15 – 7/19 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-06 5 days Mon - Fri 7/22 – 7/26 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-07 5 days Mon - Fri 7/29 – 8/2 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-08 5 days Mon - Fri 8/5 – 8/9 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-09 5 days Mon - Fri 8/12 – 8/16 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160367072-10 5 days Mon - Fri 8/19 – 8/23 9:15a-11:45a 6 - 12 $160 Full Day Camps367072-11 5 days Mon - Fri 6/17 – 6/21 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-12 5 days Mon - Fri 6/24 – 6/28 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-13 4 days Mon - Fri 7/1-7/5 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $360367072-14 5 days Tues - Fri 7/8-7/12 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-15 5 days Mon - Fri 7/15 – 7/19 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-16 5 days Mon - Fri 7/22 – 7/26 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-17 5 days Mon - Fri 7/29 – 8/2 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-18 5 days Mon - Fri 8/5 – 8/9 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-19 5 days Mon - Fri 8/12 – 8/16 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450367072-20 5 days Mon - Fri 8/19 – 8/23 9:15a-4:00p 6 - 12 $450CODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE 1 day pass367071-01 1 day Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/23 8:00a-12:00p 8+ $75 4 Week Pass ($300 savings)367071-02 4 weeks Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/23 8:00a-12:00p 8+ $1000367071-03 4 weeks Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/23 8:00a-4:00p 8+ $2060 8 Week Pass ($800 savings)367071-04 8 weeks Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/23 8:00a-12:00p 8+ $1800367071-05 8 weeks Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/23 8:00a-4:00p 8+ $3900SSuummmmeerr CCaammppss

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Shoreline Spring 2024   (562) 431-2527  | register.sealbeachca.gov17M&M Surf School Camp8th Street Beach  8th Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachMichael Pless, owner and operator of M & M Surng School has beenteaching for over 25 years and has over 50 years of surf experience. Thissupervised program is designed to teach beginning and intermediatesurng to small groups with an emphasis on safety in a fun environ-ment. This camp features boogie boarding and other fun water sportsafter lunch at the discretion of the instructor. All instructors are CPR,First Aid, and Water Safety Certied. Preregistration is required- registra-tion will not be accepted on site. Surfboards and wet suits are provided.Instructor: M & M Surng SchoolCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE367061-01  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/10-6/14  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-02  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/17-6/21  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-03  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/24-6/28  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-04  1 week  Tues - Fri  7/1-7/5  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-05  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/8-7/12  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $316367061-06  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/15 – 7/19  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-07  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/22 – 7/26  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-08  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/29 – 8/2  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-09  1 week  Mon - Fri  8/5 – 8/9  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-09  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/17-6/21  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395367061-09  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/24-6/28  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $395M&M Surf PassesM&M Surf Passes8th Street Beach  8th Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachSummer passes are good for participation in several sessions. Four (4)week passes are good for up to four (4) weeks from the rst week of at-tendance, and eight (8) week passes are good for up to eight (8) weeksfrom the rst week of attendance. Please communicate with M&M Surf-ing with scheduling start dates. Do not wait, there are limited spotsavailable for each of these summer passes.Instructor: M & M Surng SchoolCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE367062-01  4 weeks  Mon - Fri  6/10 – 8/30  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $1,2004 Week Pass ($500 savings)CODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE367062-02  8 weeks  Mon - Fri  6/10 – 8/30  8:00a-2:00p  8+  $2,2008 Week Pass ($1,000 savings)Chas Surf Camp1st Street Beach1st Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachWeekly surf camps for  intermediate surfers of all ages. Held at 1st Street Beach - the most well-shaped surf in town. Must have their own board and wetsuit.
No Class: 7/3 and 7/4.Instructor: Chas WickwireCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE367050-01  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/17-6/21  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-02  1 week  Mon - Fri  6/24-6/28  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-03  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/1-7/5  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $234367050-04  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/8-7/12  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-05  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/15 – 7/19  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-06  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/22 – 7/26  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-07  1 week  Mon - Fri  7/29 – 8/2  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390367050-08  1 week  Mon - Fri  8/5 – 8/9  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $390Chas Summer Surf Pass1st Street Beach1st Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachSummer passes are valid for participation in all camp sessions takingplace Monday – Friday.No Class: 7/3 & 7/4Instructor: Chas WickwireCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE367051-01  8 weeks  Mon – Fri  6/17 – 8/9  9:00a-1:00p  7+  $895Summer Camps

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 (562) 431-2527  |  Shoreline Summer 202418Junior – DanceHip Hop Tots!Marina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachTime to dance our best moves in this fun fast paced class! Little dancerswill learn skills needed to dance a hip hopp'n bopp'n routine to theirfavorite songs. Tennis shoes best for class.No Class: 7/18Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE322027-01  4 weeks  Thursday  7/11 – 8/8  9:00a-9: 30a  2.5 - 5  $68Petit BalletMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachBonjour, little dancers! Join Miss Anne in a magical adventure into theworld of ballet: plies, sautés, chasses, and more. Little ballerinas will befairytale dancers as they learn the importance of pointing their toes. Ladanse de la joie!No Class: 7/1Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE322023-01  4 weeks  Monday  6/10-7/8  9:00a-9:30a  2.5 - 5  $68322023-02  4 weeks  Wednesday  6/5 – 6/26  6:00p-6:30p  2.5 - 5  $68322023-02  4 weeks  Wednesday  7/17 – 8/7  6:00p-6:30p  2.5 - 5  $68Junior Programs  Musical MinisMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachSing and dance on a star, this theatre class will take tiny dancers far!Little performers will learn song and dance moves from various musi-cals that audiences will love!Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE322025-01  4 weeks  Thursday  6/6 – 6/27  4:15p-4:45p  2.5 - 5  $68322025-02  4 weeks  Thursday  7/18 – 8/8  4:15p-4:45p  2.5 - 5  $68Teeny TumblersMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachSquat, hop, and tumble-n-roll this class is a go go go! We will bear-walk,crab-walk, tumble, and jump while having so much fun it will be hardto stop! This is a great rst class to promote coordination and balance ina creative environment.No Class: 7/2Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE311031-01  4 weeks  Tuesday  6/11-7/9  9:00a-9: 30a  2.5 - 5  $68Ballet TapMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachThis class introduces students to ballet basics including warm-up, posi-tions, technique, leaps, turns, and classic tap steps such as shue ballchanges. A great class for dancers of all levels! At the end of the session,we will put on a show. Ballet and tap shoes are required. Proper suede-bottom, pink ballet shoes are required for class. Bedroom slippers arenot allowed.Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE322021-01  4 weeks  Thursday  6/6 – 6/27  3:30p-4:15p  4 - 7  $68322021-02  4 weeks  Thursday 7/18 – 8/8  3:30p-4:15p  4 - 7  $68Preschool GymnasticsMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachThis class is structured to introduce oor work such as bridge, cart-wheels, frog stands, and more. Gymnasts will improve strength,balance, and skills in this fun, fast-paced class!Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE311032-01  4 weeks  Thursday  6/6 – 6/27  3:00p-3:30p  4 - 7  $68311032-02  4 weeks  Thursday  7/18 – 8/8  3:00p-3:30p  4 - 7  $68

