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Sharing Jesus Confidently 21-Day Devotional

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21-Day Devotional

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2 1 - D A Y D E V O T I O N A LThe purpose of this plan is to encourage you to studythe scriptures about what it looks like to Share JesusConfidently. Our prayer is that as you study, pray andobey, God will open so many opportunities for you toshare the gospel. That you are prepared and equippedto share Jesus confidently with the people in your life. Welcome to the SharingJesus ConfidentlyBible Reading Plan.

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Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, tothe mountain to which Jesus had directedthem. And when they saw him theyworshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesuscame and said to them, “All authority inheaven and on earth has been given to me.Go therefore and make disciples of allnations, baptizing them in the name of theFather and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I havecommanded you. And behold, I am with youalways, to the end of the age.”MA T THE W 28 : 1 6- 2 0D A Y 0 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y C O R E Y T U R N E RAdvancing God's Kingdom

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Advancing God's KingdomD A Y 0 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y C O R E Y T U R N E R In Matthew’s Gospel, we encounter Jesus' lastcommand to His disciples before ascending to heaven.This passage is known as the Great Commission, and itwasn’t just for the early church in the first century butfor us today as followers of Jesus. Jesus had directed the disciples to meet him on amountain. Upon seeing Him, they worshiped Him, butsome doubted. Here we witness the humanity of thedisciples, grappling with their faith and the uncertaintyof what is about to take place both with Jesus' ministryand in their own lives. Yet, Jesus, with grace and allauthority calls them to make this last command theirfirst priority, reminding them of what the Father hasgiven to him. He declares, "All authority in heaven and on earth hasbeen given to me." Because Jesus has conquered sin,Satan and death itself, all authority has been given tohim and he now uses that cosmic authority to call everyfollower of Jesus to advance God's kingdom across thenations. What that specifically looks like is going andmaking disciples of all nations, baptising them andteaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded us.

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D A Y 0 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y C O R E Y T U R N E RThe significance of this command cannot beoverstated. Jesus did not merely suggest orrecommend making disciples. He made it clear that itis not optional. This charge extends to every believer, regardless ofage, background, or circumstance. We are all called toparticipate in the advancement of God's kingdom bysharing the life-transforming message of the Gospel.We can’t pass on what we haven’t been transformedby. As we are transformed by the gospel and the HolySpirit, we become emboldened to witness to otherswhat we have been a witness to in our own lives. As we join Jesus on this mission, we can draw strengthand encouragement from the assurance Jesusprovides. He promises to be with us always, even to theend of the age. In moments of doubt or fear, we canfind strength in the presence of our Savior, whoempowers and equips us for the task at hand. Making disciples involves more than simply sharing theGospel; it calls us to invest ourselves into anotherperson's life and journey of faith. Practically, that looksinvesting time, energy, and resource into the lives ofthose around us, helping them grow into maturefollowers of Christ. Being a disciple who makes disciplesis not limited to a select few; it is a collectiveresponsibility of the entire body of believers.

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D A Y 0 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y C O R E Y T U R N E R As we engage in disciple-making, we become agentsof transformation in our communities and the world.We have the privilege of witnessing lives changed,hearts ignited with passion for Christ, and individualsstepping into their God-given calling. Each disciplemade becomes a catalyst for further growth,multiplying the impact of God's kingdom. The Great Commission compels us to advance God'skingdom by making disciples. It reminds us that thistask is not optional, but rather at the core DNA of ourassignment as followers of Christ. We are called toembrace the power and authority given to us, to stepout in faith, and to invest into the lives of othersthrough discipleship. May we be faithful stewards of this divine mandate,knowing that Christ and the power of the Spirit is withus every step of the way. Let’s make Jesus lastcommand our first priority. Is making disciples your first priority? Pray for God torealign your heart to His.How can you begin today to invest time, energy andresource into the lives of those around you? REFLECTION:

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For God so loved the world, that he gave his onlySon, that whoever believes in him should notperish but have eternal life.JOHN 3:16 D A Y 0 2 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C EGod lovedthe world

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D A Y 0 2 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C E Everybody wants to be loved! I don’t think I have metanyone who said they did not want to be loved or lovein return. God designed us to love and to be loved. Love is apowerful thing, and can’t be explained. The Bible saysGreater love has no one than this, that someone laydown his life for his friends. (John 15:13) This reminds me of the story of a father who was atrain track conductor, who had the job of lowering thebridge so the trains could cross safely. This oneparticular day, he decided to take his son to work withhim. The father showed his son what he was doingand how important his job was, so that people couldmake it to the other side. The boy was intrigued, walking with the father backto the office as the morning train was seen and heardin the distance. The father began the process oflowering the bridge, and as he looked up, he saw hisson playing under the mechanisms of the bridge. Thefather in that moment had a decision to make, to laydown his son’s life for the train full of people to get tothe other side, or to save his son at the scarified of all. In that moment he made a decision to give his son,to give life to others. This incredible sacrifice of love isexactly what God did, John 3:16 says, “God so loved theworld that he gave his only son, that whoever believesin him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God lovedthe world

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Remember God loved & God gave...what are you willingto give away to someone because you love them? What did you receive when you believed and how couldthat effect your friends and family? D A Y 0 2 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C E God's love gave us life, and relationship with Himbecause of His son who laid down His life for us,sinners. The Bible says, “God demonstrated His love forus that while we were still sinners, He died for us”.Roman’s 5:8 It is a love that is demonstrated and a love that isreceived. All that is required of us is to believe in Him.How do we believe? It’s all by faith. Ephesians 2:8 sayswe are “saved by faith, it is not by works but is a giftfrom God”. This gift was the life of His son. This gave usforgiveness of sin, right standing with Him, right tobecome part of the family of God, receive eternal lifeand to receive the Holy Spirit. Today you have received love from Him. Why don’tyou give that away to someone today. Let that whichchanged your life, change someone else’s todaybecause you shared Jesus with them. REFLECTION:

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For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for itis the power of God for salvation toeveryone who believes, to the Jew first andalso to the Greek.ROMANS 1:16D A Y 0 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N Power ofthe Gospel

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Diamonds are of the strongest natural materialsknown to man. They are resistant to chemical corrosion,immense pressure, and heat! Yet even a diamond, in allits beauty & resistance, can be melted down by intensefire temperatures. As strong as it is, even a diamond hasa damage point. However, unlike a diamond, the Gospel and the powerof it, has withstood every test of fire, immense pressure,and weathering. Persecution against the Church,centuries of martyrdom, false idols and warped religionshave tried to rob the Gospel of its power but havealways failed! The Gospel cannot be tamed and is theunchanging message that will last for all eternity! The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16 famously wrote, “For Iam not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is thepower of God to salvation for everyone who believes, forthe Jew first and also for the Greek.” Many times, when we step out in faith to share aboutJesus, we can often think of the best method orapproach. We think of words that will appeasesomebody and make them feel comfortable about themessage of Jesus, or phrases that will catch theirattention. We may even step out in faith and wonderwhy someone doesn’t receive our message.Power ofthe GospelD A Y 0 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N

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D A Y 0 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N Perhaps the version we have been sharing is not God'sversion, and that is why the message does not producea response. That’s because there is nothing morepowerful when sharing the Gospel than (wait for it) –THE GOSPEL! The Gospel is the power of God untosalvation. When Jesus is lifted up, He draws all peopleunto Himself (John 12:32). The Gospel is a simple message. God loved, so Godgave. We believe, so we receive. Yet, we have tamperedwith it for so long in order that it would be ‘well received.’God takes this very seriously! That is why Galatians 1:8says, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preachany other gospel to you than what we have preached toyou, let him be accursed.” Wow! Do you remember what Paul said about notknowing anything else other than Christ & Himcrucified? (1 Corinthians 2:2). Why is that? Because herecognised that nothing is more powerful whenpreaching the Kingdom, than the Gospel itself! Which isexactly why in the previous verse he mentions how hedid not speak in lofty speech, but only of the power ofthe cross & He who was on it! It’s funny, the times where I have tried to share Jesuswithout the cross being the centre point, I've never seenas much fruit as the times when I do. Why? Becausesalvation, signs & wonders follow the preaching of theGospel!

