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Board Deck - April 2023

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The Clean Slate Initiative April 2023 Advisory Board Meeting

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April Board Meeting Agenda Friday, April 14, 2023


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Welcome/Overview     CEO Memo


     Statement of Financial Position

Marketing & Communications

     RFP Narrative Change

The Clean Slate Initiative

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CEO Memo

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April 2023The first quarter of this year has officially come to a close, and our organization didnot waste any time hitting the ground running in the new year. In keeping with the“running” analogy, when speaking with the staff, I have been calling the comingweeks our “sprint” in light of the three major moments on the horizon for CSI: theannouncement of our Audacious award, Second Chances Month, and our SecondAnnual Convening.First, allow me to thank each of you for your support during the entire AudaciousProject process. This award of $75M will be a game-changer for the millions ofpeople in the U.S. eligible for record relief. They are the true recipients of thisaward, and my team and I are humbled to be the custodians of the charge. Theannouncement will officially take place on April 17th,when I will be in Vancouver,BC, participating in the 2023 TED Conference. As part of the week-long series ofevents, I will have the honor of meeting with our Audacious donors and giving myown TED Talk on the main stage about the personal meaning and impact of ourwork. My goal is to leave Vancouver with new energy and new relationships —especially ones that can support us in reaching our larger goal of fully fundingCSI’s Audacious plan.With April came Second Chance Month, declared by President Biden in a recentproclamation. Second Chance Month aims to raise awareness of the importance ofensuring people have access to meaningful opportunities aer obtaining an arrestor conviction record. In partnership with fellow criminal justice organizations, CSIis carrying the Second Chance Month torch again this year with a full calendar ofengagements, both off- and online. Events of note include: disseminating a toolkitof shareable consumer education assets to our partners, participating in theLobbying Day in Delaware, joining the Governor of Michigan to acknowledgeimplementing that state’s Clean Slate law, and publishing an op-ed in Newsweek.CSI will host its Second Annual Convening in Oklahoma City, OK, in June. Thelocation is meaningful. Oklahoma (along with Colorado) is among two states whereCSI’s campaigns played a leading role in enacting Clean Slate laws in 2022. Thisyear’s Convening theme is United for a Second Chance, signifying the variousstakeholders in the Clean Slate movement collaborating and championing thisimportant effort. I invite you to join us in OKC on June 8 & 9, 2023. We will hostour board meeting there on June 7 prior to a pre-event for our funders.

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Our organizational growth continues to amaze me. Since January, we haveonboarded three new staff members. Learn about their expertise and roles below.We have also been searching for larger office space to accommodate our needs andcontinue to make progress in preparing for our spin-off from the New VentureFund. Amid all of the excitement, I remain committed to centering those directlyimpacted by staying focused on the marathon.In appreciation,Sheena MeadeChief Executive Officer, The Clean Slate Initiative

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEPROGRAMS: LEGISLATIVE UPDATES, DATA FACTSHEETS & CONVENING NEWSConnecticut. In January, the first phase of implementation for theirClean Slate bill — Public Act 21-32 on clearing marijuana convictionrecords — began with an important impact on Black communities.According to Marc Pelka, an undersecretary in the state’s Office ofPolicy and Management’s Criminal Justice Policy and PlanningDivision, 35% of the people who had automatic erasures on Jan. 1, wereBlack.Minnesota. Clean Slate is officially moving ahead in Minnesota, too!Our partners and Rep. Jamie Long in the North Star State introducedHF 2023, the Clean Slate Act, on February 20, and the bill passedthrough its first hurdle on March 7 when it was voted out of the HouseJudiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.Missouri. Missouri’s Clean Slate bills filed in December, HB 352 andSB 347, will create an automated expungement process fornon-violent offenses, bridging the second chance gap for Missourianswho are eligible for expungement. Both bills are awaiting committeehearings. State Representative (R) Phil Christofanelli and State SenatorCurtis Trent (R) are championing the Missouri legislation.Oregon. SB 697 & SB 698, introduced by Senators Manning andGorsek, are Oregon’s Clean Slate bills that aim to amend andautomate the record relief process and are up for consideration in theSenate Judiciary Committee.Texas. The Texas Legislative session is in full swing, and two bills toautomate non-disclosure orders are moving in both chambers. SB 499was sponsored by Sen. Judith Zaffirini and Sen. Charles Perry, whileHB 1737 is sponsored by Rep. Jeff Leach. HB 1737 passed the CriminalJurisprudence Committee on Tuesday, March 14.