Registration for classes beginson Monday, May 6that 8:00am Please register early  to avoid class cancellations.

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov19Youth ProgramsYouth ProgramsMusical TheatreMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachCalling all entertainers! Casting now – students interested in exploring dance, acting, music, and song! Join Miss Anne and guest instructors in performing pieces from various favorite musicals. Students will learn musical theatre dance styles while learning to connect acting and the emotions of the song to the choreography of the piece. Jazz or ballet shoes are encouraged for class.Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE322024-01 4 weeks Wednesday 6/5 – 6/26 4:30p-5:15p 6 - 13 $68322024-02 4 weeks Wednesday 7/17 – 8/7 4:30p-5:15p 6 - 13 $68HNEWH Acro DanceMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachFusing gymnastic tumbling skills and dance together, this class is great for learning cool tricks such as tinsicas and illusions. Whether in cheer, dance or martial arts, this class is a great compliment to all!Instructor: Anne Pennypacker CODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE322028-01 4 weeks Thursday 6/6 – 6/27 4:45p-5:30p 7 - 13 $68322028-02 4 weeks Thursday 7/18 – 8/8 4:45p-5:30p 7 - 13 $68Prima BalletMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachBonjour ballerinas! Designed for dancers desiring a strong ballet foun-dation, this class will explore proper execution of footwork, piques, pirouettes, and more in a fun, creative environment!Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE242032-01 4 weeks Wednesday 6/5 – 6/26 5:15p-6:00p 6 - 13 $68242032-02 4 weeks Wednesday 7/17 – 8/7 5:15p-6:00p 6 - 13 $68HNEWH Improv TheatreMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachBudding stars will break out into character, song, and story in this theatrical acting class. Using improv games, theatre songs, character building, expression and Broadway dance fundamentals, every student will learn to shine!Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE346084-01 4 weeks Thursday 6/6 – 6/27 5:30p-6:15p 7 - 13 $68346084-02 4 weeks Thursday 7/18 – 8/8 5:30p-6:15p 7 - 13 $68Youth – Dance Hip Hop Marina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachA fast-paced class to get dancers on their feet and groovin’! Learn street-style dance and funky hip hop combinations to appropriate, up-beat music. Explore basic breaking, popping, locking, and more! Tennis shoes or jazz shoes are required. Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE342034-01 4 weeks Wednesday 6/5 – 6/26 3:45p-4:30p 6 - 12 $68342034-02 4 weeks Wednesday 7/17 – 8/7 3:45p-4:30p 6 - 12 $68Register online at

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 (562) 431-2527  |  Shoreline Summer 202420Youth Programs / Adult ProgramsYouth – SportsCo-ed Indoor VolleyballMcGaugh Elementary School Gym1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachLearn correct volleyball mechanics from club coaches at a recreationprice! Maria Fattal, a coach for 24 years with the Seal Beach VolleyballClub, leads this class alongside other club coaches. Basic skills of pass-ing, setting, hitting, and serving will be taught and expanded upon.Skills will be reinforced in games played during the last half hour of eachclass. This class is ideal for beginning and intermediate players.Instructor: Maria FattalCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE333060-01  2 weeks  M/W/F  6/21 – 7/1  3:30p-5:30p  9 - 14  $150333060-02  2 weeks  M/W/F  7/12 – 7/22  3:30p-5:30p  9 - 14  $150333060-03  2 weeks  M/W/F  8/14 – 8/23  3:30p-5:30p  9 - 14  $150Youth – Special InterestMagic in Seal BeachNorth Seal Beach Community Center (NSBCC)3333 St. Cloud Drive, Seal BeachJoin local magicians to observe and learn the history of magic and  magic eects, including close-up and stage magic. Professional magi-cians will lecture four times per. Contact Dan Habel for more informationat (562) 434-4693.Instructor: Dan HabelCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE346042-01 1-day  Saturday  6/15 6:00p-10:00p  17+  Free346042-02 1-day  Saturday  7/20 6:00p-10:00p  17+  Free346042-03 1-day  Saturday  8/17 6:00p-10:00p  17+  FreeAdult – DanceAdult TapMarina Community Center151 Marina Drive, Seal BeachAn amazing, fun workout! This class is for those who have always want-ed to tap dance or who have had fun tap dancing in the past. Explorevarious styles of tap, combinations, and more. Tennis shoes, hard soledshoes, or tap shoes are the best to wear for class.Instructor: Anne PennypackerCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE342026-01  4 weeks  Thursday  6/6 – 6/27  6:15p-7:00p  18+  $68Adult – Exercise and FitnessAikido Martial ArtsNorth Seal Beach Community Center3333 St. Cloud Drive, Seal BeachThis course focuses on the martial art of "Aikido" self-defense. Stu-dents will learn the principles of falling, rolling, and defense techniquesagainst punches, strikes, knife attacks, control, blending with your op-ponent, mat safety, and self-defense awareness. Wear sweats and nojewelry. A martial arts gi is optional and can be purchased on your own.Belt testing is optional. All students that attend must have the ability toroll and fall at a moderate pace and will be allowed to participate onlyper the instructor's discretion. Some Saturdays to be announced from9:00am-10:30am.Instructor: Steven WassermanCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES TIME  AGE  FEE342050-01  11 weeks  Mon/Wed  6/16-8/31  7:30p-9:30p  18+  $185HNEWH  Beach Volleyball – Beginners8th St BeachVolleyball CourtsA class for someone looking to try and compete socially. Recommendedfor someone who has played indoor/any volleyball, but not required.You will learn basic fundamentals, beginner strategy, and how to playwith a partner. All classes will conclude with at least 30 minutes of liveplay.Instructor: Scott CronickCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE333090-01  4 weeks  Sunday  6/16 – 7/7  1010:00a-11:30a  16+ yrs  $170333090-02  4 weeks  Sunday  8/4 – 8/25  10:00a-10:30a  16+ yrs  $170