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Have I ever strayed from sharing the simple gospel inan effort to be well received? What was the result?Do I truly believe the gospel is the power of God tosave? How does this affect my confidence to share it? REFLECTION: D A Y 0 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N So, can I challenge you, share the simple gospel. Don’tcomplicate it. Its power has never, nor will ever change.It cannot be tamed and is the greatest weapon everybeliever has when sharing Jesus!If the Gospel is the power of God to salvation, what moredo we need?

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And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not comeproclaiming to you the testimony of God withlofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to knownothing among you except Jesus Christ and himcrucified. And I was with you in weakness and infear and much trembling, and my speech and mymessage were not in plausible words of wisdom,but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom ofmen but in the power of God.1 CORINTHIANS 2:1-5D A Y 0 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S C A R U A N A Role of thefor DemonstrationHoly Spirit's Power

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Paul’s message was convicting and powerful because itcame from the Holy Spirit. Paul says his speech was notsimply in words but also in demonstration. Further in thischapter, he talks about how the natural man cannotunderstand spiritual things. Therefore, his approach wasn’t to have a convincingargument and witty comeback, engaging in politicaldebates. Neither was it to water-down the gospel, makingit sound more plausible or tickle their ears. His method wassimple: to trust in Holy Spirit to demonstrate His power. Did your own conversion come through someone’sconvincing argument or through an encounter with thepower and love of Jesus? I would dare to guess that most ofyou would respond with the latter. Paul recognises his role and responsibility not topersuade, but to facilitate the demonstration of God’spower. Think about this for a second: The Creator of theuniverse chooses to use you to demonstrate His power.Paul also didn’t let his weakness, fear or trembling stophim. Why not? Because it wasn't about him. He wascompletely expectant for the Holy Spirit to come through.Neither is it about you. If you have received the Holy Spirit,through salvation and baptism, as a child of God, youhave access to His power. D A Y 0 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S C A R U A N A Role of thefor DemonstrationHoly Spirit's Power

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D A Y 0 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S C A R U A N A What am I letting go of today (paradigms, methods,persuasions, fears) Have I ever discounted myself from sharing Jesus becauseI’ve believed I don’t have the right words? How will this passage affect the way I share Jesusconfidently, moving forwardREFLECTION: to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified? We are not encouraging you to ignore knowledge,wisdom or understanding. The writer of the book ofProverbs endlessly encourages us to “get wisdom”. Read the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 2. The importantthing is not to depend on these things more than youdepend on Holy Spirit; neither to discount yourself fromsharing because you aren’t as persuasive as your pastor ordon’t have as much Bible knowledge as your teacher. When I evangelise, I love to pray for the sick because itallows me to show the person the Holy Spirit’s power toheal, and the Father’s great love for them. It’s like an act ofsupernatural kindness. Then after demonstrating, I tellthem who He is. Everything about evangelism, as shared here, is to drawpeople to the vastness of God, not the intellect or wisdomof the one sharing. When you allow Holy Spirit to play Hisfull role, God has His way. The outcome is that the person’sfaith rests in God’s power to reach, heal, save, and restorethem.

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And they have conquered him by the blood of theLamb and by the word of their testimony, for theyloved not their lives even unto death.REVELATION 12:11D A Y 0 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M I C H A E L G R E C H K O Power of my story

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I came to faith in Jesus Christ because someone Iknew took the time to explain the gospel of Jesus tome. After the Holy Spirit began to convict me of mysinfulness, I was introduced to a youth pastor namedAllan Meyer, who saw that I was beginning to believein Jesus and was repenting from my sins. After baptising me the very next day, Allan laid hishands on my head and began to pray God’s blessingsover me. At that moment, demons began to manifestinside me and attempted to drag me under the waterto drown me. For the following forty minutes, Allanand one of the church elders cast out demons until Ihad peace. I was filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke intongues and received a joy I did not know could everbe experienced. I was saved and set free by the powerof God because of what Jesus had done for me on thecross and now the Holy Spirit made a reality in my newlife in Christ. We all have different salvation stories but what is thesame for us all is that our spiritual enemies will comeagainst us to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)everything that Jesus achieved for us on the cross:that victory, our relationship with Him, our identity inChrist and our inheritance. D A Y 0 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M I C H A E L G R E C H K O Power ofmy story

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D A Y 0 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M I C H A E L G R E C H K O When the day of evil comes (Ephesians 6:13) and he attacksus (1 Peter 5:8-9), remember that we have already overcomethe spiritual forces of evil because Jesus defeated them on thecross and in his resurrection (Colossians 2:14-15). His death (theblood of the lamb) procured victory over our enemycompletely and fully for us. Our testimony, that is our salvation story, reminds us thatChrist’s work on the cross is complete and His victory is ourvictory. That is your testimony, and it is very powerful whensharing with people who don’t yet believe. It conveys to othersthat the work that Jesus did on the cross and in hisresurrection transforms people’s lives. Today, think of someoneyou know with whom you have not yet shared your testimony. Are you confident to share your testimony with somebodyyou know needs Jesus? If yes, when can you catch up withthem for coffee and share your God story? If no, what doyou need to do to help you to be able to share yourtestimony confidently? REFLECTION:

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And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grantto your servants to continue to speak your wordwith all boldness, while you stretch out your handto heal, and signs and wonders are performedthrough the name of your holy servant Jesus.”And when they had prayed, the place in whichthey were gathered together was shaken, andthey were all filled with the Holy Spirit andcontinued to speak the word of God withboldness.He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, butwhen Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they tookhim aside and explained to him the way of Godmore accurately.ACTS 4:29-31ACTS 18:36 D A Y 0 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R YRole of theHoly Spirit for Boldness

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Role of the Holy Spirit for Boldness D A Y 0 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R YI’ll never forget that day. I was 20 years old, lived in atown of 1800 people, was shy but desperate to breakout of it. I had taken a week off work to attend aconference in another town in NZ. I felt strongly to godown to the local mall, stand up in the middle of thesquare and preach. I walked there, and was about toget up and speak, when I noticed a group of a dozenbig blokes, all wearing patches, “Black Power”(notorious gang in NZ) sitting around a table rightthere. I wanted to turn around and go home, butsomething in me went, “do you want to pull out or stepup?”. I stood up. “People of Hawera” I bellowed out. Thewall of patches turned and looked at me. This wasscary. One big breath and away I went. As I finished, the gang all clapped. I was shocked,elated and mostly relieved. Later that evening, one ofthe members turned up at the church, intoxicated,asking for me. “You got to me today. Bro, you got to metoday” were the only words he could say. Holy Spirit brings boldness, boldness to break throughthe fears, but He also brings the motivation for theboldness. He is love.