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEFEDERAL UPDATEDuring the Black Women's RoundtableWomen of Power Summit, SheenaMeade and Reginald Darby, CSI’slegislative director, met with the staffof U.S. Representatives Byron Donalds(R-FL) and Cliff Bentz (R-OR), as wellas Sen. Joni Ernst and her staff, todiscuss the reintroduction of the CleanSlate Act. This bipartisan legislationaims to provide individuals who havemade mistakes in their past with theopportunity to move forward andbecome productive members ofsociety by automatically sealingfederal records for certain non-violentoffenses aer a specified amount oftime has passed since the completionof their sentence.The CSI government affairs team andtheir partners have developed a plan tobuild support for the Clean Slate Actby meeting with members of theHouse and Senate JudiciaryCommittees. However, passing strongbipartisan criminal justice legislation has become increasingly challenging due toleadership changes in the House of Representatives and opposition from the Chairof the House Judiciary Committee. Despite the challenges, the team is targetingefforts on members who supported previous legislation and new committeemembers, prioritizing Republican members.We are optimistic that new bipartisan Clean Slate legislation will be introduced inApril, with primary support from Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and NancyMace (R-SC). It’s clear that bipartisan support offers the Clean Slate Act a strongerchance at getting through the respective committees and becoming law, providingindividuals with federal arrest and conviction records the second chance theydeserve.Pictured: Sheena Meade and Reginald Darby with Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA).

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVE2023 ANNUAL CONVENINGWe truly hope you are planning to attendour Annual Convening on June 8 and 9, inOklahoma City. Thank you to those of youwho have already registered.Board members still needing to register cando so at,using the code CSIBOARD23.Board members’ accommodations at the21C Hotel can be booked through this link.The Convening is an essential tool toprovide partners from across the countrywith information, resources, networkingopportunities, skills development, and moreas we expand our effort to advance CleanSlate efforts in all 50 states.

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS UPDATENew Brand, Same MissionThe Clean Slate Initiative has revised its branding!We invite you to look at our updated visual brand here — this document alsoincludes some explanation of the decisions made for this brand update. Thisupdate aimed to bring our visual brand to the next level - without straying too farfrom our 1stgeneration brand.Don’t worry. The beloved dark purple remains our primary color, and the newlogo still includes our well-known box icon. As part of our rebranding process, wesurveyed various partners and stakeholders, ensuring those closest to the workhelped shape the new brand components.CSI’s website and social platforms are updated with the new logo and colors. If youhave not seen the new logo in the wild yet, you will soon. Something tells us that alot of eyes are going to be on CSI in the coming months.CSI’s CEO in the Field and in the PressAFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights ConferenceSheena Meade attended the annual AFL-CIO national MLK Conference inWashington in January, where she met with labor leaders to discuss the benefits ofthe Clean Slate movement for the labor industry. A fact sheet specific to the Laboraudience was developed for this occasion.“Decarceration Nation” PodcastSheena Meade joined Joshua B. Hoe of the “Decarceration Nation” podcast for anin-depth conversation on Clean Slate, the nationwide work to automate recordrelief, and the importance of bringing second chances to millions of Americans.