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Shoreline Summer 2024  (562) 431-2527  | register.sealbeachca.gov21Monday Nights$375 each teamMcGaugh GymBolsa Ave./Seal Beach Blvd.MEN’SBASKETBALL LEAGUEPlease Contact: Nathan Caukin(562) 431-2527 X 1307ncaukin@sealbeachca.govSUMMER 2024$40 Referee Fee per gameLeague Start Date: June 3rd*Dates subject to change*Adult ProgramsAdult ProgramsHNEWH  Beach Volleyball – Advanced8th St Beach Volleyball CourtsVolleyball CourtsA class for someone looking to compete in beach volleyballtournaments. Instruction of advanced technique, skills, and strategy. Onlyrecommended for players who are currently “rated” and/or plan on playingat their college or university. All classes will conclude with at least 30 minutesof live play.Instructor: Scott CronickCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE333091-01  4 weeks  Sunday  6/16 – 7/7  8:00a-9:30a  16+ yrs $170333091-02  4 weeks  Sunday  8/4 – 8/25  8:00a-9:30a  16+ yrs  $170Combined T’ai Chi ChihSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Avenue, Seal BeachThis moving meditation improves balance and mindfulness. At 5:25 begin-ners learn the basics of how to move in T’ai Chi Chih. Intermediate studentsjoin at 6:00 and we do a full practice, with beginners following along for aslong as they like. Wear comfy clothes and at shoes or socks.Instructor: Suzanne Roady-RossCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE342073-01  5 weeks  Monday  6/17-7/15  5:25p-6:30p  16+  $70342073-02  5 weeks  Monday  7/29-8/26  5:25p-6:30p  16+  $70Essentrics® Aging BackwardsSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Avenue, Seal BeachEssentrics® Aging Backwards is designed to teach clients to listen to theirbodies. Often times, seniors, less mobile, or beginner participants experiencephysical issues such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, bursitis, herniated discs,back pain, sciatica, and plantar fasciitis. The focus of this class is to relax dur-ing movement so as not to worsen these existing conditions, yet still increaserange of motion – producing overall ease in functional activities. Chairs areused as balance enhancers for less stable individuals in this standing class.Instructor: Eunis ChristensenCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES TIME  AGE  FEE342098-01  7 weeks  Friday  6/21-8/2  1:30p-2:45p  45+  $108Gentle YogaSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Avenue, Seal BeachGentle yoga is movement through traditional yoga postures in a slow anddeliberate manner. With practice, students will gradually increase exibility,strength, balance, and stamina. As in all yoga, special attention is given tobreath work to link breath to movement. It is suitable for all ages and yogaexperience. The 5 class option is available for students who wish to chooseany 5 classes of the 11.Instructor: Suzanne WattsCODE  DURATION DAY  DATES  TIME  AGE  FEE300126-01  11 weeks  Tuesday  6/18-8/27  8:45a-9:45a  13+  $175300126-02  5 weeks  Tuesday  6/18-8/27  8:45a-9:45a  13+  $85Drop-In300126-03 1-day  Tuesday  6/18-8/27  8:45a-9:45a  13+  $15

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Summer 202422Friday Nights $425 each teamINTRODUCING16" BIG BALL LEAGUEPlease Contact: Nathan Caukin (562) 431-2527 X 1307ncaukin@sealbeachca.govSUMMER 2024$20 Umpire Fee per gameLeague Start Date: June 21st*Dates subject to change*Men’s: Tuesday/Wednesday Nights$425 each team$20 Umpire Fee per gameZoeter Field12th St./Landing Ave.MEN’S & CO-EDSOFTBALL LEAGUESPlease Contact: Nathan Caukin(562) 431-2527 X 1307 ncaukin@sealbeachca.govSUMMER 2024Co-ed: Thursday NightsLeague Start Date: July 9th *Dates subject to change*Adult ProgramsAdult ProgramsSlow FlowSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Ave, Seal BeachLink breath to movement in this all-levels yoga ow class. The class will focus on breathwork, proper posture alignment, and improving mental clarity. Bring your own yoga mat and any other props to help you have an enjoyable class (ex: blocks, straps, bolsters). Class will be held at the Marina Community Center on 8/21. The 5 class option is available for students who wish to choose any 5 classes of the 11.Instructor: Suzanne WattsCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE300127-01 10 weeks Wednesday 6/26-8/28 9:00a-10:00a 13+ $160300127-02 5 weeks Wednesday 6/26-8/28 9:00a-10:00a 13+ $85 Drop-In300127-03 1 day Wednesday 6/26-8/28 9:00a-10:00a 13+ $15HNEWH Yoga StrongSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Ave, Seal BeachMaintain mobility and strength in this fun and playful combination of yoga and strengthening moves. Each class will make you feel the burn, challenge your balance, and encourage your exibility. Great for begin-ners or those less condent in a fancy studio class. Bring a yoga mat and a beach towel. Walk in fee available. Certied Yoga Instructor.No Class: 7/5Instructor: Kimberly ShotwellCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE300130-01 10 weeks Friday 6/21- 8/30 9:15a-10:15a 16+ $160300130-02 5 weeks Friday 6/21-7/26 9:15a-10:15a 16+ $85300130-03 5 weeks Friday 8/2-8/30 9:15a-10:15a 16+ $85 Drop-In300130-04 1 day Friday 6/21-8/30 9:15a-10:15a 16+ $20HNEWH Evening YogaSeal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Ave, Seal BeachShed the day and transition to night by practicing calming physical ex-ercises, meditation, breathing exercises, and relaxation. Both oor and chair yoga options will be taught. Bring a yoga mat for oor yoga.Instructor: Kimberly ShotwellCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE342075-01 10 weeks Tuesday 6/18- 8/27 5:00p-6:00p 16+ $170342075-02 5 weeks Tuesday 6/18-7/23 5:00p-6:00p 16+ $115342075-03 5 weeks Tuesday 7/30-8/27 5:00p-6:00p 16+ $70 Drop-In342075-04 1 day Tuesday 6/18-8/27 5:00p-6:00p 16+ $20

