DEFINITIONS of Spiritual Formation
DEFINITIONS OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION ! “The process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others” – Robert Mulholland ! “Christian spiritual formation refers to the process by which believers become more fully conformed and united to Christ, especially with regard to maturity of life and calling” – Evan B. Howard ! “Spirit-enabled relationship with the Triune God that results in openness toward others, healing progress toward Christlikeness, and willing participation in God’s purposes in the world” – Glen Scorgie
DEFINITIONS OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION ! “Spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself” – Dallas Willard ! “Spiritual formation is a rather general term referring to all attempts, means, instructions, and disciplines intended towards deepening of faith and furtherance of spiritual growth. It includes educational endeavors as well as the more intimate and in-depth process of spiritual direction” – Gerald May
DEFINITIONS OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION ! “The intentional and semi-intentional processes by which believers (individuals and communities) become more fully conformed and united to Christ, especially with regard to maturity of life and calling” – Evan B. Howard ! “Christian spiritual formation is the process of being transformed into the image of Christ, through a relationship of intimacy with God, by the power of the Spirit, in order to live a good and beautiful life of faith, hope, love, joy, and peace---a life that will be a blessings to oneself and to others and will glorify God now and for all eternity” – James Bryan Smith
Expanded Working Definition Spiritual Formation is the process of partnering with God’s Spirit to restore us to our True Humanity and original righteousness. This True Humanity and original righteousness is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ; Redemption/Salvation = humanity restored into the image of Jesus. The process of Spiritual Formation is not simply for our sake; we are restored into the image of Jesus for the sake of others.
Abridged Working Definition Spiritual Formation is the process of being with Christ, in order to become more like Christ, and consequently live for Christ, for others’ sake.
3 DIMENSIONS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE (Scorgie) Christ with Us Christ in Us Christ through Us Relationship Transformation Vocation Encounter Change Action The relational dimension deals with being in healthy relationships with God and others. The transformational dimension examines the sanctifying and healing changes God’s Spirit works in our person. The vocational dimension considers the new life and mission to which we are called. These three dimensions are interconnected, and each is essential to life as God intended it to be.
Spiritual Formation Engages the Whole Person Spirit/Heart/God’s Dwelling Place Soul: Mind, Will and Emotions Affections, Passions and Desires Physical Body Social Relations in the World, One’s Vocation, and to Nature