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS UPDATECSI participates in NBA for expungement clinic with Clean Slate UtahAbout 60,000 eligible records have been clearedin Utah since the state’s Clean Slate law went intoeffect a year ago, and earlier this month, ourpartners in Utah teamed up with the NationalBasketball Social Justice Coalition (NBSJC) andother groups to score some more wins for recordrelief in the Beehive State.The clinic, hosted in Salt Lake City, provided freelegal screenings to check for record reliefeligibility and helped people with eligible recordsapply for expungement. Anyone who wasn’teligible for record relief was given informationand resources.Pictured from le to right: Jess Anderson,Noella Sudbury, Sidni Shorter, JeanettaWilliams, Sheena Meade, and DestinyGarcia.During the Summit, CSI’s Sheena Meade joined apanel discussion about Utah’s Clean Slate lawwith key officials, stakeholders, and NBA familyrepresentatives. The panel also discussed howClean Slate expungement policies promotepublic safety, strengthen the economy, and createneeded jobs and opportunities for families.Sheena Guest Hosts “Our Voice” Podcast at NBA All-Star WeekendSheena Meade is no stranger totaking the reins on “Our Voice,” apodcast run by the Florida RightsRestoration Coalition. However,this time she took the podcast allthe way to Salt Lake City, Utah, tocover an expungement clinic.In this episode of “Our Voice,”Sheena discusses the role of the

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS UPDATENBSJC in Clean Slate and dives into a great conversation with James Cadogan,NBSJC’s executive director.CSI & Clean Slate Delaware Controlling the NarrativeCSI’s Sheena Meade recently joinedlocal Clean Slate partners for a dayof action at the Delaware statelegislature. Several local partnersparticipated in CSI-ledcommunications training inFebruary. As a result, localadvocates, most of whom aredirectly impacted, effectivelyleveraged their personalexperiences to build relationships with lawmakers and increased support for CleanSlate expansion efforts.Sheena helped provide the national context, reminding lawmakers that Clean Slateis a policy that everyone can get behind, which is why we continue to havebipartisan support. Additionally, Morgan Kelly, a CSI marketing &communications strategist based in Delaware, helped leverage connections withlocal press to help shape reporting about local and national Clean Slate efforts.Watch the local ABC news story here.Social Media Toolkits for PartnersThe Clean Slate Initiative’s Marketing & Communications team developed socialmedia toolkits intended to reduce the time and resources our partnerorganizations need to invest when developing content that highlights Clean Slateefforts throughout Black History Month and weaves the thread between Women’sHistory Month and the Clean Slate movement. The toolkits included impact stats,sample social media copy, template social media graphics, and easy-to-share socialmedia posts highlighting some of the contributions, achievements, and sacrifices ofprominent Black Americans and women that inspire our work here at The CleanSlate Initiative.

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS UPDATEThe Numbers Behind Our ToolkitsBlack History Month Toolkit11.8 ktotal impressions across CSIsocial media channels1.28 ktotal engagements across CSIsocial media channels30+organizations and individualsamplified or used toolkitcontent, including beingshared by Blue MeridianPartners and included in anewsletter sent by theResponsible Business Initiativefor Justice.Women’s History Month Toolkit15.8 ktotal impressions across CSIsocial media channels11.5 ktotal engagements across CSIsocial media channels20+organizations amplified orused toolkit content30+individuals amplified or usedtoolkit contentHighlightContent was shared directly(not re-shared) by the NationalAssociation of CriminalDefense Lawyers

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEINTRODUCING NEW STAFF MEMBERSErik Altieri, Campaign StrategistErik Altieri is a political activist and the formerexecutive director of the National Organization forthe Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), born inPhiladelphia, PA.During his tenure at NORML, Altieri was a leadingvoice in the fight for marijuana legalization andcriminal justice reform. He appeared on numerousmedia outlets, including CNN, CBS News, HSN,MSNBC, and Fox News, to advocate for the cause.Erik also played a vital role in passing numerousmarijuana legalization laws at the state level, with 13additional states legalizing the adult use ofmarijuana during his tenure. He departed the organization aer a six-year term atthe helm in 2023.With his new role at The Clean Slate Initiative, Erik aims to remain an influentialvoice in the fight for legal system reform.Laura Chavez, Director of Research & DataAs CSI’S director of research and data, LauraChavez manages a multi-faceted, data-drivenresearch agenda designed to inform CSI's advocacyand public education efforts, measure and refineimpact, and expand the policy footprint in clearingbarriers and increasing opportunities for millionsof people with records. She is responsible forcurating, managing, and implementing researchstrategies that advance CSI's mission whileestablishing a body of analyses to validate theimpact of Clean Slate policy among academics,policymakers, donors, bipartisan allies, and the public.Dr. Chavez is a proven leader with over a decade of experience in research and dataanalytics. Prior to joining our staff, she served as the chief of research andevaluation for the Alameda County Probation Department. Dr. Chavez has alsoserved as an associate professor and chair of the Department of Criminal Justiceand Criminology at Georgia Southern University. She researched various criminal