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov23Adult Programs Adult Programs / / SurfSurfSurfGroup Surf Lessons8th Street Beach8th Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachAfter registering, please contact M & M Surng School at (714) 846-7873 or email at mm@sur to schedule your lesson(s). Each registration is limited to one individual, so please register accordingly if you would like to sign up for multiple lessons. Lessons must be com-pleted within 90 days of registering.Instructor: M & M Surng SchoolCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE167063-01 5 lessons Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-11:00a All ages $395167063-02 3 lessons Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-11:00a All ages $320167063-03 2 lessons Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-11:00a All ages $215167063-04 1 lesson Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-11:00a All ages $110167064-01 1 lesson Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-9:00a All ages $90 Semi-Private Surf Lessons8th Street Beach8th Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachAfter registering, please contact M & M Surng School at (714) 846-7873 or email at mm@sur to schedule your lesson(s). Each registration is limited to one individual, so please register accordingly if you would like to sign up for multiple lessons. Lessons must be com-pleted within 90 days of registering.Instructor: M & M Surng SchoolCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE167068-01 1 lesson Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-9:00a All ages $130Private Surf Lessons8th Street Beach8th Street and Ocean Avenue, Seal BeachAfter registering, please contact M & M Surng School at (714) 846-7873 or email at mm@sur to schedule your lesson(s). Each registration is limited to one individual, so please register accordingly if you would like to sign up for multiple lessons. Lessons must be com-pleted within 90 days of registering.Instructor: M & M Surng SchoolCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE167069-01 1 lesson Mon - Sun 1/1 – 3/31 8:00a-9:00a All ages $165JazzerciseNorth Seal Beach Community Center3333 St. Cloud Drive, Seal BeachJazzercise gives you all the cardio, strength, and stretch moves you want for a total body workout! And with all that, we've thrown in moves from hip-hop, Yoga, Pilates, jazz dance, kickboxing, and resistance train-ing. All ages, levels, and sizes are welcome so come join us today! Please wear appropriate and sturdy athletic shoes. Bring a towel, weights, water, and a mat. Precautions will be implemented to protect instruc-tors and students. Class meets on Saturday from 7:15am-8:15am. Instructor: Akemi HannaCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE342044-01 4 weeks M, W, F, Sat 7/1-7/28 6:00p-7:15p 13+ $45342044-02 5 weeks M, W, F, Sat 7/29-8/31 6:00p-7:15p 13+ $45Adult – Special InterestCommunity Gardens WaitlistEdison Park99 College Drive, Seal BeachThis is the waitlist for the Community Gardens. Must be a Seal Beach resident in order to participate in the program. When a spot becomes available, a City sta member will contact you. CODE AGE FEE000000-01 18+ $0HNEWH Healing Hearts Sound BathSeal Beach Senior Center - TBD707 Electric Ave, Seal BeachThe Healing Hearts Sound Bath is a transformative and rejuvenating experience combining sound with guided meditation to promote emo-tional healing and relaxation. In this 60-minute session, participants will be immersed in a bath of soothing sounds, including crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and other healing instruments, creating a space for inner peace, emotional release, and heart-centered healing. Instructor: Dr. Tselane Gardner, DBC, MFTCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE300128-01 1 Day Friday 6/21 11:00a-12:00p 18+ $50300128-02 1 Day Friday 7/5 11:00a-12:00p 18+ $50300128-03 1 Day Friday 7/19 11:00a-12:00p 18+ $50300128-04 1 Day Friday 8/2 11:00a-12:00p 18+ $50300128-05 1 Day Friday 8/16 11:00a-12:00p 18+ $50

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Summer 202424Older AdultsOlder AdultsMedicare 101Seal Beach Senior Center707 Electric Avenue, Seal BeachLearn about Social Security timeframes, how to enroll in Medicare, and the qualications to receive Medicare. Learn about what Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D consist of what it covers, and does not cover. The instructor will explain the options that Medicare beneciaries have to get coverage for and what Medicare does not cover, such as Medicare Advantage Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, and Medicare Supplement Plans. Additional plans are also available for those who are receiving nancial assistance or for those who have Medicare and Medi-Cal.Instructor: Cesar ArteagaCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE356040-01 1-day Tuesday 7/16 1:00p-2:00p 64+ Free356040-01 1-day Tuesday 8/13 1:00p-2:00p 64+ FreeHealth Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP)HICAP provides free, unbiased, and one-on-one counseling to assist Medicare beneciaries, their families, and caregivers understand their Medicare benets and coverage options that best meet their health care needs. HICAP Counselors provide assistance with understanding the following:• Medicare eligibility, enrollment & coverage• Medicare Parts A and B• Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) & Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)• Medicare and other medical insurance coverage• Programs to help lower Medicare related costs• Long-term care services and supports• Medicare fraud and abuseCall HICAP to schedule an appointment at (714) 560-0424. HICAP is a program of the Council on Aging-Southern California. HICAP does not sell or endorse any insurance product. Senior Lunch Café The city of Seal Beach partners with Meals on Wheels OC to provide a senior lunch program at the North Seal Beach Center, 3333 St. Cloud Drive, Seal Beach. TheLunch Café is served from 11 a.m.-noon, Monday to Fridays.The lunch program is open to all adults age 60 years and older. A suggested donation for lunch is $3. For more information, call (562) 431-2527, ext. 1344, or visit the website at Senior Services NewsletterThe Seal Beach Senior Services Spring 24 guide is available online at and at our community centers. This guide provides consolidated information for all available programs that the City oers for seniors for this upcoming Winter Season. For any addition-al questions, please contact Nathan Caukin at (562) 431-2527 ext. 1307.