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D A Y 0 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R YRemember God Loved God gave, what are you willing to give away to someone because you love them? What did you receive when you believed and howcould that effect your friends and family? REFLECTION: Today, I love actively sharing Jesus confidently andasking Holy Spirit daily for opportunity, compassion andboldness. It's a privilege to lay hands on the sick andsee them recover. It's my responsibility as a follower ofChrist to speak the words of life over those He haschosen. Hey!! You are full of the Holy Spirit. He is boldness. Youare boldness incarnate. Today, it's time to step intoboldness. Boldness fuelled with Holy Spirit love. Acts 4:29-31 The Holy Spirit in Peter and John is thesame Holy Spirit in me and you. As you boldly step out in His power and love, watchwhat he does!! Then, you too, like Peter and John, willcome back and tell the stories of Jesus performingwonders and we will praise God with you, praying.. “And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant toyour servants to continue to speak your word with allboldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, andsigns and wonders are performed through the name ofyour holy servant Jesus.” We are given a daily invitation to live in Holy Spiritboldness.

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D A Y 0 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T T Role of the Holy Spirit in ConvictionAnd when he comes, he will convict the world concerningsin and righteousness and judgment: Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, andsaid to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, whatshall we do?”JOHN 16:8ACTS 2:37

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Looking back, when you were first saved, was it because of someone'sconvincing words or the conviction of the Holy Spirit within you? How does knowing that Holy Spirit is your advocate help you feel moreconfident in sharing Jesus with those in your lives? Ask the Holy Spirit to partner with you as you share Jesus with someone today. REFLECTION: D A Y 0 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T T In John 16, we see that after Jesus has dropped the hardnews to his disciples that he wouldn’t be sticking around,He comforts them by speaking about the person andwork of the Holy Spirit. He is described by Jesus as ourhelper and advocate, the Spirit of truth who will guide usinto truth. But Jesus also tells us that the Holy Spirit will alsoilluminate truth for the world, for the unbeliever. “And whenHe has come, He will convict the world of sin, and ofrighteousness, and of judgment. Jesus is clear, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts the world ofsin, it is not our role, or our responsibility. We don’t need to,nor can we - prove to anyone or convince someone thatthe gospel message about Jesus is true. We simply mustshare it and the Holy Spirit testifies to the truth of it. Headvocates on our behalf. What a relief! I love the account in Acts 2 where Peter stands up andboldly proclaims the gospel and people’s hearts werepierced. It’s a powerful picture of how the people of Godare called to work in partnership with the Spirit to bringsalvation to the lost. Peter simply spoke the truth and theSpirit of truth went to work in people’s hearts. Role of the Holy Spirit in Conviction

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Looking back, when you were first saved, was it because ofsomeone's convincing words or the conviction of the HolySpirit within you? Knowing that the Holy Spirit is your advocate, ask the HolySpirit to partner with you as you share Jesus with someonetoday. REFLECTION: D A Y 0 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T T The Bible tells us that the word of God is the Spirit’sweapon of choice…a sword that penetrates so deeply itdivides between our soul and spirit…it judges the thoughtsand attitudes of our heart (Hebrews 4:12). When we sharethe word about Christ, the Holy Spirit can penetrate theunbeliever’s heart, exposing what it contains, and bringthem to a conviction of their sin. Have you ever become ridiculously self- conscious whenyou arrive at a party to find you are massively under-dressed? Well in the same way, our guilt and sin, ourimperfection is highlighted and exposed to us in thepresence of holiness and righteousness. And once a sinnerhas been awakened to their need for a saviour, theirresponse is naturally “What shall I do??”. And friends, youhave the answer. In Romans 1:16 the apostle Paul writes “I am not ashamedof the gospel - for it is the POWER OF GOD for salvation toeveryone who believes”. Today, remind yourself that youcan confidently share the gospel of Christ because it is notyou who convinces a person to be saved, but the power ofGod at work, the Holy Spirit advocating on your behalf.

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D A Y 0 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S T A C E Y H I L L I A R Transformation of Communitiesand CitiesThe next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered tohear the word of the Lord. But when the Jews sawthe crowds, they were filled with jealousy and beganto contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “Itwas necessary that the word of God be spoken firstto you. Since you thrust it aside and judgeyourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we areturning to the Gentiles. For so the Lord hascommanded us, saying,“‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of theearth.’” And when the Gentiles heard this, they beganrejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and asmany as were appointed to eternal life believed. And the word of the Lord was spreading throughoutthe whole region. But the Jews incited the devoutwomen of high standing and the leading men of thecity, stirred up persecution against Paul andBarnabas, and drove them out of their district.

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And when they could not find them, they draggedJason and some of the brothers before the cityauthorities, shouting, “These men who haveturned the world upside down have come herealso...“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, toall the exiles whom I have sent into exile fromJerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live inthem; plant gardens and eat their produce. Takewives and have sons and daughters; take wivesfor your sons, and give your daughters inmarriage, that they may bear sons anddaughters; multiply there, and do not decrease.But seek the welfare of the city where I have sentyou into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf,for in its welfare you will find your welfare.ACTS 17:6JEREMIAH 29:4-7ACTS 13:44-52But they shook off the dust from their feet againstthem and went to Iconium. And the discipleswere filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

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Can you take a moment today and ask the Lord to give you a vision of yourcity and community transformed for Jesus? Can you pray with me like the Prophet Jeremiah encouraged the exiles to door the welfare of the city where God has placed you? Let’s intercede until we see this available reality become accessibleexperiences in our world and for the generations to come. REFLECTION: D A Y 0 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S T A C E Y H I L L I A R It can be so easy to get caught up in all the wonderfulthings the Lord is doing within our Church communityin a season like we are in! He is healing miraculously,He is providing faithfully, He is restoring lovingly, andHe is speaking powerfully. However, God’s intention hasalways been that these signs and wonders pointbelievers and unbelievers to Jesus. We can get so full ofvision for the Church, that we forget to get a vision forthe city which we are called to influence. Can you imagine what it would look like where you livefor almost the whole gather... to hear the wordof the Lord...? (Acts 13:44). In our passage in Acts, it wasthe Gentiles who had gathered to hear Paul teach afterthe Jews had turned against him and because Antiochwas mostly made up of Gentiles, this meant that hehad a large audience. For most of us, we live in cities that are mostly madeup of non-believers who need to hear the gospel!Perhaps to believe or imagine that they would all cometo hear the gospel preached seems a little far-fetchedto you, and yet it happened in Antioch, so I dare tobelieve it can happen again today. In fact, if you cancatch a vision of it in your Spirit with me today, then wecan incubate and declare these things in bold prayeruntil we, like the Apostles, have turned the world upsidedown with the gospel! In fact, intercession is what takes available realitiesand makes them accessible experiences! Transformation of Communities and Cities

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Can you take a moment today and ask the Lord to give youa vision of your city and community transformed for Jesus? Can you pray with me like the Prophet Jeremiah encouragedthe exiles to do or the welfare of the city where God hasplaced you? Let’s intercede until we see this available reality becomeaccessible experiences in our world and for the generationsto come. REFLECTION: D A Y 0 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S T A C E Y H I L L I A R What would it look like for your city to be turnedupside down in 2023?I can see schools and universities that return to thetruth of God’s Word in their curriculums and onceagain become centres of learning about God’s worldand His people! I can see government halls filled withJesus followers who are prayerfully creating policy andlaw that honours God and honours others. I can see thebrightest medical professionals who live from therevelation that they have the mind of Christ, bringingsupernatural solutions to natural problems. I see business people who live by Kingdom principleshosting prayer meetings in their board rooms andleading from discernment rather than pure strategy. Ican see media and entertainment redeemed for Jesusand the airwaves flooded with life giving media, music,and content. I see families and marriages who aregospel messages in and of themselves. Can you see it?Can you dare to believe for it?