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEINTRODUCING NEW STAFF MEMBERSjustice issues centered on understanding the role of social inequities in multiplefacets of the criminal legal system. She taught courses on gender, race, and crime;research methods; victimology; and social inequalities, and taught one semester ina women's prison.Laura holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. in Sociology fromVirginia Tech and has published a book and over thirty research publications,including more than twenty peer-reviewed journal articles. She lives in the SanFrancisco Bay Area and enjoys the local scenery, from the mountains to the beach.Reginald Darby, Legislative DirectorReginald Darby is a seasoned government relationsprofessional with over fieen years of experiencein the field and the US House of Representatives.As CSI’s legislative director, Darby manages federalcongressional lobbying and advocacy efforts anddevelops forward-thinking strategies to supportpolicy objectives and cra federal policy proposalsto advance CSI's goals.Previously, Darby was the president and chiefexecutive officer of Rosewood Strategies, aWashington, DC-based government relations firm. In that role, partnered with theexecutive leadership of the firm's clients to define the strategic direction of theirpolicy and advocacy objectives, working to develop, grow, and maintain aninfluential position for his clients in Washington and across the nation, impactingfederal and state public policy.Darby has also served as the senior director of government relations at HumanityForward and worked in the House leadership and with multiple members ofCongress. Most recently, Darby was the deputy chief of staff and legislative directorfor the Offices of Congressman Scott Taylor (R-VA) and Congressman W. GregorySteube (R-FL).

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEINTRODUCING NEW STAFF MEMBERSSheena Fluker, Contracts & Grants ManagerSheena is CSI’s first grants & contracts manager. Inher role, she supports contract compliance andoversees the daily operations of contracts.Sheena brings over 15 years of combinedexperience in program management, workforcedevelopment, fiscal oversight, human resources,and grants management.Sheena is passionate about serving others and hasvolunteered her time with various communityorganizations. She is a member of the NationalAssociation of Workforce Development and the ADA Citizen’s GrievanceCommittee Board for the city of Little Rock.She is based in Arkansas, where she lives with her husband and three children.Looking AheadWorking with Equitable Hiring Group, we are actively recruiting for campaignstrategists with the goal of hiring two by the end of Q2 2023. Our partners at Axisand DRG Talent are already conducting discovery interviews with the goal oflaunching recruitments for our vice president of programs, director of finance, anddirector of talent and culture by the end of April 2023. Please send qualifiedcandidates to our website to apply!

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Marketing & Communications RFP Narrative Change

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OperationsStatement of Financial Position

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NEW VENTURE FUND Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet As of February 28 2023 Project Clean Slate Initiative Program s CSIN COMMS CSIN DATAS CSIN EVENTS CSIN NATIONAL CSIN RESEARCH CSIN STATE CSIN STR CMTE GENERAL 2 28 2023 As of Feb 2023 Clean Slate Initiative Description ASSETS Cash Balance 1070Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Total Assets 27 225 355 2 049 27 227 405 LIABILITIES 2005Grants Payable Total Liabilities 3000 NET ASSETS 1 340 625 1 340 625 25 886 779

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NEW VENTURE FUND Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet As of February 28 2023 Project Clean Slate Initiative Program s CSIN COMMS CSIN DATAS CSIN EVENTS CSIN NATIONAL CSIN RESEARCH CSIN STATE CSIN STR CMTE GENERAL 2 28 2023 As of Feb 2023 Clean Slate Initiative Description ASSETS Cash Balance 1070Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Total Assets 27 225 355 2 049 27 227 405 LIABILITIES 2005Grants Payable Total Liabilities 3000 NET ASSETS 1 340 625 1 340 625 25 886 779

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Thank you