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov25Older AdultsOlder AdultsSenior Transportation Services ProgramsThe City of Seal Beach provides two free transportation services programs for Seal Beach residents ages 60 and over: Senior Transportation Shuttle and the Dial-a-Ride Program. Registration: Only registered users can partake in the Senior Transportation Shuttle and Dial-a-Ride service. To register as a new rider, please submit two items: a Senior Transportation Application and a copy of a photo ID showing proof of Seal Beach residency and date of birth. This identication can be in the form of a CA driver’s license, CA ID Card, or a Golden Rain Foundation ID card if you are a Leisure World resident. More information can be found online at: If you have any questions on the application process, would like to conrm whether you are an existing registered user, or have general questions regarding the Senior Transportation Services program, please contact: • Tatiana Marocco,, (562) 431-2527 x1390 or x1307 • Leisure World Residents Only: Robann Arshat,, (562) 431-6586 x317 Senior Shuttle Service:The City of Seal Beach Senior Shuttle Service is a 20-passenger shuttle that runs on a xed route throughout major City stops, including Seal Beach Pier/Old Town area, Leisure World, and Rossmoor Shopping Center/North Seal Beach Community Cen-ter. This shuttle can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters and has a bicycle rack that can hold 2 bicycles. • Operating hours are Monday through Friday 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m., 12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.Dial-A-Ride:The City of Seal Beach Dial-a-Ride service will be provided by California Yellow Cab. This is a reservation-based service that will provide passenger vehicle transportation for travel within the Seal Beach city limits. Transportation services will be provided to any location within City limits, and up to three (3) miles outside City limits and within Orange County for non-emergency medical purposes. Users may also elect to go to the VA Hospital in Long Beach. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30am – 5:00pm.To make a reservation:1.Call (877) 224-8294 at least 24-hours in advance2.Provide the operator with your Senior Transportation Program ID (#SBXXXX)3.Request “ROUNDTRIP” if you need a ride back home4.Provide the operator with pick-up date and time5.Provide the operator with pick-up & drop-o location6.Please note to the operator if you need any special accommodationIMPORTANT: Same day reservations to/from any location cannot be guaranteed.

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Summer 202426Register online at 3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal Beach Phone: (562) 598 – 8624Website: sealbeachtenniscenter.comOnline reservations: Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday 12:00pm – 9:00pmSaturday & Sunday 12:00pm – 5:00pmMembers Only 8:00am – 12:00pm Membership InformationIn order to fully enjoy all of our facilities, programs, and services consider becoming a Member today! Our Exclusive Membership Benets include:• Unlimited use of the Center’s 12 tennis courts and 16 Pickleball courts• Dedicated Member-only use of courts during morning hours • Ability to reserve courts up to six (6) days in advance• Discounted court use fee for Tennis Member’s guests• Enjoyment of special Member-only special events and tournaments• Discounts on the Center’s special tennis programs and events• Discounts on select Pro Shop merchandise and services• Complimentary weekend morning coffee and refreshments• There is a $135 administrative fee for all memberships Seal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center The Seal Beach Tennis & Pickleball Center oers one of the most beautiful tennis and pickleball facilities anywhere. We are open seven (7) days per week and oer programs and activities for all ages and skill levels. This facility is open to the public, but also oers available memberships for more exclusive benets. Our Center includes 12 tennis courts, 16 pickleball courts, and a Pro Shop. For more information, please contact the facility at (562) 598-8624 or visit Online court reservations can be made at and PickleballTennis and PickleballTennis MembershipRESIDENT (R) PRICING MONTH OR YEAR(R) Single Membership: $110/month $1,210/year(R) Couple Membership: $130/month $1,430/year(R) Family Membership: $140/month $1,540/year(R) Junior Membership: $60/month $660/yearNON-RESIDENT (N-R) PRICING(N-R) Single Membership: $132/month $1,452/year(N-R) Couple Membership: $156/month $1,716/year(N-R) Family Membership: $168/month $1,848/year(N-R) Junior Membership: $72/month $792/yearPickleball MembershipRESIDENT (R) PRICING MONTH OR YEAR(R) Single Membership: $55/month $605/year(R) Couple Membership: $65/month $715/year(R) Family Membership: $70/month $770/year(R) Junior Membership: $30/month $330/yearNON-RESIDENT (N-R) PRICING(N-R) Single Membership: $66/month $726/year(N-R) Couple Membership: $78/month $858/year(N-R) Family Membership: $84/month $924/year(N-R) Junior Membership: $36/month $396/year