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About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singinghymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, andsuddenly there was a great earthquake, so that thefoundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately allthe doors were opened, and everyone's bonds wereunfastened. When the jailer woke and saw that the prisondoors were open, he drew his sword and was about to killhimself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. But Paulcried with a loud voice, “Do not harm yourself, for we are allhere.” And the jailer called for lights and rushed in, andtrembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas. Thenhe brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to besaved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you willbe saved, you and your household.” And they spoke the wordof the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. And hetook them the same hour of the night and washed theirwounds; and he was baptized at once, he and all his family.Then he brought them up into his house and set food beforethem. And he rejoiced along with his entire household that hehad believed in God.ACTS 16: 25-34D A Y 0 9 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A K Transformation of families

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D A Y 0 9 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A K I love the first line in this passage! “About midnightPaul and Silas were praying and singing hymns toGod and the prisoners were listening to them." Luke seems to write it so casually like of course afterbeing thrown in to jail Paul and Silas would naturallybe found singing hymns to God . . . at midnight! I’mnot sure that’s how you would have found me if I werein the same situation but I love the fact that they wereso full of God and His Spirit, that even in the most direof circumstances their first instinct was to worshipGod. They didn’t just preach the Gospel, preach faithbut their lives demonstrated their love for God andtheir faith that everything was in His control. So muchso that God orchestrated a series of events that leadthe jailer and his whole family to come to know Godand immediately be baptised. What an awesomeoutcome of two men living out their faith in all life’s situations. For me, as much as I am so passionate about sharingmy faith with the lost, my first and foremost priority isto share God’s love to my family. This is the placewhere God has called me to live out my faith throughall of life’s ups and downs, and the place I want to seetransformation first.Transformationof Families

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D A Y 0 9 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A K When we think of sharing our faith, we often do not think ofthe people who are right in front of us. Whether you areraising a family or praying for unsaved family members howcan we use both our words and actions to demonstrateGod’s unconditional, sacrificial love for them? How can we invite them in a very authentic way to see God’smiraculous power, love and grace at work in our own lives aswe navigate life’s challenges? REFLECTION: I’m called to not just teach them about the ways ofGod and what He has down for them but for myactions to preach a much louder message. I’d have tosay at times I haven’t done so great with formalbiblical training with my family, but one thing I havealways tried to do is for them to see God active in mylife. I have made a deliberate effort to share with themmy God journey. I tell them about the times when I’vefailed God, was disobedient but He was so gracious,the victories, the answers to prayer, thedisappointments and doubts and let God’s messageof grace shine through.

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D A Y 1 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S I M O N E T U R N E R How to prayfor friends & yourselfFirst of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for allpeople... Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of theLord may speed ahead and be honored, ashappened among you,1 TIMOTHY 2:1 2 THESSALONIANS 3:1

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How to prayfor friends & yourselfD A Y 1 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S I M O N E T U R N E R It goes without saying that prayer is at the core ofsharing Jesus confidently with our friends. We are notjust about praying for our own needs, but to beinterceding and praying for all people. The basis forthis is that God wants to see all people saved. Whenwe allow God to align our hearts for those who are onhis heart, then we can boldly share the message ofthe Lord. Our prayers help equip and strengthen us withcourage and truth to boldly share the gospel. Wepray, so that we are led by the Spirit in sharing thegospel. We pray, because we need the Lord's strengthand presence to go with us. So, praying for friends toknow Jesus is on God’s heart too. But how do we do this? I don’t think we need to know any formula or specialequation to pray, but rather that we be so alignedwith the heart of God that our prayers come from aplace of love and kingdom heart. Because peoplematter to God, they matter to us. We are notpreoccupied with only our own lives, wants or needs,but we are kingdom conscious of what and who is onGod’s heart.

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Maybe today, start with a conversation with the HolySpirit. Ask Him to reveal more of God’s love to you first. Then ask Him to lead you to partner with what he isdoing in the lives of those around you. REFLECTION: D A Y 1 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S I M O N E T U R N E R Then, how we pray for our friends becomes led by thespirit of God, and we are interceding as He leads us to. Then our conversations are not pressured aroundperformance or results but are motivated by love. How do we pray for our friends to know God? We prayfrom a place of our own revelation of the love of Godand we ask him to help us love them like he does. Thisbecomes the motivation of how we pray and of howwe share Jesus.

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D A Y 1 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N Praying for opportunitiesAt the same time, pray also for us, that God mayopen to us a door for the word, to declare themystery of Christ, on account of which I am inprison— that I may make it clear, which is how Iought to speak.Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayerand supplication. To that end, keep alert with allperseverance, making supplication for all thesaints, and also for me, that words may be givento me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim themystery of the gospel, for which I am anambassador in chains, that I may declare itboldly, as I ought to speak.COLOSSIANS 4:3-4EPHESIANS 6:18-20

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D A Y 1 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N When I was younger, my family would play a car gamecalled spotto. A classic for long car rides. We would lookfor a certain colour car, usually yellow, with our eyespeeled to be the first to notice a yellow car driving by.We’ve all played it, right? The funny thing about spotto isthat the cars driving past don’t change, we just are onthe lookout for the right car to yell ‘spotto!’ I think it canbe the same with sharing the gospel. Sometimes weonly notice the opportunities when we’re looking forthem. Yesterday we looked at praying over ourselves andpeople around us. One of the next steps is to now askthe Father for opportunities to tell people about his love.This is where the fun starts! If you’re like me, sometimes it can be easy to forget tosimply look! To look around and listen to the Fatherabout opportunities which are already around us ineveryday life. Why don’t you take some time to reflectand ask God today? Where are the opportunities tobring the love of Jesus to someone? Praying for opportunities

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Today, why don’t you start a game of Holy-Spirit-spotto? Why don’t you ask God to open your eyes foropportunities today to share his love with others? Maywe learn to walk in-step with Holy Spirit and let him liftour eyes to see the doors that are open all around us.REFLECTION: D A Y 1 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N As you begin to ask God for opportunities, you maystart to notice the opportunities that are already aroundyou. Friends in your workplace, family who are not saved,the barista whose name you cannot quite remember.What opportunities are already in your world? Why don’tyou create some space for Holy Spirit to speak to youabout these people? Ask him questions! How does Godsee these opportunities? What is he saying? Who is Godhighlighting to you? Take some time to listen to what hesays. Praying for opportunities sometimes does not just giveus more opportunity. It can often change our thinking(“renew our minds” Romans 12:1-2), teaching us to seethe opportunities that are already around us. Webecome aware of where Holy Spirit is leading, and theopportunity to share the wonderful news of his love!

