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SHH Cooking Class Catalogue (v1.0)

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v1 0 CREATE EAT NOURISH CORPORATE CLASSES by our in house nutritionist CATALOGUE level up your daily nutrition

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v1 0 SHH Meal Preparation Cooking Class Catalogue Page 02 ABOUT US Simply Health Hub SHH is a healthcare marketplace that started out with a simple goal To advocate for healthier living As a wellness manager and healthcare companion we engage with medical institutions charity organisations corporates and individuals to provide quality service to our valued clients in areas like Corporate Health Screenings Chronic Disease Management Programmes Weight Management Programmes as well as Nutrition and Wellness Our Create Eat Nourish initiative of meal preparation and cooking classes strives to level up one s daily nutrition through effective recipes designed by our in house nutritionist Taking into consideration the common lifestyles and food culture of Singapore s community this initiative promotes for attainable and realistic eating habits that encourages and motivates individuals towards their own version of a healthy plate

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v1 0 SHH Meal Preparation Cooking Class Catalogue Page 03 FAVOURITES POPULAR PICKS FOR ONE TIME COOKING TRIALS Food For The Brain Learn to make recipes that help improve your memory concentration and productivity Protect Your Heart How do fats affect your heart health Find out more and create meals to protect your heart Healthy Gut A healthy gut is key to boosting your immune system Time to fill your tummy with goodness and energy Post Workout Nutrition Exercising is more than the hard work itself Discover how to optimise your body s recovery after a workout