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Shoreline Summer 2024 (562) 431-2527 | register.sealbeachca.gov27Tennis and Pickleball ClassesBeginning PickleballSeal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center (SBTPC)3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal BeachAn easy to learn and play game that combines the elements of badmin-ton, tennis, and table tennis. This game is played on a badminton-sized court using pickleball paddles, a ball slightly smaller than a wie ball, and a lower net. This class teaches the rules, basic strokes, strategy, court positioning, and scoring. Paddles and balls will be provided.Instructor: Gary RogersCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE333040-01 4 Weeks Saturday 6/22 – 7/13 8:30a-10:00a 15 - 99 $160333040-02 4 Weeks Saturday 8/3 – 8/31 8:30a-10:00a 15 - 99 $160Intermediate PickleballSeal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center (SBTPC)3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal BeachFor those who have taken the Beginning Pickleball class or are an expe-rienced player. Improve your skills with proper court strategies, court positioning, ball placement, volleys, forehand serves, 3rd and 5th shot drop, no volley zone, etc. You will raise your game! Please wear court shoes and bring a hat/visor, towel, and water. Paddles and balls will be provided. Instructor: Gary RogersCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE333043-01 4 Weeks Saturday 6/22 – 7/13 10:00a-11:30a 15 - 99 $160333043-02 4 Weeks Saturday 8/3 – 8/31 10:00a-11:30a 15 - 99 $160Tiny Tots TennisSeal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center (SBTPC)3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal BeachA great way to teach a young child to the game of tennis. Our certied instructors will start early in developing a technique in a fun environ-ment around kids their age. Instructor: Brenda DanielsonCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE333035-01 4 Weeks Wednesday 6/19 – 7/10 10:30a-11:00a 4 - 5 $70333035-02 4 Weeks Wednesday 7/17 – 8/7 10:30a-11:00a 4 - 5 $70Tennis and PickleballTennis and PickleballMEMBER COURT AND SERVICE FEES:Members can reserve courts as early as six (6 days) in advanceTennis court: included with Tennis MembershipPickleball court: included with Tennis & Pickleball Membership Ball machine: $10/hour for membersTennis racquet stringing: $10 for labor onlyPUBLIC COURT AND SERVICE FEESThe public can reserve courts as early as four (4) days in advanceTennis court with lights: $15/hour/courtTennis court without lights: $12/hour/courtTennis court business or non-resident use: $30/hour/courtTennis racquet stringing: $15 for labor onlyBall machine: $20/hourJunior Ball Machine: $8/hourPickleball Drop-In Fee: $5PRO SHOP In our Pro Shop, we carry a wide selection of Babolat tennis racquets and accessories, Pickleball equipment, snacks, beverages, and sta who can provide tennis racquet restringing service. For more information, call the Seal Beach Beach Tennis & Pickleball Center at (562) 598-8624.Weekly Drop-In DrillsTENNIS RATESDay TimeRatingInstructor CostWednesday 9:00 am - 10:30 am 3.5+ Brenda Danielson$20 Members$25 Non-MembersTENNIS RATESInstructorHourly½ HourPhone E-mailMickey Yelverton $80 $45 (562)533-4997 Cmy34@hotmail.comChad Kawahara $80 $45 (619)241-9191 Skippy_10s@yahoo.comCameron Smith $80 $45 (562) 537-8661 cgsmith4224@gmail.comBrenda Danielson $70 $40 (714) 345-0945 bdanielsonhome@aol.comKendal Harris $70 $40 (714) 769-5595 kharristennis@gmail.comNikki Thornburg $75 $45 (714) 733-8269 Thornburg_n@yahoo.comMichael Brewer $70 $40 (281)734 - 0297 m13rewertennis@gmail.comPICKLEBALL RATESInstructorHourly½ HourPhone E-mailGary Rogers $60 N/A (562) 972-0621Rogersrogers11@yahoo.comBeau Kojima $80 N/A (949) 295-2606 beak_kojima@yahoo.comTodd OkamuraCall for rateCall for rate(714) 717-1243 Todd_oka@yahoo.comJena Kleet $80Semi privates $140 for 90 minutesGroup lessons $180 for 90 minutes Tennis and Pickleball Rates

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(562) 431-2527 | Shoreline Summer 202428Aquatics Aquatics AquaticsDeep Water AerobicsMcGaugh Elementary School Pool 1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachThis deep-water exercise class develops total tness. You will burn calories while improving endurance, exibility, and strength. You must purchase your own buoyancy cus to participate in class. Cus can be purchased online at www.hydro The preferred cus are Classic or Easy-Close Hydro-Fit. This class lls up fast so sign up early!No Class: 9/2Instructor: Cheryl von der HellenCODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE344010-01 5 weeks Mon/Wed 6/17-7/17 5:30p-6:30p 18+ $70344010-02 5 weeks Mon/Wed 8/5-9-4 5:30p-6:30p 18+ $70344010-03 5 weeks Saturday 6/22-7/20 9:00a-10:00a 18+ $35344010-04 5 weeks Saturday 8/10-9/7 9:00a-10:00a 18+ $35Lap SwimMcGaugh Elementary School Pool 1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachThis is an ongoing tness/workout program for lap swimming. The pool is closed on national holidays. All rst-time users must purchase their swim pass at the Recreation and Community Services Department lo-cated in City Hall at 211 8th Street on the second oor. Once purchased, swim passes can be renewed online at or in person. There is a $10 reissuing fee for all lost passes.Hours of Operation: Pass Fees:Monday - Friday 6:00am – 3:00pm16 Visit Lap Swim Pass (ages 9+)$80Monday - Thursday 7:00pm – 9:00pm34 Visit Lap Swim Pass (ages 9+)$136Saturday & Sunday 8:00am–12:00pmAnnual Lap Swim Pass (ages 9+)$300Seal Beach Swim TeamThe Seal Beach Swim Team is privately operated and conducts practices at McGaugh Community Pool. For Swim Team information, please con-tact parent volunteer Maria Fattal at (562) 430-1092 Summer Recreation SwimMcGaugh Elementary School Pool 1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachJoin us for Summer Recreation Swim taking place Monday-Fridayfrom 6/17-8/9. The pool is closed on July 4 in observance of Inde-pendence Day. The program is available for both residents ($30 per household) and non-residents ($60 per household). Registration is required for every participant and registration is valid for the entire summer. Children under the age of seven (7) must always be accom-panied by an adult (18+) - drop o is not permitted.No Swim: 7/4CODE DURATION DAY DATES TIME AGE FEE314028-01 8 weeks Mon - Fri 6/17 – 8/9 2:15p-4:00p All Ages $30/$60Junior Guard Registration InformationAll junior guards must register for the program using the City of Seal Beach’s online recreation portal: Your junior guard MUST have completed the swim test and received a registration number prior to registering. 1Returning Jr. Guard RegistrationReturning participants have priority access to early registration. Participants must have been enrolled in the Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard program in 2023 to be eligible to enroll in this section. Enrollment for returning junior guards will open on Monday, 4/29 at 8AM and will close on Sunday, May 12 at 11:59PM. Any returning junior guard that does not register during this time will have to register as a New Junior Guard during the appropriate time-period. Siblings of returning jr. guards will be granted returning status. New Jr. Guard RegistrationEnrollment will open for New, Junior Guard Residents (zip code 90740 and 90743) on Monday, May 13 at 8AM and will close on Sunday, May 19 at 11:59PM.Enrollment will open for New, Junior Guard Non-Residents on Monday, May 20 at 8AM.Enrollment for New Junior Guards into the Junior Lifeguards program will be based on a rst come, rst serve basis. A waitlist will be estab-lished after the program has reached compacity.