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D A Y 1 2 D E V O T I O N A LB Y E R N I E T H A I Praying for obedienceAnd the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to thehighways and hedges and compel people tocome in, that my house may be filled.“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.LUKE 14:23JOHN 14:15

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Some years ago, my car had been returned from themechanic and I woke the next morning to the carleaking oil all over my garage. I called the dealershipwho sent a tow truck over. The tow truck driver had toslowly back my car out of the garage and down thetwisting driveway. When the driver got out of the car,he was visibly moved and crying. He asked what songwas playing in my car and I mentioned that it wasworship. The driver shared how the words in the songreally touched him. I sensed an opportunity to share the Gospel with him,so I did. He began to share how our meeting was not aco-incidence. 3 weeks earlier, he had an issue with hishouse, and had called a tradesman to fix the issue. Acarpenter turned up and started sharing the Gospelwith him. A week after that incident, a friend from hishigh school randomly calls him to see how he wasdoing and felt prompted to share the Gospel with him.Then there was my car. A ‘random’ oil leak thatcreated an opportunity for him to encounter Jesusagain. D A Y 1 2 D E V O T I O N A L B Y E R N I E T H A I Praying for obedience

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This was the clearest example of what impact itmakes when we each are obedient to God’sprompting. If the carpenter or his friend had notfollowed through with the prompting of God to sharethe Gospel, then my encounter with the tow truckdriver would have been vastly different. It was thecombination of our joint obedience that led the driverto have an encounter with Jesus and left him withoutany doubt that God was reaching out to him. This incident left a distinct mark on me. I could nolonger ignore the promptings of God. I recognisedthat our joint obedience creates a link for God toconnect with someone. Our obedience matters andhas an eternal impact. You may have heard of the 5 love languages; gifts,words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of serviceand quality time. But did you know that God has a lovelanguage too? His love language is obedience. We seethis in John 14:15, when Jesus says ‘If you love me, youwill keep my commandments”. So now that we haveprayed for God to make opportunities for us to sharethe Gospel, let's pray for obedience to share theGospel when that opportunity arises. Your obediencetouches God’s heart. Has God put someone in your heart to reach out andshare the Gospel? How can you be a link for that person in connectingthem with God? Ask God for His help to share the Gospel today. REFLECTION: D A Y 1 2 D E V O T I O N A LB Y E R N I E T H A I

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D A Y 1 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A KPower of careBut the one who looks into the perfect law, thelaw of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearerwho forgets but a doer who acts, he will beblessed in his doing.If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridlehis tongue but deceives his heart, this person'sreligion is worthless. Religion that is pure andundefiled before God the Father is this: to visitorphans and widows in their affliction, and tokeep oneself unstained from the world.JAMES 1:25-27

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And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do youread it?” And he answered, “You shall love the Lord yourGod with all your heart and with all your soul and withall your strength and with all your mind, and yourneighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You haveanswered correctly; do this, and you will live.”But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “Andwho is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man was goingdown from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell amongrobbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed,leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest wasgoing down that road, and when he saw him he passedby on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he cameto the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where hewas, and when he saw him, he had compassion. Hewent to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oiland wine. Then he set him on his own animal andbrought him to an inn and took care of him. And thenext day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them tothe innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatevermore you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ Which of these three, do you think, proved to be aneighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” Hesaid, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus saidto him, “You go, and do likewise.”LUKE 10:25-37

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These Scriptures give us such a good picture of love inaction. The greatest example of love in action that wehave is of course, Jesus. He didn’t just come to Earthand say “I’ve come to tell you how much I love you” butHe showed us in His sacrificial death on the cross. Hislove for us was unconditional, unmerited, extravagant. “While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Here in this passage of the Good Samaritan we seeall those qualities in the love the Samaritan showedfor the traveller. Samaritans were considered a lowclass of people by the Jews since they hadintermarried with non-Jews and did not keep all thelaw. As a result, Jews would have nothing to do withthem and so they despised each other. There was nonatural reason why the Samaritan would stop to help.Both the priest and the Levite who should have showncompassion, didn’t. Instead, it was the Samaritan who demonstratedunmerited, unconditional and extravagant generosityto the Jew. He didn’t even just do the bare minimum tohelp, but bound up his wounds, put him on his owndonkey, took him to an inn and made sure he paid theinnkeeper for any future costs as well. D A Y 1 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A KPowerof care

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We live in a culture where we have made busynessand productivity a god and packed our lives with somany activities, there is little margin for anything else.However, God is calling us to not just share about Hislove with our words, but to be moved by compassionfor others regardless of who they are, and live livesthat powerfully demonstrate His love to others. I have found that the times I have demonstratedGod’s love through a meal, a lift home, an act ofkindness, I have been allowed into situations to showGod’s love that otherwise would not have been opento me. This week how can we create room in our lives, slow down thepace a bit so that we have the time and capacity todemonstrate God’s love to someone through our actions? Can we go into our day, tuned into the voice of the Holy Spirit,asking Him to give us an opportunity, however small or big toshow His unmerited, unconditional, extravagant love tosomeone else through our actions? REFLECTION: D A Y 1 3 D E V O T I O N A LB Y B E L I N D A A B D E L M A L A K

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PHILEMON 1:6D A Y 1 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R YEncouragement to shareand I pray that the sharing of your faith maybecome effective for the full knowledge ofevery good thing that is in us for the sake ofChrist.

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D A Y 1 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R YDo you still find it hard to comprehend that God haschosen to release His message of salvation throughyou? You and me, simple people, commissioned andsent to share His extraordinary message, through love,faith and His power in us. He has made His message, ourmessage. I am reminded of the day we were invited to a remotevillage in Northern Thailand. We had been invited tocome and be a part of a funeral for the only Christian inthis animistic (spirit worshipping) village. We went, readyto share. We took with us the message of Jesus and foodto help with the funeral meals. (Every event in Thailandinvolves food). That day, 3 families received Christ. Why?They were so touched by our sharing of food, that theyalso opened their hearts to Jesus. They are still followingJesus today. The gospel is a simple message. So simple, yet soprofound and so powerful. Can I encourage you? Stepup, step out, and share the message. The most powerfulmessage you have is not your theology, or yourknowledge of the Bible. Your greatest message that onlyyou can share is who Jesus is in you, what he has done inyou. to Share Encouragement

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So, today what is one thing that Jesus has done in youthat you are so grateful for? How could you share this witha friend in a way that they could hear? What is one thing you could do to begin / deepen arelationship with a neighbour/work colleague? REFLECTION: D A Y 1 4 D E V O T I O N A LB Y T I M P E R R Y Your story is powerful. People need to hear what Jesushas done in you. People want to hear good news, andyou have that good news. Share!! Share what God hasgiven you. We don’t need to have all the answers. It’s okay toanswer people’s questions in the same way the blindman who could now see said “I don’t know, but this iswhat I do know, this is what happened to me.” Sharing requires us to give. To give freely of who we areand what we have. It requires us to truly love those Godputs on our path daily. Remember, when you share Christ, you are releasingHim, his words, his life on others. People will not just seeyou. They will see Jesus in you and through you. As I read Philemon 1:6 it reminds me again that we arefull of Christ already, and as we share Christ in us, withothers, we become more aware of the power andauthority that we truly carry. As we share, we becomemore consumed and reliant on the one who is in us, theOne who created all things, and by whom all thingsexist. Jesus Christ has freely shared all he is and has, with youand I. Our role, is, as we have freely received, we are tofreely give. To give the words that hold the gift of eternallife.

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He said also to the man who had invited him,“When you give a dinner or a banquet, do notinvite your friends or your brothers or yourrelatives or rich neighbors, lest they also inviteyou in return and you be repaid. But when yougive a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, thelame, the blind, and you will be blessed, becausethey cannot repay you. For you will be repaid atthe resurrection of the just.”LUKE 14:12-14D A Y 1 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J O E S A M U E L Power of Invitation

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D A Y 1 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J O E S A M U E L The entire Bible can be summed up as an invitation fromGod to his creation, humanity, to live in indescribableabundance for eternity in an intimate and inseparablerelationship with him as our Father in heaven. The background to this portion of scripture is that Jesus isinvited by a prominent man to his home for a meal. In thatcultural context, such an invitation was only given to thoseof prominence, status, or the pecking order of society. Bytoday’s standards, you only got that invite if you were an“influencer” – the rich, the famous, the religious leaders,the elite etc. Jesus decides to rattle the cage of that by doing a fewradical things such as healing a sick man in their midst onthe day of Sabbath and then speaking against thepecking order of society. Jesus was not impressed by theexclusivity of the crowd, the pride in jostling to sit in thebest seat and the lack of awareness and love towardsothers. Powerof invitation

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D A Y 1 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J O E S A M U E L Invite without strings attached – Jesus was not againstpeople inviting their friends or family, but was againstpeople only inviting their friends, families or neighboursin the hopes of being reciprocated with an invitation toone of their dinners or parties. I’ve had to disciple mychild to invite her entire class each year for herbirthday party regardless of whose birthday party shewas invited to in return. Our world revolves around“what’s in it for me.” Through Jesus sacrifice, God theFather invited us to be a part of his family when therewas absolutely no guarantee that we would everreceive him, embrace him, and live for him. Romans 5:8“but God shows his love for us in that while we were stillsinners, Christ died for us.” Let us keep this in mind aswe invite people that the Holy Spirit lays on our heart,with absolutely zero strings attached. Invite the least among us – While this is a record of astory over 2,000 years old, our modern world is not thatmuch different in terms of a class divide. Humanityalways finds ways to segregate people based on caste,colour, creed, or socio-economic tiers. Jesuscommands his followers to open the door to everyone,even the lowest and most downtrodden in society eventhough they have nothing to offer us in return. But in verses 12-14, he hones down to a few key detailswhen it comes to inviting others to our homes or meals:

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D A Y 1 5 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J O E S A M U E L Right motives invite heavens reward – We arereminded that God is the rewarder of every good deed.God has given us the ability to invite people in ourworld to experience the same truth, freedom,forgiveness, and love in Jesus that we once received bysimply opening our wallets, the doors of our homes orsharing our time. Every act done here on earth thatcomes from a pure motive will be rewarded in eternityby God, who is the source of all blessings. Remember,the greatest invitation ever – “For God so loved theworld, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believesin him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John3:16. Let us invite others without prejudice, as we havebeen invited by our Father in heaven. What have been the motives for me to invitepeople? Have there been strings attached? Have I been exclusive in my invitations? Who can Iinvite in my world that I have previously excluded? REFLECTION:

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But he said to him, “A man once gave a greatbanquet and invited many. And at the time forthe banquet he sent his servant to say to thosewho had been invited, ‘Come, for everything isnow ready.’ But they all alike began to makeexcuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought afield, and I must go out and see it. Please have meexcused.’ And another said, ‘I have bought fiveyoke of oxen, and I go to examine them. Pleasehave me excused.’ And another said, ‘I havemarried a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ Sothe servant came and reported these things tohis master. Then the master of the house becameangry and said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly tothe streets and lanes of the city, and bring in thepoor and crippled and blind and lame.’ And theservant said, ‘Sir, what you commanded has beendone, and still there is room.’ And the master saidto the servant, ‘Go out to the highways andhedges and compel people to come in, that myhouse may be filled. For I tell you, none of thosemen who were invited shall taste my banquet.’”LUKE 14:16-24 D A Y 1 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N Encouraged to bring people

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D A Y 1 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N Yesterday we looked at the power and impact of aninvitation. But today we’re going to look at how and whowe can bring the kingdom to in our lives. Let’s look attoday’s passage in Luke 14. You might be familiar withthis passage by now… but let yourself ask somequestions of the text. What do you notice about God’sheart for the lost? Who does he compel to be brought tohis house? In verse 21 we see his desire for all to come to him. Todraw near to him! For all to come as they are. TheFather’s heart is that “none should perish, but that allshould reach repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Where do yousee yourself in this parable? Contextually, thecommandment to bring people was given to his servant(Jesus), which is now given to us as His disciples – tobring all to his house. This reminds me of how a hospital operates. Sometimespeople who are sick or injured are brought into thehospital. They are tended to and cared for. However,they also have teams of paramedics to bring peoplesafely into the hospital. Sometimes people can’t make itto the building. Maybe they’re too far away or toodistant. However, the job of the paramedics is to go tothe broken and injured, sometimes bringing treatmentand care to them right where they are. This carecontinues in the ambulance until they arrive in thehospital where they are nursed brought back to fullhealth. People who otherwise could have never made itto the hospital, are brought the care they need. Encouraged to bring people

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Take some time to reflect today… who is in your worldthat can be brought to God’s table? What would it look like to bring the kingdom with you? What could be on the other end of our obedience?REFLECTION: D A Y 1 6 D E V O T I O N A LB Y M A T T C L A Y T O N My friends, we are spiritual paramedics to the worldaround us. Our role is to embody the heart of Jesus. Toseek and save the lost. Sometimes our challenge is tonot just wait for people to be brought to the kingdom (oreven church!), but to bring the kingdom to them (“theKingdom of God has come near to you” (Mathew 10:7)).Do you know that we carry the Kingdom with us? Thatwherever we walk, the love of Jesus can be mademanifest through us to those around us. If you’re like me, sometimes we need to take time toremember our role and commission as children of God.To love God and to love people well. To love peoplecloser to the father each day. What if we were called tonot just bring people to church? What if we were calledto also bring the Kingdom to these people? To go tothem. To carry the Kingdom to where they are. My prayer today is that God would mould our hearts tobe more like His. To carry the Father’s heart to thosearound us in everyday life. To bring the kingdom with uswherever we go.