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Shoreline Summer 2024  (562) 431-2527  | register.sealbeachca.gov29Aquatics Aquatics Swim Lessons Swim lessons take place at the Seal Beach Pool on the McGaugh elementary school campus. Lessons are held on a weekly basis from Monday-Friday and the weekly rate is $75 for residents and $100 for non-residents. Lessons are 25 minutes in duration and parents are respectfully requested to observe swim lessons in the spectator area provided outside the pool deck. Only children currently en-rolled in a lesson are permitted on the deck. The pool manager reserves the right to transfer any participant to a class that is more appropriate forthe swimmer’s skill level. If minimum enrollment of two (2) participants is not met, the class will be cancelled. At the end of each session, advancement to higher levels is determined by the individual student’s ability to produce the skills taught in that level.Parent and Me: Ages 6 months - 3 years      Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachThis class is designed to promote comfort, safety, and enjoyment in the water. Grownups will be instructed how to work with their children to  facilitate safety in the water. One adult (18+) per child required.TIMESession 16/24-6/28Session 2   7/1-7/5Session 37/8-7/12Session 47/15-7/19Session 57/22-7/26Session 67/29-8/2Session 78/5-8/9Session 8
1:30p-1:55p – 314020-02 314020-03 314020-04 314020-05 314020-06 314020-07 Introduction to Water: Ages 3-5        Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachDesigned to introduce swimming and water safety skills to children of preschool ages. Class maximum of four (4) participants.
TIMESession 16/24-6/28Session 27/1-7/5Session 37/8-7/12Session 47/15-7/19Session 57/22-7/26Session 67/29-8/2Session 78/5-8/9Session 89:00a-9:25a 314021-01 314021-11              314021-17 314021-23 314021-28 314021-34 314021-39 10:00a-10:25a 314021-02 314021-12 314021-18 314021-24 314021-29 – 314021-4011:00a-11:25a 314021-03 314021-13 314021-19 314021-25 314021-30 314021-35 314021-41 11:30a-11:55a - 3            314021-14                314021-20 -        – 314021-31 314021-36 –1:00p-1:25p 314021-04 314021-15 314021-21 314021-26               314021-32 314021-37 314021-42 1:30p-1:55p 314021-05 314021-16 314021-22 314021-27 314021-33            314021-38    –Level 1 - Ages 5+            Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachStudents will be introduced to the primary skills of body position, proper kicking, and basic freestyle stroke technique. At the end of each session,advancement to higher levels is determined by the individual student’s ability to produce these skills. Class is taught in the shallow, short end of thepool. Class maximum of four (4) participants.TIMESession 16/24-6/28Session 27/1-7/5Session 37/8-7/12Session 47/15-7/19Session 57/22-7/26Session 67/29-8/2Session 78/5-8/9Session 89:00a-9:25a 324021-01 324021-12 324021-18 324021-24 324021-30 324021-36 –9:30a-9:55a 324021-02 324021-13 324021-19              324021-25 324021-31 324021-37 324021-4210:30a-10:55a 324021-03 324021-14 324021-20 324021-26              324021-32 324021-38 324021-4311:00a-11:25a 324021-04 324021-15 324021-21               324021-27 324021-33 324021-39 324021-441:00p-1:25p 324021-05 324021-16 -                                    324021-28 324021-34 324021-40 324021-451:30p-1:55p 324021-0                324021-17 324021-23 324021-29 324021-35 324021-41 324021-46Level 2  Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachParticipants should be able to push o the wall, maintain a streamline position and produce ecient kicks and four long strokes out to the  instructor. The timing of rhythmic side breaths with strokes will be taught at thislevel. Class maximum of four (4) participants. TIMESession 16/17-6/21Session 27/1-7/5Session 37/8-7/12Session 47/15-7/19Session 57/22-7/26Session 67/29-8/2Session 78/5-8/9Session 89:30a-9:55a 324022-01 324022-10               324022-15 324022-20 324022-25 324022-30             324022-3510:00a-10:25a 324022-02 324022-11 324022-16 324022-21 324022-26 324022-31 324022-36 11:00a-11:25a 324022-03 324022-12 324022-17 324022-22 324022-27 324022-32 324022-3711:30a-11:55a – 324022-13 324022-18 324022-23 324022-28               324022-33 324022-381:00p-1:25p 324022-04 324022-14 324022-19 324022-24              324022-29 324022-34 324022-39