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But he said to him, “A man once gave a great banquetand invited many. And at the time for the banquet hesent his servant to say to those who had been invited,‘Come, for everything is now ready.’ But they all alikebegan to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I havebought a field, and I must go out and see it. Please haveme excused.’ And another said, ‘I have bought five yokeof oxen, and I go to examine them. Please have meexcused.’ And another said, ‘I have married a wife, andtherefore I cannot come.’ So the servant came andreported these things to his master. Then the master ofthe house became angry and said to his servant, ‘Go outquickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring inthe poor and crippled and blind and lame.’ And theservant said, ‘Sir, what you commanded has been done,and still there is room.’ And the master said to theservant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges andcompel people to come in, that my house may be filled.For I tell you,none of those men who were invited shalltaste my banquet.’”LUKE 14:16-24 D A Y 1 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T TThe importancein compelling people

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D A Y 1 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T TNo one wants to see food go to waste, especially whenthey have prepared it themselves. In this parable, all the invited guests responded withtheir excuses of why they could not come to thebanquet. The master tells his servants to go out to thehighways and hedges and compel people to come in,so that his house would be filled. He is determined thatthis banquet he has prepared, would not be wasted. We can all agree that we live in a world just as Jesusdescribed, where people are preoccupied with materialthings, other people, and other priorities. When invitingthose in our world to the Father’s table, we can expectto encounter excuses and resistance. But this is not asign to stand down and step back. Compel is an interesting word. It means to “overcomeunwillingness with irresistible force.” It is defined andmarked by the very presence of resistance. Whenpeople responded that they “cannot” come…it wasabout the presence of distraction, a lack of priority andrevelation, rather than any limitation.The importancein compelling people

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D A Y 1 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T T It’s helpful to remember that we have all fallen into thetrap of prioritising other things, other people andletting the details of life get in the way of ourrelationship with the Father. We’ve all chosen otherthings, and that’s those of us that know Him and haveenjoyed the spread on His table. For those who have not yet met Him or have arevelation of the great feast they are declining, itshould not surprise us to encounter a level ofunwillingness. They don’t know what they are missing,they don’t know that they belong at the table, somedon’t even expect to be welcomed. It is not about forcing or coercing people into theKingdom, but rather persuading them with such powerthat they willingly choose what they had previouslyrejected and resisted. Jesus was painting a clearpicture for us that persistence will be required. Whensharing the gospel with a preoccupied world, we can’tjust send out the invitations, we must compel people toaccept. There is something so compelling aboutpersistence and perseverance.

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Have you ever given up on sharing Jesus with others atthe first sign of excuse or resistance? What compelled you to accept to the invitation of theFather? How can you share that with others? Who do you need to pray for again, reach out to again,invite again? REFLECTION: D A Y 1 7 D E V O T I O N A LB Y K R I S T E N W I L L E T T We are all moved by someone so convicted, that theysimply won’t give up…it is why the stories of overcomingresistance fill our movie theatres and favourite books…most of all the narrative of the Bible which this parablepoints to…a story of our heavenly Father who has nevergiven up on a people who resist His invitation. Friends, this is going to take some passion to keepgoing and keep asking. The very word compel paints apicture of the Father’s own passion and urgent desire.He is determined, and so we also need to bedetermined. We need only be compelled ourselves, justas the servants were, by the passionate desire of themaster, for His house to be filled.

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D A Y 1 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N Dealing withfear of manBut though we had already suffered and beenshamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, wehad boldness in our God to declare to you thegospel of God in the midst of much conflict.For am I now seeking the approval of man, or ofGod? Or am I trying to please man? If I were stilltrying to please man, I would not be a servant ofChrist.1 THESSALONIANS 2:2GALATIANS 1:10

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Dealing withfear of manD A Y 1 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N A young boy was at home alone. At about 12 noon heheard the sound of the garage door open and the stepsof a man wandering through his backyard. The boypeeped out the curtain to see a man who he didn’trecognise, holding what seemed to be a weapon. Hequickly dialled 000, and in terror reported an armedman in his home. Minutes which seemed like hourspassed by, yet there was no sign of police, only a loudnoise outside. In terror, the boy again glanced throughthe gap between the curtain and window, to realise theman who he had reported, was just the gardener with awhipper-snipper. Yes, that boy was me. Fear. False evidence appearing real. Fear is oftenplanted in our minds by our own fallacies. Just like theyoung boy who perceived wrongly, when it comes tosharing the Gospel, we can often fear because we don’tsee correctly. We fear people’s responses, their thoughtsof us and what we might look like. Most of the time thosefears are irrational and are birthed in our owninsecurities. Smith Wigglesworth writes “Filled with God leaves noroom for doubting or fearing”. Wigglesworth bases thisquote on 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit offear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”.

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D A Y 1 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N The more of His Spirit we are filled with, the less roomthere is for fear. The fear of the Lord and fear of mancannot co-exist. They are contradictory to one another.Galatians 1:10 says “For do I now persuade men, or God?Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, Iwould not be a bondservant of Christ”. When I first started stepping out in my faith, I waspetrified. I knew the Lord had called me to share theGood News of the Gospel with people, yet I had such afear of what people thought of me and what theirresponses would be. I would love to sit here and tell you Ihad some wild encounter that made me as bold as alion, but that wasn’t the case. What made me overcome fear was not only my journeyof discovering sonship, but actually stepping out in faithand facing the fear of man! Knowing who your Father isand who you are in Him minimises your focus on fear,and directs you to minister to people from a place ofSonship and not performance. The fear of man leads toperformance, but sonship leads to power.

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Reflect on a time you have you let fear of man stop you fromsharing your faith? What were you afraid would happen? If fear comes from not seeing rightly, take some time to imaginethe possible outcomes of sharing your faith. How might their lifebe transformed? How does this diminish the fear of what peoplewill think? Ask God to give you a revelation of your identity in Him, so thatyou would step beyond fear.REFLECTION: D A Y 1 8 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E R E M I A H S O L I M A N So today I’d encourage you, step out in faith. Don’t letanother person’s eternal destination be directed toseparation from God because you’re concerned aboutwhat you’ll look like or what people will think. Romans10:14 says, “How then shall they call on Him in whom theyhave not believed? And how shall they believe in Him ofwhom they have not heard? And how shall they hearwithout a preacher?”. We are called to be as bold aslions (Proverbs 28:1).

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...also for me, that words may be given to me inopening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mysteryof the gospel, for which I am an ambassador inchains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought tospeak. So that you also may know how I am and what Iam doing, Tychicus the beloved brother andfaithful minister in the Lord will tell youeverything. I have sent him to you for this verypurpose, that you may know how we are, and thathe may encourage your hearts.D A Y 1 9 D E V O T I O N A LB Y E R I N P L A N N E RWhat should I say?EPHESIANS 6:19-20

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...for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that veryhour what you ought to say.” You desire and do not have, so you murder. Youcovet and cannot obtain, so you fight andquarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.3 You ask and do not receive, because you askwrongly, to spend it on your passions.LUKE 12:12JAMES 4:2-3

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D A Y 1 9 D E V O T I O N A LI was in Bangkok recently, and as I was purchasing alatte the Holy Spirit arrested my heart for this young manwho was serving me. I was waiting for the Holy Spirit to“give me the in”, some words to say. I told him I loved hishat, that it was totally something I would wear, and wehad a laugh. My heart was exploding with the Father'sheart for him, but I wrestled with how I should put this intowords? I was still asking myself these questions an hour laterwhen back in my hotel room. I asked the Father to forgiveme for not sharing His heart with this man and askedHim for grace, and to provide me another chance toshare Jesus with him. In Ephesians 6:19-20, the great Apostle Paul himselfrequests “Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, wordsmay be given me so that I will fearlessly make known themystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador inchains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” Aprayer we all need. Two days later I found myself in a meeting at that samecafé with the same man serving us, his big smile said thathe remembered me and our chat about the hat. God’slove for him burned in my heart and still not knowing“what to say” I asked his name, which he told me. I askedwhat it meant and he said “new beginnings”. I smiled, Icould see Father God smiling over me and the Holy Spiritwhispered to me “you know what to do”. What should I say?B Y E R I N P L A N N E R

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Who is the Father wanting you to share His heart Share something simple with the confidence that thewords you speak to carry the powerful love of Godbehind them. REFLECTION: with today? D A Y 1 9 D E V O T I O N A L Luke 12:12 says “for the Holy Spirit will teach you in thatvery hour what you ought to say” I said I loved his nameand asked if it would it be ok if I prayed a prayer ofblessing over him, I asked if I could take his hand whichhe gave me, I prayed for Jesus who loved him to blesshim, I prayed for Jesus to reveal himself to him, I prayedfor the one who gave me a new beginning in my life togive him the new beginning he had be searching for.I shared with him how Jesus loved him. His eyes swelledwith tears as I could feel the love of God run through myhand into his. Sometimes I am so worried about what to say, I forgetthat the love of God that we carry and the presence ofGod we host, which we find so normal, is the living waterother souls are thirsting for. Asking someone’s name can open up so much, and asimple “Jesus loves you” carries the weight of heavenbehind it, carries the power of the resurrected Christbehind it, carries the love of the Father behind it. B Y E R I N P L A N N E R

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D A Y 2 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S I C A C A R U A N A Dealing with fear of rejectionFor am I now seeking the approval of man, or ofGod? Or am I trying to please man? If I were stilltrying to please man, I would not be a servant ofChrist. For this I was appointed a preacher and anapostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), ateacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.GALATIANS 1:101 TIMOTHY 2:7

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Who are you seeking to please? Even if you seek toplease people and win their admiration, you willinevitably be rejected by some. Paul says here that he wouldn’t be who he is in Christif he still sought to please man. This is alike ourinability to serve two masters, as Jesus preaches inLuke 16:13: you cannot fully please either. Have you ever slightly bent the truth to soundsuperior, more accomplished or successful to others?A little exaggeration on those KPIs, to please youremployer? When we falsely believe that the truth isnot enough on its own, we may seek to “help it out” abit. Be it not so with the gospel. It cannot get anybetter than this. Jesus didn’t twist truth or step aside from His call forfear of rejection. In fact, many people actuallyrejected Jesus! Read the second half of John chapter6. Here’s the thing: both Jesus and Paul esteemedtruth more valuable than acceptance. When youwholeheartedly believe that the gospel is good news,and that you’ve already been accepted and approvedby God, fear of rejection won’t hold you back. Dealing with fear of rejectionD A Y 2 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S I C A C A R U A N A

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Have I ever experienced a fear of being rejected? If so, how hasthis affected my confidence in sharing Jesus? What areas mentioned in today’s devotional do I need to askthe Father for forgiveness in? What untruths have I believed about myself or about thegospel? How have these hindered the way I share Jesus? REFLECTION: Ask anyone who has been growing in evangelism –many will say that at first, rejection threw them off.But after a few more times, it became like water off aduck’s back. It doesn’t stick anymore. Because thetruth of God’s Word holds more weight thansomeone’s opinion. Our Father desires that all be saved and come to theknowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Even still, Heallows each one the freedom to reject Him. Thinkabout it. You may have chosen Jesus, but you likewisehad the option to reject Him. It sounds risky, painful,and heartbreaking. But an act of love always runs therisk of not being reciprocated. Jesus died for all mankind, even though some wouldnever accept it. But the simple possibility of that didn’tstop Him from giving everything. D A Y 2 0 D E V O T I O N A LB Y J E S S I C A C A R U A N A

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D A Y 2 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C E What will we do from here? As they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable,because he was near to Jerusalem, and because theysupposed that the kingdom of God was to appearimmediately. He said therefore, “A nobleman went into a farcountry to receive for himself a kingdom and then return.Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas,and saidto them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’ But his citizenshated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do notwant this man to reign over us.’ When he returned, havingreceived the kingdom, he ordered these servants to whom hehad given the money to be called to him, that he might knowwhat they had gained by doing business. The first camebefore him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minasmore.’ And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Becauseyou have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authorityover ten cities.’ And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your minahas made five minas.’ And he said to him, ‘And you are to beover five cities.’ Then another came, saying, ‘Lord, here is yourmina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief; for I wasafraid of you, because you are a severe man. You take whatyou did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’ He saidto him, ‘I will condemn you with your own words, you wickedservant!

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“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The oldhas passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is fromGod, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave usthe ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God wasreconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespassesagainst them, and entrusting to us the message ofreconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, Godmaking his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf ofChrist, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to besin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become therighteousness of God. Working together with him, then, weappeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For hesays, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day ofsalvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time;behold, now is the day of salvation.”Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Fatherhas sent me, even so I am sending you.”2 CORINTHIANS 5:17-6:2JOHN 20:21You knew that I was a severe man, taking what I did not deposit andreaping what I did not sow? Why then did you not put my money inthe bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?’LUKE 19:10-23;

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These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhereamong the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, butgo rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And proclaimas you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal thesick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. Youreceived without paying; give without pay.MATTHEW 10:5-8And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospelto the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will besaved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And thesesigns will accompany those who believe: in my name they will castout demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick upserpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, itwill not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they willrecover.” So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, wastaken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. Andthey went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord workedwith them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.”MARK 16:15-20

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D A Y 2 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C E He who is faithful with the little, will be faithful with alot. Have you ever looked after someone’s pet?Recently we were asked by some friends if we couldlook after their dog. They entrusted their beloved petto us. Imagine for a moment that they dropped thedog off and I watch it, but I don’t do the work to lookafter it and ensure its fed and has water? You'rethinking "That is an absurd, who would do that?" Andyou're right. However, this is exactly what we often dowith the good news of the gospel, we treat it as if itwere optional. These scriptures tell us that we have all beenentrusted with the gospel when we replied with anenthusiastic "YES” to Jesus, He saved us and gave usthis message of reconciliation. That message sosimple; “God loves you; He gave His only son Jesus topay the price for your sin, and if you will believe in Himand repent, you will receive the forgiveness of sin andthe right to become a child of God, and life forevermore”. What will we do from here?

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Write down 3 friends will you commit to praying for? Who can you tell today Jesus loves you? If you're uncertain about what to say, come to theSharing Jesus confidently course, and equip yourselfwith the tools and confidence to share. REFLECTION: D A Y 2 1 D E V O T I O N A LB Y S H A R E E R I C E Imagine if we took that simple message and sharedit? Have you ever wondered why we don’t see miraclesto the degree we read in the Bible? I honestly believethe reason we don't is because many of us have notshared the gospel. In Matthew 10:5-8 Jesus tells us topreach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead,cleanse lepers and cast out demons. I believe wewould see more miracles if we shared the simplegospel more. For some this may seem overwhelming,yet it’s so true. God wants to work with you, just asJesus said to the disciples, "As He has sent me, so I am sending you”. Hepromises that when you go and share, He will show up,and display signs and wonders to confirm thismessage through you. Today, there is an invitation from the Father to workwith Him in the business of souls and get the goodnews to people who don't know him. The question is, what will you do from here?

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