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 (562) 431-2527  |  Shoreline Summer 202430Aquatics Aquatics Level 3  Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachParticipants should be able to dorhythmic side breaths while maintaining ecient body position, kicks, and strokes. Technique and endurancefor freestyle is rened at thislevel, building up the ability to swim freestyle 25 yards. Backstroke may be introduced depending on the individualstudent’s progression. Class maximum of four (4) participants. TIMESession 16/17-6/21Session 27/1-7/5Session 37/8-8/2Session 47/15-7/19Session 57/22-7/26Session 67/29-8/2Session 78/5-8/9Session 8
9:00a-9:25a 324023-01 324023-12              324023-18 324023-24               324023-30             324023-36 324023-429:30a-9:55a 324023-02 324023-13 324023-19 324023-25 324023-31 324023-37 324023-4310:00a-10:25a – 324023-14 324023-20 324023-26 324023-32              324023-38 324023-4410:30a-10:55a 324023-03 324023-15 324023-21 324023-27 324023-33 324023-39 324023-45 1:00p-1:25p 324023-04 324023-16 324023-22 324023-28 324023-34 324023-40 324023-461:30p-1:55p 324023-05 324023-17 324023-23 324023-29 324023-35 324023-41 324023-47Level 4 - Ages 7+          Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachStudents must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle unassisted,with a rhythmic side breath. Renement of freestyle stroke and building endurance isemphasized at this level. Backstroke is taught and rened. Breaststroke is introduced.Class maximum of six (6) participants. TIMESession 16/17-6/21Session 26/24-6/28Session 37/1-7/5Session 47/8-7/12Session 57/15-7/19Session 67/22-7/26Session 77/29-8/2Session 88/5-8/99:00a-9:25a 324024-01 324024-04 324024-07 324024-10 324024-13 324024-16 324024-19 324024-2210:00a-10:25a 324024-02 324024-05 324024-08 324024-11 324024-14 324024-17 324024-20 324024-231:00p-1:25p 324024-03 324024-06 324024-09 324024-12 324024-15 324024-18 324024-21 324024-24Level 5: Skill Improvement - Ages 7+      Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachFreestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke will all be rened. Emphasis will be on proper stroke techniques and building endurancewhile using allstrokes. Class maximum of six (6) participants. TIMESession 16/17-6/21Session 26/24-6/28Session 37/1-7/5Session 47/8-7/12Session 57/15-7/19Session 67/22-7/26Session 77/29-8/2Session 88/5-8/99:30a-9:55a 324025-01 324025-04 324025-07 324025-10 324025-13 324025-16 324025-19 324025-2210:30a-10:55a 324025-02 324025-05 324025-08 324025-11 324025-14 324025-17 324025-20 324025-231:30p-1:55p 324025-03 324025-06 324025-09 324025-12 324025-15 324025-18 324025-21 324025-24Level 6: Skill Prociency - Ages 7+     Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachButtery stroke is introduced. This class will stress proper stroke eciency and endurance. Class maximum of six (6) participants.TIMESession 16/17-6/21Session 26/24-6/28Session 37/1-7/5Session 47/8-7/12Session 57/15-7/19Session 67/22-7/26Session 77/29-8/2Session 88/5-8/99:00a-9:25a – – 324026-03 324026-05 324026-07 – – –10:00a-10:25a 324026-01 324026-02 324026-04 324026-06 324026-08 324026-09 324026-10 –1:00p-1:25p – –    – – – –Level 7: Advanced Skill Prociency - Ages 7+  Seal Beach McGaugh Pool  1698 Bolsa Avenue, Seal BeachRenement of all four strokes is emphasized. Swimming with interval training is introduced to build endurance. Class maximum of six (6)  participants.TIMESession 77/29-8/2Session 88/5-8/99:00a-9:25a 324027-01 324027-02

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31Map Map & & FacilitiesFacilitiesMap not to scale.COLLEGE PARK DRNORTH GATE RDST. CLOUD DRSEAL BEACH BLVDSEAL BEACH BLVDWESTMINSTER BLVDALMOND AVCANDLEBERRY AVOLEANDER STLAMPSON AVHEATHER STBASSWOOD STASTER STBLUEBELL STADOLFO LOPEZ DRSEAL BEACH BLVDCRESTVIEW AVBOLSA AVAVALON DR1ST STOCEAN AVMARINA DR5TH ST8TH STMAIN STCENTRAL AV12TH STELECTRIC AVLANDING AVPACIFIC COAST HWYMONTECITO RDOAK ST.KATELLA AVE22405605Amenity Key Baseball Fields ReservableBasketball Courts RestroomsBike Racks Soccer FieldsBleachers Softball FieldsClasses Offered Here Swimming PoolCommunity Center Swing SetsCommunity Garden Tennis CourtsDrinking Fountains Tetherball Dugout Bench Tot Lot / PlaygroundsGravel Parking Area Trash ReceptaclesGymnasium Volleyball CourtsHandball CourtsPark BenchesPaved/Striped Parking Spaces Pet Waste DispenserPicnic SheltersPicnic TablesPortable Toilets21516361N4578910111213141719212322182425 26 & 27Park / Facility L = Lit U = Unlit i = Indoor 1Almond Park – 4600 Almond Ave. in College Park East UU2Arbor Park – 4665 Lampson Ave. Behind the WestEd Facility, College Park East o Lampson AveUU U3Arbor Dog Park – 4665 Lampson Ave. Behind the WestEd Facility o Lampson Ave4Aster Park – Aster St. & Candleberry in College Park East5Beach6Bluebell Park – Almond Ave. & Bluebell St. in College Park EastL L7City Hall & Community Services Oce – 211 8th St on the 2nd oor in Old Town8Corsair Park – Corsair Way in Bridgeport9Edison Park – 99 College Park Dr. in College Park WestUUU10Eisenhower Park – Ocean Ave. at Main St. in Old Town11Electric Greenbelt – Runs along Electric Ave in Old Town12Fire Station #48, Community Room – 3131 North Gate Rd.13Gum Grove Nature Park – corner of Crestview & Avalon Dr. on the Hill14Heather Park – Heather St. & Lampson in College Park East L15Los Alamitos Community Center – 10911 Oak St., Los Alamitos16Los Alamitos/ Rossmoor Library – 12700 Montecito Rd. (562) 430–104817Marina Park & Community Center – 151 Marina Dr. in Old TownLL L18McGaugh School (LAUSD) – 1698 Bolsa Ave. on the Hill i UUL U U19North Seal Beach Center – 3333 St. Cloud Dr.20Rivers End Park – Adjacent to the 1st St. Beach Parking Lot 21Schooner Park – Schooner Way & Dory Way in Bridgeport 22Seal Beach Police – 911 Adolfo Lopez Dr. (562) 799–410023Seal Beach Senior Center/ Mary Wilson Library – 707 Electric Ave. in Old Town24Seal Beach Tennis and Pickleball Center – 3900 Lampson Ave (562) 598–8624 L U25Windsurf Park – Adjacent to the 1st St. Beach Parking Lot 26Zoeter Field – 12th St. & Landing Ave. in Old Town L27Zoeter Dog Park – 12th St. & Landing Ave. in Old Town